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Incepe revolutia UMTS?

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  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 284
  • Înscris: 06.01.2003
Ceea ce se spunea prin noiembrie, se pare ca se va lansa comercial peste citeva zile (luna asta).
First-ever UMTS phone call claimed by H3G   
"November 26, 2002 1:29 pm PT

ROME -- H3G SpA, the Italian third-generation mobile operator controlled by Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., Tuesday demonstrated what the company said was the world's first mobile phone call using UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) technology.

"It's the first phone call in the world using the new technology over a real network," Vincenzo Novari, H3G's chief executive officer, told reporters at the company's base on the outskirts of Rome.

The call was made by Italy's communications minister, Maurizio Gasparri, who used his mobile videophone to ring Guido Gentili, the editor of Italian business daily, Il Sole 24 Ore. "This is a significant leap into the future, given that with this technology you can see images and navigate on the Internet," Gasparri told reporters. "Obviously, like all novelties, UMTS will need a bit of time before it becomes a mass technology."

H3G, which is marketing its new service under the brand name 3, is investing 5 billion euros (US$4.9 billion) in the Italian service and expects to cover at least 80 cities by the end of the year, Novari said. "We're playing the role of the hare. Without us, the third generation of mobile phones would have taken a few more years to become a reality," he said. The company will begin distributing its first videophones to experimental customers by next month and commercial service is due to begin in January, with 3 reaching break-even in 2005, Novari said.

Se pare ca luna asta Italia va avea parte de lansarea H3G, primul operator UMTS din Europa. (www.h3g.it). Totul e pus la punct. In decembrie a fost lansata si campania de teasing in media italiana. De altfel, 3 va fi un brand UMTS pan european. Urmeaza sa apara si in UK, unde deja se incriu clienti inaintea lansarii, in schimbul unei reduceri de pret. (www.three.co.uk)

Incepe revolutia UMTS in Europa?




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 284
  • Înscris: 06.01.2003
UMTS-ul chiar se pregateste de lansare!

Hutchinson 3G confirms March launch
By ComputerWire
Posted: 17/01/2003 at 09:36 GMT

The ambitious plans of Hutchison 3G UK Ltd to be the first operator to launch a commercial 3G service in Europe, received a further boost following the news it has 30,000 registrations for its video mobile service in the United Kingdom.

The company is expected to spend tens of millions of pounds this year on advertising the launch of its 3G service, which will be branded "3". It already has in excess of 1,000 3G test handsets in operation across the UK, and expects to launch the service before the end of March. It should be noted that this 3G service will only cover 50% of the UK population (outside these areas, users will roam the 2G network of mm02).

Hutchison had been expecting to launch its 3G service by December 2002, but technical problems have pushed the project six months behind schedule. The delay has meant that Hutchison Group is facing a massive increase in costs, and has had to delay the March launch date of its 3G service in Australia, where it had the chance to steal a march on bigger rivals Telstra and Optus, which are currently in the 3G pilot stage.

Hutchison Group had a strict timetable for the roll-out of 3G services around the world, with UK first, followed by Italy, Hong Kong, and then Australia. The group is spending more than 7bn pounds ($11,2bn) on 3G in Europe, against 1bn pounds ($1.6bn) in Australia.

For the first 20,000 customers in the UK, the 3G service will cost 59.99 pounds ($94) or 99.99 pounds ($159) per month, depending on the amounts of "free" voice and video calls, as well as text and picture messaging. Handset prices will start from 399 pounds ($640), although promotional discounts could drop this down to the 200 pound ($321) mark.

The news follows the earlier announcements that Hutchison 3G has signed deals with "The Link", a chain of mobile phone outlets, along with the 325 strong chain of "Phones 4u" stores, to sell the "3"-branded 3G handsets and other products and multimedia services.

© ComputerWire


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