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Ashwagandha - a probat cineva acest supliment.

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  • Înscris: 23.05.2010
Salutare, am tot citit pe net despre capsulele de Ashwagandha ce ajuta in producerea de testosteron si scade nivelul de cortizol. De asemenea are si alte beneficii.
Sunt curios daca exista membrii ce au probat acest supliment alimentar si daca au observat ceva schimbari, eventual ceva efecte adverse.

Edited by albnegru55, 04 March 2020 - 12:34.



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Teste clinice, ceva ?



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12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha
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Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb.
It’s classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.
Ashwagandha also provides numerous other benefits for your body and brain.
For example, it can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Here are 12 benefits of ashwagandha that are supported by science.
1. Is an ancient medicinal herb
Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda, a form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing.
It has been used for over 3,000 years to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration (1Trusted Source).
Ashwagandha is Sanskrit for smell of the horse, which refers to both its unique smell and ability to increase strength.
Its botanical name is Withania somnifera, and it’s also known by several other names, including Indian ginseng and winter cherry.
The ashwagandha plant is a small shrub with yellow flowers that's native to India and North Africa. Extracts or powder from the plant's root or leaves are used to treat a variety of conditions.
Many of its health benefits are attributed to its high concentration of withanolides, which have been shown to fight inflammation and tumor growth (1Trusted Source).
    Ashwagandha is a prominent herb in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and has become a popular supplement due to its health benefits.
2. Can reduce blood sugar levels
In several studies, ashwagandha has been shown to lower blood sugar levels.
One test-tube study found that it increased insulin secretion and improved insulin sensitivity in muscle cells (2Trusted Source).
Also, several human studies have suggested that it can reduce blood sugar levels in both healthy people and those with diabetes (3, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
Additionally, in a 4-week study in people with schizophrenia, those treated with ashwagandha had an average reduction in fasting blood sugar levels of 13.5 mg/dL, compared with 4.5 mg/dL in those who received a placebo (5Trusted Source).
What's more, in a small study in 6 people with type 2 diabetes, supplementing with ashwagandha for 30 days lowered fasting blood sugar levels. However, the study didn’t include a control group, making the results questionable (6Trusted Source).
    Limited evidence suggests that ashwagandha reduces blood sugar levels through its effects on insulin secretion and sensitivity.
3. Might have anticancer properties
Animal and test-tube studies have found that withaferin — a compound in ashwagandha — helps induce apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cancer cells (7Trusted Source).
It also impedes the growth of new cancer cells in several ways (7Trusted Source).
First, withaferin is believed to promote the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside cancer cells, disrupting their function. Second, it may cause cancer cells to become less resistant to apoptosis (8Trusted Source).
Animal studies suggest that it may help treat several types of cancer, including breast, lung, colon, brain, and ovarian cancer (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).
In one study, mice with ovarian tumors treated with withaferin alone or in combination with an anti-cancer drug showed a 70–80% reduction in tumor growth. The treatment also prevented the spread of cancer to other organs (13Trusted Source).
Although no evidence suggests that ashwagandha exerts similar effects in humans, the current research is encouraging.
    Animal and test-tube studies have shown that withaferin, a bioactive compound in ashwagandha, promotes the death of tumor cells and may be effective against several types of cancer.
4. Can reduce cortisol levels
Cortisol is known as a stress hormone given that your adrenal glands release it in response to stress, as well as when your blood sugar levels get too low.
Unfortunately, in some cases, cortisol levels may become chronically elevated, which can lead to high blood sugar levels and increased fat storage in the abdomen.
Studies have shown that ashwagandha may help reduce cortisol levels (3, 14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).
In one study in chronically stressed adults, those who supplemented with ashwagandha had significantly greater reductions in cortisol, compared with the control group. Those taking the highest dose experienced a 30% reduction, on average (3).
    Ashwagandha supplements may help lower cortisol levels in chronically stressed individuals.
5. May help reduce stress and anxiety
Ashwagandha is perhaps best known for its ability to reduce stress.
Researchers have reported that it blocked the stress pathway in the brains of rats by regulating chemical signaling in the nervous system (16Trusted Source).
Also, several controlled human studies have shown that it can reduce symptoms in people with stress and anxiety disorders (14Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).
In a 60-day study in 64 people with chronic stress, those in the group that supplemented with ashwagandha reported a 69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia, on average, compared with 11% in the placebo group (14Trusted Source).
In another 6-week study, 88% of people who took ashwagandha reported a reduction in anxiety, compared with 50% of those who took a placebo (18Trusted Source).
    Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both animal and human studies.
6. May reduce symptoms of depression
Although it hasn't been thoroughly studied, a few studies suggest ashwagandha may help alleviate depression (14Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).
In one controlled 60-day study in 64 stressed adults, those who took 600 mg of high-concentration ashwagandha extract per day reported a 79% reduction in severe depression, while the placebo group reported a 10% increase (14Trusted Source).
However, only one of the participants in this study had a history of depression. For this reason, the relevance of the results is unclear.
    The limited research available suggests that ashwagandha may help reduce depression.
