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Totul despre Transfagarasan

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  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 23.10.2003


Originally posted by raduandrei
dragi admiratori ai Transfagarasanului:
are cineva idee despre cum se numeste cabana aceea imediat dupa Lacul Vidraru(pe drumul catre Balea)? Este undeva pe partea dreapta a soselei, si are un restaurant super, cu o priveliste ce da spre lac!
Va rog, ajutati-ma si poate aveti si un nr de telefon,ceva...

daca mergi pe drumul de la baraj pe malul drept este sigur "valea cu pesti" (una din multele cu acest nume ) sa sti ca de pe terasa restaurantului privelistrea e zuper
dar trebuie sa fi atent cand treci pe langa ea caci din ce-mi aduc aminte nu prea este vizibila mult din sosea , este un drum de cam ~70 m  cu viraj 180* din sosea
daca te opresti sa mananci , pret relativ rezonabil si daca mai traiesc  pot sa spun ca este ok



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  • Înscris: 21.08.2003
sa trec si pe acolo cu prima ocazie..10x



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  • Înscris: 30.08.2003
Vreau sa merg in week-end  pe drumul Curtea de Arges - Vidraru. Imi poate spune cineva daca este accesibil ?  Dar Transfagarasanul?
P.S. Masina mea este Dacia 1310.




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  • Înscris: 24.06.2002
Poti merge fara probleme pina la Vidraru. Trasfagarasanul este inchis deocamdata doar pe partea nordica intre Piscu Negru si Bilea cascada.
  Impropriu spus inchis,caci daca vrei il poti parcurge pe tot, insa
daca treci de zonele limita semnalizate,o faci numai pe riscul tau.
   Eu insa nu m-as aventura sa urc cu masina pina la tunel,mai ales daca e zapada. Pina la Capra e ok,dar mai sus :nu:  
   Also, aveti grija la curbe caci nu toate zonele prapastioase au parapet de protectie.



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  • Înscris: 06.11.2003
Hai noroc,

Bravo voua, cei care ati avut ideea crearii acestui forum. Sunteti tari.
Am facut Transfagarasanul de 3 ori pana acum: de 2 ori cu bicicleta si odata cu masina.
Cu bicicleta e de vis,cu masina cam ...vrajeala, dar oricum merita.
Pentru cei care vor sa mearga cu bicicleta dar din diverse motive nu au facut-o pana acum nu pot sale spun decat sa renunte la prejudecati,sa nu puna botu' la ce-i sfatuiesc diversi fraeri si SA SE DUCA.
Dupa ce veti ajunge la Balea si veti incepe coborarea, dupa ce veti trai acele senzatii unice pe care ti le ofera o coborare alpina, cu siguranta va veti imbolnavi irecuperabil de Transfagarasan si veti reveni (sau macar veti dori) in fiecare an.
Cam atat pentru azi.
Pentru orice informatii in legatura cu Transfagarasan-ul pe bicicleta,cu cea mai mare placere la:
[email protected]
Toate bune,



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
n-am inteles nimic but i have been there in octombrie. I made a few poze. This is up to Baraj Vidraru

Greetz din Olanda ( I love Romania )

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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
Second picture...

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    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
Third picture...

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    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
n-am inteles nimic but i have been there in octombrie. I made a few poze. Lacul Vidraru nu de la baraj.

Greetz din Olanda ( I love Romania )

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    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
This was a reinforcement workmen were making to the edgy road around lake Vidraru and how nice it looks. We went a few kilometers passed orasul Capra and then the wheels of the car were slipping into the snow that had transformed into ice. We had to turn around unfortunately. Just a few kilometers from the tunel Capra. But like Arnold Schwarzenegger would say, I will be back.

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  • Grup: Moderators
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  • Înscris: 24.06.2002
Abnormalsound, nice pictures but 1MB large?!? What the hell :@
Next time try to compress them because many of us have dial-up connection and is taking forever to view them. Even for DSL users, the files are quite large!!



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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
Oh sorry for that but i read that the maximum was just over a 1000kB and i thought that was not written just for fun. Maybe a good idea then to decrease the maximum  ;) . If u could give me a URL where i could place my pictures (I made more than a 1000 during my three weeks in Romania) others could also enjoy them. Is it also possible to place more than one smaller one directly into the reply and not as an attachment. And furthermore could u tell me in plain english :) what this thread is exactly about. I have a girlfriend from Bucuresti who is living here with me and we are planning to emigrate to Romania (yes that's right) so I am already learning bit by bit the limba de Romana. Next time i will place smaller ones. Pa pa.



