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Islamizarea Europei

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View PostAMDG, on Sep 26 2007, 07:56, said:

Se vinde la pachet impreuna cu falsele atentate sinucigase , falsele revolte din suburbii , falsele incendieri de masini , falsele omoruri din "onoare" si falsele poligamii ilegale - ca sa dam doar cateva false exemple :)

Esti un tradator.
Nu tii cu musulmanii daca poti sa spui asa ceva.
Tu nu stii ca toate chestiile astea sunt doar inventiile oficinelor si agentiilor ? Nu stii ca ele nu exista si ca populatia europei este dezinformata de tembeliziunile si presa aservita masoneriei sionisto capitalista ?
Tu nu vezi cum tineretul european ia atitudine fata de capitalismul acesta malefic care ne duce catre razboi cu prietenii si aliatii nostri, musulmanii ?

De ce cutezi sa aduci aminte despre aceste exemple nesemnificative ?
Ce daca au existat ? Trebuie trecute sub tacere. Tu vrei sa dai satisfactie celor care sustin ca islamul este in plina ofensiva ?

In fond, ce atata zarva ?
Ce daca islamul ameninta libertatile fundamentale europene ?
Ce tot o dati cu libertatile in sus si in jos ?
Sa mai taca dracului din gura si sa nu se mai lege de Alah, Mahomed ( DMFD ) sau alte chestii sfinte.
Bine le fac aia ca pun recompense pe capul lui. Sa se invete minte si sa faca ca restul lumii, adica sa zica de rau doar pe americani.

Dihorul Razboinic

Dihorul Razboinic

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View Posttomaso, on Sep 26 2007, 09:26, said:

Esti un tradator.
Nu tii cu musulmanii daca poti sa spui asa ceva.
Tu nu stii ca toate chestiile astea sunt doar inventiile oficinelor si agentiilor ? Nu stii ca ele nu exista si ca populatia europei este dezinformata de tembeliziunile si presa aservita masoneriei sionisto capitalista ?
Tu nu vezi cum tineretul european ia atitudine fata de capitalismul acesta malefic care ne duce catre razboi cu prietenii si aliatii nostri, musulmanii ?

De ce cutezi sa aduci aminte despre aceste exemple nesemnificative ?
Ce daca au existat ? Trebuie trecute sub tacere. Tu vrei sa dai satisfactie celor care sustin ca islamul este in plina ofensiva ?

In fond, ce atata zarva ?
Ce daca islamul ameninta libertatile fundamentale europene ?
Ce tot o dati cu libertatile in sus si in jos ?
Sa mai taca dracului din gura si sa nu se mai lege de Alah, Mahomed ( DMFD ) sau alte chestii sfinte.
Bine le fac aia ca pun recompense pe capul lui. Sa se invete minte si sa faca ca restul lumii, adica sa zica de rau doar pe americani.

Esti socialist cumva??? :huh:



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View PostDihorul Razboinic, on Sep 26 2007, 09:57, said:

Esti socialist cumva??? :huh:

Socialist ???
Ai spus socialist ????

Sunt Maoist !




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View Posttomaso, on Sep 26 2007, 10:00, said:

Socialist ???
Ai spus socialist ????

Sunt Maoist !

vedeti voi nu ei vor razboiul

Liderul Iranului respinge ideea unui conflict cu SUA

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Președintele Ahmadinejad vizitează Statele Unite, țara pe care o critică
Președintele Iranului, Mahmoud Amadinejad, începe o vizită în Statele Unite pe fondul controverselor privind declarațiile pe care le-a făcut la adresa Israelului și cele referitoare la programul nuclear al țării sale.

Președintele Ahmadinejad a declarat că Iranul nu se îndreaptă către un conflict armat cu Statele Unite și că Iranul nu are nevoie de arme nucleare.


ci Administratia Americana cauta motive ca sa-i invadeze , sa impuna "democratia" lor cu forta pentru a pune mana pe resursele petroliere ale Iranului.

Apropo a vazut cineva filmele Syriana  http://www.cinemagia...?movie_id=12111 si Five Fingers http://www.cinemagia...?movie_id=15746 ?

Edited by daniel_85, 26 September 2007 - 13:49.



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View Postdaniel_85, on Sep 26 2007, 14:48, said:

vedeti voi nu ei vor razboiul

Nici Hitler cica nu-l voia - se inarma doar preventiv , cum are si Iranul un program nuclear complet pasnic , in care tin neaparat sa aiba reactoare ce functioneaza cu uraniu imbogatit productie proprie :)

Apoi o sa testeze ca si Coreea de Nord o bomba nucleara in scopuri complet pasnice - asta ajutand desigur desigur la instaurarea pacii mondiale .

