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Apple iPad 2

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N-am citit tot topicul. Cand apare in .ro? Merita sa-l astept aici, sau sa vorbesc cu cineva afara?

"Apple might make more money selling just the iPad2 Smart Covers than Motorola will make with the Xoom."  :)



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Evolutie, nu revolutie. De ce Apple ar putea pierde batalia cu Google

Steve Jobs, CEO Apple si echivalentul unui rock-star in domeniul tehnologiei, spunea ieri in timpul conferintei de lansare ca anul 2010 a fost “anul iPad-ului”, iar anul 2011 va fi “al imitatorilor”. iPad 2 este o evolutie aproape liniara fata de primul model. Google Android 3.0 este in schimb o adevarata revolutie in comparatie cu editiile precedente.

Dincolo de noile camere video, noul iPad este, din punct de vedere functional, aproape identic cu prima varianta. Noul procesor ar putea garanta ca tableta va fi utilizabila pe termen lung, dar la ora actuala, avantajele fata de primul iPad sunt neglijabile. Apple nu a lansat, pentru moment, un nou sistem de operare, ceea ce da cel putin inca trei luni competitiei sa se mobilizeze. Actuala versiune de iOS are cateva lipsuri extrem de importante: sistemul de notificari este nepotrivit pentru o tableta, iPad-ul trebuie in continuare conectat la un computer pentru a fi folosit la potential maxim, iar lipsa compatibilitatii cu Adobe Flash este din ce in ce mai greu de justificat.

Capacitatea de a personaliza sistemul de operare, chiar si in ceea ce priveste lucruri minore, cum ar fi afisarea evenimentelor din calendar pe ecranul de pornire, este extrem de limitata. La nivel hardware, Apple inca nu a confirmat care va fi dimensiunea memoriei RAM pentru noua tableta: daca aceasta va ramane la 256MB, iPad 2 ar putea avea probleme serioase pe termen lung, similare celor cu care se confrunta in prezent utilizatorii de iPhone 3G.

Tot in ceea ce priveste dotarile hardware, o parte dintre cele mai asteptate (si solicitate) functii nu au fost incluse in iPad 2: “Retina Display”, ecranul ai carui pixeli nu se vad cu ochiul liber, nu si-a facut aparitia, tableta se conecteaza in continuare prin USB, nu prin ThunderBolt, iar slotul integrat pentru carduri SD inca nu exista. Totusi, avantajele care au consacrat primul iPad ca rege al pietei tabletelor raman: sistemul de operare este extrem de usor de invatat si utilizat, functiile au un potential enorm de a fi extinse prin intermediul celor 65 000 de aplicati disponibile, iar pretul este in continuare cel mai bun de pe piata.

Principala problema cu care s-ar putea confrunta Apple este piata power-user-ilor: daca iOS5 nu va aduce noutati majore, Apple are toate sansele sa piarda o buna parte a acestei piete extrem de importante, unde consumatorii sunt dispusi sa plateasca sume mari pentru a fi la zi cu cele mai noi gadgeturi.

Aici intra in scena Android 3.0. Daca pana acum tabletele cu Android erau, in cel mai bun caz, o alternativa destul de slaba (si foarte scumpa), varianta a treia a sistemului de operare de la Google schimba radical situatia: optimizat pentru tablete, personalizabil in cele mai mici detalii si cu un motor tehnologic nou in spate, noul Android pare venit din viitor in comparatie cu varianta curenta de iOS. Google a modificat radical interfata, design-ul este, intr-un final, atragator si pentru utilizatorii obisnuiti, iar disponbilitatea unei game largi de aparate va fi in mod sigur pe placul multora.

Principalul dezavantaj al platformei este, in prezent,  pretul aparatelor: atat Motorola Xoom cat si Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 au preturi semnificativ mai mari decat varianta de baza a tabletei Apple. Cauzate partial de presiunea pusa de Apple pe producatorii de componente, este probabil ca preturile sa ramana la un nivel ridicat pe termen scurt si posibil mediu. Samsung, unul dintre principalii competitori, are o relatie si mai ambigua cu Apple, fiind unul dintre principalii furnizori de componente pentru iPad, un contract extrem de profitabil pentru compania coreeana.

Solutia ar putea fi subventionarea noilor tablete Android de catre operatorii de telefonie mobila, dar inca nu se stie cati utilizatori vor fi dispusi sa se angajeze la plata pe termen lung a unor abonamente de date pentru aparate care inca nu si-au dovedit intru totul utilitatea practica. Acelasi lucru se aplica si pentru Apple, toate tabletele de pe piata fiind in continuare limitate in comparatie cu un laptop. iPad inca nu este vandut prin intermediul operatorilor mobili decat in foarte putine tari, dar daca Apple se decide sa semneze parteneriate cu industria telecom, situatia ar putea deveni si mai dificila pentru Google.

