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Politica agresiva a Vaticanului in istorie

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View PostSophistiKat, on 30 decembrie 2012 - 15:40, said:

Draguta, Biserica n-are numai parti bune, trebuie expuse si cele rele, ca sa se evite repetarea acestora... Posted Image

Asta înseamnă că are şi rele, şi bune. Am zis eu că s-a schimbat ceva în discursul tău, nu mai e radical :lol:, cel puţin în unele privinţe.



    Age, si quid agis!

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View Postdyana25, on 30 decembrie 2012 - 15:45, said:

Asta înseamnă că are şi rele, şi bune. Am zis eu că s-a schimbat ceva în discursul tău, nu mai e radical Posted Image, cel puţin în unele privinţe.

Il schimba in functie de interese.



    mafiotul gandacos

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La multi ani
si un An Nou bun cu sanatate si bucurii..!
-sa fiti cuminti...!



    Age, si quid agis!

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Un AN NOU cu multă sănătate, bucurii şi împliniri alături de cei dragi!

Petrecere frumoasă tuturor dar mai ales mie :D



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View PostSophistiKat, on 30 decembrie 2012 - 01:30, said:

Titlul topicului e eronat, trebuie schimbat în "politica agresiva a Bisericii Catolice", dar în fine, citire din cartea The Secret Societies of Ireland:
In Irlanda, Biserica Catolica era dintre cele mai putin prezente organizatii dpdv politic. Manastirile aveau un rol imens in societate dar mai mult cultural, iar politic biserica era la fel de cvasi-inexistenta ca monarhia, iar individual vorbind morala ambianta era foarte aproximativa, vezi legendele despre discipolele lui Sf.Patrick care ajuta calugaritele sa scape de sarcinile nedorite sau altele asemenea. Sau vezi ramasitele de ritualuri pagane foarte prezente.
Totul s-a schimbat odata cu invazia engleza a lui Cromwell. Englezii anglicani au fost de-o duritate iesita din comun cu irlandezii, au mers pana la a vinde printese irlandeze ca sclave in Jamaica obligandu-le sa faca copii cu negrii. Daca nu-ti vindeai armasarul de rasa la pret de martoaga erai linsat, chiar nobil fiind. Daca cantai in gaelica erai spanzurat. Se pare ca 25% din populatie a murit sau a fost vanduta in sclavie asemenea negrilor, laolalta cu ei. Englezii contemplau serios posibilitatea exterminarii irlandezilor. Dusmani au fost ei mereu dar odata cu trecerea englezilor la anglicanism s-au exacerbat lucrurile. Era faza aia de inceput a protestantismului, cand au fost aproape talibani. Asta era valabil inclusiv dpdv conversie, daca te faceai protestant erai de-al englezilor, dar trebuia sa-i urasti pe catolici cum ii urau ei. Adevarati jihadisti anglicani. Noroc ca ethosul crestin i-a calmat dar primul lor imbold a fost foarte distructiv.
In fine, ideea e ca irlandezii au inceput sa devina puritani si teocratici si catolici fanatici abia de atunci incolo.
Odata ce s-au unit toti in jurul Bisericii Catolice ca sa-si apere identitatea, biserica a capatat o influenta in societate pe care nu o mai avusese pana atunci. Si cum au ramas sub englezi iar acestia le-au tras-o urat pana-n secolul 19 - vezi Foametea anilor 1840 - fenomenul a durat pana dupa Independenta din 1923. In Irlanda de Nord dureaza si acum.

View PostSophistiKat, on 30 decembrie 2012 - 13:57, said:

History of Catholic Aggressiveness in Japan

In the history of Japan we have an even more striking instance of Vatican aggressiveness with profound repercussions in the world. As in China and Siam, the basic policy was to see that Catholic merchants and Catholic priests worked together so that both, by extending their own interests, should ultimately extend those of the Catholic Church.

In addition to this internal strife, the political ambition of the imperialistic Catholic nations began to present itself in ways that the tolerant Japanese rulers could no longer ignore. The Vatican, on hearing of the phenomenal success of Catholicism in the distant empire, set in motion its plan for political domination. As its custom was, it would use the ecclesiastical administration of the Church, together with the military power of allied Catholic countries. These were eager to bring the cross, the Pope's sovereignty, profitable commercial treaties and military conquest all in the same galleons.

The Vatican had followed this type of political penetration ever since the discovery of the Americas. Numerous Popes, including Leo X, had blessed, encouraged, and indeed legalized all the conquests and territorial occupation by Catholic Spain and Portugal in the Far East. Chief among them was Alexander V1, with his grant to Spain of all "firm land and islands found or to be found towards India, or towards any other part whatsoever."