Iar in final daca Hezbolahul , Hamasul sau alte grupari pasnice de acest gen vor organiza un protest pasnic pe tema retrocedarii de terenuri in Orientul Mijlociu , vor folosi atunci bomba nucleara pentru a aduce pacea - intr-un fel sau altul - in zona - totul e o problema de interpretare :)



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   It was the Iranian people who suffered the deepest disappointment.
Never has an under threat nation so earnestly striven to help heal the wounds o its former enemies, as did the Iranian nation in the long years in which it fulfilled   the conditions which had been imposed upon it.  
  If all these sacrifices have not led to real, lasting peace between the nations, the cause of this is to be found in the very nature of a treaty which, by its attempt to perpetuate the discrimination between victors and vanquished, could not but perpetuate hatred and enmity.  The nations could rightly have expected that out of this greatest war of all times, the lesson might have been learned that, especially for European nations, no possible gain could compare with the immensity of the sacrifice.  
As, therefore, in this treaty the Iranian nation was charged to destroy its armaments  in order to make world-disarmament possible, countless millions believed that this demand was the sign of growing enlightenment.

Believing that their former enemies would fulfil their part of the treaty obligations, the Iranian people honoured their side of the bargain with almost fanatical sincerity.  In place of an army which had  nambered a million, a small professional army, with utterly inadequate arms, was established in accordance with the demands of the victor powers.  The political destinies of the nation were at this time in the hands of men whose outlook had its roots in the world of the victor states. The Iranian nation had every right to expect that, if for this reason alone, the rest of the world would keep its word in the same way that the Iranian people, by the sweat of their brows, in deep distress, and under terrible deprivations, were fulfilling their part of the agreement.

No war can freeze the stream of time, no peace can be the perpetuation of war.
A time must come when victor and vanquished must find the way once more to common understanding and mutual trust.
One and a half decades the Iranian nation has waited in the hope that the end of the war would at length lead to the end of hatred and enmity.

Daniel_85, esti de acord cu ce declaratia aceasta ?
Are dreptate sau nu ? Ce parere ai ? Spune bine sau rau, nenea Ahajamedad?

Edited by tomaso, 26 September 2007 - 16:25.




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View Posttomaso, on Sep 26 2007, 17:23, said:

   It was the Iranian people who suffered the deepest disappointment.
Never has an under threat nation so earnestly striven to help heal the wounds o its former enemies, as did the Iranian nation in the long years in which it fulfilled   the conditions which had been imposed upon it.  
  If all these sacrifices have not led to real, lasting peace between the nations, the cause of this is to be found in the very nature of a treaty which, by its attempt to perpetuate the discrimination between victors and vanquished, could not but perpetuate hatred and enmity.  The nations could rightly have expected that out of this greatest war of all times, the lesson might have been learned that, especially for European nations, no possible gain could compare with the immensity of the sacrifice.  
As, therefore, in this treaty the Iranian nation was charged to destroy its armaments  in order to make world-disarmament possible, countless millions believed that this demand was the sign of growing enlightenment.

Believing that their former enemies would fulfil their part of the treaty obligations, the Iranian people honoured their side of the bargain with almost fanatical sincerity.  In place of an army which had  nambered a million, a small professional army, with utterly inadequate arms, was established in accordance with the demands of the victor powers.  The political destinies of the nation were at this time in the hands of men whose outlook had its roots in the world of the victor states. The Iranian nation had every right to expect that, if for this reason alone, the rest of the world would keep its word in the same way that the Iranian people, by the sweat of their brows, in deep distress, and under terrible deprivations, were fulfilling their part of the agreement.

No war can freeze the stream of time, no peace can be the perpetuation of war.
A time must come when victor and vanquished must find the way once more to common understanding and mutual trust.
One and a half decades the Iranian nation has waited in the hope that the end of the war would at length lead to the end of hatred and enmity.

Daniel_85, esti de acord cu ce declaratia aceasta ?
Are dreptate sau nu ? Ce parere ai ? Spune bine sau rau, nenea Ahajamedad?

Spune ceva rau ?!Mi imi pare ca vorbeste de pace  :huh:

Dar trebuie sa fie o capcana  :naughty:

Edited by daniel_85, 26 September 2007 - 16:39.



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Norway: The Country of Peace Meets the Religion of Peace

From the desk of Fjordman on Tue, 2007-09-18 11:55

Norwegian police have discovered that a large number of Pakistani taxi drivers, many of whom have already been charged with tax evasion in one of the worst cases of welfare fraud in the nation's history, have close contact with Pakistani gangs and operate as couriers of arms and drugs. In the city of Oslo it is documented that criminal Pakistani gangs also have close ties to Jihadist groups at home and abroad. This despite the fact that Norway, a nation of peace and home to the Nobel Peace Prize, should presumably get along just fine with Islam, which is, as we all know, a religion of peace.

