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"How Tesla Will Change The World" by Tim Urban

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 Torquemada-666, on 17 mai 2017 - 09:44, said:

Ceva concret si dovezi???? Evident Nu.

Ce dovezi vrei sa-ti dau ? Impotriva unui articol in care un asa jurnalist scrie citez :

'Several recent studies have added another obvious qualifier'
'A clever British study on electric vehicles captured the nuances with an apt title'
'The British study also found that the 10 countries with the lowest emissions for electric'

Asemenea articole cu cercetatori britanici si fara surse despre cine-i vorba, le gasesti in Cancan pe orice subiect arzator. Leacuri pentru cancer, diete miraculoase toate sunt facute de un grup de cercetatori britanici.
Cauta sa gandesti si cu capul tau, nu mesteca doar gogosi pe nerasuflate.



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Iata ce spunea azi Hakan Samuelsson, CEO Volvo in legatura cu renuntarea la a mai investi in crearea de noi motoare diesel si investitiile in electrice:
“We have to recognise that Tesla has managed to offer such a car for which people are lining up. In this area, there should also be space for us, with high quality and attractive design,”

Cum e Torquemada? Schimba Tesla ceva sau nu?
Nu trebuie nici sa imi raspunzi



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  • Înscris: 15.10.2014

 inuendo0, on 17 mai 2017 - 18:54, said:

Iata ce spunea azi Hakan Samuelsson, CEO Volvo in legatura cu renuntarea la a mai investi in crearea de noi motoare diesel si investitiile in electrice:
“We have to recognise that Tesla has managed to offer such a car for which people are lining up. In this area, there should also be space for us, with high quality and attractive design,”

Cum e Torquemada? Schimba Tesla ceva sau nu?
Nu trebuie nici sa imi raspunzi

Nu schimba cresterile colosale de eGolf, vandut chiar in america la ea acasa.

Unii spuneau ca vag vinde mult in china si asa a ajuns pe locul 1. Dar ca in china nu inseamna nimic si este mai mult zero.

Volvo = China. Ia descalciti asta, cei care au comentat astfel. Daca e de teaslă, china=volvo, este ok? Ipo ipo ipocri .... si mai cum.



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Numai tu stii ce ai vrut sa spui acolo.



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  • Înscris: 15.10.2014

Uite asa schimba lumea musca. Ii pasa de ecologie, dupa cum ii pasa de muncitorii lui, pe care.i lucreaza pana la leșin. Oare ce calitate au modelele, lucrate de oameni extrem de obositi?
Cine se risca? Accidentele de pana acuma ne.au aratat cine a riscat. Vedem in continuare.

Oricum se vede fata de "șulfă ecologistoidă" a ciocoiului.

"Workers at Tesla's California car factory have been working so hard they are passing out on the production line and requiring rides in ambulances, the Guardian reported Thursday.
The conditions at the factory suggest the lengths the company is going to in order to meet its extremely ambitious production goals, and the tension employees feel between their pride in being part of the company and the stress and exhaustion that's company's goals are causing them, according to the report.
Fainting spells, dizziness, seizures and other symptoms have led to more than 100 calls to ambulances since 2014, according to incident reports obtained by the Guardian.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told the Guardian in an interview that workers are "having a hard time, working long hours, and on hard jobs," but also said he cared deeply about their health and well-being. Tesla has also said its factory safety record has significantly improved over the last year.
The news comes as Tesla prepares to launch production on its first electric car intended for the mass market, the $35,000 Model 3.
"We're changing the world," said one worker, Richard Ortiz. "I can't wait for my granddaughter to one day go to class and say, 'My grandfather was in there.'"
But he also said he recently lost the strength in his right arm, which was "scaring" him. "I want to use my arm when I'm retired," he told the Guardian.
Some workers at the factory have attempted to unionize over the last several months.
Tesla responded to CNBC's request for comment by pointing to a company blog post, published Sunday, on safety at the Tesla factory.
"Tesla's safety record is much better than industry average, but it is not enough," it said in the post. "Our goal is to have as close to zero injuries as humanly possible and to become the safest factory in the auto industry. We will get there by continuing to ask our employees to raise safety concerns and to keep proposing ideas that make things even better.""



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  • Înscris: 29.01.2017
Ești înebunit după cancan, nu-i așa ?



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 fortzoso, on 18 mai 2017 - 18:19, said:

Ești înebunit după cancan, nu-i așa ?

Doar atat? Nu ai raspuns la aceste realitati crude.

Edited by Torquemada-666, 18 May 2017 - 18:25.