Foarte interesanta lectura!
Agresivitatea catolica in Japonia trebuie plasata in contextul in care aia se omorau intre ei intr-o veselie, era perioada luptelor intre daimyo. Si nu numai daimyo, si sectele intre ele, budist vs budist, aveau adevarate armate, ninja care asasinau liderii etc. Oare de ce a crescut mult crestinismul acolo, de asemenea ce era celorlalti actori?
Iar protestantii ar trebui sa spuna tot adevarul nu doar neregulile catolice, sa spuna de pilda cum ei au fost aia care l-au convins pe shogun sa extermine comunitatea catolica din Japonia. Si cum spaniolii i-au imbarcat pe supravietuitori si i-au colonizat in Filipine si Mexic.
Altfel, acordul papilor in materie de violenta trebuie si el plasat in contextul expansiunii iberice intre musulmani.
Era de la sine inteles ca, daca vor sa deschida drumul Indiilor, ibericii vor trebui sa treaca peste musulmani.
Cum in perioada aia Europa si Otomanii erau intr-o inclestare dura, iar Otomanii se bagau cu influenta pana-n Indonezia, era clar ca lupta religioasa si cea economica merg mana-n mana.
Europenii efectiv nu si-au pus problema ce sa faca cu non-musulmanii, pana au dat de ei.
Ei stiau ca drumurile comerciale asiatice sunt in maini musulmane deci vor avea de luptat cu ei. La asta se asteptau. Contactele cu non-musulmani au venit ulterior. Dar si acolo conflictul cu musulmanii era prezent, era inevitabil, fie ca era India, Indonezia, Malaezia sau Siam.
Sigur, nu vreau sa zic ca intentiile europene cu non-musulmanii erau doar miere si zahar. Dar nu erau nici porniti din principiu contra lor. Per total, politeismele asiatice ii cam lasau reci. Incercau sa-si impuna conditiile asa cum face orice tara cand da de una cu care-i merge, pur si simplu.

Edited by searcher-star, 07 January 2013 - 12:02.



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View Postsearcher-star, on 07 ianuarie 2013 - 11:49, said:

In Irlanda, Biserica Catolica era dintre cele mai putin prezente organizatii dpdv politic. Manastirile aveau un rol imens in societate dar mai mult cultural, iar politic biserica era la fel de cvasi-inexistenta ca monarhia, iar individual vorbind morala ambianta era foarte aproximativa, vezi legendele despre discipolele lui Sf.Patrick care ajuta calugaritele sa scape de sarcinile nedorite sau altele asemenea. Sau vezi ramasitele de ritualuri pagane foarte prezente.
Totul s-a schimbat odata cu invazia engleza a lui Cromwell. Englezii anglicani au fost de-o duritate iesita din comun cu irlandezii, au mers pana la a vinde printese irlandeze ca sclave in Jamaica obligandu-le sa faca copii cu negrii. Daca nu-ti vindeai armasarul de rasa la pret de martoaga erai linsat, chiar nobil fiind. Daca cantai in gaelica erai spanzurat. Se pare ca 25% din populatie a murit sau a fost vanduta in sclavie asemenea negrilor, laolalta cu ei. Englezii contemplau serios posibilitatea exterminarii irlandezilor. Dusmani au fost ei mereu dar odata cu trecerea englezilor la anglicanism s-au exacerbat lucrurile. Era faza aia de inceput a protestantismului, cand au fost aproape talibani. Asta era valabil inclusiv dpdv conversie, daca te faceai protestant erai de-al englezilor, dar trebuia sa-i urasti pe catolici cum ii urau ei. Adevarati jihadisti anglicani. Noroc ca ethosul crestin i-a calmat dar primul lor imbold a fost foarte distructiv.
In fine, ideea e ca irlandezii au inceput sa devina puritani si teocratici si catolici fanatici abia de atunci incolo.
Odata ce s-au unit toti in jurul Bisericii Catolice ca sa-si apere identitatea, biserica a capatat o influenta in societate pe care nu o mai avusese pana atunci. Si cum au ramas sub englezi iar acestia le-au tras-o urat pana-n secolul 19 - vezi Foametea anilor 1840 - fenomenul a durat pana dupa Independenta din 1923. In Irlanda de Nord dureaza si acum.