    Internet Lodger

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Originally posted by Abnormalsound
Oh sorry for that but i read that the maximum was just over a 1000kB and i thought that was not written just for fun.

It's not written just for fun, you can upload other kinds of files that can't be shrunken - but when it comes to pictures, which load directly in your browser, it's nicer to have a little less to wait...  


Originally posted by Abnormalsound
I have a girlfriend from Bucuresti who is living here with me and we are planning to emigrate to Romania (yes that's right)  

Please, don't mind me asking but...  WHY?!?
You're cute. If you want me to translate anything from the forum for you, I'd be glad to.



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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
Well Lovedemon, first of all, my girlfriend is only child and she wants to be able to take care of her mother, she ain't getting younger. And who am I to not accompany her. Second of all, i love what i have seen so far from Romania. We also have plans for starting something businesslike so all suggestions are welcome. We both would like to have our own business and not work for a boss. Further i don't like what is happening in Holland, the mentality of the people is getting worse and i would like a revival of early days hospitality and friendlyness. I think i can find that easier in Romania. And last but not least, the social security here is getting worse too, pensions are going to be brought to a higher age, health care is getting much more expensive and so on. Not to forget to mention that i have always wanted to take a huge step in life and take a great risk, besides that i like to learn another foreign language. We are not leaving yet but my hands and mind are getting ichy.



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  • Înscris: 08.11.2003
Maybe someone already mentioned it but since i am still dyslectic to Romanian. Like the Ranca village is popping out of the soil, so is Capra village. Inhabited by at least roadworkers a pension is also being built of which i had the opportunity to bless the toilet. By coincidence  :D  i brought my photocamera so i made a.......picture. The village is situated very closely to raul Capra.

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    Internet Lodger

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  • Înscris: 22.09.2003


Originally posted by Abnormalsound
Well Lovedemon, first of all, my girlfriend is only child and she wants to be able to take care of her mother, she ain't getting younger. And who am I to not accompany her. Second of all, i love what i have seen so far from Romania. We also have plans for starting something businesslike so all suggestions are welcome. We both would like to have our own business and not work for a boss. Further i don't like what is happening in Holland, the mentality of the people is getting worse and i would like a revival of early days hospitality and friendlyness. I think i can find that easier in Romania. And last but not least, the social security here is getting worse too, pensions are going to be brought to a higher age, health care is getting much more expensive and so on. Not to forget to mention that i have always wanted to take a huge step in life and take a great risk, besides that i like to learn another foreign language. We are not leaving yet but my hands and mind are getting ichy.
Well, when you put it that way, you do have a point. But still, it will take ages till Romania's best economic situation will match the Nederland's worst condition. Did I make any sense?
You seem very enthusiastic and your eagerness to come is really cheering. While 90% of the population wants to get out of here, there are EU citizens who want it. Amazing!
The best of luck to you, keep up this lovely joyful attitude, consider yourself already welcome here and greetings to your girlfriend!




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  • Înscris: 23.10.2003
pentru a vesea cat de cat cum este pe transfagarasan  LIVE  poate ca ajuta acest link
l-am gasit din intamplare, si va arata cascada balea filmata cu un webcam



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Originally posted by Tarzy
pai cabanele de pe transfagarasan ar fi (de la sud catre nord):
cumpana, piscul negru, capra, balea lac si balea cascada.

sunt localnic, ca sa zicem asa. cabanele sunt mult mai multe, pentru ca transfagarasanul incepe de mult mai jos de cumpana. si daca vreti sa vorbim de cabane, sa vorbim si de cele insirate pe drumul forestier care inconjoara lacul Vidraru pe cealalta parte.

in alta ordine de idei, in ultimii ani s-a construit un intreg complex de vile la piscul negru (de prost gust daca ma intrebati pe mine), chiar langa manastirea proaspat data in folosinta.

tip: daca vreti un paste deosebit, incercati la piscul negru. slujba de paste in mijlocul salbaticiei e una pe care n-o veti uita niciodata.

parerea mea.


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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