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  • Înscris: 13.07.2004
Diogene, tu esti un tip cult. Esti si destul de inteligent.

1. Avem interese?

2. Avem noi putere?

3. Vom plati daca jucam prost ca in WWII?

4. Ce castigam daca ne opunem curentului?



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Ne permitem noi acest lucru? Nu ne stim interesele?

Si e cumva in interesul nostru sa dam apa la moara ungurilor (sa strige pe urma, aha la kosovo ati fost de acord, la har-co de ce sa nu fiti?) si sa facem un kosovo in inima romaniei? Si asa taricenau, boul cretin, nu stiu ce afaceri are cu ungurii ca se pupa pe bot cu ei, odata ii venise in cap tampenia unui manual de istorie comun. Asta ne-ar vinde pe bucati la cine da mai mult. Tot el a fost implicat si in afacerea Gojdu....Interesul nostru e ca integritatea teritoriala a statelor suverane sa fie respectata. E un pricipiu elementar de drept international, faptul ca se calca in picioare independenta si integritatea unui stat imi anduce aminte de perioada interbelica, de impartirea Cehoslovaciei sau de Dictatul de la Viena. Nimeni nu tine cont de dorinta acelui stat dar ei au hotarat dinainte. O dovada in plus ca UE/SUA si URSS sunt de-o mama si de-un tata, aceeasi marie cu alta palarie. De la Vlad Tepes si pana la noi nu s-a schimbat nimic : "cand un domn e tare vine peste altul mai slab si face cu el ce vrea". Doar decorul e altul.

Edited by tihomir, 15 July 2007 - 22:57.



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View Posttihomir, on Jul 15 2007, 21:54, said:

Normal ca nu o s-o gasesti, impotriva acestei tari s-a dus si se duce un razboi mediatic ce are o tinta precisa, dezmembrarea acestei tari daca nu o pot aduce "cu binisorul" in raza lor de influenta.

Pai chiar aia-i treaba: Ar putea  o aduce destul de usor in raza de influenta. Serbia duce tratative pentru aderarea la UE , dar care momentan sant pe "stand-by" pana nu se rezolva problema Kosovo. Ar fi interesant de aflat ce castiga sarbii prin politica lor. Pana si aliatii lor rusi sant pe pozitia ca o solutie trebuie gasita cu acordul sarbilor si a albanezilor. Ceea ce rusii stiu ca nu se va intampla niciodata. Deci provincia va ramane pana in vecii vecilor sub tutela ONU , care probabil cu timpul va ceda tot mai multe atributii guvernului autohton pana se va rezuma doar la fortele armate. Sarbii stiu si ei foarte bine ca nu vor mai stapani teritoriul respectiv in veci. Oricum cu trecerea anilor provincia va semana tot mai putin cu Serbia. Au alta moneda , alt sistem judiciar , alt sistem vamal ,  deja multi tineri nu mai vorbesc limba sarba , economia va fi mai mult legata de cea europeana.
Singura solutie , ce mi-as putea o inchipui eu , dar si asta peste multi ani , ar fi cea de tip HongKong , cu difernta ca nu vor fi stationate trupe sarbesti , ci tot americanii de la Camp Bonsteel ( fiindca aia de acolo sigur nu mai pleaca ).
Mie personal mi-e cam totuna ce se intampla cu provincia aia ( n-am de gand sa ma mut acolo ) , dar cred ca pentru sarbi ar fi mai bine sa accepte ca au pierdut un razboi si sa se uite inainte.



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Pana si aliatii lor rusi sant pe pozitia ca o solutie trebuie gasita cu acordul sarbilor si a albanezilor.

Sarbii au spus ca accepta orice solutie in afara de independenta, albanezii sunt aia ca nu vor sa negocieze si zilele trecute au amenintat ca sunt gata sa reinceapa ostilitatile.



    Isailă Brătfălean

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View PostBasarab, on Jul 15 2007, 23:47, said:

Diogene, tu esti un tip cult. Esti si destul de inteligent.

1. Avem interese?

2. Avem noi putere?

3. Vom plati daca jucam prost ca in WWII?

4. Ce castigam daca ne opunem curentului?
Crezi tu că Adrian Cioroianu a fermecat-o pe Condoleezza Rice dacă tot zicea "yes, yes"? Din limba Condoleezzei vine expresia "yesman" (un fel de  om de paie) Nu trebui să ai pretenții absurde, dar dacă ai pretenții rezonabile ești respectat.

