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Sunteti de acord ca parlamentarii sa poata primi legal bani de la grupuri de interese pentru a vota legi favorabile acestora?

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Poll: Sunteti de acord ca parlamentarii sa poata primi bani de la grupuri de interese pentru a vota legi favorabile acestora? (55 member(s) have cast votes)

Sunteti de acord ca parlamentarii sa poata primi legal bani de la grupuri de interese pentru a vota legi favorabile acestora?

  1. Da, e ceva normal(lobby) (8 votes [14.55%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 14.55%

  2. Nu, e coruptie! (47 votes [85.45%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 85.45%

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  • Înscris: 31.08.2006
Multi dintre fanarioti, pardon, parlamentari, n-ar merita nici salariul minim pe economie, d-apoi sa mai primeasca si bani  de la grupuri de interese...



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Lobby-ul nici nu cred ca functioneaza cand parlamentarii sunt votati pe liste de partid.



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Avand in vedere cine are bani multi in tara asta si cum au fost facuti,e clar ce legi doresc grupurile respective de la parlamentari,oamenii care muncesc cinstit nu au bani de lobby pentru infractuctura,spitale,medicamente,educatie...
E o legalizare imputita a tunurilor mari,totul se face in parlament doar pentru a fura cat mai mult.

Edited by daniMMM, 11 December 2017 - 08:21.



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 OriginalCopy, on 10 decembrie 2017 - 23:11, said:

In america e legal. In Rusia nu e legal.

Nu este si spui prostii cum e si aia cu bailoutul:


Can lobbyists pay for travel for members of Congress?
According to House and Senate Ethics Rules:
Lawmakers and their employees cannot accept payment for travel from lobbyists or lobbying firms, even if a non-lobbyist client promises later reimbursement.
Can lobbyists arrange travel for members of Congress?
Lobbyists may set up, book, and travel with members of Congress on vacations, as long as they do not use personal or lobbying firm funds to pay for the trip.
Can lobbyists give gifts to members of Congress?
Lobbyists can give gifts (from meals to clothing to rounds of golf) to members of Congress that are less than $50 in value. The total value of gifts given to one member cannot exceed $100 in a year.
Lobbyists may not contribute to the legal expense funds of members of Congress or the charities controlled by a member of Congress.
Can lobbyists make political donations?
Lobbyists may make political donations under the same guidelines as other Americans. Lobbyists cannot give more than $5,000 to any political action committee per calendar year. They can, however, work on campaigns and serve as the treasurers of political action committees.



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 vrajitoruldinoz, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 09:24, said:

Nu este si spui prostii cum e si aia cu bailoutul:


Can lobbyists pay for travel for members of Congress?
According to House and Senate Ethics Rules:
Lawmakers and their employees cannot accept payment for travel from lobbyists or lobbying firms, even if a non-lobbyist client promises later reimbursement.
Can lobbyists arrange travel for members of Congress?
Lobbyists may set up, book, and travel with members of Congress on vacations, as long as they do not use personal or lobbying firm funds to pay for the trip.
Can lobbyists give gifts to members of Congress?
Lobbyists can give gifts (from meals to clothing to rounds of golf) to members of Congress that are less than $50 in value. The total value of gifts given to one member cannot exceed $100 in a year.
Lobbyists may not contribute to the legal expense funds of members of Congress or the charities controlled by a member of Congress.
Can lobbyists make political donations?
Lobbyists may make political donations under the same guidelines as other Americans. Lobbyists cannot give more than $5,000 to any political action committee per calendar year. They can, however, work on campaigns and serve as the treasurers of political action committees.
Repeti aceleasi minciuni demontate pe celalalt thread... nu-i nimic, bagam si aici:

Politicians live it up and have the lobbyists pay

On any given weekend, lobbyists in Washington head for the airport to jet off to luxurious locations across the country.

The cost of accepting the invite is a political donation of anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000. And that doesn't include the cost of travel and lodging at some of the most posh resorts in the United States.

Why go? Lobbyists tell CNN there is no better access to a member of Congress and his or her top staff than spending a relaxing weekend with them, away from Capitol Hill.

It used to be that lobbyists would take politicians on trips, but when rules were changed and that was outlawed, politicians and their fund-raisers came up with this variation -- organize the trips and invite the lobbyists along to pay for them.

