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  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 255
  • Înscris: 07.04.2007
Mirarea mea nu este de genul "what about", pentru ca popa mitica nu mi-a bagat mana in buzunar. Limbricul de piso, da. Pentru ca asta e din sistemul de stat. E platit din banii tuturor. Faptul ca l-ati ignorat nu poate fi explicat asa cum vreti voi, din pacate. Ori habar nu aveti despre ce vorbiti (si sincer inclin sa cred ca asta e explicatia) ori sunteti de rea credinta.

Poate ar trebui sa va aduceti aminte de maretul satelit (un cub de 10 cm) lansat de rosa care nu a functionat nicio secunda. Desi era cumparat din Olanda. Exemplul asta seamana cu bancul cu bilele de otel primite de cei trei detinuti in puscarie:
- neamtul le-a sudat si a facut un generator de energie
- americanul a facut haltere
- romanul a pierdut una si pe cealalta a stricat-o

Vai de capul nostru !

Edited by infostoc, 01 April 2023 - 22:09.



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  • Înscris: 06.01.2010
Ai impresia ca nu ti-a bagat tie mana in buzunar, e ok omul.
Poate sa fure, sa jefuiasca, sa violeze, sa ucida, daca nu ti-a facut tie nimic, e foarte ok, whataboutthat? Ala care ti-a bagat tie mana in buzunar e mai rau chiar decat Mao, ca ala nu ti-a facut tie nimic, chiar daca s-a ocupat cu genocidul.

De ce nu deschizi tu topic dedicat?

Edited by parabellum, 03 April 2023 - 11:55.




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  • Înscris: 07.04.2007
Eu personal sunt satul de genul asta de manipulare ieftina. Crezi ca daca minimizezi ce am spus si exagerezi in directia cealalta pacalesti pe multi?
Evident ca nu numai mie mi-a bagat mana in buzunar piso. Si tie ti-a bagat-o.
Don Popescu nu a violat, nu a ucis, asa cum scriai. In cel mai rau caz a facut niste machete nefunctionale sau semi functionale, din banii unor sponsori care ar fi trebuit sa il ia la intrebari. Sponsorii, nu tu. Tu ar fi trebuit sa te intrebi ce se intampla cu banii de la piso si rosa, de atatia ani de zile. Dar, evident, stim amundoi, n-o sa te intrebi.



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  • Înscris: 06.01.2010
Evident ca n-ai inteles nimic si arunci pe-aici cu heringi rosii.