Ceilalti jucatori de pe piata, reprezentati in principal de HP si RIM Blackberry, inca nu au nici un produs disponibil comerical, iar capacitatea lor de a aduce suficienti dezvoltatori pentru platformele lor este discutabila, deci inca este prematur sa fie considerati jucatori cu un impact major asupra pietei.

In mod sigur, 2011 va fi marcat de batalia intre Apple si Google. Dar, spre deosebire de 2010, balanta s-a echilibrat. Date fiind argumentele enumerate mai sus, concluzia este simpla: cel mai probabil, Apple va continua sa domine piata tabletelor, dar nu cu cote de piata de 90%, cum a fost situatia in 2010 (si inca mai este). Daca urmatoarea varianta de iOS nu aduce noutati semnificative, avansul platformei Google ar putea deveni periculos pentru Apple.

sursa : http://economie.hotn...oogle.htm?cfnl=




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View Postageofdark, on 4th March 2011, 07:26, said:

Mda, Mur_Ionut scrie la ziar... :D



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Asta compara mere cu pere si ies castigatoare prunele. :lol: Cica Android 3 e mai bun ca Ipad 2. :lol: Adica un sistem de operare care insa nu a fost pus pe nici o tableta (deci nu are aplicatii dezvolatate) e mai bun decat un produs gata de folosit cu cu hardware si software deja testat de milioane pentru care exista zeci de mii de aplicatii. :)




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  • Înscris: 01.10.2010
It’s A Good Day To Be An iPad Competitor . . . Oh Wait, It’s Not
Jim Dalrymple

Apple CEO Steve Jobs on Wednesday introduced the iPad 2 at a special event in San Francisco, taking even more momentum away from its competitors.
I’ve had a lot of people in the last 24 hours tell me that the iPad 2 isn’t as revolutionary as the first generation device. Yes, that’s true. But not every device a company releases has to be or can be revolutionary.
Apple has released three revolutionary products in the last decade alone: iPod, iPhone and iPad. I really can’t think of any products from Apple’s competitors that fit in the revolutionary category in that same time period.
People also said that Apple wasn’t very forthcoming with the specs of the iPad 2. Again, that’s true, but there’s a good reason for that—nobody cares.
Well, some people care. Those of us who are geeks care about specs. However, have you ever noticed that when you sit with your non-geek friends and start listing off specs their eyes glaze over and they rest their chin in their hand.
That’s because they couldn’t care less.
The iPad 2 is no slouch either. It lost one-third of the thickness of the previous generation, and therefore it is one-third less than the size of the iPad competitors too. It also has new technologies like a gyro built-in that will launch another round of cool apps.
Yesterday’s iPad 2 announcement wasn’t about the geeks—it was about all the other people who will buy an iPad. What those people want to know is “what can I do with it?”
If it fits into their lifestyle, most people are good with that. Apple showed many ways how the iPad 2 can fit into your lifestyle.
From the very beginning, Apple was very smart with how it marketed the iPad. The first thing it did was get the device into businesses and promote the fact that it could be used to get work done. And it was quite successful with that.
In an analyst call in October 2010, Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer said the iPad was already being used in 65 percent of Fortune 100 companies. That was four months ago and the iPad has grown since then, so we can only imagine where that number is now.
This strategy allowed Apple to do two things. If it came out with the iPad and pushed the gaming capabilities of the device, the business world would have looked at it as a toy. That would have certainly meant slower adoption. It also allowed them to work on some consumer software, two of which we saw yesterday.
In addition to the iPad 2, Jobs also unveiled iMovie and GarageBand for the iPad. This is what people want to know about—what can I do with the iPad that’s exciting and new.
Obviously, creating movies and being able to edit and share them with friends and family is a very popular thing to do these days. iMovie makes that easy.
Creating music, whether a novice or pro is also a cool thing to do. GarageBand is a great app to get that done and you can move your projects to your Mac and continue working on them.
It’s not just about the hardware. Apple delivers the whole experience that nobody else can. Jobs said yesterday that there are 65,000 apps on its App Store specifically designed for the iPad. That’s a lot of things you can do.
If you think Apple’s competitors are jumping for joy because the iPad 2 isn’t revolutionary, I believe you are wrong. I think they’re scared. Yesterday, they figured out Apple’s strategy too, but a little too late.




