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Revolta din Los Angeles, cauze si concluzii

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    Guru Member

  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 22.01.2013
Probabil una din cele mai teribile revolte populare ale istorie moderne a fost cea din Los Angeles 1992 care prin comparatie ,mineriadele provocate de conservele kgb-iste gen Ilici au fost apa de ploaie.
Pe langa pagubele de 1 miliard de dolari , 53 de victime, si miile de raniti am vazut imagini pe care nu credeam vreodata ca le pot vedea pe teritoriul SUA: drapele incediate(uluitor), fotografii cu Bill Gates si Bush incediate, magazine devastate si incediate, jafuri, violuri, etc.
De remarcat ca la jafuri participau nu doar negrii ci si albii, hispanicii, asiaticii. Au fost jefuite ,devastate si incendiate inclusiv magazinele unor negri. Parea haosul absolut in care nimeni nu mai ierta pe nimeni, indiferent de rasa.
La finalul revoltei o parte a orasului arata ca Berlinul in 1945. Politia lor desi recunoscuta pt.brutalitate, a fost complet depasita de situatie pana la sosirea Garzii Nationale.

Credeti ca unicul motiv al revoltei a fost decizia judecatoareasca injusta in cazul negrului batut de politie sau revolta a a vut si alte cauze pe care nu le cunoastem? Cum a fost posibil asa ceva in sec.XX si asta in SUA?
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QN8FCfD8Bd0?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by Valmont43, 15 June 2018 - 12:28.



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  • Înscris: 17.05.2004
Revolta inițială a fost cauzată de decizie.
După aia americănejii unemployed au văzut în asta o ocazie de jaf moka.

Da ce ți se pare SUA așa avansată ? E o țară compusă din urmașii tuturor gunoaielor din Europa, formată numai pe bază de crime și tot felul de nelegiuIri, pe un pământ furat de la amerindieni.
Plus genocid.

Edited by exceswater, 15 June 2018 - 12:31.



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 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:19, said:

Credeti ca unicul motiv al revoltei a fost decizia judecatoareasca injusta in cazul negrului batut de politie sau revolta a a vut si alte cauze pe care nu le cunoastem? Cum a fost posibil asa ceva in sec.XX si asta in SUA?
Nu asta a fost singurul motiv pt. revolte.
Printre ele se numara si:
1] rata extrem de mare a somajului  in partea de Sud a orasului LA;
2] discriminarea rasiala a Politiei fata de oamenii de culoare din Los Angeles folosinduse uz excesiv de forta;
3] tensiunile ridicate dupa agresiunea folosita de ofițerii albi asupra unui om de culoare pe nume Rodney King;
4] etc.



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  • Înscris: 22.01.2013
Haosul si distrugerile filmate nu le-am vz.nici in tari africane de-asta mi se pare uluitor ce s-a intamplat acolo.




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  • Înscris: 08.12.2005
Nu te-ai lămurit din documentarul de ieri de la NatGeo?



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 ursamajor, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:31, said:

Nu te-ai lămurit din documentarul de ieri de la NatGeo?
Pai documentarul de ieri m-a pus si mai tare pe ganduri. Pur si simplu nu pot intelege cum de s-au petrecut asemenea grozavii.
Ori Homo Sapiens este un animal periculos care poate instaura o anarhie absoluta, si atunci asa ceva se poate intampla ORIUNDE. Nu uita ce s-ar putea intampla in UE cu atatia imigranti....



