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Credeti ca islamul e o religie primitiva?

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Poll: Credeti ca islamul e o religie primitiva? (180 member(s) have cast votes)

Credeti ca islamul e o religie primitiva?

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View Postpoarta-cunoasterii, on 23rd February 2012, 12:16, said:

Cu ce as putea sa incep? Mistificati grosolan istoria, minimalizati ororile crestinismului, exagerati greselile musulmanilor, nu aveti cunostinta de criticile persistente si majoritare din cadrul islamului impotriva violentelor sau poate le ignorati. Daca chiar va intereseaza subiectul, va pot sa pe privat o bibliografie. Nu e o lacuna pe care o pot eu suplini pe un forum.
Ororile crestinismului si greselile musulmanilor. :rolleyes:
Pai uite, consider ca am dreptul sa am ce parere vreau eu despre cine vreau eu, si sa-l urasc fara absolut nici un motiv daca asa vrea muschii mei.
Am dreptul, cata vreme nu-i dau in cap sau nu-l amenint.
Am dreptul sa proclam cercul ca fiind patrat daca nu oblig pe altii sa creada la fel.
Cu atat mai mult atunci daca am motive sa nu-mi placa x, pot sa-l critic.
E evident ca tu nu primesti nici o critica fara s-o desfiintezi, sau s-o minimizezi.
Pentru tine crestinismul e o oroare.
Pentru mine Islamul e Oroarea Absoluta, mai rea decat Anticristul din anumite puncte de vedere.
Asta e, vom continua sa ne intepam pe marginea urii mutuale.
Eu nu-s cel mai inteligent, deci nu cedez primul. Din contra, pot fi incapatanat precum un magar anatolian.

Edited by searcher-star, 23 February 2012 - 13:06.



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View Postsearcher-star, on 23rd February 2012, 13:05, said:

Ororile crestinismului si greselile musulmanilor. :rolleyes:
Pai uite, consider ca am dreptul sa am ce parere vreau eu despre cine vreau eu, si sa-l urasc fara absolut nici un motiv daca asa vrea muschii mei.
Am dreptul, cata vreme nu-i dau in cap sau nu-l amenint.
Am dreptul sa proclam cercul ca fiind patrat daca nu oblig pe altii sa creada la fel.
Cu atat mai mult atunci daca am motive sa nu-mi placa x, pot sa-l critic.
E evident ca tu nu primesti nici o critica fara s-o desfiintezi, sau s-o minimizezi.
Pentru tine crestinismul e o oroare.
Pentru mine Islamul e Oroarea Absoluta, mai rea decat Anticristul din anumite puncte de vedere.
Asta e, vom continua sa ne intepam pe marginea urii mutuale.
Eu nu-s cel mai inteligent, deci nu cedez primul. Din contra, pot fi incapatanat precum un magar anatolian.

Cat timp ati fost sincer si deschis si ati recunoscut ca e vorba de emotii si nu idei, va pot tolera manifestarile. Sunteti liber sa urati pe cine doriti, bineinteles. Interesanta e cauza urii dvs, ideile care vi s-au inoculat, scopul celor care propaga astfel de idei, strategiile pe care le folosesc, marioneta carei ideologii ati devenit prin aceasta ura irationala. Eu nu va urasc, nici pe departe, nu ma caracterizeaza asemenea reactii. Sunteti un om cu opinii diferite, pe care le consider nejustificate, si asta e, mergem mai departe, viata e bogata si variata, e frumos ca nu suntem toti la fel cata vreme nu se ajunge la crima si discriminare.

Crestinismul nu e o oroare pentru mine, vorbeam despre aspectele istorice intunecate ale islamului si crestinismului, pe care dvs le receptati selectiv. Crestinismul e o religie venita din aceeasi sursa divina ca si islamul, a carei acuratete in ziua de azi e contestata in anumite privinte si ale carei principii sunt identice (cu cele ale islamului) in alte privinte.



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View Postpoarta-cunoasterii, on 23rd February 2012, 13:55, said:

1Cat timp ati fost sincer si deschis si ati recunoscut ca e vorba de emotii si nu idei, va pot tolera manifestarile.
2Interesanta e cauza urii dvs, ideile care vi s-au inoculat, scopul celor care propaga astfel de idei, strategiile pe care le folosesc, marioneta carei ideologii ati devenit prin aceasta ura irationala.
3Eu nu va urasc, nici pe departe, nu ma caracterizeaza asemenea reactii.
1Idei am, dar faci totala abstractie de ele, deci atunci am dat drumul la emotii ca nu mai e altceva de facut.
2Sunt cat se poate de autodidact, daca ar fi dupa corectitudinea politica actuala tocmai c-ar trebui sa ador tot ce-i non-occidental. Si nu-s deloc de acord cu politica americana in Orient.
3Urasc religia, nu si pe adepti - doar atunci cand o fac pe niznaii cu ambitiile lor suprematiste/fundamentaliste.

Edited by searcher-star, 23 February 2012 - 15:34.



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Majoritatea religiilor sunt primitive (uitate la perioadele in care au aparut).



