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Silvia Chițimia e la vedere în fiecare duminică pe TVR Cultural la Zodiac...

Edited by popa_laurentiu, 16 October 2008 - 04:13.



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View Postpopa_laurentiu, on Oct 16 2008, 05:12, said:


Silvia Chițimia e la vedere în fiecare duminică pe TVR Cultural la Zodiac...
Stiu site-ul lor... Ba chiar si am ceva numere... cei drept mai vechi, de la inceputuri si inainte de a aparea in format electronic.




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Hindu Dharma: The Universal Way of Life - Chandrasekharendra Saraswati

Editorial Reviews
...The topics covered,in twenty two sections of the book,are wide-ranging.They cover the Vedas,the Shadangas,the Dharmasastras,Puranas,Varna Dharma,the forty Samskaras,ashrama dharma etc.,.With the encyclopedic amplitude of his mind,the Acharya s discourses,reveal to us,his astonishingly wide range and the quenchless vitality of his spiritual voyage through the ocean of the Hindu Dharma.Calm,unaggressive an persuasive in tone,he is resolutely firm and uncompromising in the tenor of discourse.. ..The book is excellently produced.The translation is bothe elegant and fruitful.. --The Hindu

The Jagadguru of Kanchi whose piligrimage on earth ended in his 100th year on January 8,1994,personified the everlasting Moral Force.He was the living embodiment of the highest aspirations of mankind,the noblest instincts of humanity,the loftiest attributes of the divine spirit in the earthly garb.His was not a life to be described in the words or measured in years.He lived in eternity ..The book brings out the essential message of Indian dharma-the message of universal brotherhood and mutual respect.. ..The book presents the Vedic vision of universality and harmony.It presents a panorama of the dharma of this ancient land.In the words of Will Durant,India can teach the world the tolerance and gentleness of the mature mind,the quiet content of the unacqisitive soul,the calm of the understanding spirit and a unifying,pacifying love for all living things ..The book contains a fund of wisdom which is not only for Hindus,not merely for the various communities of India but for the whole world He delivered his discourses over the decades in Tamil.Extracts from his discourses,selected and translated into English by the well known writer RGK,have now been published by the Bhavan.A more meritorious job of translation has never been done. -- --N.A.Palkhivala

The more I read Hindu Dharma,the more I realized what a great soul the guru was.Though he spoke in Tamil,one of our richest languages,his utterances have been rendered so well into English by RGK ..Hindu Dharma is a monumental work of deep thinking.It strikes at the root of most of our ills. It must be read by all those who want to understand India in all her varied manifestations.It should be prescribed as a textbook in all the Indian universities and commended as subsidiary reading in centers of higher learning all over the world. - --Dr.Rafiq Zakaria.

Product Description
HINDU DHARMA/THE UNIVERSAL WAY OF LIFE. To deal with Hindu Dharma or.more correctly,Veda Dharma or Sanatana Dharma,within the compass of a book,is like trying to contain an ocean in a jar.It is a task that can be accomplished only by a Great Master.Such a Master was Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swami who has in the discourses constituting this book given an illuminating account of Hindu Dharma in all aspects.He has brought to bear here not only his vast erudition but also his intuitive insights and synaptic vision.It is doubtful if in modern times any other Acharya has given such a lucid and comprehensive exegesis of the sastras. The Paramguru discusses the basic texts of Veda Dharma-the four Vedas,the six Vedangas,Mimamsa,Nyaya,the Puranas and Dharmasastra.These encompass various systems of thought and various points of view and the great master tries to make them part of one unified vision that is Hinduism.He combines ancient wisdom with modern knowledge and it is thus he finds common points between the metaphysics and physics of sound in the chapters in which he expounds the Vedas and tells us why their sound must be preserved.It is all in the context of varna dharma to which we owe the achievements of the great Indian civilization. Altogether it is an integrated view of Sanatana dharma that emerges in which the ultimate Vedic message of liberation here and now is underlined.

About the Author
Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Svami was installed as the 68th Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Pitha in 1907,when he was hardly 13 years old.His life spanned the greater part of the century and during the period of social and political ferment he was one of the guiding lights.He was a divine incarnation-indeed he was the greatest spiritual luminary of the times-and his mission of restoring the Vedic religion to it s old glory was no less significant than that of Adi Sankara. The master of masters was like a lambent light who rekindled the spirit of the nation and brought about a renaissance in many spheres like religion and culture.He was the voice of eternal india and he taught mankind,groping in the dark despite all the strides taken in science and technology,how to journey towards a higher destiny,how to win the highest of freedoms,the freedom of Atma-svarajya. His compassion was as boundless as his jnana.The memory of his gentle face can never be erased from the hearts and those who had seen him will cherish it always as well as the hand that conveyed his blessings.

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Edited by popa_laurentiu, 16 October 2008 - 06:07.




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Hinduism si buddhism - Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy - ed. HUMANITAS

Te poti apropia de gandirea spirituala a Indiei si altfel decat de un tinut bizar, ferecat in severitatea vocabularului de specialitate ori vizitat fantasmatic de desculti cu plete. Poti descoperi in exotismul ei aceleasi mari intrebari pe care traditiile Europei si le-au pus, le-au cercetat, le-au tematizat, acelasi tip de cautare indreptata spre un tel comun. Vreti sa cunoasteti felul in care, prin mit, India isi rosteste temele metafizice si calea spirituala, acele lucruri esentiale, ultime de care orice om are nevoie? Cititi atunci aceasta carte. Eruditia ei este cu mult intrecuta de zborul sensului si al asocierilor tematice, de pasiunea „jocului cu Dumnezeu', de nivelul concordantelor între gandirea vedantina, cea buddhista si cea a lui Platon, Eckhart ori Dante. E o carte serioasa, „grea', care isi delecteaza cititorul.