Edited by Diogene, 15 July 2007 - 23:13.



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View Posttihomir, on Jul 15 2007, 23:00, said:

Sarbii au spus ca accepta orice solutie in afara de independenta, albanezii sunt aia ca nu vor sa negocieze si zilele trecute au amenintat ca sunt gata sa reinceapa ostilitatile.

Stiu. Am vazut propunerea sarbilor din martie , aceea cu "independenta interna" . Era chiar foarte rezonabila , dar probabil ca a venit prea tarziu. La ora actual KFOR deja se pregateste pentru probabilele situatii violente ce vor aparea dupa ce planul Ahtisaari pica. Rezultatul va fi , din pacate , inca un exod al populatiei sarbe din zona.Au aratat ieri pe CNN pegatirile din Mitrovica . Orasul arata ca la asediu , si totusi nu cred ca vor reusi sa impiedice toate incidentele.



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  • Înscris: 16.06.2007
[ http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/3884/0102079438200nh4.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]  THE FUTURE OF KOSOVO
How High Is the Price for Peace?
By Renate Flottau and Walter Mayr
SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 5, 2007, 05:58 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.d...,464291,00.html
As the decision over the future of Kosovo approaches, tensions are growing in the western portion of the province. A return to violence is a distinct possibility. Meanwhile, a presumed war criminal remains in power with the blessing of the international community.

Europe, Washington Divided over Kosovo's Future
SPIEGEL ONLINE - July 2, 2007, 11:43 AM
URL: http://www.spiegel.d...,491781,00.html
As Kosovar leaders mull declaring unilateral independence for the breakaway Serbian province, German and EU leaders appear headed for conflict with Washington. Bush says he would recognize Kosovo if it declares self-determination, but EU leaders fear an outbreak of violence.

[ http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/2549/kosovopr2.png - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]   THE COLONY KOSOVO
posted by Wim Roffel - June 26, 2007
URL: http://nation-buildi...ony-kosovo.html

The Polish/Swedish journalist Maciej Zaremba has written a critical series of articles about the situation in Kosovo (links to the English versions are at the top of the page). It is mostly a critical account of how the UN rule works and how it generates corruption. Zaremba sees the structure of the mission as the main problem.

Part 1: report from UNMIKistan, land of the future contains an interview with Albin Kurti and a story about corruption at the airport.

Part 2: The UN state and the seven robbers starts with the case of Jo Trutschler, a German swindler who managed to become senior manager at the electricity company KEK (his fraudulent CV was never checked), tells how many UN employees - specially "consultants" - become employed through "connections". It follows with another airport story and the mobile phone contract.

Part 3: Complain in Azerbaijan is about the "legal immunity" of the mission with several examples.

Part 4: Prowess, courage and plastic socks starts with the story how Swedish soldiers in march 2004 in a day long battle saved Gracanica from being burnt. It continues describing how some other militairy missions did much worse and it ends with the international police.

In two final articles present UN governor Joachim Rücker gives his reaction to the articles ("article is very unbalanced") and Zaremba's reaction.

It makes you wonder whether it wouldn't have been better when the UN had followed resolution 1244 to the letter. It stipulated that after a short UN reign there should come an interim government (that respected Yugoslavia's territorial integrity - so it would probably look something like before 1989 with the Albanians in charge and the peacekeepers as a kind of mediator). After that negotiations should be started for a definitive status. Obviously international government is not the success that we hoped.

Edited by warpguy, 16 July 2007 - 00:49.



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[ http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6623/paulbremerjv3.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]  [ http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/3111/bernardkouchnerandsecrejg4.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ] Paul Bremer (Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq 2003), Bernard Kouchner (UN Administrator, Kosovo 1999) and Secretary Albright in Pristina .. se aseamana pana si fizic


At first sight, this man seems to be happy. He laughs often. Shakes and touches hands people's hands. Kisses children. When he visits a Kosovar family, you can notice his effort to become a part of the family as soon as possible. He does not hesitate to join Albanian traditional dances, which have become monotonous due to their presence everywhere. A good man - is the general impression.