Gunoiul de care am mentionat ca impartea cecuri la parlamentari pentru a vota in favoarea industriei de tutun(subventionari din bani publici), John Boehner:

In September 2016, Squire Patton Boggs, the third-largest lobbying firm in the U.S., announced that Boehner would join their firm. Also, Boehner will become a board member of Reynolds American, the second biggest tobacco firm in the U.S., for an estimated annual salary of $400,000.[4]
Posted Image

Nu mai incercati sa spalati coruptia americana ca nu tine si sunteti la fel de detestabili ca si coruptii si corupatorii lor! Posted Image

Edited by Geth, 11 December 2017 - 09:44.



    Maninc clone fara memorie si stresez userii bugetari

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Intai de toate sa nu mai existe vot secret, cu bile si cu ridicat de mana in parlament. Totul sa fie transparent si sa stim cum a votat fiecare ghertoi din parlament la fiecare lege sau dezbatere.
Si apoi putem sa vorbim daca sa se scoata la vedere banii pe care ii primesc parlamentarii pentru "interesele altora" Posted Image



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 Geth, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 09:36, said:

Gunoiul de care am mentionat ca impartea cecuri la parlamentari pentru a vota in favoarea industriei de tutun(subventionari din bani publici), John Boehner:

In September 2016, Squire Patton Boggs, the third-largest lobbying firm in the U.S., announced that Boehner would join their firm. Also, Boehner will become a board member of Reynolds American, the second biggest tobacco firm in the U.S., for an estimated annual salary of $400,000.[4]
Posted Image

Nu mai incercati sa spalati coruptia americana ca nu tine si sunteti la fel de detestabili ca si coruptii si corupatorii lor! Posted Image

Nu ai demontat nimic, ai demonstrat ca esti capabil sa manipulezi adevarul. Propaganda adica.
Una e ca legile sa poate fi ocolite (asta o sa se poata mereu) si alta e sa pretinzi, dezinformind, ca e legal sa iei bani pentru favoruri legislative.


n September 2016, Squire Patton Boggs, the third-largest lobbying firm in the U.S., announced that Boehner would join their firm. Also, Boehner will become a board member of Reynolds American, the second biggest tobacco firm in the U.S., for an estimated annual salary of $400,000.[4]

O fi imoral dar e cam restrictiv sa spui unui om ce slujbe sa ia dupa ce termina cu serviciul public. Si asta e o metoda de a ocoli legea. Nu exista legi care sa restringa asta in multe tari, nici in Romania si evident nu in Germania unde Schoerder a fost parca angajat de Gazprom.
Iar salariul e cam slabut, de programator mai bun asa. Sint sigur ca ia mult mai mult de atit in actiuni si bonusuri.
Nu inteleg insa ce are asta cu aiurelile pe care le sustineti voi aici, anume bani la politicieni pentru favoruri.



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  • Înscris: 17.11.2017

 vrajitoruldinoz, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 10:07, said:

Nu ai demontat nimic, ai demonstrat ca esti capabil sa manipulezi adevarul. Propaganda adica.
Una e ca legile sa poate fi ocolite (asta o sa se poata mereu) si alta e sa pretinzi, dezinformind, ca e legal sa iei bani pentru favoruri legislative
Haha ce gulma nasparlie!

Legi "ocolite" = legal !!!!!!

Atunci cand o lege este asa zis "ocolita", inseamna ca exista exceptii permisive legale de la lege = aka cutare fapte e de fapt legala(in xyz conditii superficiale)!

 vrajitoruldinoz, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 10:07, said:

Nu inteleg insa ce are asta cu aiurelile pe care le sustineti voi aici, anume bani la politicieni pentru favoruri.
Pai EXACT ASTA ESTE, despre ce naiba crezi tu ca vorbim???




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Si care ar fi logica, Parlamentarul e pus acolo sa slujeasca poporul, nu propriile sale interese.
Ar insemna practic sa avem toti stapan.

Cred ca trebuie sa te duci ceva mai mult in timp, pe la JJ Rousseau, ca sa intelegi cum functioneaza contractul social.

Edited by gumball3000, 11 December 2017 - 10:31.



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 Geth, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 10:18, said:

Pai EXACT ASTA ESTE, despre ce naiba crezi tu ca vorbim???

