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Ok...Ok....dar la un telefon cu S40 se poate face asta? Bineinteles nu prin GNUBOX dar poate se poate altfel...deci....se poate? :naughty:



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View Postmirmurm, on Sep 13 2007, 11:12, said:


(Un mix din diverse tutoriale care la mine a functionat cu succes)

VALABIL PT conexiune internet PC prin ROUTER !

GNUBOX trebuie sa fie deja instalat pe tel! (si bluetooth pe PC pornit, evident)
FARA mrouter si alte softuri aditionale !!!

ON YOUR PC (Microsoft BT stack!!!!!, nu e nevoie de ivt bluetooth soleil, widcomm sau altele))
Switch on BT on ur PC and ur fone.

# Open registry editor (on the computer, Start|Run..., type regedit and click OK)
# Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters in the tree.
# Look for IPEnableRouter on the right

    * If you found it, change the value to 1
    * If you did not find it,

         1. select Edit|New|Doubleword value (or DWORD value).
         2. Enter the name IPEnableRouter (take care for capital letters)
         3. and a single 1 in the value field.

# Close registry editor
# Reboot your computer to apply the changes. DO NOT FORGET THIS. It won't work without rebooting.

Step1: Right click the BT icon in the system tray, “Open Bluetooth Settings”
go to “COM Ports”.
If it is blank, click on “Add”-> “Incoming (device initiates the connection)”
Look at the COM number…mine is COM4. it varies…let’s put it as COM# Inlocuim # cu numarul care ne apara acolo)

Step2: Go to “Control Panel” -> “Phone and Modem options”. Select the tab “Modem”
Add a modem. Check the box saying “Don’t detect modem”.
Select the type as “Communications cable between two computers”
connected on Bluetooth Serial Port COM#

Step2: Go to “Control Panel” -> “network connections”. Create a new connection
“setup advanced connection” –> “accept incoming connections” –> select ur COM# and uncheck other connections/modems and leave the rest of the stuff as it is and then continue and finish.

La "Networking" ,"Internet Protocol TCP/IP" , "Properties" bifez "allow callers to access my local area network".
La "TCP/IP address asignment bifez "Specify TCP/IP addresses" pun 2 IP-uri consecutive din IP-urile de LAN recunoscute de router.(click pe buton xp "start", aleg "run" , scriu acolo "cmd"
si, in fereastra deschisa sriu "ipconfig /all" fara ghilimele, dau enter si vad ce IP are compu meu si ce DNS. De ex, daca IP-ul pc e, pot alege 2 IP-uri consecutive ca si sau orice IP care sa fie recunoscut de router si care sa nu se "incalece" cu IP-urile altor PC de pe LAN)


Step1: On the phone, Go to “Tools”->”Settings”->”Connection”->”Access points”
Go to “Options”->”New access point”->”Use default settings”
Name it ‘Bt’ .
Make sure you set it to use ‘Data call’ as the bearer.
Set the number to call to something that cannot be called (e.g 321),
username as abc, password: xyz
Leave the rest as it is…

(USERUL SI PASS tre sa apara si in "incoming connection PROPERTIES,  adaug unul nou , daca e necesar. in acest caz user "abc", pass "xyz")
TOT acolo , la incoming conections properties bifez si "REQUIRE all users to secure thier passwords and data"!!
Tot in "incoming connections"(PC) am bifat si "VPN allo other users to make private connections to my computer..." (nu stiu daca era necesar)

Step2: Start GnuBox.
Now you should see on the screen that the DialOutISP record is found,
and the phone number you just entered is printed on the screen.
However, the ModemBearer should still show ‘No rec’.
- Select “Options”->”Install”->”Create records”
- Exit gnubox with “Options”->”Exit”
- Start GnuBox again.
- Now you should see on the screen that the ModemBearer is shown and the ‘No rec’ error is gone.
- Create the bluetooth pairing between your phone and the computer.
- Launch GnuBox. Select “Install”->”Set RAS login script”
- Then select “2box bluetooth”->”Serial port”
- On the upcoming device selection dialog, select your computer,
and in the question about encryption click Yes (or OK if you only have that)

TEST: aleg din menu-ul "debug" al gnubox-ului "bring up IF", daca apare mesajul "connection open", totul e OK ! :)
Ies din gnubox si..

- Launch your phone browser and enjoy!!

NU uitati sa dati "disable" la firewall sau sa alegeti "allow all" functie de tipul de firewall folosit!!

(opera mini sau netfront, NU nokia default web browser. Aleg la "access point, Bt, evident)
Daca browserul da DNS error, trebuie trecute DNS-urile intrand iar la Bt, in tel "access points:, "options" "advanced"
Daca opera mini da alte erori, puteti incerca "menu" "tools" "settings", alegeti "network setup" iar browser-ul va incepe niste teste de conexiune.
Daca aveti probleme cu deschiderea 'access points" pe tel, dupa instalare gnubox, deschideti "gnubox" si alegeti "delete records" (poate fi necesara re-creearea ulterioara a conexiunii Bt...)


treaba asta ai reusito la n73 sau la celalalt telefon
eu m-am chinuit si eu odata si nu mi-a mers cu n73



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View Postiustikka, on 2nd January 2008, 06:05, said:

treaba asta ai reusito la n73 sau la celalalt telefon
eu m-am chinuit si eu odata si nu mi-a mers cu n73

eu am reusit cu n73 pe windows 7....am incercat si pe xp dar nu mi-a mers


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

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Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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