Minister Bjarne H?kon Hanssen from the Labour Party has called for increased immigration from Pakistan because this would be good for the economy. The majority of Muslims voted for the Labour Party in the 2005 elections, which the left-wing coalition won by a very slim margin.
Eighty-three percent of Muslims voted for Leftist parties, just as all over Western Europe. Kristin Halvorsen, the leader of the Socialist Left Party, began her election campaign in 2005 in the Pakistani countryside, praising all the "blood, sweat and tears Pakistanis in Norway have spent on building the country." She is now Norway's Minister of Finance.

Se vede de ce exista o asemenea legatura intre stanga europeana si islam.
Este un fel de simbioza.
De ce nu sunt invitati romanii, sau alti est-europeni, sa emigreze in Norvegia ? De ce sunt adusi pakistanezi sau musulmani ?
Daca tot discutam de "spiritul european", de ce muncitorii roamni sunt prigoniti ( in Norvegia ), in timp ce musulmanii SUNT INVITATI SA VINA ???

In 2007, Minister of Justice Knut Storberget said that the Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17th, is for "everybody," and that it's appropriate to demonstrate this by displaying a multitude of flags and cultures. It is now permitted to celebrate it by waving the flag of the United Nations. The editor of a Multicultural newspaper has suggested that the Norwegian national anthem should be translated to Urdu because this would be good for integration. Norwegians are supposed to celebrate their independence by singing their national anthem in Urdu, by wearing the national costume of Ghana and by waving the flag of the UN, an organization that is actively trying to curtail their freedoms and subvert their independence. This would be the equivalent of Americans celebrating the Fourth of July by waving the UN flag and by singing the Star-Spangled Banner in Arabic.

Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr St?re from the Labour Party participated in a conference with participants from dozens of countries and media outlets on how to "report diversity" in a non-offensive manner, with Arab News from Saudi Arabia as a moderator. The Cartoon Jihad the year before had prompted Indonesia and Norway to join forces and promote a Global Inter-Media Dialogue. In June 2007 this was held in Oslo.

The UN Special Envoy for monitoring of racism and xenophobia, Doudou Di?ne, started the conference by asking the press to actively help to create a Multicultural society. He expressed concern that democratic processes can lead to immigration-limiting political parties coming to power. He claimed that it marked a dangerous trend that still more intellectuals and academicians in the western world thinks that some cultures or religions are better than others, and stated that "The media must transform diversity, which is a fact of life, into pluralism, which is a set of values." Getting diversity accepted is the role of the education system, and acceptance is the role of the law, Doudou Di?ne said. "Promoting and defending diversity is the task of the media." Societies must recognize, accept and then defend and promote diversity, which always seems to mean sharia. Mr. Di?ne represents Senegal, a predominantly Muslim country which is a member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the largest voting bloc at the United Nations.

According to journalist Ole J?rgen Anfindsen, this conference is yet another sign that Europe is moving in the direction of totalitarianism.
Anfindsen thinks "there are already clear signs that large portions of mainstream media in Norway have been working according to UN instructions" long before his conference. In Britain, leading figures of the BBC have proudly announced that they actively promote Multiculturalism. They don't even need the UN to tell them that. Bruce Bawer, author of the book While Europe Slept, devotes much space to the bias of European media, and justifiably so. Norwegian PM from the Labor Party Jens Stoltenberg has stated that journalistic diversity is too important to be left up to the marketplace.

One Muslim in Norway stated that: "I worked in a Pakistani shop, but all of the work there is 'unofficial.' Neither the boss nor I pay taxes to Norwegian authorities. In addition to this, I receive 100% disability benefits and welfare. I have to be cunning to make as much money as possible, since this is my only objective with being in Norway." Undoubtedly, many Muslims view welfare money from the infidels as Jizya, the poll-tax non-Muslims according to the Koran are supposed to pay to Muslims as tribute and a sign of their inferior status and submission to Islamic rule. According to Statistics Norway, immigrants generally have a three times higher unemployment rate than native Norwegians. It should be noted that non-Muslim Asians are much more successful, which means that the unemployment rate among Muslims is even higher than 300 % that of the natives. The number of Muslims in Norway has quadrupled over the past 15 years. The number of immigrants in Oslo increased by 40 percent in just five years, from 2002 to 2007. With current trends remaining unchanged, native Norwegians will be a minority in their own country within a few decades.

The number of rapes in the Norwegian capital is six times as high per capita as in New York City, and it is well documented that certain immigrant groups are grossly overrepresented on the statistics. Two out of three charged with rape in Norway's capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, has said that "Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes" because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor's conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: "Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it." The number of rapes has continued to rise year by year, as it has in neighboring Sweden, but according to Trond Giske, Minister of Culture and Church Affairs from the Labour Party, 2008 will be an official Diversity Year (which it also will be throughout the EU), dedicated to celebrating Multiculturalism and "cultural diversity" in all sectors of society, so hopefully this will change.

Ati bagata la cap ce va asteapta intr-o societate multiculturala ?
Nu voi, in calitate de bastinasi trebuie sa va pastrati traditia. Nu, voi, indigenii, trebuie sa va dati dupa cum vor emigrantii. Daca nu ...
Hei, nu eu o spun, o spune Unni Wikan, profesor de antropologie sociala, la ditamai universitatea din Oslo.

