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View Postgilldarida, on Nov 9 2008, 12:09, said:

1,-Just. Observatie corecta,- greseala in textul meu. Sarcina electrica globala a planetei este de cca. 540.000 Coulombi in conditii normale (fara un bombardament solar ori cosmic intens) cu o diferenta de potentaial de cca. 400.000 Volti intr stratul F al ionosferei si crusta terestra ; de aici, capacitatea o poti calcula facand un simplu raport... Puterea electrica globala a electricitatii atmosferice este de 700-800 MW in conditii de maxima incarcare sau cca.550 Mw in conditii "normale"

2,-Amestecul aer/apa este electrizat si apoi progresiv ionizat pana la transformarea in plasma ; termenul de plasma "complet ionizata" nu este inventat de mine, el face parte din terminologia fizicii plasmei si se refera la situatia in care 100% atomii materialului supus ionizarii sunt transformati in radicali atomici, totodata incarcandu-se electric. Plasma este neutra dpdv al sarcinii electrice, continand particulele de ambele semne, tocmai de aceea in cadrul unui filtru electric de inalta tensiune, se proceda la despartirea particulelor din plasma dupa semn, formandu-se doua fascicule potrivit celor doua polaritati.
Acestea erau trimise independent catre tinta pe cate un ghid de unda radio care le purta si accelera, iar directionalitatea lor era astfel reglata incat in apropierea tintei cele doua fascicole sa ia contact unul cu celalalt pentru a provoca o decarcare electrica de mare putere. Apropos de putere, demn de mentionat ca pe tot timpul deplasarii atmosferice a fiecarui fascicul, acestea colectau sarcini electrice din mediul ambiant si se amplificau astfel. Prin descarcarea electrica finala, se realiza distrugerea tintei, revenindu-se la starea initiala de plasma.
Schema seamana cu aceea a motorului-racheta ionic clasic, atata doar ca pentru transportul si accelerarea fascicolelor polarizate nu este utilizat un accelerator material ci o unda radio purtatoare.

Ti-am raspuns din doua motive :

- pentru ca ai dreptate in privinta Faradului si a fost intradevar o neatentie a mea ;
- pentru ca pornesc de la premiza de buna-credinta a dumitale (prezumtia de nevinovatie).
Nu sunt totusi dispus sa mai discut pe tema asta in continuare.

1. Ti-am dat reply si pe privat. Si iti dau si aici. De unde stii ca tensiunea intre ionosfera si crusta terestra este de 400.000 V. Chiar dumneavoastra spunea-ti ca depinde de vanturile solare. Deci nu mai este o constanta ,ci un gradient de potential. Mai mult ca sigur potentialul va fi o functie neliniara. Problema se rezolva in felul urmator. Stiind distributia superficiala de sarcina pe cele 2 "armaturi" aplicam teorema flux-divergenta a lui Gauss (integrala din EdS=distributia de sarcina superficiala/epsilon_0), si aflam intensitatea campului electric. Stiind intensitatea c.e. aflam tensiunea intre cela armaturi. De abia acum C=densit. de sarcina superficiala/diff. de potential. Pana si in aceasta rezolvare exista o aproximatie. Distributia de sarcina in ionosfera este caracterizata de un tensor(adica valoarea sa depinde de directia aleasa), iar problema se complica.

2. Va mai intreb o data. Plasma aceea (+) si (-) este stabila? Daca da, ar trebui ca acei oameni sa mareasca enorm lungimea Debye pana la care plasma se poate abate de la neutralitate. Dar aceasta lungime Debye este datorata agitatiei termice in exclusivitate, si este proportionala cu constanta Boltzmann, adica 1,38*10^(-23), deci foarte mica, microscopica. Deci cei care sustin ca au facut asa ceva ar trebui sa manipuleze acele particule (+) si (-), cu acel filtru, pe distante comparabile cu constanta Boltzmann, ceea ce este aberant, total aberant.

Eu sunt de buna credinta, insa nu pot sa accept aberatii ce nu au absolut niciun suport stiintific. Sunt de parere ca, atunci cand cineva face o afirmatie stiintifica(ca s-a construit vreun perpetuum mobile, vreo arma nemaipomenita), sa o sustina stiintific cu calcule concrete, sau cu idee de calcul, in care rezultatele sa corespunda realitatii.