Agresivitatea catolica in Japonia trebuie plasata in contextul in care aia se omorau intre ei intr-o veselie, era perioada luptelor intre daimyo. Si nu numai daimyo, si sectele intre ele, budist vs budist, aveau adevarate armate, ninja care asasinau liderii etc. Oare de ce a crescut mult crestinismul acolo, de asemenea ce era celorlalti actori?
Iar protestantii ar trebui sa spuna tot adevarul nu doar neregulile catolice, sa spuna de pilda cum ei au fost aia care l-au convins pe shogun sa extermine comunitatea catolica din Japonia. Si cum spaniolii i-au imbarcat pe supravietuitori si i-au colonizat in Filipine si Mexic.
Altfel, acordul papilor in materie de violenta trebuie si el plasat in contextul expansiunii iberice intre musulmani.
Era de la sine inteles ca, daca vor sa deschida drumul Indiilor, ibericii vor trebui sa treaca peste musulmani.
Cum in perioada aia Europa si Otomanii erau intr-o inclestare dura, iar Otomanii se bagau cu influenta pana-n Indonezia, era clar ca lupta religioasa si cea economica merg mana-n mana.
Europenii efectiv nu si-au pus problema ce sa faca cu non-musulmanii, pana au dat de ei.
Ei stiau ca drumurile comerciale asiatice sunt in maini musulmane deci vor avea de luptat cu ei. La asta se asteptau. Contactele cu non-musulmani au venit ulterior. Dar si acolo conflictul cu musulmanii era prezent, era inevitabil, fie ca era India, Indonezia, Malaezia sau Siam.
Sigur, nu vreau sa zic ca intentiile europene cu non-musulmanii erau doar miere si zahar. Dar nu erau nici porniti din principiu contra lor. Per total, politeismele asiatice ii cam lasau reci. Incercau sa-si impuna conditiile asa cum face orice tara cand da de una cu care-i merge, pur si simplu.

si cu non-musulmanii din Groelanda ? spune-mi istoria ... aia ce religia aveau cand a aparut crestinismul? si ce sunt acum ?

Edited by babalaul, 08 January 2013 - 18:57.




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View Postsearcher-star, on 07 ianuarie 2013 - 11:49, said:

Oare de ce a crescut mult crestinismul acolo, de asemenea ce era celorlalti actori?
Ca oare daimyo-ii crestini au fost niste ingerasi. Crezi ca dupa ce s-au convertit si-au schimbat mentalitatea si stilul de viata? Vax. Japonezii erau prea organizati, mult prea prinsi in sistemul de caste, pentru a deveni cu adevarat crestini. Ce urmareau misionarii, era patrunderea economica pe piata japoneza. Si crestinarea a fost cea mai simpla solutie. Pana s-au prins shogunii, si i-au cam luat in suturi.



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daimyo crestini ... un fel de cruciati in Japonia. dar tot avutia ii interesa.

Edited by babalaul, 08 January 2013 - 20:47.



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View Postbabalaul, on 08 ianuarie 2013 - 18:56, said:

si cu non-musulmanii din Groelanda ? spune-mi istoria ... aia ce religia aveau cand a aparut crestinismul? si ce sunt acum ?
Toate religiile au incercat sa se extinda, e in firea lor.
Insa in special avansul colonial iberic al anilor 1492-1550 s-a facut ca o continuare a celui cruciat, reconquista, anti-islam... si in cea mai mare parte luptele s-au dat cu musulmani, ca efort vorbind. Amerindienii desi mult mai multi n-au fost tinta nr.1.
Locuitorii Americii au trecut de la animism/politeism la crestinismul albilor care erau mai influenti in zona.
Desi au existat excese si abuzuri indubitabile, per total si pe termen mai lung nivelul de trai in Americi, inclusiv pentru indieni, a crescut, chiar spre finele primului secol de dominatie spaniola. Iar religia era un amestec, vezi cultul Fecioarei de Guadalupe de pilda care e infatisata ca o tanara care desi e iconic catolica, e inconjurata si de simbolism aztec.

View Postlucifer76, on 08 ianuarie 2013 - 19:27, said:

Ca oare daimyo-ii crestini au fost niste ingerasi. Crezi ca dupa ce s-au convertit si-au schimbat mentalitatea si stilul de viata? Vax. Japonezii erau prea organizati, mult prea prinsi in sistemul de caste, pentru a deveni cu adevarat crestini. Ce urmareau misionarii, era patrunderea economica pe piata japoneza. Si crestinarea a fost cea mai simpla solutie. Pana s-au prins shogunii, si i-au cam luat in suturi.
Ideea e ca multi japonezi s-au lasat masacrati mai degraba decat sa renunte la religia catolica, desi era suficient sa renunte ca sa scape.
Daimyo in general n-au prea fost crestini, nu-i aranja in masura in care, desi le conforta ordinea feudala, le diminua din puterea absoluta.

Edited by searcher-star, 09 January 2013 - 10:54.




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View Postsearcher-star, on 09 ianuarie 2013 - 11:04, said:

desi le conforta ordinea feudala, le diminua din puterea absoluta.
Exact de asta crestinismul nu a putut patrunde in Japonia.