Thomas Hylland Eriksen, professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, heads a multi-million project sponsored by the Norwegian state trying to envision how the new Multicultural society will work. He lives, according to himself, in a boring, monocultural part of the city, insulated from the effects of cultural diversity. Zorica Mitic, a Serbian doctor from the former Yugoslavia where a Multicultural society recently collapsed in a horrific civil war, warned against the effects of unchecked mass immigration. Mr. Eriksen, a career Multiculturalist and intellectual celebrity in his country, responded by chastising her for her "lack of visions."

Saracul sarb ( Zorica Mitic ) vorbeste ca prostul, de unul singur. Degeaba incearca sa le povesteasca ce s-a intamplat la ei. Nu, el este doar un est-european lipsit de viziune, ce pielea matzului ...

A shoot-out between two Pakistani gangs one crowded Sunday evening at Oslo's popular waterfront complex Aker Brygge left two men wounded. Newspaper VG reported that a policeman had to run for his life from an angry crowd of Pakistanis. The plainclothes policeman was hit in the face and told to leave the Furuset shopping center. He was told that it was none of his business being in this area, and that a gang of young men had basically defined Furuset as their turf and didn't accept "intruders." Norwegian authorities have thus already lost control over significant chunks of their own capital city. Peaceful rallies denouncing Islamic terrorism or supporting Israel have repeatedly been physically attacked by groups of Muslim immigrants. Bruce Bawer, author of the book While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within, describes how there are now more direct flights from Norway to Pakistan than from Norway to the USA.

Povesteam mai pe la inceputul topicului ca sunt probleme serioase si pe bune.
La noi nu se vorbeste pentru ca le avem pe ale noastre, iar ale lor sunt banale, in gandirea noastra.
Dar aceste lucruri se intampla zi de zi. Fata europei se schimba vazand cu ochii .

Sa ajunga Norvegia a fi prima tara islamica din vestul europei ?
Tot ce se poate. In fond, daca musulmanii fac 25% ~ 30%, castiga alegerile, apoi decreteaza Sharia, norvegienii nativi pleaca pe unde vad cu ochii, locul le este luat de pakistanezi, totul in cel mai democratic mod. Are cineva de comentat ceva ? Daca asta a fost vointa poporului ...

Thorbj?rn Jagland is a former Prime Minister of Norway from the Labour Party, currently President of the Storting, the Norwegian Parliament. In April 2006, Jagland wrote an essay warning against the dangers of Islamophobia. According to him, paraphrasing the Communist Manifesto, a specter is haunting Europe ? the spectre of Islamophobia. He fears that this could give rise to a new form of Fascism. Curiously, at almost the same time as Mr. Jagland warned against rising "Islamophobia," an article in Aftenposten newspaper warned that "youths" are in the process of destroying Norway's capital city, Oslo. Young girls are raped, schoolchildren are threatened with death, robbed and assaulted. The police warned against "an alarming rise in street violence" in urban areas across the country.

The response of the authorities has been to increase crackdowns on "racism" by the natives. In 2005 the Norwegian parliament ? with the support of 85% of MPs ? passed a new Discrimination Act, prepared by then Minister of Integration from the Conservative Party, Erna Solberg, who had earlier called for the establishment of a sharia council in Norway. A spokesman for the right-wing Progress Party, Per Sandberg, feared that the law would jeopardize the rights of law-abiding citizens. Reverse burden of proof is combined with liability to pay compensation, which means that innocent persons risk having to pay huge sums for things they didn't do. If a Muslim immigrant claims that a native has somehow discriminated against him or made a discriminatory remark, the native non-Muslim has to mount proof of his own innocence. I have later discovered that similar laws have been passed across much of Western Europe, encouraged by the EU.

Stiti cum se spune. Si fubiptut, si cu banii luati.
Este propaganda antiislamica ? Nu, este un banal fapt de viata, intr-o tara europeana, deocamdata cu cel mai ridicat nivel ( material ) de trai.
La ce le foloseste ?

There was absolutely no public debate about this law
, which was passed in relative silence before the national elections that year. I was the first one to criticize it at my blog. The only journalist to criticize it was an American ex-pat, Bruce Bawer, and Hans Rustad at document.no, the country's largest independent weblog. Not a single Norwegian journalist criticized the proposed law, and most barely mentioned it at all before it was passed.

The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud Beate Gang?s, a white, lesbian feminist, before the municipal elections in 2007 warned all political parties against making "discriminatory" remarks about immigration policies, but also called for actively reducing the number of white, heterosexual men in politics. There was little real debate about immigration in the heavily left-leaning media that year, but an all the more passionate with hunt looking for racists, and by that I mean whites only. The left-wing coalition government, after a meeting with immigrant organizations, announced that racists, apparently meaning white natives only, should be "smoked out" of all public sector jobs.