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  • Înscris: 17.05.2004
Îngerașul de Rodney King


Early life
King was born in Sacramento, California in 1965, the son of Ronald and Odessa King. He and his four siblings grew up in Altadena, California.[2][3] King attended John Muir High School and often talked about being inspired by his social science teacher, Robert E. Jones.[4] King's father died in 1984[5] at the age of 42; he had been a violent alcoholic.[3]
On November 3, 1989, King robbed a store in Monterey Park, California. He threatened the Korean store owner with an iron bar, and hit him with a wooden pole. King stole two hundred dollars in cash during the robbery. He was caught, convicted, and sentenced to two years imprisonment. He was released on December 27, 1990, after serving one year in prison.[3]

1991 police incident in Los Angeles
Early in the morning of March 3, 1991, King, with his friends Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms, were driving a 1987 Hyundai Excel/Mitsubishi Precis west on the Foothill Freeway (Interstate 210) in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. The three had spent the night watching basketball and drinking at a friend's house in Los Angeles.[7] At 12:30 a.m., officers Tim and Melanie Singer, husband-and-wife members of the California Highway Patrol, noticed King's car speeding on the freeway. They pursued King, and the pursuit reached high speeds, while King refused to pull over.[8][9] King later admitted he tried to outrun the police because a charge of driving under the influence would violate his parole for his previous robbery conviction.[10]
King left the freeway near the Hansen Dam Recreation Center and the pursuit continued through residential streets at speeds ranging from 55 to 80 miles per hour (90 to 130 km/h).[11][12] By this point, several police cars and a police helicopter had joined in the pursuit. After approximately 8 miles (13 km), officers cornered King in his car near the corner of Foothill Boulevard and Osborne Street (34.273154°N 118.392762°W). The first five Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers to arrive were Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno, and Rolando Solano.[13]
Screenshots of King lying down and being beaten by LAPD officers
Officer Tim Singer ordered King and his two passengers to exit the vehicle and to lie face down on the ground. Allen claims he was manhandled, kicked, stomped, taunted, and threatened.[14] Helms was hit in the head while lying on the ground; he was treated for a laceration on the top of his head.[15] His bloody baseball cap was turned over to police. King remained in the car. When he emerged, he was reported to have been gagged, to have patted the ground, and waved to the police helicopter overhead.[12] King grabbed his buttocks, which Officer Melanie Singer took to mean King was reaching for a weapon,[16] though he was later found to be unarmed.[17] She drew her pistol and pointed it at King, ordering him to lie on the ground. Singer approached, gun drawn, preparing to arrest him. At this point, Koon, the ranking officer at the scene, told Singer that the LAPD was taking command and ordered all officers to holster their weapons.[18]
LAPD officers are taught to approach a suspect without his/her gun drawn, as there is a risk that any suspect may gain control of it if an officer gets too close.[19] Koon ordered the four other LAPD officers at the scene—Briseno, Powell, Solano, and Wind—to subdue and handcuff King using a technique called a "swarm." This involves multiple officers grabbing a suspect with empty hands, in order to quickly overcome potential resistance. As four officers attempted to restrain King, King resisted by standing to remove Officers Powell and Briseno from his back. The officers later testified that they believed King was under the influence of phencyclidine (PCP),[20] although King's toxicology tested negative for the drug.[21]
Holliday video
Screenshot of King being beaten by LAPD officers
King was twice tasered by Koon. This marks the approximate start of the period that George Holliday videotaped. In the tape, King is seen on the ground. He rises and rushes toward Powell—as argued in court, either to attack Powell or to flee—and King and Powell collided in the rush.[22] Taser wire can be seen on King's body. Officer Powell strikes King with his baton, and King is knocked to the ground. Powell strikes King several more times with his baton. Briseno moves in, attempting to stop Powell from striking again, and Powell stands back. Koon reportedly said, "That's enough." King rises again, to his knees; Powell and Wind are seen hitting King with their batons.
External video 3/7/91: Video of Rodney King beaten by police.
Koon acknowledged ordering the continued use of batons, directing Powell and Wind to strike King with "power strokes." According to Koon, Powell and Wind used "bursts of power strokes, then backed off." The officers beat King, who was already subdued. In the videotape, King continues to try to stand again. Koon orders the officers to "hit his joints, hit the wrists, hit his elbows, hit his knees, hit his ankles." Officers Wind, Briseno, and Powell attempted numerous baton strikes on King, resulting in some misses but with 33 blows hitting King, plus six kicks. The officers again "swarm" King, but this time a total of eight officers are involved in the swarm. King is placed in handcuffs and cordcuffs, restraining his arms and legs. King is dragged on his abdomen to the side of the road to await the arrival of emergency medical rescue.[citation needed]
Holliday shot a videotape of the incident on his camcorder from his apartment near the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Osborne Street in Lake View Terrace. Two days later, Holliday called LAPD headquarters at Parker Center to let the police department know that he had a videotape of the incident, but he could not find anyone who was interested in seeing the video. He went to KTLA television with his videotape. The station cut ten seconds of the video, before the image was in focus, that showed an extremely blurry shot of King charging at the officers. Later members of the jury said that this cut footage was essential to their decision to acquit the officers.[23] The footage as a whole became an instant media sensation. Portions were aired numerous times, and it "turned what would otherwise have been a violent, but soon forgotten, encounter between the Los Angeles police and an uncooperative suspect into one of the most widely watched and discussed incidents of its kind."[24]
The Holliday video of the Rodney King arrest is a fairly early example of modern surveillance, wherein civilians, with the aid of increasingly sophisticated and affordable video equipment, record significant events. Several "copwatch" organizations subsequently were started throughout the United States to safeguard against police abuse, including an umbrella group, October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality.[25]