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View Postlucifer76, on 09 ianuarie 2013 - 11:16, said:

Exact de asta crestinismul nu a putut patrunde in Japonia.
Dar a avut un succes rapid in mase, care daca n-ar fi fost avortat, cine stie la ce procent ar fi ajuns.



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View Postsearcher-star, on 07 ianuarie 2013 - 11:49, said:

Agresivitatea catolica in Japonia trebuie plasata in contextul in care aia se omorau intre ei intr-o veselie, era perioada luptelor intre daimyo. Si nu numai daimyo, si sectele intre ele, budist vs budist, aveau adevarate armate, ninja care asasinau liderii etc. Oare de ce a crescut mult crestinismul acolo, de asemenea ce era celorlalti actori?
In perioada luptelor intre Daimyo ca si in intreaga istorie a Japoniei, sectele religioase nu aveau armate. Este insa adevarat ca se mai implicau in politica. Iar ninja erau doar niste asasini platiti si organizati in cateva clanuri, nici vorba de armata. De altfel Nobunaga le-a distrus aproape complet in batalia de la Ido. Crestinismul nu s-a potrivit absolut deloc conceptiilor razboinice ale Daimyo si asta a fost si motivul pentru care in perioada shogunatului acestia au inchis practic complet Japonia.



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View Postmario_bril, on 10 ianuarie 2013 - 14:39, said:

In perioada luptelor intre Daimyo ca si in intreaga istorie a Japoniei, sectele religioase nu aveau armate. Este insa adevarat ca se mai implicau in politica.
Militant Buddhism
Buddhism is arguably the most peaceful of the world’s religions however its rise to prominence in Japan did not escape the assumption of a militaristic role.  As Buddhist temple complexes, wealth, and influence expanded under the patronage of the court, many established special guards comprised of clergy and laity, in order to protect the holy artifacts and temple grounds.  This presence of armed and trained individuals could not escape the politics of territorial ownership. [5]   Greatly influenced by the intrigues of the court, burgeoning rivalries with other sects, and growing political fragmentation, the politically appointed abbots were faced with an unavoidable need to expand their security posture and manning.
This expansion of forces resulted in the inclusion of dispossessed peasants and mercenary soldiers, and the first documented temple feuds arose in the 10th century.
…by the middle of the 10th century bitter disputes over the imperial control of senior appointments led to brawling between rival monks and eventually to the use of weapons…The first major incident involving violence by monks against monks occurred in 949 when 56 monks from Nara’s Todaiji gathered at the residence of an official in Kyoto to protest against an appointment that displeased them.  In 969 a dispute over conflicting claims to temple lands resulted in the death of several Kofukuji monks at the hands of monks from Todaiji. [6]
The origin of the actual warrior monk (sohei) is somewhat debatable.  Through the late 10th century, most of the major temples retained doctrines with respect to monk’s conduct and the forsaking of violence and weaponry.  It is possible that the early armies associated with the various temples and sects were wholly comprised of mercenaries and laity.  However, a direct connection between the rise in government sponsored, ordained monks and ‘immoral’ monks, who functioned as soldiers was prevalent throughout medieval Japan and proved a harbinger of trouble to come. [7]
Incidents of violence involving Buddhist entities occurred throughout the 10th and 11th century and historical chronicles, such as the Heike Monogotari, document Buddhist sects and their monks in battle.  These events mark the inception of a broad turning point in the endorsement and justification of violence on behalf of a Buddhist sect or temple.
Although they had heretofore developed into influential political bodies, Buddhist temples also served as places of solace and retirement for samurai and courtesans.  Temples also provided refuge for the impoverished and those on the run from criminal prosecution.  This mélange of divergent backgrounds and experiences doubtlessly bolstered the capabilities and tenacity of these monk armies.  From the devout believer to the ordained samurai to the hardened criminal, the evolution and action of these Buddhist armies bears comparison to the other private armies which were conducting unilateral military action on behalf of the court or their respective leaders.
The employment of militant monks by the court to serve its needs took place in the early 12th century, when the head abbot of the Kumano shrine was commissioned for anti-piracy endeavors on the Kii coastline.  With the established political connections and an increasing military capability, the warrior monks soon became embroiled in the Gempei War.
The Taira attack on the Kumano sohei was a very minor operation compared to an event during the same year of 1181, when Taira Shigehira led a punitive expedition against Nara in retaliation for its support of Prince Mochihito…The warrior monks put up a stiff resistance, which Shigehira overcame by using the indiscriminate weapon of fire. [8]
This event resulted in the destruction of the entire Todaiji complex and with it, countless Buddhist artifacts.  This event was chronicled in the Heike Monogatari as an extremely ominous occurrence which also was tied in to the concept of mappo, a descent into chaos itself.
Japan’s transition from aristocratic to warrior rule brought a turmoil and uncertainty that pervaded the times.  This further reinforced a sense of degeneracy and contributed to resurgence in the solace of religion amongst a great deal of the people. [9]   As the Warring States Period raged on, the popularity, and subsequent power of both the True Pure Land Sect and the Nicfara-piraterie Sect grew, and not just among the warrior class.  An offshoot of the True Pure Land Sect, the Ikko would eventually establish one of the most powerful and effective Buddhist armies.  Unlike the older sects, this Ikko drew much of their support from the peasantry.  Replacing military experience with religious zeal, the Ikko warriors embraced a ritualistic lifestyle and applied themselves deftly to military training, devoting themselves as true holy warriors.
…the military campaigns they launched against the warlords were called Ikko uprisings.  In the last quarter of the fifteenth century, the Ikko adherents staged six uprisings and eventually gained control of the province of Kaga.  By the sixteenth century the Ikko forces had become a major power in the Kyoto-Osaka area as well as in the north-central and central provinces, constituting a formidable obstacle to the ambitious daimyo. [10]
The uprisings of the Ikko sect were referred to by the samurai of the time as Ikko-ikki, or Ikko riots.  The efficacy of these mob riots only further solidified the capability and notoriety of Buddhist warriors, as well as identified a veritable challenge to power for anyone attempting to unify the land.
Oda Nobunaga’s pending victory in this unification was inexorably challenged by not just rival daimyo, but these powerful Buddhist armies and their loyal following.  Nobunaga exhorted extreme violence against any and all Buddhist temples that would not pledge allegiance to his rule.  Nobunaga’s successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, continued this fight with the addition of leveraged economic pressure on these entities.  Lastly, Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to completely subjugate and excise any threat or potency possessed by the Buddhist temples.
[...]The strict regulation of Buddhism under the Tokugawa regime successfully prevented any resurgence of Buddhist militarization.