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Edited by popa_laurentiu, 17 October 2008 - 22:33.




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The System of Antichrist: Truth and Falsehood in Postmodernism and the New Age - Charles Upton

Charles Upton brings to wider public attention a new religious phenomenon. Neither religious fundamentalism nor liberal ecumenism, neither occultism nor the New Age--the return of Traditional Metaphysics, based on the doctrine of The Transcendent Unity of Religions, drawn from the little-known writings of the Traditionalist School that includes Ananda Coomaraswamy, Frithjof Schuon, Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, Seyyed hossein Nasr, Leo Schaya, and others--founded by modern metaphysician and prophetic writer Renè Guènon, who died in 1950. This phenomenon is the true Third Force  in spirituality today.

The System of Antichrist is based on an extensive study of comparative religion and metaphysics, thirteen years practicing under the guidance of a Sufi master, and first-hand experience of the Beatnic scene, the liberal peace movement, the "psychedelic" counterculture and the New Age movement. Through Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism, Upton traces the doctrine of Antichrist as a negative force that explains contemporary social and individual fragmentation and decay. In an exegesis that is centered on the Truth of traditional metaphysics, he explains the psychic phenomenon of UFO's, delves into the pitfalls of postmodern "philosophy", and  identifies the hazards and inconsistencies of occultism and the New Age.

Consistent with his theme of the deterioration and materialization of society and community, Upton illuminates the signs that mark the end of the cosmic cycle known in Hinduism as the Kali Yuga (Iron Age). The legends from a variety of religions, from Christianity to the Hopi and Lakota Indians, show correspondence and consistency in their reflection of the eternal meaning of the end of "this world," of Antichrist as both historical figure and symbol of the human ego, and of the awakening from the illusory dream of of "this world" when the ego is annihilated in God.

The System of Antichrist is a valuable resource for people seeking insight into the unique spiritual dangers and opportunities of the end times, and those looking for social, psychological and spiritual orientation in the face of the Apocalypse.

Review by Rama Coomaraswamy

Charles Upton’s System of Antichrist is a remarkable text in many ways. Not only is it a cogent discussion that leads through the many confusions associated with the current religious and pseudo-religious offerings available to serious spiritual seekers, it is animated by true stories of a person who has sampled many of their seeming delights. It is not unusual to find fundamentalist Christians to lose sight of the essential truth of their religion—in their attacks new age religions they themselves make similar errors. What is unusual is that Mr. Upton is a Muslim who overcame many of the challenges of the modern world by embracing the religion of Mohammed, but at the same time, he never lost respect for the truth to be found in his Christian origins

His critique of the present religious scene is based not on feelings or anger, but on a more metaphysical understanding of evil, the evil outside of us, and above all the evil within us, which make us susceptible and draws us to the evil outside of us. He allows us to share his own experiences as he progressed through life, and shows us how, by a study and acceptance of the teachings of all the revealed religions, and of their legitimate exponents, he not only was gifted in seeing through many errors, but was able to grow in the love of God and wisdom.

Mr. Upton’s critique is essentially a metaphysical one, as indeed it must be to be effective, but it is gentle and even chivalrous. He is not out to slay his enemies, but rather to expose their errors lest others continue to fall into traps he himself has known only too well. With this in view, the book starts out by defining the dominant themes of the post-modernist outlook, comparing them to what for lack of a better term can be called the “traditionalist” view of reality. He then proceeds to define the true nature of the new age movement and the dangers involved in being involved in the occult, and in the process he identifies the commonalities and clearly refutes the doctrines of these movements.

By choosing  several well-known, potentially harmful, pseudo-religious movements for closer examination, Mr. Upton provides guidelines for the recognition and avoidance of the pitfalls of these and other such movements that we may be exposed to now or in the future; it would seem that as one dies, ten others spring up in their place under new names or styles. Among those considered in detail are the Seth material, A Course in Miracles, The Celestine Prophecy, Don Carlos Castenaeda and the pseudo-Hindu teachings of Deepak Chopra. With these examples in mind, it becomes clear how easy it is for us to become centered in the unreliable source of truth presented by our psyches and feelings—“the fallacy of the psychic absolute.” His discussion of the dangers of “channeling,” which in one form or another is encouraged by all these movements, is excellent.

The book is a great help because, although the author is a practicing Moslem, his familiarity with other traditions such as Christianity and Hinduism demonstrate the universality of his critique. It is not a question of one man’s point of view, or even the perspective of one religion, but rather the universal conceptions of “traditionalists”. The book is aptly named The System of Antichrist; as the author points out, while the Antichrist may be seen as an individual of great power who attempts to replace God, there are in fact, as the Apostle John taught, “many Antichrists,” each contributing to the systematic attempt to displace the Good. In each of us there is the lurking Antichrist of our unredeemed ego, constantly trying to replace and supplant the Spirit of God that dwells within us. Mr. Upton’s book brings us far in unveiling the deviousness of the Antichrist, and showing how that Spirit within each of us can take its rightful place.

-Rama Coomaraswamy, May 2001

ps: Rama Coomaraswamy este fiul lui Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy

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Edited by popa_laurentiu, 19 October 2008 - 16:59.




