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Frontul National Anti-Reptilian

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Sondaj: Frontul National Anti-Reptilian (88 membri au votat)

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Nu sunteti curiosi sa vedeti cine e autorul original al povestilor despre reptilieni? ;)

David Icke

David Icke, pronounced /aɪk/ (born April 29, 1952) is a former professional football player, reporter, television sports presenter, and national spokesperson of the Green Party (UK). Since 1990, he has devoted himself to researching "who and what is really controlling the world." [1] He is the author of 20 books explaining his views.

Icke argues that he has developed a moral and political worldview that combines a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world with a New Age spiritualism. His views have been described as "New Age conspiracism."

At the heart of Icke's theories is the view that the world is ruled by a secret group called the "Global Elite" or "Illuminati," which he has linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic hoax. In 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.

According to Political Research Associates, Icke's ideas are popular in Canada, where the New Age aspect of his philosophy overshadows his more controversial beliefs. During an October 1999 speaking tour there, he received a standing ovation from students after a five-hour speech at the University of Toronto, while his books were removed from the shelves of Indigo Books across Ontario after protests from the Canadian Jewish Congress.

Early life

Icke was born in Leicester to Beric Vaughan Icke (born 1907, Leicester) and Barbara J. Icke (nee Cooke) (married 1951, Leicester), and was raised on a council estate, or public housing, according to the biography on his website. He left school to play football for Coventry City and Hereford United in the English league, playing as a goalkeeper until forced to retire at the age of 21 because of arthritis.

He found a job with a local newspaper in Leicester and became a reporter, moving on to local radio, regional television, and eventually national television with the BBC, where he became a sports presenter. He left the BBC in 1988 to become an activist for the Green Party, rising swiftly to the position of national media spokesperson. In 1990, he wrote It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, an outline of his views on the environment and his political philosophy.

Contact with the spirit world

In his online autobiography, Icke writes that, in March 1990, while he was a national spokesperson for the Green Party, he received a message from the spirit world through a medium. She told him he was a healer who had been chosen for his courage and sent to heal the earth, and that he had been directed into football to learn discipline. He was going to leave politics and would become famous, she said, writing five books in three years, and one day there would be a great earthquake, and the "sea will reclaim land," because human beings were abusing the earth.

When Icke told the Green Party leadership what he had experienced, he was banned from speaking at public meetings on their behalf.  In 1991, after a trip to Peru, he wrote Truth Vibrations, an autobiographical work which summarized his life experiences up to that point, with an emphasis on his recent spiritual encounters. He began to wear only turquoise and on March 27, 1991, held a press conference to announce: "I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead."

In an interview on the Terry Wogan show that year, he announced that he was "the son of God," and that Britain would be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. His statements were met with laughter and ridicule from the studio audience, derision in the press, and suggestions that he was mentally ill. Icke later said that he had been misinterpreted by the media. According to Icke, he used the term "the son of God" "... in the sense of being an aspect, as I understood it at the time, of the Infinite consciousness that is everything. As I have written before, we are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite consciousness" (Tales From The Time Loop 2003).

After being widely ridiculed, he disappeared from public view. He has written that, for several years, he was unable to walk down the street without people pointing and laughing, and that this experience helped him find the courage to develop his controversial ideas, because he was no longer afraid of what people thought of him. He told Jon Ronson: "One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way. And suddenly, overnight, this was transformed into 'Icke's a nutter'. I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule."

Conspiracy writings

Icke has published 20 books outlining his views, a mixture of New Age philosophy and apocalyptic conspiracism. American political scientist Michael Barkun, in a 2003 study of conspiracy theory subculture, writes that Icke is "the most fluent of conspiracy authors, which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." His talent for communicating with people led The Observer to call him "the Greens' Tony Blair."

Icke's core ideas are outlined in four books written over seven years: The Robots' Rebellion (1994), ...And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001). The basic conspiracy theory is that the world is controlled by a network of secret societies referred to as the "Brotherhood," at the apex of which stand the "Illuminati" or "Global Elite." The goal of the Brotherhood is a world government, a plan that Icke says was laid out in the anti-semitic hoax, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Icke says are really the revealed plans of the Illuminati. Icke, in common with many other conspiracy theorists, says the methods of these conspirators include control of the world's economies and the use of mind-control techniques.

The Global Elite controls the Brotherhood and the world using what Icke calls a "pyramid of manipulation," consisting of sets of hierarchical structures involving banking, business, the military, education, the media, religion, drug companies, intelligence agencies, and organized crime.

