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De când a devenit Suedia o țară nasoală ?

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View PostCostel2014, on 18 aprilie 2022 - 12:21, said:

Ok, atunci sa arfa "Capitalul" lui Marx! Posted Image

Iti iese tot poporul in strada, se lasa cu Starbucks si McD arse :)




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View Postgarett, on 18 aprilie 2022 - 09:50, said:

Armată n-au? :P
Au, dar degeaba.  Suedezii sunt atât de naivi, că nu ar fi de acord.
80% din tinerii suedezi au răspuns că ei ar trebui să se schimbe după emigranții care vin.....
N-ai ce să le  ceri.



    Bugetar Esențial

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am găsit un interviu interesant cu Anders Brevik, atacatorul din Oslo. aparent, și Oslo se confruntă cu aceeași problemă. luați cu sare, având în vedere sursa


The following is an overview of experiences I have had during my youth in Oslo. I’ve “only” experienced 8 assaults, attempted robberies and multiple threats. I’ve never actually been severely ravaged, robbed or beaten my Muslims (a broken nose is the worst thing that occurred) but I know more than 20 people who have. I know at least 2 girls that have been raped my Muslims and I am familiar with two more cases in my broader network (1 gang rape). One girl though was cut badly in the face by Muslims. As such, I guess I should feel lucky or privileged. I live in Oslo West far away from the nearest Muslim enclave as more or less all of them are localised on Oslo East. There is little difference in their level of aggressiveness among the various Muslim groups, regardless if they are from Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey, Morocco or Albania. I do, however, acknowledge that only a small proportion of Muslims are so called “Jihadi youth” but this argument is defeated by the mere fact that the same thing can be said about the Taliban in Pakistan. The Taliban only makes out 1-3% of the population, yet they have caused a civil war. It is apparent that dhimmitude and a bunkered society is the new reality as long as Islam (and individual Muslims) are allowed to move freely in our societies. Our major cities will remain “broken” as long as multiculturalism is allowed to be the prevalent ideology, as long as cultural Marxists are allowed to set the agenda.

15 years – (when I was 15, time: 20.00) - Attempted robbery by Pakistani gang outside a concert. Luckily for me I knew a hardcore Pakistani thug (from the Pakistani A gang in Oslo) who told them I was under his protection. There have been approximately 10 other threatening situations where me and my friends were unharmed.

16 years – (Time: 16.30) - Assault – an older and much stronger/bigger Pakistani hit me without provocation in front of Majorstuenhuset. Apparently, he wanted to subdue me in front of my “friend” Arsalan who apparently had told him to do it. This concluded, for my part, my friendship with him and I re-connected with my old friends after this incident. However, this restricted my territorial freedoms, as I was no longer under the protection of the Oslo Ummah. From now on we would have to arm ourselves whenever we went to parties in case Muslim gangs showed up and we usually chose to stay in our neighbourhoods’ on Oslo West.

17 years – (Time: 01.30) - Attempted assault and robbery - Us 2, them 3: 2 Pakistanis and 1 wannabe-Pakistani. We were actually heading home after being on the same party together. The wannabe-Pakistani suddenly turned on me without provocation and rallied the other two. Me and my friend had to run as we were unarmed at the time.

17 years – (Time: 23.30) - Assault and attempted robbery - Us 10, them 12 Moroccans. Location Tåsen, Oslo.
They were robbing (collecting Jizya) and beating local kafr/Norwegian kids at Tåsen center, they had done this on numerous occasions. They didn’t live there but travelled to Tåsen from a Muslim enclave on Oslo East. I was at a party on Tåsen when we heard they had just beaten one of my friends younger brothers. We went there to chase them away from the neighbourhood. They had weapons, we had weapons. I was hit with a billiard pool in the head. Result of the fight: we made a deal with them, they promised they would never return and harass the Tåsen youngsters again.

18 years – (Time: 01.00) - Assault by Pakistani gang outside a club. A friend of mine was attacked without provocation by a gang of 6. I told him to run as they outnumbered us. Result: broken nose.

19 years – (Time: 02.00) - Attempted robbery by two Pakistanis at a bar. I had my friends nearby so I told them to fuck off or I we would bash their faces in (an effective psychological deterrent, most Pakistani thugs have a Neanderthal mentality so to show weakness will only invite to abuse etc;p). Pakistanis are usually a lot more cowardly than Northern African Muslims though (I wouldn’t have tried that strategy on Moroccans’).

