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Update mare la rezultate in DC-urile Bigdaddy.

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  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 425
  • Înscris: 21.08.2004
Asa cum am spus in Seopedia, spun si aici. Pt cei care ati avut site-urile penalizate de Jagger, cititi acest post despre un update Bigdaddy, facut acum 5 minute.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 326
  • Înscris: 29.01.2004
Din pacate articolul respectiv nu este decat, dupa cum ne asteptam bineinteles, o supra-apreciere la adresa site-urilor la care ai lucrat tu, care se pot numara pe degete, si cateva mici comparatii de cuvinte cheie total neinteresante dpdv al popularitatii... Daca vrei sa scrii un articol adevarat, apuca-te si fa o documentare pe mai multe site-uri, cu mai multe cuvinte cheie, si in special rezultate impartiale... Ca asa poate sa intre oricine sa zica ca i-a crescut site-ul inca 10 pozitii pe datacenterul tra.la.la pentru cuvantul cheie abcd.

In plus, nu exista o explicatie a datelor respective, si nici o concluzie. Adica doar spui ca site-ul A e pe locul X, site-ul B pe locul Y, si asa mai departe, toate astea bineinteles datorita eforturilor tale foarte intense. Care-i faza?! Ai inceput de la ipoteza, dar ai uitat sa rezolvi problema! Se solicita Q.E.D.!

Un topic absolut inutil...  :puke:




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 21.08.2004
Weasel, citeste tot post-ul si vezi explicatiile si dovezile. Rezultatele respective le-am gasit dupa si am completat articolul, fiind legate tot de acest update. :)

Daca nu intelegi engleza si te-ai facut ca ai citit, te ajut eu. Rog pe cineva sa iti traduca..

Tu ai ceva personal cu mine de mult timp ... De ce nu stiu... Geez' .. Copil razgaiat :)

Edited by Expertu, 04 February 2006 - 00:32.




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 29.01.2004
Nu am nimic cu tine ma, ai inteles gresit; eu doar ti-am dat un raspuns primului mesaj. Iar conversatii d'alea pot sa scriu si eu, ca nu ma doare mana, dar prefer sa-mi folosesc neuronii, care deja sunt foarte putini, la lucruri mai constructive: spalat toalete, impartit fluturasi, vandut flori in piata, sau, favorita mea: stransul gunoaielor si livrarea lor catre centrele de reciclare ca sa nu mai trebuiasca sa fur iara bani pentru doza zilnica de coco.  :death:



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  • Înscris: 19.05.2004
Legat de o parte a ceea ce s-a discutat:

Aveti dreptate amandoi.
Ar fi placut (pentru imaginea voastra) sa nu va mai atacati (public) ptr. ca nu realizati nimic.
In ~ Februarie, Martie vin in Bucuresti. Stam la o naveta.

Cealalta parte a subiectului:
Cu toate ca nu e un update in continutul ei noua infrastructura prezinta rezultate organizate diferit. Ceea ce e evident.


Nimic oficial.




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 13.09.2003
Ma numar si eu printre cei care au avut de castigat dupa ultimele miscari facute de google. Tin sa precizez totusi ca inaintea update-ului Jagger, cu doua zile, sa intamplat acelasi lucru. Sper ca de aceasta data, sa nu am surprize neplacute!

@WeaselMan Fii mai diplomat! Sa pastram un ton constructiv in aceasta sectiune a forumului.

Take a look:

Attached Files

  • Attached File  aa.jpg   205.97K   106 downloads

Edited by eRwin, 04 February 2006 - 11:19.



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View PosteRwin, on Feb 4 2006, 10:57, said:

Ma numar si eu printre cei care au avut de castigat dupa ultimele miscari facute de google. Tin sa precizez totusi ca inaintea update-ului Jagger, cu doua zile, sa intamplat acelasi lucru. Sper ca de aceasta data, sa nu am surprize neplacute!

@WeaselMan Fii mai diplomat! Sa pastram un ton constructiv in aceasta sectiune a forumului.

Take a look:

@eRwin , din ce program e poza asta?




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 13.09.2003
Din contul meu de pe http://www.digitalpo...tools/keywords/




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
BigDaddy este un upgrade mult mai mare si care probabil va lua cam tot anul acesta (2006).

Vechile update-uri periodice se pare ca nu vor mai aparea...
Cred ca de 2 zile avem un algoritm nou. Vad imediat cand se aplica un nou algoritm pt ca variaza in +/- traficul softpedia intr-un mod ff. sesizabil pt mine.

Vedeti va rog aici ceva interesant.


BigDaddy is more than an update.

It's the adoption of a new "infrastructure" plus (probably) some changed software. While nobody will tell us what they mean by "infrastructure", my guess is that by "new infrastructure" they mean the migration of servers to their own version of Linux (Goobuntu). Another guess is that the new linux has some custom or otimized features that alow to do other things with the Google software (things like running their algos more deeply to better filter spam etc.)

Being something more radical than a simple upgrade, it will not spread as fast as usual to all the data centers.

The “BigDaddy infrastructure” has been running since the end of november on a single "test" data center; at the start of january they have started implementing it on "live" data centers. New data centers are being migrated at the rate of about 1o days each. Assuming a total of about 20 data centers, it will take a good part of the year to cover all of them.

How do Google datacenters work?

Usually, when you type www.example.com a DNS lookup takes place: the domain is searched, its corresponding IP address is found (eg. and the request is sent to server, hosting www.example.com

When you type "www.google.com" something quite more complex happens. Depending on a few factors you are redirected to a different data center. The main factors are geographical location (you tend to be served the centers that are physically near) and load (if a data center is overloaded, you are switched to another center)

So, whenever you go to www.google.com you can see an "old" data center or a "BigDaddy" data center and its' not easy to tell them apart.