De propaganda vorbim. Minciuna care contrazice legea.

 vrajitoruldinoz, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 09:24, said:

Can lobbyists pay for travel for members of Congress?
According to House and Senate Ethics Rules:
Lawmakers and their employees cannot accept payment for travel from lobbyists or lobbying firms, even if a non-lobbyist client promises later reimbursement.
Can lobbyists arrange travel for members of Congress?
Lobbyists may set up, book, and travel with members of Congress on vacations, as long as they do not use personal or lobbying firm funds to pay for the trip.
Can lobbyists give gifts to members of Congress?
Lobbyists can give gifts (from meals to clothing to rounds of golf) to members of Congress that are less than $50 in value. The total value of gifts given to one member cannot exceed $100 in a year.
Lobbyists may not contribute to the legal expense funds of members of Congress or the charities controlled by a member of Congress.
Can lobbyists make political donations?
Lobbyists may make political donations under the same guidelines as other Americans. Lobbyists cannot give more than $5,000 to any political action committee per calendar year. They can, however, work on campaigns and serve as the treasurers of political action committees.

Restul sint elecubratii d-alea voastre care nu sint ilegale in nici o tara, si daca r fi s-ar putea ocoli altfel.

Edited by vrajitoruldinoz, 11 December 2017 - 10:30.



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Primesc nemernicii destui bani si altele fara ca lumea sa stie !!!




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 geo76com, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 09:36, said:

Intai de toate sa nu mai existe vot secret, cu bile si cu ridicat de mana in parlament. Totul sa fie transparent si sa stim cum a votat fiecare ghertoi din parlament la fiecare lege sau dezbatere.
Si apoi putem sa vorbim daca sa se scoata la vedere banii pe care ii primesc parlamentarii pentru "interesele altora" Posted Image
Da' und' te crezi, in House of Commons?



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  • Înscris: 17.11.2017

 vrajitoruldinoz, on 11 decembrie 2017 - 10:29, said:

Restul sint elecubratii d-alea voastre care nu sint ilegale in nici o tara, si daca r fi s-ar putea ocoli altfel.
Exakt "elucubratii" .. iata cum arata:

New York Times, 2010:

He maintains especially tight ties with a circle of lobbyists and former aides representing some of the nation’s biggest businesses, including Goldman Sachs, Google, Citigroup, R. J. Reynolds, MillerCoors and UPS.

They have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaigns, provided him with rides on their corporate jets, socialized with him at luxury golf resorts and waterfront bashes and are now leading fund-raising efforts for his Boehner for Speaker campaign, which is soliciting checks of up to $37,800 each, the maximum allowed.

Some of the lobbyists readily acknowledge routinely seeking his office’s help — calling the congressman and his aides as often as several times a week — to advance their agenda in Washington. And in many cases, Mr. Boehner has helped them out.

Several of the onetime Thursday regulars, along with some newcomers, are among the close-knit group that routinely call on Mr. Boehner’s office for client matters, write checks to his campaign and socialize with him.

That circle includes Mr. Isakowitz; Bruce Gates, a lobbyist for the cigarette maker Altria; Nicholas E. Calio, a Citigroup lobbyist; and two former aides, Marc Lampkin and Sam Geduldig, both now financial services lobbyists.

The tobacco industry is particularly well represented, with Mr. Gates and John Fish, a lobbyist for R. J. Reynolds, maker of Camel cigarettes, in the group. People affiliated with those companies have contributed at least $340,000 to Mr. Boehner’s political campaigns, with Mr. Gates being the top individual donor among the thousands during Mr. Boehner’s political career, according to the Center for Public Integrity.

From 2000 to 2007, Mr. Boehner flew at least 45 times, often with his wife, Debbie, on corporate jets provided by companies including R. J. Reynolds. (As required, Mr. Boehner reimbursed part of the costs.)
In addition, over the last decade he has taken 41 other trips paid for by corporate sponsors or industry groups, often to popular golf spots. That makes him one of the top House beneficiaries of such travel, which has recently been curbed as a result of changes in ethics rules.
Mr. Boehner continues to travel to golf destinations on a corporate-subsidized tab, though now it is paid for through his political action committee, the Freedom Project. In the last 18 months, it has spent at least $67,000 at the Ritz-Carlton Naples in Florida, at least $20,000 at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Va., and at least $29,000 at the Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio, federal records show, for fund-raising events.





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  • Înscris: 06.11.2017
Bine initiator, sunt e acord, dar sa nu fie guvernul asta, sa fie alalalt, de la primavara :D



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  • Înscris: 01.08.2011
O fi fost ceva lobby pe langa directorul spitalului?

Într-unul dintre cele mai sărace judeţe din ţară, s-au cumpărat pătuţuri pentru spitalul de pediatrie în valoare de peste 4.000 de lei bucata. Mai scump chiar decât multe paturi matrimoniale de lux.


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