We are talking about Kosovo Administrator Bernard Kouchner, who admitted during his last presentation in front of United Nations Security Council, that the work in Kosovo has exhausted him a lot. In other words, this was a pre-announcement of resignation. Kouchner would not be Kouchner if he would one day all of a sudden leave by presenting a letter of resignation to the United Nations Security Council. No! The UNMIK chief made a statement which can be read like this: despite of being exhausted, he is not going to turn his back on Kosovo until a successor to his post is found. A different step would be in opposition with the activity of the French doctor. However - even though the date of his departure - one thing is clear: Kouchner will not be in Pristina for a long time to come. At most six months... (..)

“Alcatel” as a failure

It was proved right away that for Kosovo’s administration the UN was powerless and it admitted this only six months later when, on December 1999,  they signed an agreement with the Albanians for common structures. On January 30, all parallel institutions were dissolved. With this case, the Albanian politicians have proven total disability to agree on the most fundamental things. All organs that were coherent from 1945 were eliminated in one day. Instead of undoing, it was supposed to occur to a wise man that at least Kosovo’s Council should not to be dissolved, but its activities suspended until the next meeting of Kosovo’s Council. The Prime ministers (Thaçi and Bukoshi) come and go, but the Parliament remains.

During December, UNMIK chief upset Kosovo's Post and Telecom by deciding  to give French Alcatel the right to build a mobile network in Kosovo. A year later, we are all aware that this company has failed. The network is bad and prices are astronomical. Example: in Switzerland a country with the highest standards in the world talking a minute in a mobile costs 20 rap (around 25 phenings) however in Kosovo a mobile subscriber has to pay double or in some cases even more. For talking abroad the rates are ten times higher. Regarding the agreement with Alcatel there are rumors that someone at UNMIK was bribed. Let us remind you the 35 million dollar contract was awarded to Alcatel because they promised that they would build seven antennas in major towns in Kosovo and after a year, they would cover the whole of Kosovo. Today we know that Kouchner's decision was not good. Promises made were not even closely finished by the timetable. For the chaos to be even bigger, a "contribution" as always is given by Albanians. At post offices there are no chips, however on the streets you can get them as many as you want at an astronomical price. Where do these chips come from? Surely, it is not some magic: they come from the post offices off course. We are not going to hide behind the bush; this is called abuse of function closely related with corruption. In democratic countries, which Kosovo aspires to become, telecom mangers would have been fired or even jailed. In Kosovo, life goes on in a different pace... (..)

url: http://www.unmikonli.../lmm211100.html

[ http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/8595/hmmuv7.gif - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ].. si cand te gandesti ca astazi se ocupa de Liban.. mi se ingheata singele [ http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/5216/fuyou2wr6.gif - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ] !

Edited by warpguy, 16 July 2007 - 01:35.



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[ http://www.osservatoriobalcani.org/ezimagecatalogue/catalogue/variations/6578-220x220.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]  Lobbyists Pull Out Stops in Battle for Kosovo
Lobisti si batalia pentru Kosovo
By Krenar Gashi in Pristina and Jeta Xharra in New York
17 April 2007 | 17:39 | Balkan Insight
url: http://www.focus-fen...p69gb2jmebl6lr3
in limba italiana
I lobbisti e la battaglia per il Kosovo
url: http://www.osservato...view/7049/1/45/

Albanians have had a head start in the PR game over Kosovo centred in New York, but Serbs are catching up.
-- Search for Kosovo on the Internet and you may find yourself a little confused. This is because until you look closer, savekosova.org and savekosovo.org - the first set up by the American Council for Kosova and the second by the American Council for Kosovo - seem almost identical.
-- But despite similar layouts, the content of these two websites is totally different. One supports independence and the second backs Serbian rule over the territory. To add to the confusion, both use the global paranoia about Islamic terrorism as an argument.
-- Try Wikipedia, the popular interactive internet encyclopedia, and you will be none the wiser. It has closed its Kosovo section after pro- and anti-independence campaigners bombarded the web portal with changes.
-- Lobbying has reached a peak as the UN considers its plan to resolve the country’s final status. After months of negotiations in Vienna failed to yield an agreement between Serbia and Kosovo’s Albanian majority, the thorny issue of what to do with the province has shifted to the UN Security Council in New York, as have the lobbyists... (..)