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7. Can boost testosterone and increase fertility in men
Ashwagandha supplements may have powerful effects on testosterone levels and reproductive health (15Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source).
In one study in 75 infertile men, the group treated with ashwagandha showed increased sperm count and motility.
What's more, the treatment led to a significant increase in testosterone levels (21Trusted Source).
The researchers also reported that the group who took the herb had increased antioxidant levels in their blood.
In another study, men who received ashwagandha for stress experienced higher antioxidant levels and better sperm quality. After 3 months of treatment, 14% of the men's partners had become pregnant (15Trusted Source).
    Ashwagandha helps increase testosterone levels and significantly boosts sperm quality and fertility in men.
8. May increase muscle mass and strength
Research has shown that ashwagandha may improve body composition and increase strength (4Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).
In a study to determine a safe and effective dosage for ashwagandha, healthy men who took 750–1,250 mg of pulverized ashwagandha root per day gained muscle strength after 30 days (4Trusted Source).
In another study, those who took ashwagandha had significantly greater gains in muscle strength and size. It also more than doubled their reductions in body fat percentage, compared with the placebo group (20Trusted Source).
    Ashwagandha has been shown to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength in men.
9. May reduce inflammation
Several animal studies have shown that ashwagandha helps decrease inflammation (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).
Studies in humans have found that it increases the activity of natural killer cells, which are immune cells that fight infection and help you stay healthy (26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).
It has also been shown to decrease markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP). This marker is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
In one controlled study, the group who took 250 mg of standardized ashwagandha extract daily had a 36% decrease in CRP, on average, compared with a 6% decrease in the placebo group (3).
    Ashwagandha has been shown to increase natural killer cell activity and decrease markers of inflammation.
10. May lower cholesterol and triglycerides
In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, ashwagandha may help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Animal studies have found that it significantly decreases levels of these blood fats.
One study in rats found that it lowered total cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 53% and nearly 45%, respectively (28Trusted Source).
While controlled human studies have reported less dramatic results, they have observed some impressive improvements in these markers (3, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
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In a 60-day study in chronically stressed adults, the group taking the highest dosage of standardized ashwagandha extract experienced a 17% decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and an 11% decrease in triglycerides, on average (3).
    Ashwagandha may help reduce the risk of heart disease by decreasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
11. May improve brain function, including memory
Test-tube and animal studies suggest that ashwagandha may mitigate memory and brain function problems caused by injury or disease (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).
Research has shown that it promotes antioxidant activity that protects nerve cells from harmful free radicals.
In one study, rats with epilepsy that were treated with ashwagandha had nearly a complete reversal of spatial memory impairment. This was likely caused by a reduction in oxidative stress (32Trusted Source).
Although ashwagandha has traditionally been used to boost memory in Ayurvedic medicine, only a small amount of human research has been conducted in this area.
In one controlled study, healthy men who took 500 mg of standardized extract daily reported significant improvements in their reaction time and task performance, compared with men who received a placebo (33Trusted Source).
Another 8-week study in 50 adults showed that taking 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice daily significantly improved general memory, task performance, and attention (34Trusted Source).
    Ashwagandha supplements may improve brain function, memory, reaction time, and the ability to perform tasks.
12. Is safe for most people and widely available
Ashwagandha is a safe supplement for most people, although its long-term effects are unknown.
However, certain individuals should not take it, including pregnant and breastfeeding women.
People with autoimmune diseases should also avoid ashwagandha unless authorized by a healthcare provider. This includes people with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes.
Additionally, those on medication for thyroid disease should be careful when taking ashwagandha, as it may increase thyroid hormone levels in some people.
It may also decrease blood sugar and blood pressure levels, so medication dosages may need to be adjusted if you take it.
The recommended dosage of ashwagandha depends on the type of supplement. Extracts are more effective than crude ashwagandha root or leaf powder. Remember to follow instructions on labels.
Standardized root extract is commonly taken in 450–500-mg capsules once or twice daily.
It’s offered by several supplement manufacturers and available from various retailers, including health food stores and vitamin shops.
There's also a great selection of high-quality supplements available online.
    Although ashwagandha is safe for most people, certain individuals shouldn't use it unless authorized to do so by their healthcare provider. Standardized root extract is commonly taken in 450–500-mg capsules once or twice per day.
The bottom line
Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits.
It can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function.
Supplementing with ashwagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.

Edited by waterman, 04 March 2020 - 12:44.



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 waterman, on 04 martie 2020 - 12:43, said:

...may reduce your portofel...



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Bre d-ardeleanu ai citit ceva pe-acolo sau ai dat doar quote ?

Edited by waterman, 04 March 2020 - 12:49.



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  • Înscris: 06.09.2008
Fa sport si produci testostern natural.