On June 17, 2012, Cynthia Kelly found King lying underwater at the bottom of his swimming pool.[65][66] Police in Rialto received a 911 call from Kelly at about 5:25 a.m. (PDT).[67][68] Responding officers removed King from the pool and attempted to revive him. He was transferred by ambulance to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, California and was pronounced dead on arrival at 6:11 a.m. (PDT) The Rialto Police Department began a standard drowning investigation and said there did not appear to be any foul play. On August 23, 2012, King's autopsy results were released, stating he died of accidental drowning. The combination of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana found in his system were contributing factors. The conclusion of the report stated: "The effects of the drugs and alcohol, combined with the subject's heart condition, probably precipitated a cardiac arrhythmia, and the subject, incapacitated in the water, was unable to save himself."[69][70] Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at King's funeral. King is interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles County, California.[71][72][73]



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 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:19, said:

Pe langa pagubele de 1 miliard de dolari , 53 de victime, si miile de raniti am vazut imagini pe care nu credeam vreodata ca le pot vedea pe teritoriul SUA: drapele incediate(uluitor), fotografii cu Bill Gates si Bush incediate, magazine devastate si incediate, jafuri, violuri, etc.
Ce are a face teritoriul SUA, de ce crezi ca oamenii de acolo la mare suparare se comporta diferit de cei din alte parti ale lumii?
1992 Los Angeles riots

Revolta din Los Angeles

Edited by poadol, 15 June 2018 - 12:44.



    traieste, si lasa-i si pe ceilalti sa traiasca

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  • Înscris: 04.09.2017
chiar daca avem constiinta de sine, apartinem regnului animal ! ...
animale, pe care noi insine, le-am depasit prin lipsa de respect ptr victime,
dar mai ales ptr natura mama ! ... am facut sa dispara mai multe specii decat toate catastrofele
naturale la un loc !...
suntem mai animale decat orice animal !

Edited by realduc, 15 June 2018 - 12:59.



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 poadol, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:43, said:

Ce are a face teritoriul SUA, de ce crezi ca oamenii de acolo la mare suparare se comporta diferit de cei din alte parti ale lumii?

Sunt de acord cu tine dar nu cred ca mai exista un echivalent in istoria moderna, de-asta revolta din LA pare unica...



    Targu Mures

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 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:19, said:

Probabil una din cele mai teribile revolte populare ale istorie moderne a fost cea din Los Angeles 1992
La finalul revoltei o parte a orasului arata ca Berlinul in 1945. Politia lor desi recunoscuta pt.brutalitate, a fost complet depasita de situatie pana la sosirea Garzii Nationale.