At the very top of the pyramid are what Icke calls the "Prison Warders," who are not human. He writes that: "A pyramidal structure of human beings has been created under the influence and design of the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and their overall master, the Luciferic Consciousness. They control the human clique at the top of the pyramid, which I have dubbed the Global Elite."

Icke cites the Holocaust, Oklahoma City bombing, and the September 11, 2001 attacks as examples of events financed and organized by the Global Elite. British journalist Simon Jones writes that, according to Icke, "Ordinary people are being massively duped into believing that the ordinary course of world events are the consequence of known political forces and random, uncontrollable events. However, the course of humanity is being manipulated at every level ... Now you may be wondering just what nefarious activities these people could possibly get up to. Icke, of course, has the answer. These individuals arrange for incidents to occur around the world, which then elicit a response from the public ('something must be done'), and in turn allows those in power to do whatever they had planned to do in the first place." Icke refers to this as problem-reaction-solution.

Reptilian humanoids

In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, in which he identified the extraterrestrial Prison Warders as reptilians from the constellation Draco. They walk erect and appear to be human, living not only on the planets they come from, but also in caverns and tunnels under the earth. They have crossbred with humans, which has created "hybrids" who are "possessed" by the full-blooded reptilians. The reptiles' hybrid reptilian-human DNA allows them to change from reptilian to human form if they consume human blood. Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.

The reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. These people are either themselves reptilian, or work for the reptiles as what Icke calls slave-like victims of multiple personality disorder: "The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the U.S. and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure — the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to 'shape-shift'."

Icke has since published a number of additional books on the same theme. His latest work sees George W. Bush, also a reptilian, playing a key role in what Icke alleges is a 9/11 conspiracy. In Tales From The Time Loop and other works, Icke states that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts. In a similar vein, Icke believes racial and ethnic divisions are an illusion promoted by the reptilians, and that racism fuels the Illuminati agenda.

Alleged relationship with the far right

Michael Barkun, Professor of Political Science at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University, writes that Icke has moved aggressively to increase the size of his audience with the use of an elaborate website, by arranging speaking tours in the UK, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and by selling books and videotapes.

Barkun writes that Icke has "clearly sought to cultivate the extreme right," but that the relationship is tense because of the New Age "baggage" that Icke brings with him. Barkun cites the London Evening Standard, which wrote in 1995 that: "uncanny parallels are emerging between Icke's thoughts ... and the writings of senior figures in the armed militia movement in America." Barkun writes that Icke's relationship with militias and Christian Patriots is complex. On the one hand, Icke believes the Christian patriots to be the only Americans who understand the truth about the New World Order, but on the other, he allegedly told a Christian Patriot group: "I don't know which I dislike more, the world controlled by the Brotherhood, or the one you want to replace it with."

Allegations of anti-Semitism

Icke's theories have been attacked as anti-Semitic because of his references to a secret elite that rules the world, Jewish bankers who planned the Holocaust and financed Adolf Hitler, and his use of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In ...and the truth shall set you free, he wrote that:

                                "I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite used the First World War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish State of Israel). They then dominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances which made the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament."

In 1995, Alick Bartholomew of Gateway, at that time Icke's publisher, told the London Evening Standard that an early draft of "and the truth shall set you free" contained "revisionist Holocaust material.

Icke has cited white supremacist, neo-Nazi and other far-right publications in his books. British journalist Simon Jones notes that the bibliography of ... and the truth will set you free lists The Spotlight, formerly published by the now-defunct Liberty Lobby, and which Icke calls "excellent," and On Target, published by the Australian League of Rights, which has organized speaking tours for Holocaust denier David Irving. Jones writes: "It's tempting to dismiss David Icke as a confused and ignorant man, manipulated by extremists in order to present their philosophy in a socially acceptable format. But Icke clearly understands the implications of his words."

Mark Honigsbaum has written about the apparent link between the more extreme New Age proponents and the far-right armed militia movement in the U.S. Icke's books contain multiple references to the "Illuminati," which Icke and the militia movement believe constitutes the secret government they call the "New World Order". In 1995, Honigsbaum wrote in the London Evening Standard that Combat 18, the British neo-Nazi group, was publicizing Icke's speaking tour of the UK in its internal magazine, Putsch. The magazine wrote that Icke spoke about "'the sheep' and how the Zionist-operated government, sorry 'illuminati', uses them for its own ends". The story continued: "[Icke] began to talk about the big conspiracy by a group of bankers, media moguls etc. — always being clever enough not to mention what all these had in common."