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View Postageofdark, on 4th March 2011, 07:26, said:

Aici intra in scena Android 3.0. Daca pana acum tabletele cu Android erau, in cel mai bun caz, o alternativa destul de slaba (si foarte scumpa), varianta a treia a sistemului de operare de la Google schimba radical situatia: optimizat pentru tablete, personalizabil in cele mai mici detalii si cu un motor tehnologic nou in spate, noul Android pare venit din viitor in comparatie cu varianta curenta de iOS. Google a modificat radical interfata, design-ul este, intr-un final, atragator si pentru utilizatorii obisnuiti, iar disponbilitatea unei game largi de aparate va fi in mod sigur pe placul multora.
Daca cer 2500-3000 de lei pe Galaxy Tab 10.1, e FAIL din start, mai ales ca Androidul e gratis.
Articolul lauda Android 3 dar din cate am inteles nu s-a vandut inaca pe nici un device cu A3 pe el.
Eu zic ca Galaxy Tab 10.1 e prima tableta de la Samsung. Galaxy Tab 1 semana mai mult a telefon decat a tab, avea un design nefericit.



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ce interes are Apple sa introduca in masa tehnologii noi (thunderbolt, retina) pe iPad 2, cind competitorii sint (inca) la distanta mare fata de ecosistemul (hardware, apps, appstore, itunes) iPad original!

iPad 2 este un speed refresh, la fel ca si 3GS vs 3G.
Chiar, stie cineva daca au umblat la RAM?




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  • Înscris: 01.10.2010
Editorialul din Engadget. Atentie, Joshua Topolsky nu este nici pe departe un fan Apple. Articolul este foarte interesant, eu zic ca merita citit, desi este lung:

Editorial: It's Apple's 'post-PC' world -- we're all just living in it
By Joshua Topolsky posted Mar 3rd 2011

On Wednesday, Apple introduced the world to the iPad 2. A beautiful device, to be sure. Feature packed? You bet. Soon to be selling like hotcakes? Absolutely. But the introduction of an iteration on an already existing product wasn't the most notable piece of the event, nor was the surprise appearance of Steve Jobs. No, Wednesday's event was significant because it introduced the world to Apple's real vision for the foreseeable future, a theme the company has hinted at but never fully expressed. This week, Apple showed everyone where it was headed, challenged competitors on that direction, and made it clear that the company not only has staked a claim in that space, but is defining it.

This week, Apple stepped into the "post-PC" era of computing -- and there's no looking back, at least not for the folks in Cupertino.

By joining the company's ongoing vision of a "different" kind of computing with a soundbite friendly piece of marketing-speak, Apple has changed the rules of the game, and made the competition's efforts not just an uphill battle, but -- at least in the eyes of Steve Jobs and co. -- essentially moot. But what exactly is the "post-PC" world? And why is it significant? Let me explain.

In this new world, Apple no longer has to compete on specs and features, nor does it want to. There is no Mac vs. PC here -- only "the future" versus "the past." It won't be a debate about displays, memory, wireless options -- it will be a debate about the quality of the experience. Apple is not just eschewing the spec conversation in favor of a different conversation -- it's rendering those former conversations useless. It would be like trying to compare a race car to a deeply satisfying book. In a post-PC world, the experience of the product is central and significant above all else. It's not the RAM or CPU speed, screen resolution or number of ports which dictate whether a product is valuable; it becomes purely about the experience of using the device. What that means is that while Motorola and Verizon will spend millions of dollars advertising the Xoom's 4G upgrade options, CPU speed, and high-resolution cameras, Apple need only delight consumers and tell them that specs and and speed are the domain of a dinosaur called the PC. Apple isn't claiming victory in the Space Race -- it's ceding space to the competition.

But guess who gets Earth all to itself? Apple's not saying that it beats other tablets on the market. It's saying "we do one thing, and these guys do something else altogether." They're not competition -- they're not even playing the same game!

That's not to say Apple has given up on PCs, and in fact, the company's laptop sales are consistently exceeding expectations. But take a look at what's creeping around the corner. There's Lion, with its iOS-like interface, its simplified experience. If Apple has its way, and if the sales of its mobile devices carry on in the manner they have up until now, a post-PC outlook will even fit devices that look alarmingly like... PCs.