Aseara,14.06.2018, a fost un documentar pe aceasta tema pe NG.
Ce-am vazut si inteles eu este faptul ca aceea politia recunoscuta pentru brutalitate n-a fost nicidecum depasita,pentru ca n-avea cum.A fost total absenta.Eu zic si acum,cum am zis-o si atunci,ca politia a facut deliberat pasul inapoi.Politistii au aparut pe strazi,dupa climaxul evenimentelor.

Guvernatorul la aceea ora al Californiei a facut o declaratie pentru care ar fi meritat sa fie spanzurat de Golden Gate,cand a spus ca Garda Nationala n-a intervenit pentru ca nu avea munitie suficienta si a trebuit asteptat sa se trimita munitia aferenta de undeva aiurea.



    I'm too old for this shit

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  • Înscris: 02.06.2005
De ce mineriadele au fost apa de ploaie, au murit mai multi la noi...



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 dreaQ, on 15 iunie 2018 - 13:03, said:

De ce mineriadele au fost apa de ploaie, au murit mai multi la noi...
La mineriada din 1990 :
Morți 6 (oficial:patru morți prin împușcare, un decedat în urma unui infarct și o persoană înjunghiată)
Răniți 746 (oficial)
Ca pagube materiale au fost infinit mai mici decat cele din LA
Desigur asta nu minimizeaza mineriadele dar nu se pot compara cu revolta din LA



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Daca se intampla asa ceva in UE, nu vei vedea militari pe strada ci vom fi invitati sa raspundem pacifist si sa oferim flori.

 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 13:02, said:

Sunt de acord cu tine dar nu cred ca mai exista un echivalent in istoria moderna, de-asta revolta din LA pare unica...
Revolutia Romana din 1989.




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  • Înscris: 08.12.2005

 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 12:35, said:

Pai documentarul de ieri m-a pus si mai tare pe ganduri. Pur si simplu nu pot intelege cum de s-au petrecut asemenea grozavii.
Ori Homo Sapiens este un animal periculos care poate instaura o anarhie absoluta, si atunci asa ceva se poate intampla ORIUNDE. Nu uita ce s-ar putea intampla in UE cu atatia imigranti....
Istoria se repetă și se va repeta, fiindcă oamenii nu învață nici din greșelile altora, nici din cele ale trecutului.
Tensiuni interrasiale au existat, evident, și când supapa n-a mai ținut, s-a iscat furtuna. Pe mine m-a frapat că înainte de asta nu prea vedeai așa mulți negri "în față", dar acum dacă e vorba de ceva american (sport, cultură, politică etc.), e imposibil să nu fie și câțiva negri pe-acolo. Semn că s-au mai schimbat lucrurile între timp.



    I'm too old for this shit

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 02.06.2005

 Valmont43, on 15 iunie 2018 - 13:11, said:

La mineriada din 1990 :
Morți 6 (oficial:patru morți prin împușcare, un decedat în urma unui infarct și o persoană înjunghiată)
Răniți 746 (oficial)
Ca pagube materiale au fost infinit mai mici decat cele din LA
Desigur asta nu minimizeaza mineriadele dar nu se pot compara cu revolta din LA

Hai pe bune 6 morti, credem rapoartele date oficial de iliescu? In acele zile au aparut la cimitirul straulesti peste 80 de morminte cele mai mult cu "neidentificati", chiar ieri au fost o gramada de reportaje cu ocazia a 28 de ani de la mineriade.
Altfel ce a fost in state e sigur la scara mai mare...



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 Kersim, on 15 iunie 2018 - 13:16, said:

Revolutia Romana din 1989.
Chiar si atunci n-au fost atatea devastari si incendieri, si noi nu ne-am ars drapelele, doar am gaurit stema comunista si n-am dat foc inclusiv spitalelor.
Consider ca barbaria din LA nu are echivalent.



    just don't

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  • Înscris: 24.05.2006
Vorba aluia dintr-un film: 'America is like Albania on heroin'.


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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