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LEGE nr. 333 privind paza, (ENGLISH)

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5 răspunsuri în acest subiect



    New Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 5
  • Înscris: 13.12.2008
Good Afternoon,

We have a company, now for 8 years here in Romania, and live and work her too, in the beginning we had every night security from some workers from our village.

But it was too expensive too keep the security because never there was stolen something only once two sacs unions(we worked in the agriculture)

So we decided to stop the security, and after it they never stole anything, only the workers who worked at us stole for more than 2000 or 3000 euro or more.

Now the police awoke and said that we need paza, we said  a video surveillance system will work also but they say that it only can be a person who sits there and donŽt sleep, but is it true that it really have to be a person? because I red the law 333 and I don't see anything about a person written there and also not a video surveillance system it isn't forbidden too  too have a video system too have that outside and inside.

Here is the law about this issue:


I hope someone can give some advise about this our company is outside the village and on 2000m2 there are 4 company's with four men security!

Thanks in advance.




    New Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 5
  • Înscris: 13.12.2008
No one??????



    Active Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 1.459
  • Înscris: 11.12.2008
Never knew about law 333/2003, but now that I read it I can tell you they're wright.
Art.2 states that any private company, regardless it's registered capital, needs to asure security of it's assets.
Art.3 states that those mentioned in art.2 are urged to asure security, with police consultancy, by own forces "paza proprie", security companies, public guards, etc.
Art.11 self security (by own forces) will be organized in accordance with conmany profile, nature of it'a assets, location and area to be covered, vulnerability etc
Art.12 brings clarification about "paza proprie" - own qualified personnel, it's structure and organization.
Art.13 self security personnel are guards, door-keepers, acces controlers and other personnel stated by company staff, as well as instructors and coordinators.
In short, you have to keep the guards.

Edit>Art.15 & 16 refers to security in village area - security is to be asured in accordance with present law.

Editat de silviu_n, 03 aprilie 2009 - 20:52.



    Il Magnifico

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 9.696
  • Înscris: 13.12.2006
ART. 3
(1) In functie de importanta, specificul si valoarea bunurilor pe care le detin, conducatorii
unitatilor prevazute la art. 2 alin. (1), cu sprijinul de specialitate al politiei, pentru sistemele civile
de paza, sau al jandarmeriei, pentru cele militare, stabilesc modalitati concrete de organizare si de
executare a pazei, dupa caz, cu efective de jandarmi, paza cu gardieni publici, paza proprie sau
paza prin societati specializate.

(3) La unitatile unde nu este posibila realizarea unui sistem de paza organizat, conducatorii
acestora sunt obligati sa execute imprejmuiri, grilaje, obloane, incuietori sigure, iluminat de
securitate, sisteme de alarma sau alte asemenea mijloace necesare asigurarii pazei si integritatii

and now the translation in a few words:
a manager with the help of police(for civilian systems) establish ways to organize security with: troops of gendarms, public gardians, own men to secure, OR BY SPECIALIZED COMPANIES so called "firme de paza" like BGS for example.

at some unities where security can not be assured organized the manager is obliged to have fence, lattice, blinds, safe locks, security lights, alarm systems, or other tools neded to assure security.

so, if you don't want to pay a single man to secure your assets you can pay instead a company specialized in security and that company will send a man to stay at your company or during the day/night will send at different hours a patrol to say if everything is oki. and instead of paying a man tu secure with 600-1000 ron, you will pay monthly 100-200 ron at that company.

ps: surveillance method is a compulsory way to secure your assets is not a must have and isn't a substitute for "firma de paza" or your guardian.

Editat de VipeR85, 03 aprilie 2009 - 21:12.



    New Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 5
  • Înscris: 13.12.2008

View PostVipeR85, on Apr 3 2009, 22:09, said:

ART. 3
(1) In functie de importanta, specificul si valoarea bunurilor pe care le detin, conducatorii
unitatilor prevazute la art. 2 alin. (1), cu sprijinul de specialitate al politiei, pentru sistemele civile
de paza, sau al jandarmeriei, pentru cele militare, stabilesc modalitati concrete de organizare si de
executare a pazei, dupa caz, cu efective de jandarmi, paza cu gardieni publici, paza proprie sau
paza prin societati specializate.

(3) La unitatile unde nu este posibila realizarea unui sistem de paza organizat, conducatorii
acestora sunt obligati sa execute imprejmuiri, grilaje, obloane, incuietori sigure, iluminat de
securitate, sisteme de alarma sau alte asemenea mijloace necesare asigurarii pazei si integritatii

and now the translation in a few words:
a manager with the help of police(for civilian systems) establish ways to organize security with: troops of gendarms, public gardians, own men to secure, OR BY SPECIALIZED COMPANIES so called "firme de paza" like BGS for example.

at some unities where security can not be assured organized the manager is obliged to have fence, lattice, blinds, safe locks, security lights, alarm systems, or other tools neded to assure security.

so, if you don't want to pay a single man to secure your assets you can pay instead a company specialized in security and that company will send a man to stay at your company or during the day/night will send at different hours a patrol to say if everything is oki. and instead of paying a man tu secure with 600-1000 ron, you will pay monthly 100-200 ron at that company.

ps: surveillance method is a compulsory way to secure your assets is not a must have and isn't a substitute for "firma de paza" or your guardian.


I'm sorry for the late reaction, but we were very busy here and we had the (Hungarian easter).

But we asked a jurist about this issue and he said the same as you, when you have a fence and the buildings are locked then you don't need a men too stay at your company, only we will need then an alarm system because we don't have that.

And then we're fine! as I understand or not?

So we could use this law,

(3) La unitatile unde nu este posibila realizarea unui sistem de paza organizat, conducatorii
acestora sunt obligati sa execute imprejmuiri, grilaje, obloane, incuietori sigure, iluminat de
securitate, sisteme de alarma sau alte asemenea mijloace necesare asigurarii pazei si integritatii

By us its not possible the organized security of a men because it too expensive.

If I'm wrong please tell me.





    Il Magnifico

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 9.696
  • Înscris: 13.12.2006
that article refers to an unit that is isolated, out of town where is little human activity and where you can not use an organized system to defence your unit.

if the unit is in town, you must have either a man to stay inside, either locks, fence, grills, security cameras and an alarm system, or as i said you cand pay a small amaount of money to a security firm per month to ensure your unit protection.
to pay a security firm i think is less expensive than hire a man or two to stay inside the unit, or to aquire all the alarms, locks, security cameras, etc that you need instead.


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