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  • Înscris: 30.05.2008
Puneti problema intr-un mod gresit...
Separarea electrica potrivit polaritatii particulelor incarcate, se poate face gradual pe toata durata procesului de electrizare/ionizare, daca instalatia respectiva de ionizare/separare electrica este special conceputa in acest scop. Ideea a fost nu aceea a obtinerii unei plasme, ci a doua jeturi de particule complet ionizate, iar acest deziderat poate fi atins daca pe intreg parcursul procesului gradual de incarcare electrica si ionizare se procedeaza tot gradual la separarea particulelor potrivit semnului.
Tocmai de aceea intr-o prima faza se aplica pentru electrizarea initiala a amestecului aer/apa, efectul Lenard, prin similitudine cu procesele de electrizare si transport aeroelectronic din cadrul atmosferei terestre. Se pornea din start de la o separare electrica a particulelor care ulterior, prin trecerea in mai multe faze succesive, erau complet ionizate si separate electric, fiind finalmente preluate de catre filtrul electric si trimise catre antenele monopol de emisie.
Dumneata te referi la cu totul alta situatie si pui deci gresit problema... "Armamentul cu transport aeroelectronic" de care am relatat a existat si exista, functioneaza si nu este contrar legilor fizicii. Dar nu ma simt dator sa-ti presint dunitale informatii mai multe decat cele prezentate deja. In privinta libertatii gandirii si opiniilor, nu va contest catusi de putin aceste drepturi fundamentale.



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View Postgilldarida, on Nov 9 2008, 13:27, said:

Puneti problema intr-un mod gresit...
Separarea electrica potrivit polaritatii particulelor incarcate, se poate face gradual pe toata durata procesului de electrizare/ionizare, daca instalatia respectiva de ionizare/separare electrica este special conceputa in acest scop. Ideea a fost nu aceea a obtinerii unei plasme, ci a doua jeturi de particule complet ionizate, iar acest deziderat poate fi atins daca pe intreg parcursul procesului gradual de incarcare electrica si ionizare se procedeaza tot gradual la separarea particulelor potrivit semnului.
Tocmai de aceea intr-o prima faza se aplica pentru electrizarea initiala a amestecului aer/apa, efectul Lenard, prin similitudine cu procesele de electrizare si transport aeroelectronic din cadrul atmosferei terestre. Se pornea din start de la o separare electrica a particulelor care ulterior, prin trecerea in mai multe faze succesive, erau complet ionizate si separate electric, fiind finalmente preluate de catre filtrul electric si trimise catre antenele monopol de emisie.
Dumneata te referi la cu totul alta situatie si pui deci gresit problema... "Armamentul cu transport aeroelectronic" de care am relatat a existat si exista, functioneaza si nu este contrar legilor fizicii. Dar nu ma simt dator sa-ti presint dunitale informatii mai multe decat cele prezentate deja. In privinta libertatii gandirii si opiniilor, nu va contest catusi de putin aceste drepturi fundamentale.

Ma dati la intors acum."Separarea se face treptat". Chiar daca se face treptat particulele acelea nu mai formeaza o plasma. Daca sunt particule de acelasi semn aceasta nu mai este o plasma, iar in functie de densitatea acestora fortele de repulsie intre ele sunt enorme(datorita coeficientului 1/(4*pi*epsilon_0) care este de aproximativ 9*10^9, si datorita distantei mici dintre ele comparabila cu lungimea Debye), deci acestea nu vor putea fi transmise in veci pe calea undelor la frecventa aceea deoarece imediat ce vor iesi din acel filtru, ca se vor imprastia.  

Nu eu pun problema gresit ci dumneavoastra nu puteti sustine afirmatia pe care o faceti, deoarece este nefondata stiintific. Acestea mi se par mai degraba povesti reluate din revista misterelor, sau de pe vreun forum de fizica pentru conspirationisti. Sincer, orice om ce a trecut printr-o facultate de fizica poate sa vada aberatiile.




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Te inseli.
Am avut si am de-a face cu atatia de genul dumitale incat m-am plictisit sa tot sustin demonstratii teoretice sau practice.
Ramai sanatos in mocirla ignorantei dumitale, de ce sa crezi ca vreau eu neaparat sa te scot de-acolo ?