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  • Înscris: 20.08.2008
The Transformist Illusion - Douglas Dewar

The Transformist Illusion, first published in 1957 and republished by Sophia Perennis et Universalis, by Douglas Dewar is a fascinating debunking of the Darwinian account of evolution from the perspective of a noted creationist. In recent times, the debate between evolutionists and creationists (as well as those who advocate "Intelligent Design") has become particularly pronounced and politicized. Public denial of evolution often leads to the permanent branding of noted scientists. However, the proponents of one school of thought, the Traditionalists, followers of thinkers such as Rene Guenon and Ananda Coomaraswamy, have long maintained that evolution conflicts with traditional metaphysics and involves an acceptance of the fallacy of progress. In particular, thinkers sympathetic to the Traditionalist school such as Frithjof Schuon, Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, Marco Pallis, S. H. Nasr, Lord Northbourne, Huston Smith, and Wolfgang Smith have argued against evolution and have often cited this work of Dewar to support their case. Douglas Dewar (1875 - 1957) was a British biologist and ornithologist. He studied under Sedgewick at Cambridge. In his youth he believed in the theory of evolution; however, later he came to doubt this theory. He was a founder of the Evolution Protest Movement in London in 1932. He also debated leading evolutionists including H. S. Shelton, J. B. S. Haldane, and Joseph McCabe. However, as a scientist opposing the Darwinian account, he was relegated to the sidelines and thus this book (which assembles a vast amount of palaeontological and biological evidence against the theory of evolution) had to be published in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and has been relegated to obscurity. Nevertheless, the points made in this book are important and should not be naively rejected out of hand.
First, it should be noted that Dewar regards transformism as "The doctrine that all organisms are derived from a common ancestor, or two or three ancestors." (from his Glossary). To begin with Dewar considers biology in light of the physical sciences. From the very beginning, two immediate difficulties arise for the theory of evolution. To this date these difficulties have not been resolved (despite various experimental attempts, including the "Miller experiments"). The first is the problem of the origin of life (a difficulty so great that evolutionist J. B. S. Haldane refused to debate the topic of evolution unless it was not part of the debate) and the second is the issue of entropy (evolution appears to fly in the face of entropy and the evolutionist must maintain that while the universe is like a "clock running down" the living world is like a "tiny clock running up" within that "clock running down"). Following these obvious objections, Dewar turns to the evidence from the fossils, noting that the fossils remain "hostile witnesses" to the theory of evolution. Dewar states "Not a single fossil of vital importance for support of the theory has come to light." This is the issue of the lack of transitional forms in the fossil record. Indeed, Darwinism rests largely on the following three alleged evidences: 1. structural, 2. physiological, and 3. historical, and Darwin himself largely dismissed the evidence of the fossils. For example, Dewar brings up the issue of the lack of pre-Cambrian fossils (in the Cambrian period a great marine fauna appears abruptly). Darwinists have searched for such fossils in vain and have variously tried to explain this lack of fossils all to no avail as Dewar shows. Dewar next considers the succession of the faunas, showing the fossil evidence from each of the respective geological periods. Following this, Dewar discusses the origins of the families and evolution of the families, discussing for example the cases of the sea-cow and the horse. After this discussion, Dewar turns to the alleged fossil links between man and non-human ancestors, showing each of these alleged links to be problematic. Dewar also discusses transformism versus the geological record, showing the absurdity of such ideas as "clandestine evolution". Following this, Dewar brings up evidence from experiments (showing the failure of breeders to prove the transformist correct) as well as evidence of the geological distribution of animals. Dewar also considers the case of nascent and vestigial structures (such as the appendix in man) showing that while these structures are often assumed to be vestigial that they are often not so. Next, Dewar considers the case of blood-precipitation tests which were used as evidence for evolution in the Scopes trial; however, he shows such evidence to be faulty. Dewar also considers the development of the animal embroyo, fully refuting Haeckel's claim that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" (now not accepted by many evolutionists) and shows Haeckel to have been a confabulator in other cases. Dewar also considers the cases of metamorphosis and parasitism and the alleged evidence they offer for evolution. Dewar also considers some transformations posited by the theory of evolution, mentioning the alleged transformation from fish to amphibian to reptile. However, as he shows this alleged transformation is problematic, despite cases of lung-fish and pteradactls (or archaeopteryx). Dewar also considers some characters incompatible with evolution and the role of instincts (which also offers evidence against the theory of evolution). Dewar ends by concluding that the transformist hypothesis is discredited as an illusion and that while the theory of evolution claims to do away with miracles, it in fact involves more miracles than the creationist account (which only involves one miracle). From this Dewar concludes, that the creationist account of the origins of life makes more sense. Dewar includes several appendices and a glossary of useful terms. The first appendix deals with the issue of classification, the second appendix deals with the dating of geological deposits (something which Dewar also calls into question), the third appendix deals with some characteristics of birds that are apparently incompatible with the theory of evolution, and the last appendix deals with some discoveries concerning early man (including the case of the Piltdown man, which ironically, for the evolutionist, turned out to be a forgery!).
For anyone trying to understand the debate of the origins of life, this book remains an important one. Today, evolution reigns supreme among most scientists; however, many of us secretly harbor doubts. Too often evolution is accepted as simply fact merely because noted scientists say so. However, as Dewar's book shows, the theory itself (the transformist hypothesis) has a lot to account for, which it cannot. This is essential reading for those trying to grapple with this issue and is highly recommended.

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  • Înscris: 20.08.2008
Editie bilingva, ingrijita, traducere, tabel cronologic, note si postfata de Andrei Bereschi


Edited by popa_laurentiu, 21 October 2008 - 18:59.



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  • Înscris: 23.02.2008
Filmul "Pharmacratic inquisition" dezvaluie o alta latura a ichizitiei impuse de religie. Foarte probabil multe din secretele Vaticanului au legatura cu cele prezentate in acest film.