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  • Înscris: 04.01.2016
The fabrication of EcoRocket Heavy started at ARCA and the first Propulsion Modules hardware should be introduced also in 2022.
The AMi Cargo will be introduced to the public also in 2022 when we will also see the first iterations of the spacecraft’s main plasma engine.
The first drop tests for the AMi capsule will be performed as well as recovery rehearsal from the sea.
The EcoRocket Demonstrator first orbital launch.Posted Image
All ground tests for the propellant tanks, engines and avionics for all three types of Propulsion Modules for each stage of the EcoRocket Heavy will be completed.
The individual Propulsion Modules designed for all EcoRocket stages will perform suborbital flights.
The tests for the AMi Cargo main engine, as well as the main propellant tank will be complete, while the tests for the solar panels and avionics will start.
The first iterations for the mining technology for the AMi Cargo will be implemented.
The first complete EcoRocket Heavy will be launched in 2024, carrying a dummy AMi Cargo as payload.
The team will rehearse the complete EcoRocket flight sequence, including recovery and reusability for the first two stages.
The AMi Cargo will start the operational tests on the ground, as well as the mining tests.
The hydrogen peroxide installation will enter into our inventory serving the AMi Plans's propellant needs for the third stage.
The team will start the construction of AMi Deep Space Communication Network (DSCN) in three locations in the world.Posted Image
The first orbital flight of the operational AMi Cargo, launched by the second EcoRocket Heavy, will be performed.
The first in orbit start of AMi's plasma main engine powered by the fully deployed solar panels.Posted Image
During this flight we should also witness the first atmospheric reentry and recovery from the sea of the AMi Cargo capsule.
AMi Deep Space Communication Network will become operational and it will provide the data link to the AMi Cargo while in orbit.
EcoRocket Heavy will launch the AMi Cargo that will perform an asteroid reconnaissance mission to identify on site the suitable targets for the first asteroid mining mission.
A rehearsal of intercepting and approaching the asteroid will be performed, without touching the celestial body.
The DSCN will provide the data link to the AMi Cargo during the deep-space flight.
During this mission we should also be able to witness the first reentry test of the recoverable capsule returning from an asteroid.
The first asteroid mining mission with the target the returning of 1,000 kg of platinum :icecream: , worth of $34,000,000, although the capsule is able to return up to 2,500 kg of various ore.
This is the year that should seal the first commercial deal of selling space resources on the Earth market.
AMi will become the first commercial company to sell space resources.
The first use of the AMi crypto to buy space mining resources with 20% of the cost covered with the token. The AMi Token holders will have the right of first refusal, and therefore priority to purchase the ore with a discount.
The second asteroid mining mission that will target an increase of the mass of the returned ore.
The start of the orbital depot construction using elements from the AMi Cargo related hardware and EcoRocket Heavy third stage.
EcoRocket Heavy might start providing materials to the depot, as water, oxygen, etc, depending on the commercial request from various companies or space agencies.
By this year the company should be able to start financing itself from asteroid mining operations, as main source of revenue.
We should expect two more missions to the asteroids and the completion of the third EcoRocket Heavy construction.
By this year, the AMi Cargo should be able to maximise its payload capability of returned ore, witnessing payloads of 2,500 kg of ore, valuing as much as $85,000,000.
Five more asteroid mining missions.
The orbital space depot should become fully operational and able to dock mining vehicles arriving from the asteroid missions and cargo from Earth.
In 2030 we should also be able to see the first commercial sale of resources from the orbital depot to third parties that are space flight operators.
The team will start the study for the second generation of AMi Cargo with extended range, able to perform significantly faster deep-space travels. This next generation of AMi Cargo will incorporate the experience gained during the exploitation of the first generation vehicle.
Nine more asteroid mining missions.
As of 2031, we should account the first billion raised from asteroid mining operations.
The first iterations of the second generation of AMi Cargo will be implemented and the tests will start.

Next Decade

After 2031 the asteroid mining operation would have been establish itself as a routine operation, as we should witness a regular activity of 12-24 asteroid mining missions/year.
Also, we should expect the first configuration of the second generation AMi Cargo as a deep-space exploration vehicle and the first deep-space exploration missions. These missions will target the asteroid belt in search of new resources, and even beyond in the Solar System.


Posted Image

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
The AMi Team is made of people with previous experience in the aerospace, legal, accounting, psychology, media domains, previously employees, or collaborators of NASA, ESA, DARPA, US Army, Romanian Navy, Jacobs Technologies, Romanian Ministry of Transportation, Romanian Aeronautical Federation, Dacia-Renault, Société Générale, BVB. A lot of them are bringing their experience as active executives in those institutions and firms.
As a team we collaborated with prestigious institutions and companies from around the world, like the European Space Agency (ESA), X Prize Foundation, Google, Romanian Navy, Romanian Air Force, ROMATSA, US Army, DARPA, US Air Force Space Command, Spaceport America, White Sands Missile Range, NASA Wallops Flight Facility, NASA Stennis Space Center, NASA White Sands Test Facility, etc

Posted Image

HR Ami:




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  • Înscris: 23.10.2006
The EcoRocket Demonstrator first orbital launch.
Uite asa incepe WW3... Se sperie putin ca il ataca NATO cu ICBM.Posted Image
Daca au fost aburiti unii sa dea bani pentru boilerul zburator, rusii sigur vor pune botul ca sunt atacati cu ,,ultimate weapons" . De fapt acesta este adevaratul motiv a operatiunii speciale.... Vroiau sa fure boilerul si nu aveau pe unde sa treaca, sa ajunga la el.Posted Image

Edited by baribalu, 17 April 2023 - 09:06.