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  • Înscris: 16.07.2008
Ai aici un rezumat al mai multor studii si rezultatele pentru fiecare beneficii teoretice:
Referitor la "vitamina T":
Testosterone may be increased in infertile men (who have a reduction in testosterone) and men undergoing strength training, but there is currently no evidence to suggest an inherent testosterone boosting effect in otherwise normal men.

Edited by mkdan2004, 04 March 2020 - 13:12.




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pt ce zici tu  nu pot aduce dovezi, dar pot spune ca ajuta la imbunatatirea sistemului imunitar plus alte efecte benefice dar nu pt zona la care te referi matale :)




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De pe Wiki:


The plant, particularly its root powder, has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine.
Mainly due to the poor quality of clinical research with the plant, there is no high-quality evidence that it provides any medicinal benefit and may cause adverse effects if taken together with prescription drugs.
Dietary supplements containing ashwagandha are marketed in the U.S., but there is no evidence they have any effect.



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 sirgoofy, on 04 martie 2020 - 12:54, said:

Fa sport si produci testostern natural.

Fac deja, dar ma gandesc sa reduc problema stresului, cortizolul fiind inamicul nr 1 al testosteronului.



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  • Înscris: 17.05.2004
Păi stresul se reduce direct nu cu pastile.

Pur și simplu eviți activitățile care presupun stres.
Gen job, muncă, nevastă :)



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Studiile sunt bune, dar concret eram curios daca cineva a testat pe pielea lui.

 waterman, on 04 martie 2020 - 13:32, said:

Păi stresul se reduce direct nu cu pastile.

Pur și simplu eviți activitățile care presupun stres.
Gen job, muncă, nevastă Posted Image

Ce bine ar fi daca ar fi asa usor...



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 d-ardeleanu, on 04 martie 2020 - 12:46, said:

...may reduce your portofel...

 waterman, on 04 martie 2020 - 12:48, said:

Bre d-ardeleanu ai citit ceva pe-acolo sau ai dat doar quote ?

Ete că am citit eu:
- primul beneficiu listat - e o veche plantă medicinală indiană. Dacă ăsta e beneficiul nr. 1 deja apar semnele de întrebare.
- toate beneficiile ulterioare încep cu "may". Adică "poate că ...". Nu e prea convingător.
- studiile menționate sînt făcute pe durate și numere infime. 8 săptămîni de studiu și 50 persoane? Să fim serioși - un studiu din care să și afli ceva durează cu anii și implică mii de persoane.

Concluzia - o iei pe cont propriu și vezi dacă se întîmplă ceva. Cum faci asta, habar n-am.



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 radunic, on 04 martie 2020 - 13:43, said:

Ete că am citit eu:
- primul beneficiu listat - e o veche plantă medicinală indiană. Dacă ăsta e beneficiul nr. 1 deja apar semnele de întrebare.

Și de ce nu ar fi un beneficiu asta ?
Din ce crezi că a plecat medicina modernă bazată pe sinteză chimică ?



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NU am o problema cu plantele, ca doar din natura venim.
Sigur ca toata chimia medicala a plecat din natura. Vezi lamaile si scorbutul.
Am o problema cand 1 mil de oameni de pe planeta fac eforturi disperate interesate sau dezinteresate sa promoveze te-miri-ce radacina care vindeca boli care inca nu s-au inventat si in in plus te ajuta sa castigi la loto. Dar nu se gasesc 10 oameni care sa oragnizeze un test clinic la standarde stiintifice care ar inchide gura oricui.



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 waterman, on 04 martie 2020 - 12:48, said:

Bre d-ardeleanu ai citit ceva pe-acolo sau ai dat doar quote ?
E marketing nene, ma lasi, ca si ginseng, aloe, shiitake, muschi, licheni si alte plante minune...poate ajuta, dar poate nu, da' bani costa...



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 waterman, on 04 martie 2020 - 13:44, said:

Și de ce nu ar fi un beneficiu asta ?
Din ce crezi că a plecat medicina modernă bazată pe sinteză chimică ?
Pentru că nu e un beneficiu. E un fapt care nu-mi produce niciun folos sau cîștig.
Poate că planta are efecte reale pozitive în anumite cazuri și circumstanțe. Problema e că nu se știe care-s alea și pînă nu se face un studiu ca lumea nici n-o să știm. Și reversul medaliei - nu știi nici dacă în cazul concret al cuiva planta nu face cumva rău în loc de bine.
Deci nu - faptul că indienii o folosesc de mii de ani nu-mi aduce niciun beneficiu.



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E chestie de optică.

Eu am mai multă încredere într-un remediu naturist - e drept doar în unele cazuri - nu tratezi orice cu ciuboțica cucului, decât în niște chimicale.

 overseas, on 04 martie 2020 - 14:03, said:

Dar nu se gasesc 10 oameni care sa oragnizeze un test clinic la standarde stiintifice care ar inchide gura oricui.

De efectul placebo ai auzit colegule ?

Edited by waterman, 04 March 2020 - 14:20.


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