Icke believes that Combat 18 is a front for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which in turn is an "Illuminati front."  The role of the ADL, he says, is to "brand as anti-Semitic" anyone who gets close to "the truth."  In ... and the truth shall set you free, he wrote: "In Britain, I am told by an extremely reliable source very close to the intelligence organisations that the "far-right" group, Combat 18, is a front for the sinister Anti-Defamation League, the United States arm of the Israeli/Rothschild secret service, Mossad. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been operating in Britain and Europe since at least 1991 and its role is to brand as anti-Semitic anyone who is getting close to the truth of what is going on. What better way to discredit an investigator than to have a "far-Right" group like Combat 18 to praise them?"

Icke has strongly denied that his reptiles represent Jews, calling it "friggin' nonsense." "I am not an anti-Semite!", he told The Guardian, "I have a great respect for the Jewish people."  He maintains that the reptilians are not human, and therefore not Jewish, but are "extra-dimensional entities" that enter and control human minds. "This is not a Jewish plot. This is not a plot on the world by Jewish people," he told Jon Ronson. He says that what he calls the "white race" is most susceptible to reptilian influence, particularly white people with blue eyes.

During a question-and-answer session after one of his lectures, Icke told Jones: "I believe that people have a right to believe, to read, and have access to all information, so that they can then make up their own minds what to think. If something is a nonsense, and if something doesn't stand up, it will be shown to be a nonsense in the spotlight of the public arena."

British journalist Louis Theroux, reviewing Jon Ronson's Them: Adventures with Extremists, cautioned against accusing Icke of anti-Semitism: "Icke's 'theory' is basically The Protocols of the Elders of Zion with a new cast and a few script changes. Not surprisingly, Icke has come under suspicion of anti-semitism ... Not only might it be unfair to Icke, but by implying that he is so dangerous that he has to be censored, the watchdogs are giving a patina of seriousness to ideas that are — let's face it — very, very silly."

Protests in Canada

In 1999, Icke's books were removed from Indigo stores across Ontario, and several venues on his speaking tour were cancelled, after protests from the Canadian Jewish Congress. The University of Toronto allowed his planned speech there to go ahead, despite the presence of 70 protesters, including the Green Party of Ontario, outside the Hart House Theatre. Icke received a standing ovation from the audience after speaking for five hours.

University of Toronto law professor Edward Morgan wrote on September 30, 1999 to the university's president, Robert Pritchard: "Having been involved in a number of the more renowned cases in Canada dealing with hate literature, it is my view that this is precisely the type of vilifying material with which the Supreme Court was concerned in its decision regarding the Criminal Code ban. The publications praise classic anti-Semitic tracts, and are replete with references to a secret society carrying on a global conspiracy led by a manipulating Jewish clique. The material which I have reviewed finds no place in the Canadian marketplace of ideas."

Sumari Communications, which hosted Icke's tour, denied the allegations: "I dispute the anti-Semite issue because the Jewish community has chosen to isolate anti-Semitic quotes in David's books which he himself uses quotes from Jewish authors to prove his theories. No one is forcing these people to be here, but what is important is that they have the choice. It is called freedom and David doesn't even mention the Jews in his talks."

Icke himself addressed the concerns during his speech: "Is this a Jewish plot? No, No, No. Is it a plot? Yes, Yes, Yes. We are being manipulated, and I do not care if you are Jewish, Chinese, Catholic, etc. We are all being manipulated. And those people that are offended by what I have to say, they should choose not to be offended."

Current activities

Icke lives in Ryde on the Isle of Wight, where he makes occasional public appearances.

In January 2003, he traveled to Brazil, and later talked about having used Ayahuasca: "It is a plant – a rain forest plant – which they turn in to what they call a turn and Shaman in South America have been using it for centuries at least to take people into other realms of reality. ... I took it twice and it was an experience – particularly on the 2nd night – that completely transformed my view of life. What it did was take my intellectual understanding that the world is an illusion into the realms of knowing it’s an illusion and there’s a difference between intellectually understanding it’s an illusion and this level of knowing it because you’ve experienced it. I got to the age of 50 without taking a single magic mushroom and I never even had one smoke of pot or anything."