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View Postsearcher-star, on 10 ianuarie 2013 - 15:55, said:

Militant Buddhism
Buddhism is arguably the most peaceful of the world’s religions however its rise to prominence in Japan did not escape the assumption of a militaristic role.  As Buddhist temple complexes, wealth, and influence expanded under the patronage of the court, many established special guards comprised of clergy and laity, in order to protect the holy artifacts and temple grounds.  This presence of armed and trained individuals could not escape the politics of territorial ownership. [5]   Greatly influenced by the intrigues of the court, burgeoning rivalries with other sects, and growing political fragmentation, the politically appointed abbots were faced with an unavoidable need to expand their security posture and manning.
This expansion of forces resulted in the inclusion of dispossessed peasants and mercenary soldiers, and the first documented temple feuds arose in the 10th century.
…by the middle of the 10th century bitter disputes over the imperial control of senior appointments led to brawling between rival monks and eventually to the use of weapons…The first major incident involving violence by monks against monks occurred in 949 when 56 monks from Nara’s Todaiji gathered at the residence of an official in Kyoto to protest against an appointment that displeased them.  In 969 a dispute over conflicting claims to temple lands resulted in the death of several Kofukuji monks at the hands of monks from Todaiji. [6]
The origin of the actual warrior monk (sohei) is somewhat debatable.  Through the late 10th century, most of the major temples retained doctrines with respect to monk’s conduct and the forsaking of violence and weaponry.  It is possible that the early armies associated with the various temples and sects were wholly comprised of mercenaries and laity.  However, a direct connection between the rise in government sponsored, ordained monks and ‘immoral’ monks, who functioned as soldiers was prevalent throughout medieval Japan and proved a harbinger of trouble to come. [7]
Incidents of violence involving Buddhist entities occurred throughout the 10th and 11th century and historical chronicles, such as the Heike Monogotari, document Buddhist sects and their monks in battle.  These events mark the inception of a broad turning point in the endorsement and justification of violence on behalf of a Buddhist sect or temple.
Although they had heretofore developed into influential political bodies, Buddhist temples also served as places of solace and retirement for samurai and courtesans.  Temples also provided refuge for the impoverished and those on the run from criminal prosecution.  This mélange of divergent backgrounds and experiences doubtlessly bolstered the capabilities and tenacity of these monk armies.  From the devout believer to the ordained samurai to the hardened criminal, the evolution and action of these Buddhist armies bears comparison to the other private armies which were conducting unilateral military action on behalf of the court or their respective leaders.
The employment of militant monks by the court to serve its needs took place in the early 12th century, when the head abbot of the Kumano shrine was commissioned for anti-piracy endeavors on the Kii coastline.  With the established political connections and an increasing military capability, the warrior monks soon became embroiled in the Gempei War.
The Taira attack on the Kumano sohei was a very minor operation compared to an event during the same year of 1181, when Taira Shigehira led a punitive expedition against Nara in retaliation for its support of Prince Mochihito…The warrior monks put up a stiff resistance, which Shigehira overcame by using the indiscriminate weapon of fire. [8]
This event resulted in the destruction of the entire Todaiji complex and with it, countless Buddhist artifacts.  This event was chronicled in the Heike Monogatari as an extremely ominous occurrence which also was tied in to the concept of mappo, a descent into chaos itself.
Japan’s transition from aristocratic to warrior rule brought a turmoil and uncertainty that pervaded the times.  This further reinforced a sense of degeneracy and contributed to resurgence in the solace of religion amongst a great deal of the people. [9]   As the Warring States Period raged on, the popularity, and subsequent power of both the True Pure Land Sect and the Nicfara-piraterie Sect grew, and not just among the warrior class.  An offshoot of the True Pure Land Sect, the Ikko would eventually establish one of the most powerful and effective Buddhist armies.  Unlike the older sects, this Ikko drew much of their support from the peasantry.  Replacing military experience with religious zeal, the Ikko warriors embraced a ritualistic lifestyle and applied themselves deftly to military training, devoting themselves as true holy warriors.
…the military campaigns they launched against the warlords were called Ikko uprisings.  In the last quarter of the fifteenth century, the Ikko adherents staged six uprisings and eventually gained control of the province of Kaga.  By the sixteenth century the Ikko forces had become a major power in the Kyoto-Osaka area as well as in the north-central and central provinces, constituting a formidable obstacle to the ambitious daimyo. [10]
The uprisings of the Ikko sect were referred to by the samurai of the time as Ikko-ikki, or Ikko riots.  The efficacy of these mob riots only further solidified the capability and notoriety of Buddhist warriors, as well as identified a veritable challenge to power for anyone attempting to unify the land.
Oda Nobunaga’s pending victory in this unification was inexorably challenged by not just rival daimyo, but these powerful Buddhist armies and their loyal following.  Nobunaga exhorted extreme violence against any and all Buddhist temples that would not pledge allegiance to his rule.  Nobunaga’s successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, continued this fight with the addition of leveraged economic pressure on these entities.  Lastly, Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to completely subjugate and excise any threat or potency possessed by the Buddhist temples.
[...]The strict regulation of Buddhism under the Tokugawa regime successfully prevented any resurgence of Buddhist militarization.
Eu am spus ca nu aveau armate. Nu ca acei calugari budisti nu ar fi avut activitati belicoase si ca nu s-ar fi implicat in lupte. Asta in perioada in care crestinismul a intrat in Japonia, respectiv in perioada Azuchi-Momoyama.