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  • Înscris: 06.01.2010


main plasma engine
'Prosti & multi' care pun botul la chestii de-astea? :)




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  • Înscris: 15.12.2009

baribalu said:

1681714671[/url]' post='29907167']
The EcoRocket Demonstrator first orbital launch.
Uite asa incepe WW3... Se sperie putin ca il ataca NATO cu ICBM.Posted Image
Daca au fost aburiti unii sa dea bani pentru boilerul zburator, rusii sigur vor pune botul ca sunt atacati cu ,,ultimate weapons" . De fapt acesta este adevaratul motiv a operatiunii speciale.... Vroiau sa fure boilerul si nu aveau pe unde sa treaca, sa ajunga la el.Posted Image

Rețeta clasică a escrocheriilor Arca-Space: niciodată un proiect nu este finalizat până la prototip funcțional.

Mereu câte un nou proiect, cât mai ”avangardist”.

Bineînțeles, acompaniați de reclamă. Inclusiv pe forumul SP.

Edited by Naoto, 20 April 2023 - 20:16.



    46 ani

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  • Înscris: 06.01.2007
Escrocheria asta cu racheta eco e cam rasuflata si nu cred ca mai poate aduna fraieri contributori.
Pana la urma, calcule de energie, poate face orice elev de liceu.

Daca era baiat destept, se orienta din timp catre fuziunea nucleara.
Obtinea acolo o plasma, intre niste magneti si o accelera.. cumva. Chestie care e ceva mai scumpicica decat butaforiile lui de rachete, misto vopsite, insa e mai de efect si mai toleranta la calcule facute de liceeni. Fuziunea nucleara e destul de greu de demonstrat ca ea se si produce in acea plasma.
Facea un prototip de level 1, cu castig mult subunitar, pentru ca mai apoi sa mearga lvl 2, lvl 3, cu castig tot subunitar, dar cu diverse gaselnite tehnologice.
Sa fie tot asa, fioros, cu multe tevi, cu multe cabluri pe-acolo. Pe langa tinichigii, mai angaja si cativa instalatori. Nu trebuiau decat sa treaca de la canepa la banda teflonata.
Ar fi mers!



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  • Înscris: 06.01.2010
Nu le da idei, poate lectureaza dracu' pe-aici si fac si ei o roaketa din gunoaie, cu plasma & fuziune:

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pr1qyGmRB0g?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
Am vazut recent racheta lor cu apa ridicandu-se dintr-un butoi mare.
Ca si in alte cazuri, filmarea nu arata mai mult din zbor, dar si acum racheta era legata cu cablu si probabil s-a ridicat cat era ala de lung. Nu mai zic ce prapad a facut de fiecare data cand a cazut. Daca un singur zbor, cat de mic, ar fi avut un final cat de cat decent, precis puneau ceva.
Cu toate astea, poate spune cineva ca nu lucreaza?

Cat despre fantasmagoriile alea cu rachete uriase cu apa, pachete peste pachete de rachete, se pare ca prostia a dat prea mult pe dinafara. De multa vreme cei din comunitatea entuziastilor spatiali nu fac decat sa se amuze pe seama arcasilor.



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  • Înscris: 03.03.2016
ARCA Space va avea prima misiune în spațiul cosmic în 2027. Racheta va aduce acasă metale prețioase de pe asteroi

Încă merge bine afacerea



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  • Înscris: 23.09.2010
Pana in 2027, fac ucrainenii rachete care sa loveasca dusmanul lor cel mare....




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  • Înscris: 10.12.2006
Racheta, spune reprezentantul companiei aerospaţiale vâlcene, pe lângă faptul că este cea mai mare din lume la ora actuală, este şi singura care porneşte de sub apă, dar şi cu cele mai mici costuri "de concepţie, de fabricaţie şi de operare".

Pai e normal sa fie cea mai ieftina daca nu au facut-o functionala. Daca ajunge in spatiu putem spune ca e racheta spatiala cu cele mai mici costuri, dar deocamdata e o macheta scumpa si asa o sa si ramana.



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  • Înscris: 06.01.2010
"este şi singura care porneşte de sub apă"


[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h5KejRbD5s0?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 27.09.2016
Mai sunt si altele care pornesc de sub apa, dar asta mai si spune bancuri, canta, danseaza si recita "Luceafarul" de la coada la cap in timpul ala


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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