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Tizen OS vs Sailfish OS vs Firefox OS vs Ubuntu Touch OS vs BlackBerry OS

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87 replies to this topic

Poll: Tizen OS vs. Sailfish OS vs Firefox OS vs Ubuntu Touch (32 member(s) have cast votes)

Ce sistem de operare vi se pare mai reusit?

  1. Tizen OS (2 votes [6.25%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.25%

  2. Sailfish OS (4 votes [12.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.50%

  3. Firefox OS (6 votes [18.75%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.75%

  4. Ubuntu Touch OS (9 votes [28.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.12%

  5. Blackberry OS (11 votes [34.38%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 34.38%

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@exydos BB10 nu e chiar de așa mulți ani, doar vreo 2. Și e mult mai modern decât Android/iOS, atât doar că marketingul a fost praf și lumea nu știe cu ce se mănâncă. Marea majoritate care au trecut de pe Android pe BB10 nici nu mai vor să audă de omulețul verde.



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  • Înscris: 23.09.2002
Eu cred, dimpotrivă, că BlackBerry a crescut mai mult decât trebuia, din motivele greşite. N-ar fi trebuit niciodată să fie adoptat la nivel end-user ci să fi rămas exclusiv provideri de soluţii specializate business şi guvernamentale.

BlackBerry a fost gândit ca device-uri pentru business, cu focus pe email, tastatură fizică şi aplicaţii specifice business. Dar pentru că la momentul respectiv (începutul anilor 2000) încă nu existau smartphones precum azi, foarte mulţi utilizatori non-business au fost atraşi de BlackBerry. După apariţia Android/iPhone şi a serviciilor cloud evident că interesul end-users a migrat spre ele... dar BlackBerry au fost suficient de obtuzi încât să creadă că încerce să continue pe formatul lor consacrat.

Dacă ar fi scos un format precum Z10 sau Passport acum 5-6 ani poate că ar fi stat altfel lucrurile.



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  • Înscris: 28.07.2014
Si pretul era cam 900 dolari :) la inceput ,  clar pumea alegea iphone



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View Postexydos, on 01 august 2014 - 13:35, said:

Si pretul era cam 900 dolari Posted Image la inceput ,  clar pumea alegea iphone

La ce model te referi, din ce an?



    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 28.07.2014
La Z10 asa era pretul in Chisinau:))




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  • Înscris: 15.04.2011
Huawei boss: We feel Tizen has no chance to be successful http://www.techspot....successful.html

"During a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, the executive said his company has no plans to use Tizen, the Linux-based open-source mobile operating system backed by a bevy of companies including Intel, Samsung and Sprint, just to name a few.

Yu said some telecom carriers have been urging them to build Tizen phones and at one point, they had a team researching the subject. The project, however, was ultimately called off because they feel Tizen has no chance to be successful.
When asked if Huawei plans to build their own mobile OS, Yu pointed out that it's easy to design a mobile operating system. But just as Microsoft is finding out with Windows Phone, the problem is building the ecosystem around it.
True enough, attracting developers to build for a new mobile OS when there are already hoards of users on Android and iOS can be a tough sell.

Huawei is no stranger to using the Windows Phone OS as they've tried to push phones running Microsoft's mobile solution in the past. The problem is that it's just difficult to persuade customers to buy a Windows Phone device and it wasn't profitable for the company. As such, Huawei has put all releases of new Windows Phone handsets on hold.

With Tizen and Windows Phone off the table, the only option Huawei has left is Android. Yu admitted that they have concerns about putting all of their eggs in one basket, so to speak, but they have no other choice. Fortunately, they have a good relationship with Google, he added."

Tizen e mort...



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  • Înscris: 08.01.2014
Dacă și și-ar optimiza cum trebuie telefoanele și nu le-ar face în scârbă update-uri, poate ar fi luați mai în serios și altundeva  nu doar în Ceaina.