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  • Înscris: 21.11.2008

Starile multiple ale fiintei - Rene Guenon

Ar fi imposibil să definim doctrina „Starilor multiple ale ființei”, căci orice definiție ar limita sensul metafizic al acestei doctrine a cărei universalitate depășește puterea de cuprindere a mentalului nostru: Căci prin rațiune și prin imaginație e imposibil de înțeles miezul acestei doctrine care poate fi asimțit doar prin intuiție intelctuală.
De multe ori, la lectura acestei cărți, s-ar putea presupune că e vorba de multiplele aspecte cosmolohice și antropologice ale lumii noastre, cu cele trei niveluri ale ei: grosier, subtil și spiritual, când acestă lume corespunde, în realitate, numai uneia din multioplele lumi posibile.
Florin Mihaescu, din prefața la volumul „Stările multiple.....”
Noi toți, forme vizibile și invizibile ale Universului, provenim din Infinit; nu putem ieși din el, ci suntem mereu legați de el prin esență; și vom ramâne , dincolo de forme, în acest Infinit, căruia n-am încetat niciodată să-i fim molecule insesizabile, infinitezimale dar imperativ necesare.
Matigioi (Albert de Pouvourville) fragment de textul inclus in volum ce vine și limpezește o parte a obscurității textului lui Rene Guenon

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Edited by solo2, 21 November 2008 - 03:14.



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Iată doamnelor și domnilor Anti-Tradiția documentată:

[ http://www.integraltradition.com/catalog/images/penn-false.JPG - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

False Dawn - Lee Penn

the united religions initiative, globalism, and the quest for a one-world religion

Foreword ? 1
Editor?s Foreword: The ?Counter-Initiation?
Documented?a Traditionalist Perspective ? 3
Author?s Introduction, with an Apologia ? 5
The Argument, in Brief ? 5
Apologia: Replies to a Skeptic?s Questions ? 8
A Road Map for Readers ? 14
The Intellectual Precursors of Today?s New Age Movement ? 18
Present-Day New Age Supporters of the United Religions Initiative ? 21
Globalist Politicians and Businessmen ? 23
Acknowledgments ? 28
Methods ? 29


Point : Counterpoint ?
Chapter 1: One Anglican Bishop?s Dream ? 35

Chapter 2: The Rise of the United Religions Initiative ? 39

The Interfaith Movement of the 20th Century: Seed-bed of the URI ? 39
Founding the URI: 1993?1996 ? 44
Laying the Groundwork: 1997?1999 ? 45
Establishing Global Presence: 2000?2002 ? 47
The URI in 2004: ?We Are Everywhere? ? 53
URI?s Global Leadership: Diversity in Action ? 55
URI Funding: Secular Foundations, Billionaires, and Theosophists ? 57
?Appreciative Inquiry?: Molding Minds For A Post-Modern Religion ? 63
Flexible Response: URI?s Changes in Strategy Since 1996 ? 66

Chapter 3: The Ideals and the Practice of the URI ? 69
The URI Charter ? 69
Good Fruit: Works of Mercy by URI Cooperation Circles ? 73
Africa ? 73
Asia ? 75
United States ? 76
Seven Bad Fruit: URI Activists? Cultural Radicalism ? 76
Equivocation on Radical Islam ? 77
Hospitality for a Convicted Rapist and Terrorism Suspect ? 79
SIECUS and the Sexual Revolution ? 82
The Dog That Did Not Bark: The ?Gay Agenda? Goes Missing
From The URI ? 83
Huston Smith and ?Entheogens??Proposing Better Religion
Through Chemistry ? 84
Bishop Swing?s Condemnation of ?Entheogens? ? 86
Interfaith Indoctrination for Children ? 87
?Peacebuilding? by Muzzling the Press in Zimbabwe ? 89
Other Oddities: From Pseudo-Shamanism to the ?Lowerarchy? ? 90

Chapter 4: The URI?s Friends in High Places ? 93
The United Nations ? 93
The UN Environmental Program (UNEP) ? 96
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) ? 98
Politicians: From the White House to the State House ? 99
George Soros ? 101
Movements for ?Global Governance? ? 102
The State of the World Forum ? 102
The Earth Charter Movement ? 104

Chapter 5: Among the Nations: The Non-Christian
Supporters of the URI ? 105
Traditional Religions and the URI ? 105
Jews ? 105
Muslims ? 106
Non-Abrahamic Faiths ? 107
The Interfaith Movement and the URI ? ?Unity in Diversity?
in Practice ? 109
New Religious Movements and the URI ? 115
Sects and Cults ? 115
The Uni?cation Church ? 115
The Strange Religion of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon ? 116
The Uni?cationists? Work with the URI ? 124
Scientologists and the ?New Cult Awareness Network?  ? 126
ISKCON?The ?Hare Krishna? movement ? 126
Wicca and the Goddess Movement ? 127
The Benign Public Face of Wicca ? 128
Transgressive Religion: From Polyamory to ?Root-Based Sorcery? ? 129
Theosophy and the New Age Movement ? 131
The Lucis Trust: Followers of Alice A. Bailey ? 132
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson ? 132
Robert Muller ? 133
Barbara Marx Hubbard ? 134
Neale Donald Walsch ? 135
Spiritual Odds and Ends ? 136

Chapter 6: A Divided Verdict ? The Churches and the URI ? 140
The Anglican Communion ? 140
Mainstream Anglicanism ? 140
New Age Anglicanism ? 146
Lauren Artress and the Labyrinth Movement ? 146
James Parks Morton and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine ? 150
Matthew Fox and the ?Techno Cosmic Mass? ? 152
Other Protestants ? 156
Latter-Day Saints ? 157
Eastern Orthodoxy and the Oriental Orthodox Churches ? 158
The Catholic Church ? 158
Vatican Opposition ? 158
Catholic Dissent?Standing With the United Religions ? 160
The Archdiocese of San Francisco ? 161
Catholics on the URI Global Council ? 165
Other Catholic URI Leaders and Activists ? 166