Some newspapers wrote in 2004 that he might appear on the UK Big Brother television programme in 2005, but Icke later said that he was interested in "... the REAL Big Brother, not adding to the diversions that allow him to operate unchallenged."

According to the Daily Mail on May 24, 2006, he was among a group of supporters of Brian Haw, an anti-war protester outside the Houses of Parliament in London, whose placards had been removed by the police a couple of nights earlier. Icke was quoted as saying that "the Nazis wore brown shirts, our fascists came in yellow."

Editat de Naga, 03 noiembrie 2006 - 08:57.

Rákóczi II

Rákóczi II

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View PostNaga, on Nov 1 2006, 21:45, said:

Userii care au mai intrat pe topicurile dedicate subiectului MISA poate isi aduc aminte faptul ca de un an incoace au tot facut furori pe acolo cativa useri cursanti MISA care veneau mereu cu tot felul de povesti despre evreii mancatori de copii (la propriu), conspiratii masonice, Pamantul gol pe dinauntru (si populat pe sub scoarta, bineinteles ;) ), alieni malefici si deja celebrii (pe respectivele topicuri) reptilieni.
Sunt curios sa vad ce opinii veti avea dupa ce veti citi articolul. :peacefingers:
Naga... ceva-ceva adevar e aici. Uite, avem un exemplu dintre noi, de aici de la forum. Nu zic numele de user, dar il stim. :)  A postat imens in scurt timp ( despre "maretul Guru, etc), apoi a plecat in "excursie" in anumiti munti, unde exista ANUMITE treceri catre "dincolo" ;) . De atunci NIMENI nu a mai auzit de el. :coolspeak:



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View PostRákóczi II, on Nov 3 2006, 09:59, said:

Naga... ceva-ceva adevar e aici. Uite, avem un exemplu dintre noi, de aici de la forum. Nu zic numele de user, dar il stim. :)  A postat imens in scurt timp ( despre "maretul Guru, etc), apoi a plecat in "excursie" in anumiti munti, unde exista ANUMITE treceri catre "dincolo" ;) . De atunci NIMENI nu a mai auzit de el. :coolspeak:

Ba se stie unde e, in alta Zona Crepusculara ( ).  :naughty:  :P



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View PostNaga, on Nov 2 2006, 19:59, said:

Nu, dar putem incerca sa facem rost. ;) Chiar te intereseaza? :peacefingers:

Sunt foarte interesat sa-i vad fizionomia fetei ( in special ).



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Fiindca tot a fost pomenita in articolul de pe wikipedia legatura care exista in cazul multora intre credinta in reptilieni si opiniile antisemite, mai deschidem inca odata arhiva SP si revenim cu ceva "oldies but goldies".  :)
Iata ce parere are despre evrei (care si ei beau sange uman ca si reptilienii, nu-i asa? :deadtongue: ) unul dintre fanii romani ai lui David Icke:

View PostMenewa, on Apr 10 2006, 11:05, said:

Dar tu ai idee cate milioane de oameni ai jignit acum?

Daca nu este nimic clar si concludent la David Icke, cum iti explici eforturile pe care le fac autoritatile din nenumarate state "democratice" ale lumii de a-i interzice conferintele? I-l protejeaza cumva sa nu se faca
de ras?

View PostMenewa, on Mar 30 2006, 11:18, said:

Naga, ia si afla de aici cu ce le place unor evrei sa se ocupe, poate asa o sa intelegi si tu cam care ar fi o parte din motivele pentru care, de-a lungul istoriei, evreii au trebuit sa treaca prin multe momentele dificile, insa nu chiar fara sa fi fost nevinovati.
Facatorii ordinare, nu-i asa?

Binenteles, in momentul in care vii si vorbesti despre crimele abominabile savarsite de evreii impotriva umanitatii esti antisemit, dar sa vii sa afirmi ca non-evreii sunt doar nishte animale ceva mai evoluate, care pot fi sacrificate ritualic in numele lui Dumnezeu e... firesc, normal, nu-i nimic nelalocul lui pentru care s-ar merita sa comentezi ceva.

Si dupa ce ati citit citatele astea, v-as recomanda sa cititi si pdf-ul atasat celui de-al doilea post pe care l-am citat:


S-ar putea ca toata povestea sa nu vi se mai para foarte amuzanta dupa ce veti lectura pdf-ul, dar zic eu ca lucrul asta merita facut pentru a vedea cum se imbina astfel de credinte aiuristice si aparent inofensive cu lucruri mult, mult mai serioase.