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View PostPapillon_, on 26 august 2014 - 15:54, said:

Huawei boss: We feel Tizen has no chance to be successful http://www.techspot....successful.html

Tizen e mort...
E mort dinainte sa se fi nascut, dar nu pt ca zice bossul de la Huawei Posted Image

Edited by edy_3dz, 26 August 2014 - 19:30.




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View PostOuroboros, on 26 august 2014 - 18:00, said:

Dacă și și-ar optimiza cum trebuie telefoanele și nu le-ar face în scârbă update-uri, poate ar fi luați mai în serios și altundeva  nu doar în Ceaina.
Pe P6 tatalui me dupa ce i-am facut 3 acualizari succesive si am ajuna la Emotion UI 2.3 si Android 4.4 se misca destul de bine singura chestie deranjanta e ca are lag in SubwaySurfers. Imi plac posibilitatile de customizare(teme) si cum sunt lucrate iconitele.



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  • Înscris: 08.01.2014
A dracului optimizare. Pe Moto G n-are lag în panarama aia de joc nici după juma de oră. Deci, caca maca face Huawei cu optimizarea, sarcina asta revine unui chinez constipat să o facă pe budă între două episoade "Breaking Bad".

Singurul care mai are șanse e FirefoxOS. Va fi adoptat de către ăștia cu hardware slab. Dar și cu ăsta slabe șanse pt că nișa de jos e bine acoperită de WP.



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  • Înscris: 03.11.2009
Nu avem nevoie de asa multe sisteme. Cu principalele 3 ne este indeajuns, si mi-a placut BB OS.



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Concurenta nu strica niciodata, daca avem de unde alege mai usor gasim ceva sa ne placa.



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Asa este, dar cine crezi tu ca sta sa faca aplicatii pentru 10 sisteme operative? E si asta o bataie de cap. Si oricum windows phone vine tare din urma.




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View PostPlasticBoy18, on 27 august 2014 - 13:12, said:

Nu avem nevoie de asa multe sisteme. Cu principalele 3 ne este indeajuns, si mi-a placut BB OS.
Ai dreptate, 3 sunt de ajuns.



    Graf von Taubenburg

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  • Înscris: 10.09.2014
Pe lângă BlackBerry care e deja în circulație de ceva vreme, le mai văd pe Firefox OS și Ubuntu One. La ultimul mă cam îndoiesc că iese ceva dar speranța moare ultima.




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  • Înscris: 15.04.2011
"The first Tizen smartphone isn’t an “Android killer”—it’s a bad Android clone" http://arstechnica.c...-like-plan-b/1/

The Good

[This space intentionally left blank]

The Bad
Tizen has almost no apps right now, and no one is building apps for Tizen—not even Samsung. As the creator of the OS, it's Samsung's job to lead the ecosystem forward. Who will support this platform when even the platform owner won't?
The home screen only shows widgets—not app icons—which is pretty useless. You can only have eight icons on the entire home screen, all of which sit in the dock, which is universal across pages. More home screen pages just means more room for widgets.
Tizen uses a menu button, which often makes secondary functions hard to find.
Recent apps, a primary interface screen for heavy multitaskers, is slow, buggy, and uninformative. A lack of thumbnails makes it much less helpful than it should be, and some apps don't make recent apps entries at all.
Very slow syncing. Sure, Tizen will backup your pictures to Dropbox—once an hour.
Every single screen tap makes Samsung's "water drop" noise. You can't turn it off. Bloop.
We saw Tizen in 2014, and literally every feature we liked back then has been removed from the OS. What happened? Apparently developers spent the last year removing floating apps, expandable widgets, and recent apps thumbnails.

The Ugly
Tizen doesn't offer any innovative ideas. It's just Android with worse design, no direction, no hardware support, and no apps.

Pacat, putea fi o alternativa buna.

Edited by Papillon_, 09 February 2015 - 14:44.


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