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View Postgilldarida, on Nov 9 2008, 15:38, said:

Te inseli.
Am avut si am de-a face cu atatia de genul dumitale incat m-am plictisit sa tot sustin demonstratii teoretice sau practice.
Ramai sanatos in mocirla ignorantei dumitale, de ce sa crezi ca vreau eu neaparat sa te scot de-acolo ?

Ma insel in privinta carui lucru? Eu cred ca nu ati sustinut vreodata o demonstratie teoretica sau practica, deoarece nu aveti cunostintele necesare. Probabil mereu ati crezut ca sunteti cu mult mai avansat decat cercetatorii stiintifici, ca intotdeauna cunoasteti mai multe decat cei avizati, dar nu vi s-a dat atentie de catre cineva. Fizicanti si trazniti ca dumneata sunt destui; sustin ca au descoperit cronovizorul, teleportarea, perpetuum mobile, dar nu sunt in stare sa faca vreo demonstratie. Va las sa aberati in continuare.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 326
  • Înscris: 30.05.2008
1,-Just. Observatie corecta,- greseala in textul meu. Sarcina electrica globala a planetei este de cca. 540.000 Coulombi in conditii normale (fara un bombardament solar ori cosmic intens) cu o diferenta de potentaial de cca. 400.000 Volti intr stratul F al ionosferei si crusta terestra; de aici, capacitatea o poti calcula facand un simplu raport... Puterea electrica globala a electricitatii atmosferice este de 700-800 MW in conditii de maxima incarcare sau cca.550 Mw in conditii "normale


Si :
- “Tehnica tensiunilor inalte”(trad.din l.rusa) de prof.L.I.Sirotinski, Ed.Energetica de Stat 1954, de la pag.164, in cadrul capit.VI cerceteaza fenomenele electrice din atmosfera joasa, modul in care se face separarea electrica in nori si felul in care se transporta sarcinile electrice polarizate prin canale inguste pana a se ajunge la descarcarea electrica ; la pagina 167 alin.2 confirma valoarea de 5,4 x 10^5 Coulombi ca sarcina electrica a Terrei.
- « Problemele atmosferei » de Alphonse Berget, Ec.Casei Scoalelor 1939, pag.136
- « Electricitatea atmosferei » de Stela Gaju, Editura Academiei RSR 1984