20 years – (Time: 22.00) - Threats and attempted assault - Us 3, them 4. Me and two friends were about to order at Burger King when a Norwegian girl crossed the food queue. As she went by she pushed me, saying; “MOVE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!. Needless to say, I was very surprised and I managed to stutter the words; “suck my dick, bitch”, while perplexed. She ran over to her friends, 4 Moroccans’ sitting at a corner and just waiting to pick a fight… They approached me (I was alone at the time) and told me they were going to “fuck me up severely” as soon as I left Burger King. I had tear gas on me, as I always have when going out late. However, I decided to go with the “deterrent strategy”, so I called my two friends, Erling, a relatively small adopted Columbian, and his friend a relatively big Christian Ugandan. Having established my deterrent, and obviously not interested in fighting these savages (as is my policy with all Muslim bullies under normal circumstances), I went ahead and started negotiating, offering the “Muslim whore” an apology. End result was, we left as a group and had the Muslims follow us until we managed to lose them. The most annoying things about the encounter is that you really can’t control when you bump into them again. Luckily, a majority of Muslim savages like them live on the East side of town.

21 years – (Time: 01.30) - Attempted assault and robbery - Us 4, them 4. Me and my best friends; Peter, Marius and Martin were out clubbing and drinking. This was actually the first time I smoked (normal cigarettes) and I fainted for a few seconds outside a store not far from the club. This was the first and only time I have fainted in my life btw, lol. Apparently, 4 Albanian Muslims saw this incident and figured I would make an easy target.
All 4 of them approached me and tried to rob me. At that time my friends just arrived and they started to threaten them as well as one of them pulled out a knife. Obviously, we didn’t want to fight these savages, so we said we would take out some cash for them in an ATM in the nearby Burger King. We called the police as soon as we entered. However, this was Saturday night so we had no luck getting a response. We ordered some food and stayed at Burger King for a little more than an hour, at which point the Muslim savages had left (probably busy r Western European major cities



    alias Petrov, zilier in DE

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Au avut loc alegeri in Suedia.
Un partid islamist Nyan a obtinut rezultate "ingrijoratoare" in unele localitati: peste 10%.



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Islamiștii noștri au obținut 9% in total. Si în unele zone din diaspora peste 30% :)



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View PostBursul, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 07:31, said:

Au avut loc alegeri in Suedia.
Un partid islamist Nyan a obtinut rezultate "ingrijoratoare" in unele localitati: peste 10%.

View PostKiloW, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 07:50, said:

Islamiștii noștri au obținut 9% in total.
Exemplul perfect de manipulare "dezinteresată"...
Când "islamiștii noștri" or să intre cu avioane în zgârie nori, cu camioanele în mulțime sau cu bombe în metrou abia atunci vei putea pune semnul de egalitate.
Până atunci o dai doar în bălării.



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Parca vazusem ca partidul nu stiu care,anti-imigratie a obtinut locul al doilea.



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View Postgarett, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 08:13, said:

Când "islamiștii noștri" or să intre cu avioane în zgârie nori, cu camioanele în mulțime sau cu bombe în metrou abia atunci vei putea pune semnul de egalitate.
Până atunci o dai doar în bălării.

Deocamdată tu o dai în bălării cu analogii false și manipulări ieftine. Aia la care te referi erau membrii unui partid politic legal constituit?
Sau deja pentru tine orice musulman practicant e și terorist?

Pentru mine oricine amesteca și confunda religia cu politica e la fel de islamist, indiferent că-i musulman, ortodox sau pastafarian.

Edited by KiloW, 12 September 2022 - 09:00.



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View PostKiloW, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 08:55, said:

...orice musulman practicant e și terorist?
Orice musulman practicant este POTENȚIAL terorist.
Așa zice CORANUL, nu eu, nu e vina mea că unii nu l-au citit și preferă poziția struțului, jihadul este DATORIA oricărui musulman, dacă nu se apucă de "Allahu akbar" este pur și simplu un prost musulman, conform propriei religii!
Așa că vrăjeala asta păstreaz-o pentru neavizați!



    alias Petrov, zilier in DE

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View PostGroh, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 08:24, said:

Parca vazusem ca partidul nu stiu care,anti-imigratie a obtinut locul al doilea.
Da, sunt doua partide mari si late care se bat pentru majoritate.
Asta musulman abia a iesit din ghioace. Ingrijorator nu sunt numerele in sine, cat tendinta de crestere pe care o are.