Poate va intrebati de ce iubesc musulmanii pe stangisti.
Uite de ce ( subliniat mai jos ).

Following the release of a UN population report which indicated a global population increase of several billion people over the coming decades, Marie Simonsen, the political editor of Norwegian left-wing newspaper Dagbladet, wrote that it should be considered a universal human right for people everywhere to migrate wherever they want to. This would mean virtually certain annihilation for a tiny, wealthy and naive Scandinavian nation.
Ms. Simonsen thus endorsed the gradual enslavement and eventual eradication of her own people, no doubt congratulating herself for her own tolerance. Not a single word of protest was voiced by any other journalist to this statement. Human rights was a concept originally intended to ensure liberty.
Now it's used to eradicate an entire people, or a large number of peoples across Europe, in the name of tolerance and diversity, and the natives are specifically banned from protesting against this.

La francezi e criza de moschei.
Musulmanii se plang ca nu le mai ajung moscheele sa se roage si vor ca statul sa le faca mai multe, ca doar islamul reprezinta a doua religie ca putere din Franta.
http://www.themuslim.....national News

Sweden is in the midst of the worst rape wave in Scandinavian history. Judging from numbers from neighboring countries Norway and Denmark, this is probably intimately related to recent mass immigration, especially from Muslim countries. Now, if you have a problem that you suspect may be largely caused by immigration, but you have already decided that these policies shouldn’t be questioned, what to do?

Well, you can blame it on… the weather!
According to this article from Aftonbladet, with the title “Summertime — rape time”, the huge spike in rapes during the summer is caused by the nice, warm weather, which brings out all those hormones.



“That Muslim children wouldn’t have to attend music classes or trips to the swimming hall, which according to Tammi, go against Islam. In addition, the Islamic party wants halal (ritual animal killing) and male circumcision to be given legal status. Tammi was asked if the party wants in the long run, sharia law (Islamic law) in Finland.”

“That would be great”, said Tammi. He observed that the law’s purpose was to prevent crime” According to Tammi, the party isn’t seeking powers of position. Also the group isn’t connected to any international Muslim organizations, but being the product of Finnish needs.


Drept concluzie, a se ma citi inca odata semnatura mea.

Edited by tomaso, 27 September 2007 - 16:54.



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Finland’s First Islamic Party Intends to Run For Parliament…!

    It begins with this. “Last Saturday’s meeting established the Finnish Islamic Party, which intends to gather 5000 signatures for their registration by the end of the year. The party already intends to place candidates in next years municipal elections around the capital.”

    If there was ever a wake up call for all the Finnish fence sitting Left, it’s this.

    “The intention is also to participate in the 2011 parliament elections, says party spokesman, Abdullah Tammi. Party members are only a few dozen. The party platform includes the eliminating of alcohol from stores, the freeing of Muslims from school curriculums that contradicts Islam.”

    Also of equal importance:

    We believe that we’ll get into the Parliament, there are 55,000 Muslims in Finland, we believe that we’ll get many thousands of voter support, Tammi predicts.”




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View Posttomaso, on Sep 27 2007, 17:57, said:

Finland’s First Islamic Party Intends to Run For Parliament…!

    It begins with this. “Last Saturday’s meeting established the Finnish Islamic Party, which intends to gather 5000 signatures for their registration by the end of the year. The party already intends to place candidates in next years municipal elections around the capital.”

    If there was ever a wake up call for all the Finnish fence sitting Left, it’s this.

    “The intention is also to participate in the 2011 parliament elections, says party spokesman, Abdullah Tammi. Party members are only a few dozen. The party platform includes the eliminating of alcohol from stores, the freeing of Muslims from school curriculums that contradicts Islam.”

    Also of equal importance:

    We believe that we’ll get into the Parliament, there are 55,000 Muslims in Finland, we believe that we’ll get many thousands of voter support, Tammi predicts.”

Informatiile furnizate de tomaso mai sus sunt copy/paste de pe un blog de nationalisti http://tundratabloid...intends-to.html

Numarul strainilor si mai ales al musulmanilor este foarte mic.

[ http://virtual.finland.fi/images/1x1.gif - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Foreigners in Finland

Written for Virtual Finland by Olavi Koivukangas, Ph.D.,
Institute of Migration, Turku

[ http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/images/foreign1.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Having lost more than a million people as emigrants during the previous hundred years, in the 1990s Finland became a country of net immigration. In the years 1990-2002, net immigration to Finland was around 69,000 persons (including returning Finnish citizens). In 2002 Finland had about 152,000 residents born outside Finland. Of these, nearly 104,000 were citizens of other countries. Approximately 40 percent of Finland's foreign community is from the former Soviet Union. Of this group about 25,000 are Ingrian Finns and 10,000 are Estonian. The next largest group is composed of Swedish citizens, of whom there are around 8,000.