Si :
« We see here a profound illustration of the potential human cost of ignorance. And this ignorance amounts to little more than the momentum of historic dogma, which has excluded electricity from space. To put these new findings in perspective, it is only necessary to see Earth as proponents of the Electric Universe see it. The electrical theorists recognize the Earth as a self-repairing, "leaky" capacitor (a capacitor is a device for accumulating and storing electric charge.) A capacitor is made of two conductors separated by an insulating medium. When charge is placed on one conductor it attracts charge of the opposite polarity on the other conductor. As a result, an electric field is set up between the conductors, a reservoir of electrical energy. Applied to Earth, this means that the atmosphere serves as the insulating layer between two conductive regions ¬ the solid Earth is the negatively charged region, and the external environment of Earth is the more positively charged region. And the electrical activity of the Sun affects the balance between the two regions. Of course, Earth's atmosphere is not a perfect insulator, and leakage will occur, particularly in response to disturbances from the arrival of "proton storms."
Sadly, scientists investigating the "mysterious" plumes seem unaware that across many disciplines, similarly "surprising" discoveries in our Solar System reveal the same underlying pattern. From the energetic outbursts of comets, to the electric plumes of the Jovian moon Io, to towering, electrified "dust devils" on Mars, to explosive jets from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus, we see planets, moons, and comets interacting electrically with their plasma environments. No interpretation of these "anomalies" will work that does not include the recognition of a few basic facts:
1) The earth, like all of the planets, is a charged body.
2) The Sun has an electric field, and it interacts electrically with the planets.
3) The Sun is not powered by some mysterious, internal "dynamo," but rather externally by electric currents flowing along the arms of the Milky Way.
4) 99.9% of the universe consists of PLASMA, a nearly perfect conducting medium that has been found to exhibit strong electrical properties, almost always ignored by astronomers. All of space is teeming with charged particles.
We live in an electrically dynamic universe, a reality confirmed almost daily by "surprising" and "mysterious" discoveries such as the electric "ion plumes" over Earth.
For your best gateway to the Electric Universe, see Thunderbolts.info. Also, a 60 minute video introduction to the Electric Universe can now be viewed for free at: http://video.google....7...4&q=thunder
Re: what is the total net charge of the earth's surface?
Date: Fri Oct 27 11:40:20 2000
Posted By: Jason Goodman, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 969209055.Es
I found viewgraphs for a lecture titled Lightning, Nature's Fireworks on the University of Alberta's website. This answers your question, plus many more related ones.
The solid Earth has a negative charge of about a half million coulombs. The atmosphere has a roughly equal and opposite charge, so that the Earth as a whole is roughly neutral. The charge difference produces a "fair weather electric field" in the lower atmosphere averaging about 6 volts per meter -- however, this field varies strongly with altitude, and is nearly 100 volts per meter at ground level. The total voltage difference between the ground charge and the atmosphere's charge (which exists roughly 30-50 km up) is about 300,000 volts. A simple calculation shows that the total energy stored in the fair weather electric field is 150 billion joules.
Since air isn't a perfect insulator, electrons leak from ground to air constantly, trying to reduce the charge difference to zero. This current amounts to 2000 amps. (Easy exercise for the reader: what's the resistance of the atmosphere?) Another simple calculation shows that the electrical power dissipated is 600 megawatts. This is the output of a large electrical power plant. While it's theoretically possible to harness this power for use by people, the fact that it's spread throughout the entire globe (to the tune of about a watt per square kilometer) makes it impossible in practice.
Since charge is constantly leaking between ground and air, there must be an "electrical generator" somewhere which is pumping electrons from air to ground, against the electric field. Thunderstorms are the generators. The movement of air and charged cloud particles within them separates electrical charges vertically; lightning then transfers the extra electrons at the base of the cloud to the ground. Positive charge at the top of the cloud leaks into the upper atmosphere. This recharges the fair weather electric field.
Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a 'cavity 'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Schumann resonances are most easily seen between 2000 and 2200 UT.
Given that the earth's atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines.
For more information, see:
"Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, vol. I", by Hans Volland, 1995
published by the CRC Press. Chapter 11 is entirely on Schumann Resonances and
is written by Davis Campbell at the Geophysical Institute, University of
Alaska, Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and
an extensive bibliography




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  • Înscris: 21.08.2008

View Postgilldarida, on Nov 12 2008, 01:54, said:

1,-Just. Observatie corecta,- greseala in textul meu. Sarcina electrica globala a planetei este de cca. 540.000 Coulombi in conditii normale (fara un bombardament solar ori cosmic intens) cu o diferenta de potentaial de cca. 400.000 Volti intr stratul F al ionosferei si crusta terestra; de aici, capacitatea o poti calcula facand un simplu raport... Puterea electrica globala a electricitatii atmosferice este de 700-800 MW in conditii de maxima incarcare sau cca.550 Mw in conditii "normale


Si :
- “Tehnica tensiunilor inalte”(trad.din l.rusa) de prof.L.I.Sirotinski, Ed.Energetica de Stat 1954, de la pag.164, in cadrul capit.VI cerceteaza fenomenele electrice din atmosfera joasa, modul in care se face separarea electrica in nori si felul in care se transporta sarcinile electrice polarizate prin canale inguste pana a se ajunge la descarcarea electrica ; la pagina 167 alin.2 confirma valoarea de 5,4 x 10^5 Coulombi ca sarcina electrica a Terrei.
- « Problemele atmosferei » de Alphonse Berget, Ec.Casei Scoalelor 1939, pag.136
- « Electricitatea atmosferei » de Stela Gaju, Editura Academiei RSR 1984