First Shots Fired in Diplomatic "Battle for Kosovo"
Plans to turn Kosovo into a Colony

by Tim Judah
Global Research, April 22, 2007
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - 2007-03-14
url: http://www.globalres...n...va&aid=5458
in limba italiana
url; http://www.osservato...iew/6926/1/245/

... Diplomats continue to insist that there is no Plan B if the Ahtisaari plan fails. There is, they say, only a plan for “controlled” independence. The alternative is “uncontrolled” independence because without a resolution, there will be no EU mission or Civilian Representative.
-- Behind the scenes, some diplomats and others have already begun to mull over what may happen if Plan A fails. However, no one wants to talk about this in public. Nobody - yet - wants to contemplate disaster in Kosovo.
-- If Holbrooke’s article is an opening salvo in a diplomatic war, we can expect more diplomatic shelling. At the same time, there are also likely to be discrete back-channel talks that most of us will never get to hear about, at least until the history books are written.

Russia's Test In Kosovo
By Richard Holbrooke
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
url: http://www.washingto...7031200972.html



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BASE a dat o base din gandirea lui!!!


Sarbii, multumiti de solutia Basescu
24 Iunie 2006
Laura Gafencu

Presedintele sarb Boris Tadic i-a multumit ieri lui Traian Basescu pentru sprijinul pe care acesta l-a acordat Serbiei in privinta provinciei Kosovo.

Traian Basescu propusese recent ca provincia Kosovo sa-si pastreze autonomia locala, ceea ce ar face ca aceasta regiune sa ramana in componenta Serbiei.

"Respect si multumesc Romaniei pentru pozitia fata de Kosovo. Serbia are aceeasi atitudine. Kosovo nu trebuie sa devina independenta", a spus Tadic in timpul vizitei facute ieri de Basescu in Serbia.

Presedintele Romaniei a reiterat faptul ca tara noastra doreste o "solutie negociata si nu una impusa pentru Kosovo".

El a spus ca Romania nu vrea modificarea frontierelor in Europa. Solutia propusa de tara noastra nu este agreata insa de comunitatea internationala, care doreste ca regiunea Kosovo sa devina independenta.



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CE INSEAMNA SA NU AI CARTE, sa folosesti expresii gaozar, sa bei spritzane,.....TE PROSTESTI. Iti pui in pericol poporul.


Romania, de partea Rusiei in problema Kosovo
1 Aprilie 2007

Romania, Grecia si Slovacia au obiectat fata de planul ONU privind viitorul provinciei Kosovo, sustinand continuarea negocierilor dintre Belgrad si Pristina.

Potrivit publicatiei EUObserver, un mic grup de state s-au demarcat, cu ocazia reuniunii ministrilor europeni de Externe, de la Bremen, de pozitia UE si a Statelor Unite. Acestea sustin ca Natiunile Unite sa acorde o "independenta sub supraveghere" provinciei sarbe Kosovo, in timp ce Serbia si Rusia au respins ideea independentei provinciei Kosovo.

Moscova considera planul Ahtisaari "baza unor negocieri viitoare", si nu baza unei noi rezolutii ONU, a precizat ambasadorul rus la UE, Vladimir Chizhov.

Edited by Basarab, 16 July 2007 - 07:16.



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Nu noi decidem. Sa nu ne bagam unde nu avem interese? Ce castigam daca sustinem partea care va pierde?

Decat oprobiul UE si USA?



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  • Înscris: 13.07.2004
Si e cumva in interesul nostru sa dam apa la moara ungurilor (sa strige pe urma, aha la kosovo ati fost de acord, la har-co de ce sa nu fiti?) si sa facem un kosovo in inima romaniei?

CE LAGATURA ARE UNA CU ALTA. Numai speriati oamenii degeaba!!!

Interesul nostru e ca integritatea teritoriala a statelor suverane sa fie respectata.

Yugoslavia nu este stat suveran si integru.
PUNCT. Asa au vrut sarbii, Milosevici, asa vrei si tu, dar veti pierde!

E un pricipiu elementar de drept international, faptul ca se calca in picioare independenta si integritatea unui stat imi anduce aminte de perioada interbelica, de impartirea Cehoslovaciei sau de Dictatul de la Viena.


Nimeni nu tine cont de dorinta acelui stat dar ei au hotarat dinainte. O dovada in plus ca UE/SUA si URSS sunt de-o mama si de-un tata, aceeasi marie cu alta palarie. De la Vlad Tepes si pana la noi nu s-a schimbat nimic : "cand un domn e tare vine peste altul mai slab si face cu el ce vrea". Doar decorul e altul.