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Nu stiu daca e coincidenta sau nu, dar postarile lui Torquemada anti-Tesla coincid cu cresterile pretului actiunilor TSLA. Cred ca l-as putea folosi ca indicator de intrare si iesire de pe piata. Lol



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 inuendo0, on 18 mai 2017 - 18:26, said:

Nu stiu daca e coincidenta sau nu, dar postarile lui Torquemada anti-Tesla coincid cu cresterile pretului actiunilor TSLA. Cred ca l-as putea folosi ca indicator de intrare si iesire de pe piata. Lol

Pe mine ma plateste teaslă gras. Nu le dau eu bani lor, ca altii.

Iti e ciuda ca articolele si faptele sunt reale? Vor mai fi sumedenie, care vor nimici mitul șulfei ecologistoide muscă.

Edited by Torquemada-666, 18 May 2017 - 18:33.



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 Torquemada-666, on 18 mai 2017 - 18:01, said:


Uite asa schimba lumea musca. Ii pasa de ecologie, dupa cum ii pasa de muncitorii lui, pe care.i lucreaza pana la leșin. Oare ce calitate au modelele, lucrate de oameni extrem de obositi?
Cine se risca? Accidentele de pana acuma ne.au aratat cine a riscat. Vedem in continuare.

Oricum se vede fata de "șulfă ecologistoidă" a ciocoiului.

"Workers at Tesla's California car factory have been working so hard they are passing out on the production line and requiring rides in ambulances, the Guardian reported Thursday.
The conditions at the factory suggest the lengths the company is going to in order to meet its extremely ambitious production goals, and the tension employees feel between their pride in being part of the company and the stress and exhaustion that's company's goals are causing them, according to the report.
Fainting spells, dizziness, seizures and other symptoms have led to more than 100 calls to ambulances since 2014, according to incident reports obtained by the Guardian.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told the Guardian in an interview that workers are "having a hard time, working long hours, and on hard jobs," but also said he cared deeply about their health and well-being. Tesla has also said its factory safety record has significantly improved over the last year.
The news comes as Tesla prepares to launch production on its first electric car intended for the mass market, the $35,000 Model 3.
"We're changing the world," said one worker, Richard Ortiz. "I can't wait for my granddaughter to one day go to class and say, 'My grandfather was in there.'"
But he also said he recently lost the strength in his right arm, which was "scaring" him. "I want to use my arm when I'm retired," he told the Guardian.
Some workers at the factory have attempted to unionize over the last several months.
Tesla responded to CNBC's request for comment by pointing to a company blog post, published Sunday, on safety at the Tesla factory.
"Tesla's safety record is much better than industry average, but it is not enough," it said in the post. "Our goal is to have as close to zero injuries as humanly possible and to become the safest factory in the auto industry. We will get there by continuing to ask our employees to raise safety concerns and to keep proposing ideas that make things even better.""

Asa cum ne-ai obisnuit, aceleasi articole senzationaliste, click-bait si facute la comanda.
Daca ai avea bunul simt ai renunta sa mai postezi vrajeli pe topicurile mele, ti-as fi recunoscator. Oricum, daca o sa continui asa o sa folosesc butonul de raportare.

Si ca sa iti raspund si la baliverna asta pe care o numesti articol:
Cred ca nici macar nu ai citit la ce ai dat copy-paste. Fraza (din articolul pus de tine): "Tesla's safety record is much better than industry average" nu cred ca e ceva care sa te preocupe. Si cum am zis ori vrei sa iti dai cu Teasla in picior ori ai cam ramas fara argumente si bagi orice la deruta.

E greu sa iti dai seama de eforturile UAW (United Auto Workers) care incearca sa sindicalizeze lucratorii de la Tesla? Sau cine e UAW si ce interese are? Sau de stransa legatura cu cei 3 mari fabricanti auto din SUA?

In februarie anul acesta a fost facuta o investigatie interna care a gasit ca rata accidentelor scazuse sub 3.3, la jumatate fata de media de 6.7 din industria auto. Acelasi lucru reiese si din ce ai copiat tu acolo.  Iar retributiile erau undeva intre 70.000 si 100.000USD pe an, plus stock options, ceea ce e mai mult decat media din industria auto.