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

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View PostNaga, on Nov 4 2006, 01:32, said:

Fiindca tot a fost pomenita in articolul de pe wikipedia legatura care exista in cazul multora intre credinta in reptilieni si opiniile antisemite, mai deschidem inca odata arhiva SP si revenim cu ceva "oldies but goldies".  :)
Iata ce parere are despre evrei (care si ei beau sange uman ca si reptilienii, nu-i asa? :deadtongue: ) unul dintre fanii romani ai lui David Icke:
Si dupa ce ati citit citatele astea, v-as recomanda sa cititi si pdf-ul atasat celui de-al doilea post pe care l-am citat:


S-ar putea ca toata povestea sa nu vi se mai para foarte amuzanta dupa ce veti lectura pdf-ul, dar zic eu ca lucrul asta merita facut pentru a vedea cum se imbina astfel de credinte aiuristice si aparent inofensive cu lucruri mult, mult mai serioase.
brusc lucrurile au luat o intorsatura urata cu acest post. nu ma asteptam la atata ura si intoleranta in pdf-ul ala.

una este sa fii antisemit dar asta e mai mult decat idiotenie, e dementa curata. astia care cred in asa ceva ca iudeii beau sange de oameni nu sunt altceva decat niste nazisti clasici.sau chiar mai rau .

se ajunge exact la partea care poate justifica un holocaust: evreii si oamenii care noi ii credem reptilieni sunt fiinte inferioare si vinovate de toate relele din lume. de aici pana la camerele de gazare nu mai e decat un pas.

:death:  :death:

View Post$eb, on Nov 3 2006, 19:03, said:

Si eu care credeam ca e mamiferian. :huh:
mamiferian la porcul meu  e doar soriciul, inauntru e reptilian 100% si garantat se vor vedea urmele de reptila cand il tai . exact ca in poza cu bush va arata.  :naughty:



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Mai degraba cred 10 mii de teorii gen Dan Brown - ca Iisus ar fi fost casatorit si ar fi avut si un copil, decat aberatia asta cu reptilieni si pamant gol pe interior si heaven=inner earth cu soare in centru.

Editat de lupiibah, 03 noiembrie 2006 - 14:43.



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 3 2006, 14:42, said:

garantat se vor vedea urmele de reptila cand il tai . exact ca in poza cu bush va arata.  :naughty:

Si il mai mananci dupa chestia asta? :w00t:  :lol: :P

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

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View PostNaga, on Nov 4 2006, 01:45, said:

Si il mai mananci dupa chestia asta? :w00t:  :lol: :P
de pui de balta nu ai auzit?  :naughty:

asa e si porcul meu , dinozaur curat .

dar va rog sa nu va inghesuiti ca la mine la Toporu in curte nu e mult loc. din aceasta cauza pret la taiere porc+ vizualizare reptilian s-a ridicat la 5000 de euro /caciula fata de 3000/euro ieri .

plus ca in cucuruzul meu a aterizat ieri un ozn cu 2 verzisori beti manga . au dat aia de volan la farfurie de mi-a lasat un cerc frumos , taman bun de un spiral, o bormasina ceva  :naughty:



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 3 2006, 14:49, said:

de pui de balta nu ai auzit?  :naughty:

asa e si porcul meu , dinozaur curat .

dar va rog sa nu va inghesuiti ca la mine la Toporu in curte nu e mult loc. din aceasta cauza pret la taiere porc+ vizualizare reptilian s-a ridicat la 5000 de euro /caciula fata de 3000/euro ieri .

plus ca in cucuruzul meu a aterizat ieri un ozn cu 2 verzisori beti manga . au dat aia de volan la farfurie de mi-a lasat un cerc frumos , taman bun de un spiral, o bormasina ceva  :naughty:

Vezi ca ai uitat un element cheie: sexul. :nonobad: Ceva gagici si initieri mistico-pseudo-tantrice nu oferi de banii aia? ;)
Porcul ala face si belly-dance cumva? :naughty:

Editat de Naga, 03 noiembrie 2006 - 14:53.



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 15:17, said:

daca ma uit pe chestionar aproape 20% din voturi sunt ca anti-reptilienii sunt niste eroi ai neamului.

si eu am votat aceasta optiune (la misto)  dar inseamna ca avem oleaca de useri care acum sunt in lupta crancena cu reptilienii pe undeva la birou intr-o sedinta  :confuzzled:

Pai da mai omule dar oare nu si restul au votat la fel ca tine, la misto. Ce om normal poate sa voteze pe bune chestia aia?