Si :
« We see here a profound illustration of the potential human cost of ignorance. And this ignorance amounts to little more than the momentum of historic dogma, which has excluded electricity from space. To put these new findings in perspective, it is only necessary to see Earth as proponents of the Electric Universe see it. The electrical theorists recognize the Earth as a self-repairing, "leaky" capacitor (a capacitor is a device for accumulating and storing electric charge.) A capacitor is made of two conductors separated by an insulating medium. When charge is placed on one conductor it attracts charge of the opposite polarity on the other conductor. As a result, an electric field is set up between the conductors, a reservoir of electrical energy. Applied to Earth, this means that the atmosphere serves as the insulating layer between two conductive regions ¬ the solid Earth is the negatively charged region, and the external environment of Earth is the more positively charged region. And the electrical activity of the Sun affects the balance between the two regions. Of course, Earth's atmosphere is not a perfect insulator, and leakage will occur, particularly in response to disturbances from the arrival of "proton storms."
Sadly, scientists investigating the "mysterious" plumes seem unaware that across many disciplines, similarly "surprising" discoveries in our Solar System reveal the same underlying pattern. From the energetic outbursts of comets, to the electric plumes of the Jovian moon Io, to towering, electrified "dust devils" on Mars, to explosive jets from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus, we see planets, moons, and comets interacting electrically with their plasma environments. No interpretation of these "anomalies" will work that does not include the recognition of a few basic facts:
1) The earth, like all of the planets, is a charged body.
2) The Sun has an electric field, and it interacts electrically with the planets.
3) The Sun is not powered by some mysterious, internal "dynamo," but rather externally by electric currents flowing along the arms of the Milky Way.
4) 99.9% of the universe consists of PLASMA, a nearly perfect conducting medium that has been found to exhibit strong electrical properties, almost always ignored by astronomers. All of space is teeming with charged particles.
We live in an electrically dynamic universe, a reality confirmed almost daily by "surprising" and "mysterious" discoveries such as the electric "ion plumes" over Earth.
For your best gateway to the Electric Universe, see Thunderbolts.info. Also, a 60 minute video introduction to the Electric Universe can now be viewed for free at: http://video.google....7...4&q=thunder
Re: what is the total net charge of the earth's surface?
Date: Fri Oct 27 11:40:20 2000
Posted By: Jason Goodman, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Area of science: Earth Sciences
ID: 969209055.Es
I found viewgraphs for a lecture titled Lightning, Nature's Fireworks on the University of Alberta's website. This answers your question, plus many more related ones.
The solid Earth has a negative charge of about a half million coulombs. The atmosphere has a roughly equal and opposite charge, so that the Earth as a whole is roughly neutral. The charge difference produces a "fair weather electric field" in the lower atmosphere averaging about 6 volts per meter -- however, this field varies strongly with altitude, and is nearly 100 volts per meter at ground level. The total voltage difference between the ground charge and the atmosphere's charge (which exists roughly 30-50 km up) is about 300,000 volts. A simple calculation shows that the total energy stored in the fair weather electric field is 150 billion joules.
Since air isn't a perfect insulator, electrons leak from ground to air constantly, trying to reduce the charge difference to zero. This current amounts to 2000 amps. (Easy exercise for the reader: what's the resistance of the atmosphere?) Another simple calculation shows that the electrical power dissipated is 600 megawatts. This is the output of a large electrical power plant. While it's theoretically possible to harness this power for use by people, the fact that it's spread throughout the entire globe (to the tune of about a watt per square kilometer) makes it impossible in practice.
Since charge is constantly leaking between ground and air, there must be an "electrical generator" somewhere which is pumping electrons from air to ground, against the electric field. Thunderstorms are the generators. The movement of air and charged cloud particles within them separates electrical charges vertically; lightning then transfers the extra electrons at the base of the cloud to the ground. Positive charge at the top of the cloud leaks into the upper atmosphere. This recharges the fair weather electric field.
Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse away in about 10 minutes. There is a 'cavity 'defined by the surface of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up. At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and the ionosphere of 1 - 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide. Each produces 0.5 to 1 Ampere and these collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 'electromagnetic' cavity.
The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not present all the time, but have to be 'excited' to be observed. They are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity. They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Schumann resonances are most easily seen between 2000 and 2200 UT.
Given that the earth's atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves. The resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity were first predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 1957, and first detected by Schumann and Konig in 1954. The first spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and Wagner in 1960. Much of the research in the last 20 years has been conducted by the Department of the Navy who investigate Extremely Low Frequency communication with submarines.
For more information, see:
"Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, vol. I", by Hans Volland, 1995
published by the CRC Press. Chapter 11 is entirely on Schumann Resonances and
is written by Davis Campbell at the Geophysical Institute, University of
Alaska, Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and
an extensive bibliography