But right now -- in the tablet space at least -- the problem for Motorola, Samsung, HP, RIM, and anyone else who is challenging Apple becomes infinitely more difficult. Almost any company could put together a more powerful or spec-heavy tablet, but all the horsepower in the world can't help you if you don't find a way to delight the average consumer. Those other tablet makers may have superior hardware (and in the case of the Xoom, some superior software as well), but without that key component of sheer delight, the road for them is long and hard. HP is getting close by touting features like Touch-to-Share, but against experiences like the new GarageBand for iOS and the 65,000 apps (and counting) that currently exist, it's hard to see a clear path to sizable competition. That goes for Google and RIM as well.

What Apple has done by introducing its "post-PC" language into the vernacular is almost more a game of semantics. Now when Motorola boasts the brain-crushing, bone-splitting power of the Xoom, the company could easily come off like the guy who buys the red Ferrari because he has something to prove.

Apple isn't just challenging perceptions of the PC -- they're saying that the age of the PC is over (at least for most people). The company is forcing consumers to ask if they even still want or need something called a PC (while of course making sure to point out that the competition is playing the same old game). And really, that's all part of the plan. Apple is in the process of making the iPad the de-facto standard for what the next stage of computing looks like, from the look and feel to the kind of software and experiences you have on the device. Apple doesn't just want to own the market -- it wants to own the idea of the market. We've seen this act before, and we know how it ends.

There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer -- but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it.



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"What Apple hopes you didn't notice about iPad 2"



    Bah! Are we more than dumb sheep?

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Gata ma, i-au prins, Apple fura! :lol:

[ http://www.iphoneforum.ro/uploads/monthly_03_2011/post-3-0-17626600-1299186284_thumb.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]


Edited by don_dannielo, 04 March 2011 - 09:53.



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Puteau mai simplu  sa puna o poza cu parasolarele de la masina..e aceasi chestie:)



    Bah! Are we more than dumb sheep?

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View Postwalsy, on 4th March 2011, 09:16, said:

Editorialul din Engadget. Atentie, Joshua Topolsky nu este nici pe departe un fan Apple. Articolul este foarte interesant, eu zic ca merita citit, desi este lung:
Eh, pare scris de vreun miliardar care a avut companii de 3 ori cat Apple + Microsot + Intel la un loc, si stie viziuni si alte nebunii.




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View Postdon_dannielo, on 4th March 2011, 10:27, said:

Eh, pare scris de vreun miliardar care a avut companii de 3 ori cat Apple + Microsot + Intel la un loc, si stie viziuni si alte nebunii.
Joshua Topolsky este Editor-in-Chief, adica seful ala mare de la Engadget. Un fel de CT Popescu sau Cristoiu de pe la noi. :D



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O data cu lansarea iPad 2, Apple isi lanseaza si noua sigla ce va  insoti produsele lor...

Attached File  apple.jpg   7.11K   15 downloads




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View Postcrst_g, on 4th March 2011, 04:21, said:

N-am citit tot topicul. Cand apare in .ro? Merita sa-l astept aici, sau sa vorbesc cu cineva afara?

"Apple might make more money selling just the iPad2 Smart Covers than Motorola will make with the Xoom."  :)
Pe 11 martie apare in SUA, iar pe 25 martie apare in alte 26 de tari intre care Ungaria, Cehia, Polonia si bineinteles toate tarile occidentale importante. Romania, ca de obicei, nu e. Pretul in SUA, este exact acelasi ca la primul iPad, adica:
iPad 2 Wi-Fi        16 GB/32GB/64GB : $499, $599, $699
iPad 2 Wi-Fi+3G  16GB/32GB/64GB   : $629, $729, $829




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Am inteles. Deci trebuie sa-l iau de afara...



    În grafic...

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View Postbsd, on 4th March 2011, 11:01, said:

O data cu lansarea iPad 2, Apple isi lanseaza si noua sigla ce va  insoti produsele lor...

Attachment apple.jpg

Asta-i tentativă de umor sau ce?
Apple își lansează noua siglă ce va însoți produsele lor, ah?

Greu gramatica, că ie multe și are diverse înțelese...

Întreba cineva, mai sus, despre cantitatea RAM din SOC-ul A5. Nimic oficial până acum însă am citit astăzi prin bloguri tech cum că niște asiatici implicați în procesul de development pentru chip-ul ăsta se jură că-i vorba despre 512MB LPDDR3@1066 Mhz.

Edited by hubbabub1601, 04 March 2011 - 12:30.



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Nu este nici o tentativa
In cazu asta chiar se potriveste de minune..."Afara-i vopsit gardul si inauntru-i leopardul"...sau ma rog inauntru-i viermele.

In ce priveste gramatica, tastatura mea nu prevede caractere romanesti.

Edited by bsd, 04 March 2011 - 13:12.


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