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View Postmars0212, on Nov 3 2006, 14:54, said:

Ce om normal poate sa voteze pe bune chestia aia?

Dintre userii SP? Hai sa vedem: light_strike, Menewa/Antinanco, McCoy, 1la%, tsilviu999 (asta imi cerea mai demult cu un ton foarte serios sa ii dovedesc ca nu exista baze naziste pe Luna, asa cum sustine Van Helsing, alt frate al lui Icke adoptat de Bivolaru, in cartile sale). Cel putin 5 care mi-au venit acum in minte.
Singura problema ramane chestia legata de normalitate. ;)



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  • Înscris: 05.03.2004
17,9% cred. Ce multi cursanti MISA avem printre noi!

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 20.519
  • Înscris: 18.05.2006

View PostNaga, on Nov 4 2006, 01:52, said:

Vezi ca ai uitat un element cheie: sexul. :nonobad: Ceva gagici si initieri mistico-pseudo-tantrice nu oferi de banii aia? ;)
Porcul ala face si belly-dance cumva? :naughty:
porcul e scroafa, asa ca pot sa faca sex cu reptilian, sa il f... pentru toate relele din lumea asta.

ce initiere mai mare decat sa vezi spiritul porcului zburand spre planeta reptilienilor?  :kisstogether:

View Postmars0212, on Nov 4 2006, 01:54, said:

Pai da mai omule dar oare nu si restul au votat la fel ca tine, la misto. Ce om normal poate sa voteze pe bune chestia aia?
vreo 7 votanti pana acuma . sunt si trasniti prin softpedia  :naughty:

si cine a spus ca toti userii de pe sp sunt normali ? :kisstogether:

ii verifica sp la iq, test pisologic cand se inregistreaza ?




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.187
  • Înscris: 14.06.2005
Sunt adevaratii eroi ai neamului, iar cei care nu ii iau in serios sunt niste ignoranti [ 8 ]

Ok, toti cei care au votat "la misto" sa bage un "IO!" aici-shea! Ca tare sunt curios de numarul de trazniti pe kilobit patrat...

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 20.519
  • Înscris: 18.05.2006

View PostArchon, on Nov 4 2006, 02:03, said:

Sunt adevaratii eroi ai neamului, iar cei care nu ii iau in serios sunt niste ignoranti [ 8 ]

Ok, toti cei care au votat "la misto" sa bage un "IO!" aici-shea! Ca tare sunt curios de numarul de trazniti pe kilobit patrat...
Io-la misto .



    Senior Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 4.586
  • Înscris: 29.03.2005

View PostArchon, on Nov 3 2006, 15:03, said:

Sunt adevaratii eroi ai neamului, iar cei care nu ii iau in serios sunt niste ignoranti [ 8 ]

Ok, toti cei care au votat "la misto" sa bage un "IO!" aici-shea! Ca tare sunt curios de numarul de trazniti pe kilobit patrat...

In afara de turbo, vad ca doar bogdanan a declarat ca a votat la misto.
Asa ca ailalti sase s-ar putea sa fi votat pe bune, fara nici o gluma. Din cate stiu eu majoritatea userilor pe care i-am mentionat mai sus nu au fost banati, iar din unele chestii scrise pe forumul lor ( ) am observat ca ei citesc in continuare ce se scrie pe SP, chiar daca au primit ordin sa nu mai posteze (acum sunt altii care apara miscarea pe SP).

Editat de Naga, 03 noiembrie 2006 - 15:10.



    Senior Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.109
  • Înscris: 04.05.2004

View PostNaga, on Nov 3 2006, 14:58, said:

Dintre userii SP? Hai sa vedem: light_strike, Menewa/Antinanco, McCoy, 1la%, tsilviu999 (asta imi cerea mai demult cu un ton foarte serios sa ii dovedesc ca nu exista baze naziste pe Luna, asa cum sustine Van Helsing, alt frate al lui Icke adoptat de Bivolaru, in cartile sale). Cel putin 5 care mi-au venit acum in minte.
Singura problema ramane chestia legata de normalitate. ;)

Am fost putin cam dur. Ce vroiam sa zic este ca eu personal, nu stiu pe absolut nimeni care ar vota, nici nu am intrat pe chestia cu Misa ca sa vad care sunt simpatizantii.

Presupun ca ne invartim in cercuri diferite.


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