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Când "Malmö" se citește de la dreapta la stânga ce așteptări ai?
Era previzibil.
Se duce Ibrahim la vot și vede pe buletin "Ulf", "Arne" și "Mehmet", pe cine crezi că pune ștampila?

Edited by garett, 12 September 2022 - 09:35.



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View Postgarett, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 09:34, said:

Se duce Ibrahim la vot și vede pe buletin "Ulf", "Arne" și "Mehmet", pe cine crezi că pune ștampila?

Pe Björn... Borg ! Posted Image

On: cam toata Europa civilizata a devenit o "tara" nasoala, macar din punctul asta de vedere, al migatiei necontrolate si fara noima.

Iar asta va da si da apa la moara partidelor de extrema, oricare sunt ele.
Franta a scapat la mustata de Pen-ista, dar Italia se incalzeste pe margine. Si altii dupa ele... ( Olanda, Germania )

Edited by sylvius, 12 September 2022 - 09:56.



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Deja definiția "extremei" a devenit extrem de vagă, pun intended. :D
Practic oricine nu înghite pe nemestecate narativul oficial, indiferent care ar fi el, capătă automat eticheta de "extremist"!
"Extremiștii" din Suedia sunt... Democrați!

Edited by garett, 12 September 2022 - 09:55.



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Suedezii nu incepusera sa ii trimita inapoi pe migranti?



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Danezii, parcă.

Apropo de etichetarea ca "extremiști":
Meloni este extremistă pentru că susține:
"mai multă securitate, mai puțină imigrație, mai puține taxe."
Horror, de-a dreptul!
A, și evident:
„Dumnezeu, familia, patria”
Șoc și groază!

Edited by garett, 12 September 2022 - 10:01.



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View PostBursul, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 09:23, said:

Da, sunt doua partide mari si late care se bat pentru majoritate.
Asta musulman abia a iesit din ghioace. Ingrijorator nu sunt numerele in sine, cat tendinta de crestere pe care o are.
Comunitatea musulmana care in marea ei majoritate pune accent maxim pe valorile islamului/Sharia,votează în marea ei majoritate cu islamistii si o mica parte din ea, cu social democratii.
Și în Franța exista un partid islamist în ascensiune.

View Postcumparator, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 09:55, said:

Suedezii nu incepusera sa ii trimita inapoi pe migranti?
Nu.Stanga suedeza ar dori și mai mulți imigranți extraeuropeni.Danezii încep sa ii trimiți pe africani si musulmani la ei acasă deoarece refuza sa se integreze în societatea daneza și sa își câștige existenta prin munca.Mai ales femeile musulmane care sunt fruntașe la numărul de nașteri.



    Membru impartial

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View Postmax_01, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 10:50, said:

Nu.Stanga suedeza ar dori și mai mulți imigranți extraeuropeni.
Ba da. Se deporteaza mii/zeci de mii pe an.

View Postgarett, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 09:01, said:

Orice musulman practicant este POTENȚIAL terorist.

Tot nu te-ai tratat încă de xenofobie?

View Postgarett, on 12 septembrie 2022 - 09:01, said:

Așa zice CORANUL, nu eu,
Citat te rog. Eu am citit coranul și nu scrie asa ceva nicăieri în el.

Edited by ro_explorer, 13 September 2022 - 08:59.



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  • Înscris: 02.09.2014
Alegeri legislative în Suedia: Stânga la egalitate cu blocul de dreapta/extremă dreapta https://www.hotnews....ema-dreapta.htm
The Guardian zice ca ar avea extrema dreapat un usor avans dupa numararea a 95% din voturi si ca decisive vor fi voturile diasporei suedeze: https://www.theguard...polls-far-right
Interesant articolul, liderul partidului catalogat de extrema dreapata a folosit in campania electorala un tren de metrou numit „express de repatriere”. „Bine ați venit la bord cu un bilet dus dus. Următoarea oprire, Kabul”, a scris pe Twitter purtătorul de cuvânt al partidului, subliniind cererea SD de a elimina imigranții non-europeni.
Aproximativ 30% dintre copii nu au limba suedeză ca limbă maternă, ajungând la 45% în anumite părți ale orașelor.  https://www.theguard...polls-far-right


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