Chapter 7: Fourteen Reasons to Stand Against the United
Religions Initiative ? 175
[i]   The URI Versus Christian Evangelism ? 175
[ii]  Stigmatizing ?Exclusive Religions? and Orthodoxy as
?Fundamentalism? ? 182
[iii]  Laying the Ground for a New Religion of the ?Sacred Earth? ? 188
Bishop Swing ? 189
Other URI Leaders and Proponents ? 191
The United Communities of Spirit ? 197
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: The Syncretic Language and Symbols of the URI ? 198
Syncretism in Stone: Designing an Interfaith Temple ? 201
The Implications of Religious Syncretism ? 203
[iv]  Fostering Dissent Within Traditional Religions ? 205
[v] A ?New Ethic? for the New World Order: Hans Küng?s
Global Ethic ? 206

[vi] Secular Millenarianism ? 211
[vii] A Fanciful View of History ? 214
[viii] Religious Relativism ? 215
[ix] Population Control ? 217
[x] A Worldly, Utilitarian View of Religion ? 222
[xi] The Political Agenda of the URI ? 224
[xii] Feminism and the Ordination of Women ? 226
[xiii]  Promotion of the New Age Movement, Pantheism, and
Theosophy ? 227
[xiv] The United Religions Is Not Required by the Christian
Call to Unity ? 229
The Documents of Vatican II ? 230
Papal Teachings Since Vatican II ? 232

Chapter 8: Closing the Case Against the URI ? 235


Point : Counterpoint ? 239

Chapter 9: The New Age Movement: Frivolous in Appearance,
Sinister in Substance ? 246

Chapter 10: Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society ? 248
Mankind and Nature as ?Gods? ? 249
Sympathy for the Devil ? 249
Inverting Christian Tradition ? 251
Population Control?in 1888 ? 252
Evolutionary Racism ? 252
The Theosophical Swastika ? 253
Dragon-Worship: The Religion of the Ancients?and of the Future ? 255
Hatred for the Christian Churches ? 256
The Worldwide In?uence of Blavatsky and of Theosophy ? 256

Chapter 11: Alice A. Bailey and the Lucis Trust ? 259
Continuing Blavatsky?s Work ? 260
Praising the Fallen Angels and Re-de?ning ?666? ? 260
Proclaiming Human Divinity and Denying Christ ? 262
Population Control ? 263
Astrological Racism ? 264
Human Inequality in the New Age ? 265
Anti-Semitism ? 265
Equal-Opportunity Contempt for Traditional Religions ? 269
The Coming New Religion ? 270
Updating Freemasonry for the New Religion ? 273
Dealing With ?Reactionary Forces? ? 274
Bailey?s New World Order: ?A New Power of Sacri?ce? ? 274
World Wars and Atom Bombs: Engines of Human Evolution ? 276
Praise for Communism: From Lenin to Mao ? 279
Human Civilization: Destruction and Rebirth ? 282
The End of the Theosophical Road: ?The Center of Pure Darkness? ? 283

Chapter 12: Present-Day Followers of Alice Bailey ? 284
Pathways to Peace and its Theosophical Associates ? 284
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson ? 285

Chapter 13: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ? 286
The Emerging ?Common Soul of Humanity? ? 287
The Bleak Eschatology of the ?Omega Point? ? 288
?Faith in Progress? ? 288
Apologetics for Totalitarianism ? 289
Balancing ?Laissez Faire? with ?Firmness? ? 293
A Pragmatic, Evolutionary Case for Euthanasia and Eugenics ? 294
Darwinian Racism ? 296
World War II as a ?Crisis of Birth? for Humanity ? 299
Atom Bombs: Heralding the Coming of the ?Spirit of the Earth? ? 300
The Coming ?Separation? of Reactionaries and Progressives ? 301
?The Age of Nations Has Passed? ? 302
Exalting ?Planning? and Use of Man?s Power ? 302
Evolutionary Utopia: ?War in a Naturally Sublimated Form? ? 303
The Vatican?s 1962 Warning Against Teilhard?s Works ? 304
A Present-day Vatican ?Compromise? With Teilhard? ? 304

Chapter 14: Robert Muller ? 306
Heterodox Theology and Cosmology ? 306
Building a New World Order and Establishing ?Proper
Earth Government? ? 308
The Fate of Opponents: ?A Special Corral of the Universe? ? 312
Muller?s Theosophical Connections ? 313

Chapter 15: Barbara Marx Hubbard ? 316
Inverted Theology: ?We Are Gods!? ? 316
New Morality, From the Womb to the Tomb ? 319
The Coming ?Selection? of Mankind ? 320
Atom Bombs and ?Conscious Evolution? ? 323
The New Order: ?The Next Stage of Individualism? ? 324
Barbara Marx Hubbard and Theosophy ? 324
A Well-Connected ?Futurist? ? 326

Chapter 16: Neale Donald Walsch ? 327
Walsch?s Blob God, an Evolving ?God? of Good and Evil ? 327
Demoting Jesus to ?Highly Evolved Being? ? 328
Denying Death, Praising the ?Cosmic Wheel? ? 329
?Hitler Went To Heaven? ? 330
A Relativist, Utilitarian ?God? ? 331
Libertine Theology ? 332
Libertine Practice: Free Love, Communal Parenting, and Euthanasia ? 333
The Judgments of Walsch?s Tolerant God ? 336
Grains of Truth Amidst the New Age Sewage ? 337
Overthrowing the Churches and Proclaiming the New Gospel ? 339
The Apocalyptic Choice: Utopia or Doom ? 341
Communism and World Government, as the Extraterrestrials Do It ? 342
Walsch?s Heroes and Allies ? 346
Neale Donald Walsch and Theosophy ? 347