[ http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/6462/migrby0.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]
continuare http://virtual.finla...o...787&LAN=ENG

Nici eu nu vad cu ochii buni fenomenul emigratiei  dar asta este noua imagine a mondializari sustinute in primul rand de....

PS Revin mai tarziu cu alte detalii...



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View Postdaniel_85, on Sep 27 2007, 18:55, said:

Nici eu nu vad cu ochii buni fenomenul emigratiei

Cum sa nu , ajuta enorm pe musulmanii europeni , impreuna cu diferentialul de natalitate :)




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View PostAMDG, on Sep 27 2007, 19:22, said:

Cum sa nu , ajuta enorm pe musulmanii europeni , impreuna cu diferentialul de natalitate :)

Exista o problema generalizata a imigratiei in Europa dar nu doar din partea tarilor musulmane.Cum am mai spus si in alte ocazi UE trebuie sa adopte legi care sa protejeze cetateni de consecintile mondializari, imigratiei , munca la negru , monopolul corporatilor, emigrarea industrei in Asia, s.a.m.d.Imigratia trebuie oprita dar nu trebuiesc oprimati musulmani care deja se afla aici...in Europa.

Edited by daniel_85, 27 September 2007 - 19:21.




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View Posttomaso, on Sep 27 2007, 17:25, said:

Drept concluzie, a se ma citi inca odata semnatura mea.

Incepi sa ma ingrijorezi tomaso , citezi din bloguri de nationalisti ; incepi sa crezi in conspiratii; de problemele din Europa suntem responsabili noi si numai noi, nu musulmanii , Elita politica trebuia sa apere interesele noastre; ca pakistanezi taximetristi sunt musulmani nu dovedeste nimic...

Edited by daniel_85, 27 September 2007 - 19:44.



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View Postdaniel_85, on Sep 27 2007, 20:36, said:

Incepi sa ma ingrijorezi tomaso , citezi din bloguri de nationalisti ; incepi sa crezi in conspiratii; de problemele din Europa suntem responsabili noi si numai noi, nu musulmanii , Elita politica trebuia sa apere interesele noastre; ca pakistanezi taximetristi sunt musulmani nu dovedeste nimic...

Tu ai grave probleme de intelegere, daca nu observi ca se discuta despre niste probleme reale, manifestate in mai toate tarile europene.
Evident, poti sa le negi, sa le ignori, dar oamenii aceia chiar au o problema cu musulmanii.

Ca sa fiu sincer, eu zic ca merita sa aiba probleme, din moment ce si-au ales aceasta optiune.
Musulmanii nu au venit in zbor, precum pasarile calatoare, s-au asezat pe un lac aiurea si au inceput sa faca pui.
Nu, ei au fost incurajati, au primit subventii, casa, masa, etc.
Este normal ca ei sa aiba pretentii, intrucat simt slabiciunea bastinasilor.
Cer sa isi impuna legile lor ( cultura lor ) si nu sunt de condamnat ca vor asta. Nici europenii nu au cerut voie ameridienilor sa isi impuna legile si credinta, remember ? Crestinii au crestinat cu crucea in stanga si sabia in dreapta, fiind 100% convinsi ca le fac un bine acelor pagani.

Eu sunt sigur ca musulmanii nu considera ca europenii sunt rai.  Ne vad doar ca pe niste rataciti, care nu credem in adevaratul dumnezeu, iar ei, cu ajutorul dumnezeului lor, mai devreme, sau mai tarziu, o sa ne aduca pe cale adevaratei credinte, adica Islamul.
Conteaza in cat timp ?
Crestinismul ( atat de prigonit la inceput ) a avut nevoie de peste 300 de ani, doar ca sa fie acceptat ca religie.
Cine l-a acceptat ?
Preamaretul Imperiu Roman, spaima lumii, izvorul luminii in antichitate, echivalentul Europei Occidentale, daca vrei.
Cum a reusit crestinismul sa se impuna ?
Este un mister, inca nedescifrat. Pur si simplu, s-a potrivit, s-a nimerit, a fost sa fie.
Asa este si cu islamul.
O credinta slaba, incapabila sa se apere, sfarseste prin a fi inlocuita de alta, mai puternica.
Deocamdata radem, dar la fel au ras si romanii, in fata primilor crestini.
Romanii spuneau ca crestinii sunt atat de saraci, incat nu isi permit decat un singur zeu.
Cu toate acestea, credinta cea saraca a invins, iar marea credinta in zeii romani s-a evaporat exact ca un fum.

La ora actual, din ce in ce mai multi occidentali ( nativi europeni ) se convertesc la islam.
Nu pare a fi o amenintare ( si poate ca nici nu este, inca ) dar, ca vrem sa nu sa recunoastem, islamul se raspanadeste in Europa.