Vad ca esti tare preocupat de muncitorii Tesla, de conditiile lor de munca si de salarizarea lor. Keep up the good work Posted Image

Uite mai jos o scrisoare de la Musk catre angajatii sai cu privire la conditiile de munca si salarizarea:

"For Tesla to become and remain one of the great companies of the 21st century, we must have an environment that is as safe, fair and fun as possible. It is incredibly important to me that you look forward to coming to work every day. For that, we must be a fair and just company – the only kind worth creating.
This is vital to succeed in our mission to accelerate the advent of a clean, sustainable energy future. The forces arrayed against us are many and incredibly powerful. This is David vs Goliath if David were six inches tall! Only by being smarter, faster and working well as a tightly integrated team do we have any chance of success. We should never forget the history of car startups originating in the United States: dozens have gone bankrupt and only two, Tesla and Ford, have not. Despite the odds being strongly against us, my faith in you is why I am confident that we will succeed.
That is why I was so distraught when I read the recent blog post promoting the UAW, which does not share our mission and whose true allegiance is to the giant car companies, where the money they take from employees in dues is vastly more than they could ever make from Tesla.
The tactics they have resorted to are disingenuous or outright false. I will address their underhanded attacks below. While this discussion focuses on Fremont, these same principles apply to every Tesla facility worldwide.

Safety First

The workplace issue that comes before any other is safety. If you do not have your health, then nothing else matters. Simply due to size and bad luck, there will always be some injuries in a company with over 30,000 employees, but our goal is simple: to have as close to zero injuries as possible and be the safest factory in the auto industry by far. The Tesla executive team and I are absolutely committed to this goal.
That is why I was particularly troubled by the safety claim in last week’s blog post, which said: “A few months ago, six out of eight people in my work team were out on medical leave at the same time due to various work-related injuries. I hear the ergonomics are even more severe in other areas of the factory.”
Obviously, this cannot be true: if three quarters of his team suddenly went on medical leave, we would not be able to operate that part of the factory. Furthermore, if things were really even worse in other departments, that would mean something like 80% or more of the factory would be out on injury, production would drop to virtually nothing and the parking lot would be almost empty. As you know firsthand, we have the *opposite* problem – there is never enough room to park! In fact, we are working at top speed to build more parking. Also, hopefully our darn BART train station will open before all hell freezes over!
After looking into this claim, not only was it untrue for this individual’s team, it was untrue for any of the hundreds of teams in the factory.
That said, reducing excess overtime and improving safety are extremely important. This is why we hired thousands of additional team members to create a third shift, which has reduced the burden on everyone. Moreover, since the beginning of Tesla production at Fremont five years ago, there have been dedicated health and safety experts covering the factory and we hold regular safety meetings with operations leaders. Since the majority of the injuries in the factory are ergonomic in nature, we have an ergonomics department focused exclusively on this issue.
The net result is that since January 1st, our total recordable incident rate (TRIR) is under 3.3, which is less than half the industry average of 6.7.
Of course, the goal is to have as close to zero injuries as humanly possible, so we need to keep improving. If you have a safety concern or an idea on how to make things better, please let your manager, safety representative or HR partner know. You can also send an anonymous note through the Integrity Hotline (it applies broadly to any problems you notice at our company) or you can email [email protected].


At Tesla, we believe it is important for everyone to be an owner of the company. This is your company. That is why, unlike other car companies, everyone is awarded shares and you get to buy stock at a discount compared to the public through the employee stock purchase program. Last year, stock equity grants were increased significantly and it will happen again later this year once Model 3 achieves high volume.
The chart below contrasts the total comp received by a Tesla production team member who started on January 1, 2013 against the total comp received over the same period at GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler (FCA). A four year period is used because that’s the vesting length of a new hire equity grant. I believe the equity gain over the next four years will be similar. As shown below, a Tesla team member earned between $70,000 and $100,000 more in total compensation than the employees at other US auto companies!

Work Hours

Another issue raised in the UAW blog was hours worked. First, I want to recognize how hard you worked to make our company successful. Those hours mattered to you, to your family and to our company, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate them.
However, the pace needs to be sustainable. This is why the third shift was established and why we created alternate work schedules based on feedback from various teams in the factory.
These changes have had a big impact. The average amount of hours worked by production team members this year is about 43 hours per week. The percentage of overtime hours has declined by almost 50% since the super tough time we had last year achieving rate on the Model X, which is probably the hardest car to build in history. What an amazing accomplishment! It is also a lesson learned, which is why Model 3 is designed to be dramatically easier to manufacture.


As we get closer to being a profitable company, we will be able to afford more and more fun things. For example, as I mentioned at the last company talk, we are going to hold a really amazing party once Model 3 reaches volume production later this year. There will also be little things that come along like free frozen yogurt stands scattered around the factory and my personal favorite: a Tesla electric pod car roller coaster (with an optional loop the loop route, of course!) that will allow fast and fun travel throughout our Fremont campus, dipping in and out of the factory and connecting all the parking lots. It’s going to get crazy good 🙂
Thanks again for all your effort and I look forward to working alongside you to create an amazing future!