    Isailă Brătfălean

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View PostBasarab, on Jul 16 2007, 08:15, said:


Nu noi decidem. Sa nu ne bagam unde nu avem interese? Ce castigam daca sustinem partea care va pierde?

Decat oprobiul UE si USA?
Ți-am explicat că ești fraier, că noi avem în interese în Kosovo pe care tu nu le vezi. Nu ai putea să stai tu în banca ta de ignorant luciu?



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  • Înscris: 13.07.2004
Diogene, deci:

1. Vrei sa ne punem contra USA si UE?

2. Ce naibii interese avem noi sa ne punem contra valului ca iliescu care il sustinea ca Boul pe Millosevici.

3. Ai rude si tu sarbe ca tiho -mir? Care nu suporta UE?



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  • Înscris: 13.07.2004
Am cautat cu GOOGLE : " KOSOVO 2007 george bush" si am gasit:




Bush: U.N. must act now on Kosovo
POSTED: 1:29 p.m. EDT, June 10, 2007

Bush insists Kosovo must be independent and receives hero's welcome in Albania




Bush calls for action over Kosovo
US President George W Bush has said a plan for Kosovo's UN-backed independence should take effect now, despite Russian and Serbian opposition.
Mr Bush was speaking after holding talks with the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, during a visit to Rome.

After the talks, riot police used tear gas against anti-Bush demonstrators.

The US president is now going to Albania on the next leg of his European tour, which has already taken him to the G8 summit in Germany and Poland.

Mr Bush on Saturday expressed frustration about the lack of international consensus on granting Kosovo independence from Serbia.

It's time to move the Ahtisaari plan [on Kosovo] forward
President Bush

He said he discussed Kosovo with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the summit, and it was "time to bring this issue to its head".

The G8 failed to reach consensus over Kosovo, in the face of strong opposition from Russia to independence for the province, which is still part of Serbia.

UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari put forward a blueprint for Kosovan independence in April.

"It's time to move the Ahtisaari plan forward," Mr Bush said.

He also discussed the situation in Lebanon with the Italian prime minister.

"It's very important that foreign influences like that of Syria not be continually disrupting the Siniora government," said Mr Bush.

Thousands of protesters, most of them peaceful, marched in Rome in protest at Mr Bush's visit, culminating in a rally at the Piazza Navona.

But Italian riot police used tear gas against anti-Bush demonstrators who donned face masks in defiance of a police order and threw bottles and other objects, as the main demonstration reached its conclusion.


Earlier Mr Bush had his first audience with Pope Benedict XVI.

The pontiff raised his concerns about the plight of Christians in Iraq, and expressed hopes of a "regional and negotiated solution to the conflicts that afflict" the Middle East, the Vatican said.

BASESCU sa nu se puna cu LICURICIUL( nume dat in bascalie USA), un roman simplu,

asa cum a facut Iliescu criminalul rosu, care l-a criticat pe Clinton ca-l Bombardeaza pe Milosevici.

Noroc cu tapul Constantinescu, om cu carte care nu statea prin BODEGI cu blonde.


Edited by Basarab, 16 July 2007 - 08:12.



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Un articol:


Bush insists Kosovo must be independent and receives hero's welcome in Albania
· Thousands pay tribute to US president in Tirana
· Putin refuses to withdraw backing for Serbs at UN

Ian Traynor, Europe editor and agencies in Tirana
Monday June 11, 2007


George Bush declared yesterday that he had made up his mind that Kosovo should be an independent country, throwing down the gauntlet to Russia and challenging President Vladimir Putin to abandon attempts to block the path to statehood at the UN security council.
On the first visit by a US president to Albania, Mr Bush focused on the fate of the majority ethnic Albanians across the border in Kosovo and voiced impatience at Russian and Serbian blocking tactics, which are holding up a vote on the issue at the security council.

The US was working hard to reach an international agreement on Kosovo, he said. "Independence is the goal. That's what the people of Kosovo need to know. If it is apparent that is not going to happen in a relatively quick period of time, in my judgment, we need to put forward the resolution. Hence, deadline."

If the deadlock continues, western analysts say, Washington could encourage Kosovo to declare independence, afford it diplomatic recognition, and encourage others to follow. That would divide Europe and be very messy, possibly violent.