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si tu....mario,...................

teoretician pina la moarte!

tu de ce te-ai certat cu karuna???

lasa ca te fac io si pe tine sa vii cu picioarele pa pamint....nu sa stai cu sufletul in rai,....ca o,...



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Mai bine baga pace.



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View Postjeremiah, on 19 septembrie 2009 - 19:59, said:

Biserica lui Isus Hristos nu este bogată în averi pămînteşti, nu posedă aur şi argint, cum a spus atunci Petru, ci este bogat binecuvîntată duhovniceşte. Satana i-a oferit lui Isus bogăţiile acestui pămînt. EL a respins pentru că a ştiut că, potrivit făgăduinţei, va fi Domnitor desăvîrşit peste toate bogăţiile pămîntului. Această pretenţie o are şi papalitatea, şi anume să domnească pînă la sfîrşitul pămîntuluiŞi prin aceasta se descoperă contradicţia faţă de Dumnezeu. Istoria omenirii ar fi decurs, cu siguranţă, cu totul altfel fără papi. Nu ar fi existat cruciadele, multele războaie, prigonirile şi milioanele de martiriŞi sclavia trebuie pusă în contul ei, pentru că aşa-zişii misionari au netezit, mai întîi, drumul neguţătorilor.

Nici măcar experţii financiari nu pot evalua bogăţiile Vaticanului. Cine vizitează camerele cu bogăţii din Domul lui Petru, aurul, perlele, pietrele preţioase şi celelalte valori, i se taie respiraţia (Apoc. 17, 4). Roma este un oraş sfînt în exterior. Cine aterizează pe aeroport vede imediat „ Banco di Santo Spirito ” (Banca Duhului Sfînt). Bogăţiile nemăsurate nu sînt în casele poporului, ci în dioceze, respectiv în Vatican.