Este un joc al fortelor in natura.
Poti sa fii un peste mare si bleg ( un crap ), temut in lacul tau.
La un moment dat,  sunt adusi niste pirania si tu, pestele cel mare, ai o problema, pentru ca esti obisnuit sa fii prea bleg.
Ai impresia ca pestisorii aia nu au ce sa iti faca, chiar daca incep sa muste cate o bucatica din inotatoare.




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View Posttomaso, on Sep 27 2007, 21:36, said:

Tu ai grave probleme de intelegere, daca nu observi ca se discuta despre niste probleme reale, manifestate in mai toate tarile europene.
Evident, poti sa le negi, sa le ignori, dar oamenii aceia chiar au o problema cu musulmanii.

Ca sa fiu sincer, eu zic ca merita sa aiba probleme, din moment ce si-au ales aceasta optiune.
Musulmanii nu au venit in zbor, precum pasarile calatoare, s-au asezat pe un lac aiurea si au inceput sa faca pui.
Nu, ei au fost incurajati, au primit subventii, casa, masa, etc.
Este normal ca ei sa aiba pretentii, intrucat simt slabiciunea bastinasilor.
Cer sa isi impuna legile lor ( cultura lor ) si nu sunt de condamnat ca vor asta. Nici europenii nu au cerut voie ameridienilor sa isi impuna legile si credinta, remember ? Crestinii au crestinat cu crucea in stanga si sabia in dreapta, fiind 100% convinsi ca le fac un bine acelor pagani.

Eu sunt sigur ca musulmanii nu considera ca europenii sunt rai.  Ne vad doar ca pe niste rataciti, care nu credem in adevaratul dumnezeu, iar ei, cu ajutorul dumnezeului lor, mai devreme, sau mai tarziu, o sa ne aduca pe cale adevaratei credinte, adica Islamul.
Conteaza in cat timp ?
Crestinismul ( atat de prigonit la inceput ) a avut nevoie de peste 300 de ani, doar ca sa fie acceptat ca religie.
Cine l-a acceptat ?
Preamaretul Imperiu Roman, spaima lumii, izvorul luminii in antichitate, echivalentul Europei Occidentale, daca vrei.
Cum a reusit crestinismul sa se impuna ?
Este un mister, inca nedescifrat. Pur si simplu, s-a potrivit, s-a nimerit, a fost sa fie.
Asa este si cu islamul.
O credinta slaba, incapabila sa se apere, sfarseste prin a fi inlocuita de alta, mai puternica.
Deocamdata radem, dar la fel au ras si romanii, in fata primilor crestini.
Romanii spuneau ca crestinii sunt atat de saraci, incat nu isi permit decat un singur zeu.
Cu toate acestea, credinta cea saraca a invins, iar marea credinta in zeii romani s-a evaporat exact ca un fum.

La ora actual, din ce in ce mai multi occidentali ( nativi europeni ) se convertesc la islam.
Nu pare a fi o amenintare ( si poate ca nici nu este, inca ) dar, ca vrem sa nu sa recunoastem, islamul se raspanadeste in Europa.

Este un joc al fortelor in natura.
Poti sa fii un peste mare si bleg ( un crap ), temut in lacul tau.
La un moment dat,  sunt adusi niste pirania si tu, pestele cel mare, ai o problema, pentru ca esti obisnuit sa fii prea bleg.
Ai impresia ca pestisorii aia nu au ce sa iti faca, chiar daca incep sa muste cate o bucatica din inotatoare.

Acum vorbesti corect, vom vedea daca previziunile tale se vor adeveri>Eu unul vad un viitor sumbru unde consumetorismul   va invinge islamul si toate religiile lumi , si in final ne vom omora unul pe altul pentru resurse.Daca si tarile sarace vor incepe sa aiba vise americane, daca si China cu India vor imita modelul occidental atunci razboiul pentru resurse va fi catastrofic pentru noi Europa si pentru intreaga planeta.Din acest motiv eu cred ca modelul vestic mai ales SUA este unul foarte negativ, este copiat peste tot fara sa se iee in calcul consecintele.Daca ceva nu se va schimba ... by!by rasa umana vom reveni in epoca de piatra.

Cand am deschis Topicul despre Incalzirea Globala o mare parte a ingrijorari mele era produsa de faptul ca SUA desi este un model pentru intreaga lume nu ia in serios problemele de mediu si energetice ,daca ar fi chibzuiti si nu condusi doar de profit ar investi in cercetare si in inlocuirea tehnologiilor vechi.CE acum pare "scump' pe vitor va fi fatal.Ei primi trebuie sa  schime modul egoist de gandire si apoi noi ceilalti ii vom urma.Dar nu! administratia corupta si corporatiile se gandesc doar la profit si tara dupa tara invadeaza pentru resursele petroliere iar musulmani se razbuna pe noi pe Europeni pe oameni de rand.De asta F*** USA , trebuie sa gasim un alt model , un alt lider.Noi UE am putea deveni unul dar nu prea vad.