Domne, vad ca ocoliti in continuare intrebarile pe care vi le-am adresat. Eu NU am negat ca sarcina acumulata in "condensatorul" Pamant este de 500kC, ci ca Dvs. ati exprimat capacitatea electrica in Coulombi ea fiind in Farad. Dar nu asta e important. Cel mai important, referitor la principiul acelei masinarii, nu m-ati convins cum sta treaba cu "particulele (+) si separat particulele (-) " care ati spus ca este o plasma. Daca sunt particule de acelasi semn aceasta nu mai este o plasma, iar in functie de densitatea acestora, fortele de repulsie intre ele sunt enorme(datorita coeficientului 1/(4*pi*epsilon_0) care este de aproximativ 9*10^9, si datorita distantei mici dintre ele comparabila cu lungimea Debye), deci acestea nu vor putea fi transmise in veci pe calea undelor la frecventa aceea, deoarece imediat ce vor iesi din acel filtru, se vor imprastia. Cand spun "imediat" ma refer la distante de ordinul a cativa Angstromi.




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  • Înscris: 30.05.2008
Anul acesta va fi (probabil) publicata o vasta lucrare (cca. 700 pag) dedicata tehnologiei razboiului geofizic. Este o lucrare tehnica ce ofera toate informatiile tehnico-stiintifice necesare intelegerii fenomenelor aplicate si a tehnologiei concrete utilizate de armamentul geofizic. De asemenea, se indica bibliografia de invetica- putandu-se afla in acest fel istoria (cronologica) a cercetarii si realizarilor din acest domeniu.
Lucrarea susmentionata va apare sub bune auspicii- trecuta prin "controlul" unei comisii din Politehnica- pentru a nu exista greseli de terminologie, erori de formulare a textului, etc. In paralel, se va discuta si cu UNAP (Academia Tehnica Militara) mai ales ca este de domeniul ei si se utilizeaza masiv bibliografie ne-publica.
Daca intr-adevar esti interesat sa afli adevarul stiintific cu privire la razboiul geofizic, la data aparitiei acestei lucrari voi publica aici datele necesare. Lucrarea respectiva ori va fi profesional intocmita, editata si difuzata de o editura de prestigiu, ori nu va mai fi publicata.



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  • Înscris: 30.07.2005
Domnu gilldarida, bine ați revenit printre noi! Cartea de care vorbiți se anunță deosebit de interesantă așa că sper să ne țineți la curent cu data apariției și de unde se poate cumpăra.



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Este vorba de fracking sau fracturare hidraulica de mare volum.

Olanda, primul stat care le cere scuze cetățenilor pentru cutremurele provocate de extragerea gazelor naturale

Guvernul olandez le-a cerut scuze cetățenilor pentru că a ignorat siguranţa oamenilor din regiunea Groningen, în favoarea extragerii cât mai multor gaze naturale. Reacţia vine după ce în luna februarie a apărut un raport în care se arată că exploatările au provocat mișcări telurice în regiune.

FOTO: Guliver/Getty Images
„Îmi pare foarte rău că interesele și siguranţa locuitorilor din Groningen nu au primit atenția meritată. De acum, siguranţa va fi pe primul plan”, a declarat ministrul economiei din Olanda, Henk Kamp.
Potrivit RT.com grijile în privința exploatărilor de gaze din regiunea Groningen au început în 2012, după ce s-a produs un cutremur de 3,6 grade pe scara Richter. Atunci autoritățile de reglementare au avertizat guvernul și au propus, pentru mai multă siguranță, reducerea producției de gaz.
Producţia a fost redusă abia în 2014, şi urmează să fie redusă cu 16,5 miliarde de metri cubi în prima jumătate a lui 2015. Ministrul Henk Kamp a anunțat că producția ar putea scădea chiar cu 35 de miliarde de metri cubi pe an, și Olanda ar fi în continuare capabilă să își respecte contractele de livrare de gaze.
75% din gazele exportate de Olanda în 2012 au provenit din regiunea Groningen. Gazul olandez asigură aproximativ 12% din nevoile Europei.

http://www.digi24.ro...r pentru cutrem



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View Postandreic, on 17 februarie 2008 - 17:49, said:

Super, e bomba cu hidrogen (H bomb). Oricum si asta e o nimica fata de cutremurele de 9 pe falii majore.
Aia mă sperie pe mine, o detonație în zone din alea sensibile.


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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