Chapter 17: The Inverted Spirituality and Politics of the New Age Movement ? 348


Point : Counterpoint ? 355
The Coercive Utopians of the 21st Century ? 358

Chapter 18: Mikhail Gorbachev, ?Man With a Still-Unful?lled Destiny? ? 359
?The Socialist Idea is Inextinguishable? ? 359
?Nature Is My God? ? 361
Gorbachev?s Smallpox Hoard ? 361
The ?Last Remaining Global Leader?? ? 362

Chapter 19: The State of the World Forum ? 365
Aims: ?Re-inventing the World? and ?Global Governance? ? 365
Out With Traditional Religions; In With the New Age ? 366
?Progressive? Global Governance ? 370
Implementing the ?Population Plan? ? 372
The Lighter Side of the Forum: Nude Marches, Tantric Sex,
and Entheogens ? 373
?Simple Living? for the Global Elite ? 375
Post-modern Shamanism ? 376
The Forum?s Elite Supporters ? 378

Chapter 20: The Earth Charter ? 380
The Earth Charter: a Velvet Glove ? 384
The Green Cross Philosophy: The Earth Charter?s Iron Fist ? 386

Chapter 21: Maurice Strong ? 389
Chapter 22: The World Economic Forum ? 393
Chapter 23: Are the New Age and Globalist Movements a Conspiracy? ? 396


Point : Counterpoint ? 401

Chapter 24: The Ascendancy of the ?Anti-Tradition? ? 404
Chapter 25: A Speculative Postscript: After the ?Anti-Tradition,? the Final ?Counter-Tradition?? ? 409

An Advisory ? 409
Abnormal Times ? 409
The End of the Age? ?Papal Warnings Against the Left ? 410
An Apocalyptic Threat From the Right, as Well? ? 413
The Two-Fold Threat: Lessons From History ? 415
The Two-Fold Threat: Warnings From Scripture and Patristic Tradition ? 417
A False Hope: the ?Great King? of the West and a Future ?Holy Pope? ? 419
Religious Sectarianism: Laying the Foundation for the Final Deception ? 421
Spiritual Vulnerability: the Fetishes of Authority and Obedience ? 431
Outside the Church, Two Witnesses to the Dual Peril ? 432
The Nihilist?s Dark Prophecies: Friedrich Nietzsche ? 432
The Warnings of a Su? Metaphysician, René Guénon ? 436
What Is To Be Done? ? 438
Sed Contra: Against Extreme-Right ?Solutions? to the Crisis ? 440
A Challenge: Is Orthodoxy Better Than Heresy? ? 447

Appendix I: The URI Charter?s ?Preamble, Purpose, and Principles? ? 449
Appendix II: URI?s Global Leadership ? 452
A Selective Bibliography ? 455
Author?s Biography ? 479
Index ? 481


Edited by solo2, 21 November 2008 - 05:12.



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Despre rugaciune - Dinu Cruga

«Omul este atât de împietrit în nefiresc, încât nu mai poate întelege ce vor sã ne spunã Sfintii Pãrinti prin „firesc”. Omul se uitã la sine, se uitã la altul, dar nu vede nimic nefiresc. El nu mai stie de o tintã a firii, de o tainicã rânduialã a facerii dintâi. Pentru el o altã vietuire decât aceea pe care o petrece, ori nu existã, ori este vorbãrie „cãlugãreascã”, plãsmuitã din ceasloave si cãrti vechi, de acum sute de ani în urmã, fãrã nici o legãturã cu „realitatea” vietii lui, cu limbajul folosit si mentalitatea existentã acum.» (Dinu CRUGA p. 10-11)

I. Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, fiinta rugaciunii 5
II. Despre temeiurile de invatatura si scopul „metodelor” ascetice sihaste si a celor straine sihasmului 203
III. Rugaciunea inimii 470
IV. Trairea prezentei lui Dumnezeu de-a lungul veacurilor crestine