Biserica romană este o putere mondială politico-religioasă, care este activă în toate domeniile şi are influenţă în special prin ordinul iezuiţilor, total supus ei. Membrii ei au ocupat deja toate poziţiile-cheie. Ei se află în guverne şi administraţii, în universităţi, în domeniul social, în spitale, în grădiniţe şi şcoli etc. Cea mai mare angajare şi străduinţă a ei este promovarea „ religiei de stat ” romano-catolice, pentru care se folosesc toate canalele oficiale. Ei sînt consilierii şi redactorii manuscriselor celor mai importanţi politicieni din est şi vest. „ Opus Dei” este peste tot; şi la protestanţi, şi la comunişti. Ca şi înainte, ei procedează după principiul: scopul scuză mijloacele.

Nu stiu ce valoare ar putea avea vreo scuza oficiala a Vaticanului, mai ales ca recent un alt scandal legat de aceasta institutie a incitat spiritele. Cu bani de la Mussolini in schimbul sustinerii politice, Vaticanul detine printre altele complexul Bulgari Blue si institutii financiare in Londra.
Pe timpuri Gallileo Gallilei a fost arestat la domiciliu ca a sustinut ca Soarele este in centru sistemului solar. Azi Vaticanul detine aproape toate observatoarele care observa activitatea Soarelui. Ciudat interes catre stiinta din partea unora care au combatut-o secole la rind.

View Postsearcher-star, on 10 ianuarie 2013 - 15:55, said:

Militant Buddhism
Buddhism is arguably the most peaceful of the world’s religions however its rise to prominence in Japan did not escape the assumption of a militaristic role.  As Buddhist temple complexes, wealth, and influence expanded under the patronage of the court, many established special guards comprised of clergy and laity, in order to protect the holy artifacts and temple grounds.  This presence of armed and trained individuals could not escape the politics of territorial ownership. [5]   Greatly influenced by the intrigues of the court, burgeoning rivalries with other sects, and growing political fragmentation, the politically appointed abbots were faced with an unavoidable need to expand their security posture and manning.
This expansion of forces resulted in the inclusion of dispossessed peasants and mercenary soldiers, and the first documented temple feuds arose in the 10th century.
…by the middle of the 10th century bitter disputes over the imperial control of senior appointments led to brawling between rival monks and eventually to the use of weapons…The first major incident involving violence by monks against monks occurred in 949 when 56 monks from Nara’s Todaiji gathered at the residence of an official in Kyoto to protest against an appointment that displeased them.  In 969 a dispute over conflicting claims to temple lands resulted in the death of several Kofukuji monks at the hands of monks from Todaiji. [6]
The origin of the actual warrior monk (sohei) is somewhat debatable.  Through the late 10th century, most of the major temples retained doctrines with respect to monk’s conduct and the forsaking of violence and weaponry.  It is possible that the early armies associated with the various temples and sects were wholly comprised of mercenaries and laity.  However, a direct connection between the rise in government sponsored, ordained monks and ‘immoral’ monks, who functioned as soldiers was prevalent throughout medieval Japan and proved a harbinger of trouble to come. [7]
Incidents of violence involving Buddhist entities occurred throughout the 10th and 11th century and historical chronicles, such as the Heike Monogotari, document Buddhist sects and their monks in battle.  These events mark the inception of a broad turning point in the endorsement and justification of violence on behalf of a Buddhist sect or temple.
Although they had heretofore developed into influential political bodies, Buddhist temples also served as places of solace and retirement for samurai and courtesans.  Temples also provided refuge for the impoverished and those on the run from criminal prosecution.  This mélange of divergent backgrounds and experiences doubtlessly bolstered the capabilities and tenacity of these monk armies.  From the devout believer to the ordained samurai to the hardened criminal, the evolution and action of these Buddhist armies bears comparison to the other private armies which were conducting unilateral military action on behalf of the court or their respective leaders.
The employment of militant monks by the court to serve its needs took place in the early 12th century, when the head abbot of the Kumano shrine was commissioned for anti-piracy endeavors on the Kii coastline.  With the established political connections and an increasing military capability, the warrior monks soon became embroiled in the Gempei War.
The Taira attack on the Kumano sohei was a very minor operation compared to an event during the same year of 1181, when Taira Shigehira led a punitive expedition against Nara in retaliation for its support of Prince Mochihito…The warrior monks put up a stiff resistance, which Shigehira overcame by using the indiscriminate weapon of fire. [8]
This event resulted in the destruction of the entire Todaiji complex and with it, countless Buddhist artifacts.  This event was chronicled in the Heike Monogatari as an extremely ominous occurrence which also was tied in to the concept of mappo, a descent into chaos itself.
Japan’s transition from aristocratic to warrior rule brought a turmoil and uncertainty that pervaded the times.  This further reinforced a sense of degeneracy and contributed to resurgence in the solace of religion amongst a great deal of the people. [9]   As the Warring States Period raged on, the popularity, and subsequent power of both the True Pure Land Sect and the Nicfara-piraterie Sect grew, and not just among the warrior class.  An offshoot of the True Pure Land Sect, the Ikko would eventually establish one of the most powerful and effective Buddhist armies.  Unlike the older sects, this Ikko drew much of their support from the peasantry.  Replacing military experience with religious zeal, the Ikko warriors embraced a ritualistic lifestyle and applied themselves deftly to military training, devoting themselves as true holy warriors.
…the military campaigns they launched against the warlords were called Ikko uprisings.  In the last quarter of the fifteenth century, the Ikko adherents staged six uprisings and eventually gained control of the province of Kaga.  By the sixteenth century the Ikko forces had become a major power in the Kyoto-Osaka area as well as in the north-central and central provinces, constituting a formidable obstacle to the ambitious daimyo. [10]
The uprisings of the Ikko sect were referred to by the samurai of the time as Ikko-ikki, or Ikko riots.  The efficacy of these mob riots only further solidified the capability and notoriety of Buddhist warriors, as well as identified a veritable challenge to power for anyone attempting to unify the land.
Oda Nobunaga’s pending victory in this unification was inexorably challenged by not just rival daimyo, but these powerful Buddhist armies and their loyal following.  Nobunaga exhorted extreme violence against any and all Buddhist temples that would not pledge allegiance to his rule.  Nobunaga’s successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, continued this fight with the addition of leveraged economic pressure on these entities.  Lastly, Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to completely subjugate and excise any threat or potency possessed by the Buddhist temples.
[...]The strict regulation of Buddhism under the Tokugawa regime successfully prevented any resurgence of Buddhist militarization.