Baga un ochi si aici

Repet, daca ai ceva real de postat, nu doar articole din surse dubioase, circ, si can-can esti binevenit. Daca nu, te rog sa nu mai poluezi topicurile cu aceleasi tampenii care ti-au fost demontate de N ori.



    ✠ Fear of the dark ツ

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ideal ar fi sa renuntati la flame.



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 inuendo0, on 17 mai 2017 - 18:54, said:

Iata ce spunea azi Hakan Samuelsson, CEO Volvo in legatura cu renuntarea la a mai investi in crearea de noi motoare diesel si investitiile in electrice:
“We have to recognise that Tesla has managed to offer such a car for which people are lining up. In this area, there should also be space for us, with high quality and attractive design,”

Cum e Torquemada? Schimba Tesla ceva sau nu?
Nu trebuie nici sa imi raspunzi

Intr-un interviu pentru Automotive News, Akio Toyoda, CEO Toyota, spunea:

“I want to change the way they work on EVs. Maybe we will call them electric vehicles, but introduce connectivity. Think about Tesla. Tesla is producing cars. And Toyota is producing cars. But what Tesla is producing is something close to an iPhone.”

Se refera la gradul ridicat de conectare si upgrade-abilitate a masinilor Tesla - prin faptul ca se pot adauga caracteristici noi printr-un simplu update de soft (Over The Air update), exact ca in cazul smartphone-urilor.

Inca un exemplu de CEO din industria auto care vede succesul masinilor electrice "inteligente".



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Un articol interesant si destul de bine argumentat, care a fost referit si in Forbes: http://tesla.dauger..../different.html



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Nu cred ca sunt chiar off topic cu urmatoarea fotografie a masinii Tesla din 1973:

Attached File  Old Tesla.jpg   25.55K   38 downloads

Nu vi se ca au cam pastrat designul ?



    ✠ Fear of the dark ツ

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  • Înscris: 07.06.2014
dar BMW cu aceleasi faruri si design din anii 70 e mai ok, nu? oare pt ca nu scrie Tesla pe masina? daca ar scrie, si acelea ar fi naspa si vechi. aveti o ura de nemasurat vizavi de tesla. de parca v-a furat si ultimul fir de praf care mai era al vostru.



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  • Înscris: 05.08.2002
masinile cu baterii de telefon, incarcate tot ca un telefon la priza, nu au nici un viitor pe termen lung..
in cel mai bun caz vor ajunge la o masa critica cand ori vor pune la pamant reteaua electrica ori nu vor putea fi incarcate decat in xxx ore pentru 100km



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 Dany_Darke, on 19 mai 2017 - 22:49, said:

dar BMW cu aceleasi faruri si design din anii 70 e mai ok, nu? oare pt ca nu scrie Tesla pe masina? daca ar scrie, si acelea ar fi naspa si vechi. aveti o ura de nemasurat vizavi de tesla. de parca v-a furat si ultimul fir de praf care mai era al vostru.

Eu am zis-o fiindca îmi plăcea designul nu ca un repros.



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  • Înscris: 23.02.2017

 Dany_Darke, on 19 mai 2017 - 22:49, said:

dar BMW cu aceleasi faruri si design din anii 70 e mai ok, nu? oare pt ca nu scrie Tesla pe masina? daca ar scrie, si acelea ar fi naspa si vechi. aveti o ura de nemasurat vizavi de tesla. de parca v-a furat si ultimul fir de praf care mai era al vostru.
cred ca e vorba mai degraba de a pastra o pozitie echilibrata [...] Ca unul care a condus, pot spune ca nu sint pt romania in urmatorii 10 ani.

Si unii mai specialisti spun la fel http://www.promotor....ctrica-14204615

 aeon, on 19 mai 2017 - 23:06, said:

masinile cu baterii de telefon, incarcate tot ca un telefon la priza, nu au nici un viitor pe termen lung..
in cel mai bun caz vor ajunge la o masa critica cand ori vor pune la pamant reteaua electrica ori nu vor putea fi incarcate decat in xxx ore pentru 100km
mai degraba baterii de laptop, insa problema e alta, ce se va intampla cu toate aceste baterii... sint poluatoare.
Si daca explodeaza telefoane la incarcat, ce va fi cu masini la incarcat...

Edited by Dany_Darke, 20 May 2017 - 07:07.


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