But IN THE AVERAGE, as your users are seeing a random mix of data centers, you should see a gradual introduction of the Bigdaddy effect. For example, we can assume that on jan 4th the first Bigdaddy center went live and so approximately 5% of the global Google traffic went through BigDaddy. When 10 data centers will be under BigDaddy, 50% of the traffic will be through BigDaddy.

So, if since the beginning of january you see a gradual trend in change (be it a good trend or a bad trend), that's probably the Bigdaddy effect, and (again my guess) expect it continue in the same direction for a few more months.

If on the other hand you see a sudden change on a specific day, that's probalby something different, the usual Adsense rollercoster.

A note: if you are in a non-US country, then (presumably) when the nearest data center will migrate that will generate a strong, sudden, variation. Also, bear in mind that BigDaddy doen not related to Adsense specifically, as far as we know. I only effects the Google searches, and all it can change is traffic. If traffic is the same but your earnings change don't blame BigDaddy!




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 444
  • Înscris: 22.12.2003
Din cate stim Jagger a lovit rau in site-urile care participau in co-op ad network de la Digitalpoint.
Inainte de Jagger am dus-o bine pentru multe cuvinte cheie in limba engleza dar inainte de Jagger am citit pe forum despre posibila penalizare asa ca am renuntat la Digitalpoint. Rezultatul a fost ramanerea in top la cuvinte in limba romana dar cu o cadere cam mare la cuvintele in limba engleza. Am sacrificat un subdomeniu la care stateam bine in romana dar nu ma intereseaza asa mult cuvintele de genul anunturi sau anunturi gratuite si am introdus iarasi codul de la Digitalpoint pe acel subdomeniu pentru promovarea altor sectiuni ale site-ului in limba engleza, de fapt sunt decat 2 cuvinte promovate.
Efectul a fost caderea imediata cu anunturi si anunturi gratuite pe pagina 2 cateodata 3 dar revenirea cu cele doua in engleza. Mie imi cinvine acest lucru dar am si eu o intrebare.

Google penalizeaza decat acel subdomeniu sau il pune necuratu si se ia si de celelalte subdomenii ale site-ului sau chiar de tot site-ul?

Nu vreau sa folosesc acest tool decat pentru o perioada limitata deoarece sectiunile promovate au o vechime mica fata de concurenta iar pe .com stim toti cu este de greu. Odata ce sectiunile vor face ceva vechime si promovarea lor din punct de vedere SEO se va termina voi renunta definitiv la co-op numai ca mie frica sa nu se lege Google si de celelalte sectiuni care nu folosesc co-op.
Specific ca subdomeniul pe care am co-op i-am pus si alt Ip fata de restul siteului si ma gandesc ca xxx.3x.ro nu este penalizat ca yyy.3x.ro are co-op.



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  • Înscris: 19.05.2004
Bigdaddy progress update


Q: Is Bigdaddy still on track and launching?
A: Yes. Remember that Bigdaddy involves new infrastructure and is not just a data push or algorithm update. Don’t take it as a promise, but I’d expect a new data center to be converted to Bigdaddy roughly every 10 days or so. Again, take that as a rule of thumb. There are smart folks doing this transition, and they’re deciding how to do it in the best way.
Matt Cutts asta, scrie negru pe alb.




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
Da, el zice AICI


In case you don’t want to download a 70 megabyte audio file, here’s the latest on Bigdaddy. Bigdaddy continues to roll out and is now available at three data centers. In addition to and, Bigdaddy is now up at We’ve been going through the spam feedback and acting on it, and reading through the general search feedback as well.

Q: Is Bigdaddy still on track and launching?
A: Yes. Remember that Bigdaddy involves new infrastructure and is not just a data push or algorithm update. Don’t take it as a promise, but I’d expect a new data center to be converted to Bigdaddy roughly every 10 days or so. Again, take that as a rule of thumb. There are smart folks doing this transition, and they’re deciding how to do it in the best way.

Q: Will those IP addresses always show Bigdaddy results?
A: No, not always. Sometimes data centers are taken out of the rotation for testing or other reasons.

Q: Is there an easy way to test if a datacenter is running Bigdaddy?
A: There’s not a definitive way outside of Google. But the [sf giants] example that I mentioned in my pre-Bigdaddy 302 post remains a pretty good test. If the query [sf giants] returns giants.mlb.com, the odds are pretty good that you’re hitting Bigdaddy.

Q: How will I see the switchover happen?
A: It will happen naturally as more data centers switch over to the Bigdaddy infrastructure. The more data centers there are using Bigdaddy, the odds of you hitting a Bigdaddy data center in the normal rotation go up.

Q: Can I still give spam or quality feedback?
A: Absolutely. Follow the same instructions from my original Bigdaddy post. I’ll ask someone to review any new spam feedback, and I’ll request that someone look through the non-spam search quality feedback looking for issues as well.

Nu imi place ce schimbari a adus sfarsitul saptamanii trecute :(



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  • Înscris: 19.05.2004
Intr-adevar @Courage  link-ul asta schimba situatia.
Eu am postat pe 6 Feb, el a aparut pe 7 Feb.
Deci modificarile sint in plina desfasurare.
Suspans si deodorante. Ramane sa vedem zilele astea....





  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
Se pare ca odata cu aceasta noua dezvoltare a lui BigDaddy lucrurile s-au mai linistit pt o perioada...
Chiar si Adsense a incetat deodata sa mai dea palpitatii webmasterilor, asa cum le-a dat pe toata durata lunii ianuarie.



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  • Înscris: 19.05.2004
O jumateate de an destul de  "emotionanta".
S-au bagat tare...si e posibil sa mai apara noutati in privinta asta.


Neurochirurgie minim invazivă Neurochirurgie minim invazivă

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