Buddhismul este divizat in mai multe scoli si in toate pacea are insemnatate deosebita. Nu putem pune ambitiile razboinice ale statelor pe seama religiei. Daca Japonia incepind din 1895 condusa de dinastia Meiji a cucerit o mare parte din statele chineze estice pina in Manciuria si Siberia nu a fost deloc ideea religiei buddhiste, ci ambitia claselor nobile ale Japoniei. Corporatii ca Mitsubishi au sustinut economic campaniile japoneze. Deci cu religia buddhista nici o legatura. Da, buddhistii tibetani au luptat cu armament greu (tunuri) dar in inferioritate numerica, impotriva armatelor Chinei comuniste. Dar aceste lupte iar nu se pot pune in seama buddhismului ca religie. Nici macar luptatorii din Templul Shaolin nu sint cultivati spre violenta, ci au dezvoltat tehnici de lupta din necesitatea de a pastra integritatea Templului in fata jefuitorilor chinezi sau mai tirziu britanici. Subiectul este foarte complex si nu putem interpreta superficial.



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View PostMIZRAHIND, on 29 ianuarie 2013 - 21:41, said:

1Nu stiu ce valoare ar putea avea vreo scuza oficiala a Vaticanului, mai ales ca recent un alt scandal legat de aceasta institutie a incitat spiritele. Cu bani de la Mussolini in schimbul sustinerii politice, Vaticanul detine printre altele complexul Bulgari Blue si institutii financiare in Londra.
2Pe timpuri Gallileo Gallilei a fost arestat la domiciliu ca a sustinut ca Soarele este in centru sistemului solar. Azi Vaticanul detine aproape toate observatoarele care observa activitatea Soarelui. Ciudat interes catre stiinta din partea unora care au combatut-o secole la rind.

3Buddhismul este divizat in mai multe scoli si in toate pacea are insemnatate deosebita. [...] nu sint cultivati spre violenta, ci au dezvoltat tehnici de lupta din necesitatea de a pastra integritatea Templului in fata jefuitorilor chinezi sau mai tirziu britanici. Subiectul este foarte complex si nu putem interpreta superficial.
1Toate cate-s pe lumea asta se manjesc mai mult sau mai putin, inclusiv religiile, e legea firii. Totusi, din cate stiu eu doar una propovaduieste razboiul total ca indatorire religioasa, si nu e catolicismul...Posted Image
2De tare ce-a combatut Biserica stiinta, Europa si-a triplat populatia si cvadruplat productia intre 950 si 1300. Si cam 25% din ea era pamant bisericesc...
Galileo a facut tot posibilul sa aiba parte de proces. Suna bizar dar asta e adevarul. Putea scapa fara nici o problema daca spunea ca ideile lui sunt ipoteze.
Nu i s-a cerut sa renunte la ele macar ca era prof univ intr-o universitate apartinand Bisericii iar ideile lui erau insotite de o filozofie destul de mecanicista ale carei implicatii sceptice vizavi de religie n-au scapat contemporanilor.
3Si Cruciadele tot defensive au fost, in fata distrugerii jihadiste care cuprinsese Anatolia. Ca bizantinii n-au fost capabili sa le fructifice e alta discutie.

Edited by searcher-star, 30 January 2013 - 10:31.


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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