In loc de Prefata
Daca mi-as lega anii tineretii de vreun fir menit sa ramana neatins de destramarea varstelor, as incepe pesemne din chilia de sub clopotnita Manastirii Antim, caci de acolo, prietenia cu Sandu Tudor (pe atunci Parintele Agaton) si Codin (Alexandru) Mironescu, mi-a descifrat nenumarate nedumeriri, pentru a nu spune iscodiri, ale mintii; si firul s-ar undui nu departe de Antim, unde o alta prietenie, a Par.Arhimandrit Benedict Ghius, surghiunit la Cernica dar deseori gazduit in casa generalului Tetrat, cand venea la Bucuresti, m-a indemnat spre duhul celor ce le cugetam, nu pentru tagaduirea ci pentru iluminarea insufletitoare a literei; si in sfarsit, firul ar ingenunchia la picioarele duhovnicului Gheorghe Rosca, de la care am invatat, si care mi-a dat pe o bucata de hartie, spre a o purta si cugeta, locurile din Scripturi care vorbesc despre inima si rugaciune. Si tot de la el am capatat o copie, batuta la masina, a celor doua volume din "Sbornic".
Sandu Tudor m'a sfatuit sa invat locurile pe din afara, pana imi devin una cu gandurile mintii si bataile inimii, dar sa nu ma incumet a le talcui intelesuri. Daca neastamparul firesc al mintii mi-ar cere cu tot dinadinsul sa afle cele nevadite dar ascunse spre aflare in duhul celor scrise din Scripturi, sa n-o las sa-si roada propriile ei reflexii si cugetari, ci sa-i dau drept hrana pe Sfintii Parinti care au scris despre rugaciune, sa-i dau sa mestece Filocalia, din care in acea vreme incepusera sa apara primele volume, traduse de Par.Dumitru Staniloae. Iar pentru sfatuire duhovniceasca, mai apropiata de timpurile noastre, sa citeasca si sa reciteasca predosloviile la sfintii parinti sinaiti,ale Staretului Vasile de la Poiana Marului, incluse in volumul al doilea din Sbornic.
Par.Benedict m'a sfatuit la acelasi lucru, dar pe alta cale. Sa-i dau mintii zilnic, cate o pagina sau doua, fie din Octoih, fie din Penticostar, fie din Ceaslov, caci numai in ele, rugaciunea se afla in obstea Sfintilor, indemnand mintea si inima sa ingenunchie in fata lui Dumnezeu cu potrivita si smerita cugetare.
Iar Par.Gheorghe Rosca imi spunea: citeste in fiecare zi cate o invatatura din ostenitorii Patericului, si nu pleca de langa ea pana nu culegi o roada in randuiala firii tale si in propria ta rugaciune.
De la bun inceput insa m-am poticnit in smerirea unui vers al Apostolului Pavel: "Duhul vine in ajutorul slabiciunii noastre, caci noi nu stim sa ne rugam cum trebuie, ci Insusi Duhul Se roaga pentru noi cu suspine negraite"(Rom. 8; 26). Si in aceasta smerire ramas-am pana in ziua de astazi, stiind doar ca rugaciunea ESTE, nu insa si ce este, cum ar spune Sfantul Grigorie Palama. In ce fel am cunoaste fiinta rugaciunii, daca nu cunoastem "cum" trebuie sa ne rugam, adica lucrarile, suspinele negraite, modurile care fac cunoscut ca fiinta rugaciunii exista si pe care numai Duhul cel Sfant le cunoaste? Iar daca ajungem a le cunoaste, aceasta nu poate fi atribuita nici puterilor noastre firesti de a cunoaste, nici ostenelilor noastre, ci Duhului Sfant salasluit in noi, care din noi si pentru noi se roaga cu suspine negraite. Iar daca numai Duhul stie sa se roage pentru noi cum trebuie inseamna ca propriu zis nu noi suntem cei care dibuim, mestesugim sau "inventam" modurile rugaciunii, ci doar ne impartasim tainic de ele, sau mai bine zis, Duhul cel Sfant dand rugaciune celor ce se roaga, da spre impartasire si modul cuvenit de a o savarsi potrivit puterii fiecaruia.
Nu putin m'a tulburat si acel "cum trebuie". Caci daca numai Duhul stie sa se roage pentru noi cum trebuie, inseamna oare ca orice alta rugaciune fara de suspinele negraite ale Duhului, nu este cum trebuie si ca atare trebuie alungata, fiind amagitoare si pierzatoare de suflet? Dar intrucat raspuns la o asemenea intrebare, ar insemna chemarea Duhului Sfant la judecata mintii noastre nestiutoare, socotit-am ca acel "trebuie", nu se refera in primul rand la pravila sau randuiala rugaciunii, ori la desimea rostirii ei, ci la decurgerea ei fireasca din fiinta rugaciunii pe care o face cunoscuta. Altfel spus, modurile si lucrarile rugaciunii sunt deosebite si nici decum insasi fiinta rugaciunii, dar ele nu sunt niciodata despartite de fiinta rugaciunii care le savarseste, fapt pentru care aceasta se numeste din toate lucrarile sale. Si orice numire s-ar da lucrarilor, modurilor rugaciunii, "prin toate nu se numeste nimic altceva decat ascunsul acela, care nu se cunoaste nicidecum ce este" (*).
Sfintii Parinti si marii traitori ai rugaciunii, ne-au lasat exact aceste marturii ale modului personal de a primi rugaciunea si de a-i savarsi lucrarea potrivit deprinderii, cugetarilor, simtirilor si puterii fiecaruia, dar mai ales potrivit harului impreuna lucrator,sustinator si desavarsitor al rugaciunii. Vorbim de o randuiala a rugaciunii, punand de obicei laolalta, trasaturile sau treptuirile comune marturisite de traitorii ei, dar aceasta nu inseamna nici sistematizarea, nici dogmatizarea, nici "intelectualizarea" rugaciunii, caci daca poti sistematiza prin cugetare patimile pe care trebuie sa le lepezi, virtutile spre a caror dobandire te ostenesti sau felurile deosebite de rostire ale rugaciunii, nu poti face acelasi lucru cu lucrarea de taina a harului necreat, fara de care nici nu te poti despatimi, nici imbogati cu virtuti, nici chiar alege la intamplare felul cum trebuie sa te rogi. Nimeni nu invata rugaciunea din tratate sau la vreun seminar de teologie mistica. Duhovnicia rugaciunii nu se bizuie pe vreun "manual" cu sisteme si reguli de "exercitii spirituale". Aceasta nu inseamna ca nu exista o ratiune a rugaciunii; dar silogismele ei nu se gasesc in nici un curs de logica. Si iarasi, rugaciunea nu este niciodata un monolog, dar dialogul ei nu este stapanit de nici o arta a conversatiei sau dibacie retorica.
Legile dupa care iti poti randui, stapani sau manifesta miscarile firesti ale trupului si ale sufletului, nu sunt aceleasi cu ale Duhului Sfant cu care, intru care si pentru care lucrarile firesti ale trupului si ale sufletului se cer articulate, randuite si vadite. De aceea, faptul de a socoti harul dumnezeiesc drept o "dimensiune" a rugaciunii, punandu-l in randul celorlalte dimensiuni omenesti ale rugaciunii si facandu-l astfel "creat" precum sunt si acestea, cum socotesc fratii nostri catolici (chiar daca l-ar impodobi cu insusirea de "supranatural"), nu este numai o simpla "eroare" teologica, ci osandirea firii omenesti create si a tuturor energiilor ei, la neputinta depasirii de sine si prin aceasta la neputinta indumnezeirii omului, pentru care Fiul si Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu a luat trup si Suflet ca al nostru. Harul poate patrunde orice dimensiune fireasca a omului, nu insa pentru a deveni una cu acestea, ci pentru a le dezmargini, pentru a le deschide siesi, pentru a le innoi, facandu-le cunoscute prin el, lucrand omeneste pe cele dumnezeiesti si facandu-se totodata cunoscut prin ele, lucrand dumnezeieste cele omenesti ale lor. Altminteri, ce sens ar mai fi avut intruparea Unuia din Treime si trimiterea Duhului Sfant care ia din ale lui Hristos si ne vesteste noua (Ioan 16;15), daca mantuirea omului ar fi posibila numai printr'un har "creat"?
Am strans insa cu osardie o multime din cele scrise de Sfintii Parinti despre rugaciunea care le-a fost data de Duhul Sfant si despre "cum trebuie" facuta rugaciunea precum I-a invatat tot Duhul cu suspine negraite. Si cu o mica parte din cele adunate, intru saracia nepriceperii, am alcatuit cartea de fata, fara nici o lauda de a fi spus toate cate ar fi fost de spus sau toate cate ar fi trebuit sa fie spuse. Iar daca s-a strecurat ceva gresit, sau poate vreo ispitire a reflexiilor a luat-o inaintea mintii fara de paza, pacatul este numai al meu care nu stiu nici sa ma rog, nici sa scriu "cum trebuie". Marturisirea se refera indeosebi la intinderea data "tehnicilor" rugaciunii, straine "mestesugului" duhovnicesc al Sfintilor ostenitori; insistenta a fost insa intentionata, deoarece ispita acestor "metode", unde frantura de adevar, legata de participarea trupului la curatirea sufletului, dar cu totul deformata de tot restul amagitor, a dus la ratacirea si orbirea multora dintre cei, care daca nu ar fi zabovit asupra lor, poate ca li s-ar fi rasarit lumina vietii si n-ar mai fi ramas in intunericul ratacirilor pierzatoare de suflet.