Thousands gathered in Tirana yesterday to welcome Mr Bush. Cannons fired a 21-gun salute and huge banners and billboards proclaimed "proud to be partners" and "President Bush in Albania making history". Red, white and blue top hats were passed out to well-wishers.

Bush was dogged by hostile protesters in Italy and Germany earlier in his eight-day tour of Europe, but clearly felt totally at ease in Albania. Its people reserve special affection for America, which they credit not only with ending their cold war isolation but also for leading Nato in 1999 to rescue the Albanians of Kosovo from ethnic cleansing by Serbia under Slobodan Milosevic.

Many Albanians had been hoping for Mr Bush to give a boost to the Kosovan push for independence. Settlement terms drawn up by the special UN envoy, Martti Ahtisaari, have been with the security council since March following more than a year of fruitless negotiations between the Serbian government and the Kosovan Albanian leadership.

Western leaders are keen to resolve the crisis but cannot agree a formula with Moscow, which backs Serbia's argument that Kosovan independence would strip it of 15% of its territory and flout international law, as well as creating a dangerous precedent for secessionists worldwide.

The west argues that Kosovan independence offers the sole prospect of stability and progress in the Balkans and that the establishment of the new state is merely the last act in the protracted drama of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

"Sooner rather than later you've got to say enough's enough. Kosovo's independent," Mr Bush announced at a press conference in Tirana, the Albanian capital.

But his pressure for a quick decision was countered at the weekend by Mr Putin, who emphasised that there was no change in Moscow's pro-Serbian position.

Western officials are exasperated by the Russian refusal to countenance independence and are worried that the fragile peace in the UN-administered province could collapse, with Albanians going on the rampage and enacting anti-Serbian pogroms if the status issue remains unresolved.

But Russia is proposing to circumvent the Ahtisaari plan through new talks between the Serbs and Kosovan Albanians. Last week the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, surprised western officials by suggesting a further six months of negotiations, albeit aimed at Kosovo independence.

"The question is whether or not there's going to be endless dialogue on a subject that we have made up our mind about," said Mr Bush yesterday, before flying on to Bulgaria. "We believe Kosovo ought to be independent ... I'm worried about expectations not being met in Kosovo and therefore we'll push the process."

The outcome of any further negotiations had to be "certain independence".

The crunch point may come within weeks - President Putin is to be a guest at George Bush Sr's family home in Kennebunkport, Maine, early next month.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian News and Media Limited 2007



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TIRANA, Albania (CNN) -- Setting up possibly another showdown with Russia, U.S. President George W. Bush has said "the time is now" to grant independence to the Serbian province of Kosovo and called on Moscow not to slow down the process.

"I happen to believe it's important to push the process along," Bush said Sunday at a joint news conference with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

"The question is whether or not there's going to be endless dialogue on a subject that we have made up our mind about. We believe Kosovo ought to be independent."

Bush is the first sitting president to visit the Balkan state that was once a closed, communist society but is now a close ally of the United States.

During his seven scheduled hours in Albania, Bush was spared the sort of protests that greeted his visits to Germany and Italy. Bush enjoys widespread popularity in the country: a street in front of Albania's parliament is named after him, several postal stamps bear his image and many Albanians donned red, white, and blue hats and waved American flags during Bush's visit.

Albania's government supports independence for Kosovo, a province dominated by ethnic Albanians.

His visit to Tirana follows last week's Group of Eight summit in Germany, where the leaders of eight major industrialized nations discussed Kosovo among many other topics.

Bush said the G8 supported Kosovo's independence, but "discussions were all aimed at determining if there is a way to make this acceptable to Russia."

"Obviously they're not there yet ... I'm worried about expectations not being met in Kosovo and therefore we'll push the process."

A vote on Kosovo's independence is before the United Nations Security Council, on which Russia holds a veto-wielding seat.

Bush said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would pursue the issue through diplomacy with Moscow along with America's European allies.

But the diplomacy surrounding the issue seemed a bit fuzzy when Bush was asked about his call for a deadline on U.N. action on Kosovo.

"First of all, I don't think I called for a deadline, I thought I said (timetable)," Bush said.

Responding to the reporter, who could not be heard, Bush responded, "I did, what exactly did I say? I said deadline? OK ... Then I meant what I said."

Following his visit to Albania, Bush heads to Sofia, Bulgaria on Sunday and then returns home.



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