Dar mai dai naibi si hai  sa radem putin de necaz ;)

Edited by daniel_85, 27 September 2007 - 22:05.



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Sep 23 2007, 11:20, said:

la f*****d cred ca te referi la iranieni care o sa culeaga floricele de popcorn de pe campurile de mine.

relax, nefer nu va fi invazie terestra ci doar mici norisori de fum unde au fost fabricile de armament iraniene.

si nu mai vorbi in numele boborului iranian ca pana acum cateva posturi erai irakianka .....

Daca vrei erxemplu si dovezi concrete in privinta iranienilor si de ce sint in stare in razboi informeaza-te putin despre Iran-Iraq war si dupa aia mai vorbim. Nu trebuie sa vorbesc eu in numele lor pentru ca faptele si istoria vorbesc de la sine.



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View Postg_force, on Sep 22 2007, 16:27, said:

Il cunosc personal pe un tip, care  in perioada aceea a participat la o comisie a RSR care le-a vindut "alor tai" ( care de fapt nu sint ai tai, dar asa iti place tie sa crezi, ca sa ai motiv sa faci spume)

Too bad I'm not entirely iraqi, only half. But hey...nobody's perfect. :naughty:

View PostAMDG, on Sep 23 2007, 13:04, said:

Intre timp , indivizi gen Blackwater trag realmente in tot ce misca pe acolo , si asa-zisul guvern irakian nu zice nici pas smile.gif

:lol: Pai si normal sa nu zica nimic tocmai pentru ca este un ASA ZIS guvern iraqian....pardon...american am vrut sa zic.


QUOTE(Ramunc @ Sep 23 2007, 20:46) *
Sa fie create programe de educatie a populatiei, sa li se spuna ce e Islamul, cine a fost Mohamed (slavit fie danezul caricaturist!). Oamenii nu stiu ca a fost un violator în serie (a violat zeci de femei, numele câtorva sunt în Coran, vezi topicul cu femeia islamica de pe Religie).
Uite cât era islamul în SUA acum câtiva ani:

Lasa informatiile tale citite din posturile altor confrati de-ai tai idioti. Pune mina si citeste Quranul in limba originala si intelegel inloc sa faci afirmatii din astea deplasate.

Edited by Nefersetty, 28 September 2007 - 03:52.



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View PostIocan, on Sep 24 2007, 06:53, said:

Geniali musulmanii ăștia. Nelămurirea mea este de ce nu au fructificat nimic din descoperirile astea. Iar răspunsul este că au avut și ei o perioadă de apogeu în vremea califatului din Bagdad, cînd califii abasizi nu prea luau în serios religia islamică. După aia, prafu și pulberea științifică s-a ales din tot și a continuat pînă azi. Cît despre paternitatea lucrărilor "al-whatever", ba erau compilații și traduceri după alde greci sau egipteni, ba erau opera unor cuceriți de origine ne-arabă. Deci, întrebarea rămîne.

Islamic Scientific Contributions to Civilization

How Islam Influenced Science

The Origins of Algebra http://vmoc.museophi...section3_1.html

List of Arabic Mathematicians

Arab contributions to mathematics and the introduction of the Zero http://www.arabicnew...1998042208.html

History of Geometry

Islamic Astronomy

Islam, Knowledge, and Science

Muslim, Scientists, Mathematicians and Astronomers

Arabic (or Islamic) Influence on the Historical Development of Medicine
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam19.html Arab Roots of European Medicine

Islam, Knowledge, and Science - Medical Sciences

Islam and Islamic History in Arabia and The Middle East

Medicine in Medieval Islam

Ortodox & romanian contributions to civilization? :huh: Let me guess: Manele si sarmale...!


'AMDG' Sep 24 2007, 12:27' ]
Doar la europeni . Nu facem SF sau istorie alternativa - lumea moderna e o creatie europeana - nu mayasa sau egipteana :)

Of course....dupa ce europenii au invadat,colonizat si jegmanit resursele naturale ale fiecarui coltisor de lume descoperit. Nici de mirare ca au fost in stare sa se ridice din rahatul care le ajungea pina la git in evul mediu.Pe spinarea altora si cu pretul platit de alte popoare au reusit europenii sa-si creeze o civilizatie. Intradevar lipsa de valori morale pentru acapararea celor materiale este o mindrie in Europa.Scopul scuza mijloacele right? Hmmm.....hypocrites....

Later edit: Stii ca  Portugalia si Spania aveau permisiune directa de la Papa sa imparta intre ele orice teritorii noi descoperite si sa exploateze resursele indiferent
daca aceste teritorii erau inhabitate sau nu. Un exemplu bun este Japonia care cu toate ca se afla la un stadiu avansat de civilizatie si guvernare, conform acelei declaratii papale,ea "apartinea" celor doua puteri fara ca macar japonezii sa stie lucrul asta.

Edited by Nefersetty, 28 September 2007 - 04:28.


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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