Despre Dinu Cruga

Edited by cave_dweller, 21 November 2008 - 11:44.



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Dc vreti sa vedeti un film bine documenat ar trebui sa va uitati la "Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life", il gasiti pe youtube. E prezentat de oameni de stiinta cu greutate. Asta e pentru cei ce reneaga existenta Lui Dumnezeu.
Veti vedea cum dispozitive "inventate" de om in ultimii zeci de ani (cum ar fi motorul rotativ), exista in structura de baza a organismelor, si muulte alte lucruuri foarte interesante.
Cit despre asa zisele carti "grele" ale indiei, acolo scrie cumva ca trebuie sa omori crestinii pe strada cind ii prinzi sau sa le dai foc la case cuu oamenii in ele, asa cum se intimpla acum in India doar pentru ca sun crestini? Iti dau date exacte dc vrei.




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View PostMaos, on Dec 17 2008, 09:37, said:

Dc vreti sa vedeti un film bine documenat ar trebui sa va uitati la "Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life", il gasiti pe youtube. E prezentat de oameni de stiinta cu greutate. Asta e pentru cei ce reneaga existenta Lui Dumnezeu.
Veti vedea cum dispozitive "inventate" de om in ultimii zeci de ani (cum ar fi motorul rotativ), exista in structura de baza a organismelor, si muulte alte lucruuri foarte interesante.
Cit despre asa zisele carti "grele" ale indiei, acolo scrie cumva ca trebuie sa omori crestinii pe strada cind ii prinzi sau sa le dai foc la case cuu oamenii in ele, asa cum se intimpla acum in India doar pentru ca sun crestini? Iti dau date exacte dc vrei.
Intai te minunezi in fata minunilor vietii dupa care instigi la xenofobie.  Daca ai cauta adevarul ai lasa dracului filtrele dogmatice.  "crestinii sunt cei mai beton  si indienii suks"
Grow up!

Edited by geedukri, 17 December 2008 - 15:17.



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va doresc un sait gratuit unde puteti vedea scurte filme ,carti si lectii de la A la Z despre Intelepciunea CABALA


cu respect,Adrian




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Am vazut recent filmul Jesus Camp si mi s-a parut socant.

A fost deschis un topic despre Religulous, asa ca il mentionez, este un documentar comic despre religie. Bill Maher incearca sa arate cat de puerile sunt credintele oamenilor prin ironie.



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De curand am inceput sa rasfoiesc "The Ascent of Humanity" de Charles Eisenstein. Cartea este disponibila si online aici http://www.ascentofh...ty.com/text.php



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View Postgeedukri, on Dec 17 2008, 15:15, said:

Intai te minunezi in fata minunilor vietii dupa care instigi la xenofobie.  Daca ai cauta adevarul ai lasa dracului filtrele dogmatice.  "crestinii sunt cei mai beton  si indienii suks"
Grow up!

Vrei te rog sa fii mai explicit in legatura cu xenofobia depistata?


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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