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View PostSorin84k, on 23rd February 2012, 16:01, said:

Majoritatea religiilor sunt primitive (uitate la perioadele in care au aparut).
Puteti definii primitivismul?



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@Ben_Gal_1 nu te gandi la comuna primitiva.
Gandestete la perioadele din evolutia omenirii, unde omul nu cauta explicatii rationale sustinute de dovezi, la ce se intampla (creierul nu ii fusese solicitat la a creea si/sau utiliza stiinta pentru a controla mediul).
Ii era mult mai usor sa zica ca ceva din exterior controleaza tot mediul de exemplu, fie ca este de bine, sau de rau (pedepse sau ajutor Divin).

Edited by Sorin84k, 13 March 2012 - 17:26.




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  • Înscris: 26.03.2009
Ramasa in urma cu 1500 de ani. Este o nonreligie ci nu o religie. Trebuie azvarlita la tomberonul istoriei. Se bazeaza pe o sarlatanie - Coranul - o compilatie de scripturi iar chiar islamicii recunosc asta ca regasesc 99% versete din biblie care sunt rastalmacite in mod convenabil. Ori daca e compilatie nu mai e inspiratie divina. Hotarati-va ori compilatie ori inspiratie ???? Ca oricum sarlatanie manipulatoare este.



    mafiotul gandacos

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View PostBen_Gal_1, on 11th March 2012, 19:47, said:

Puteti definii primitivismul?

D-le Tony,iudaismul fiind prima religie aveti desigur mai clar ce este primitivismul



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2009
Muslim “Civilization”: Qatar Worried About Inbreeding, Brings Israeli Jew to Warn About Arab Disease
By Debbie Schlussel

Whenever people tell me that the clash between the West and Islam is a “clash of civilizations,” I take issue with that, because it relies on an underlying false premise that theirs (Islam’s) is actually a civilization. Here’s yet more proof that it isn’t.

Israeli Jew, Professor Ohad Birk, Studies Inbred Diseases in Arabs

The Al-Thani Family, which rules Qatar and owns, funds, and operates Al-Jazeera, also funds a series of debates over resolutions, which are often enacted into law in Qatar. These debates, “The Doha Debates,” are organized and funded by the royal family’s Qatar Foundation. It recently held a debate on a resolution discouraging marriage between close family members, with the resolution:

This House believes marriage between close family members should be discouraged

And, because they could find few Arab Muslims advocating this view, the Qataris–in order to bolster the case against inbreeding– apparently waived their traditional apartheid banning Israeli Jews, by welcoming Professor Ohad Birk into the country. Birk heads the Genetics Institute at Soroka Medical Center and of the Kahn Genetics Research Center at the Ben Gurion University National Institute for Biotechnology in Israel’s Negev.



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O chestie interesanta:

Bruce Thornton reviews Robert Spencer's Did Muhammad Exist?

Editor’s note: Robert Spencer’s acclaimed new book, Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins, is now available. To order, click here.
One of the jihadists’ most potent psychological weapons is the double standard Muslims have imposed on the West. Temples and churches are destroyed and vandalized, Christians murdered and driven from the lands of Christianity’s birth, anti-Semitic lunacy propagated by high-ranking Muslim clerics, and Christian territory like northern Cyprus ethnically cleansed and occupied by Muslims. Yet the West ignores these depredations all the while it agonizes over trivial “insults” to Islam and Mohammed, and decries the thought-crime of “Islamophobia” whenever even factual statements are made about Islamic history and theology. This groveling behavior confirms the traditional Islamic chauvinism that sees Muslims as the “best of nations” destined by Allah to rule the world through violent jihad.

Even in the rarefied world of academic scholarship, this fear of offense has protected Islam from the sort of critical scrutiny every other world religion has undergone for centuries. Some modern scholars who do exercise their intellectual freedom and investigate these issues, like Christoph Luxenberg or Ibn Warraq, must work incognito to avoid the wrath of the adherents of the “Religion of Peace.” Now Robert Spencer, the fearless director of Jihad Watch and author of several books telling the truths about Islam obscured by a frightened academy and media, in his new book Did Muhammad Exist? challenges this conspiracy of fear and silence by surveying the scholarship and historical evidence for the life and deeds of Islam’s founder.

As Spencer traces the story of Muhammed through ancient sources and archaeology, the evidence for the Prophet’s life becomes more and more evanescent. The name Muhammad, for example, appears only 4 times in the Qur’an, as compared to the 136 mentions of Moses in the Old Testament. And those references to Muhammad say nothing specific about his life. The first biography of Muhammad, written by Ibn Ishaq 125 years after the Prophet’s death, is the primary source of biographical detail, yet it “comes down to us only in the quite lengthy fragments reproduced by an even later chronicler, Ibn Hisham, who wrote in the first quarter of the ninth century, and by other historians who reproduced and thereby preserved additional sections.”

Nor are ancient sources outside Islam any more forthcoming. An early document from around 635, by a Jewish writer converting to Christianity, merely mentions a generic “prophet” who comes “armed with a sword.” But in this document the “prophet” is still alive 3 years after Muhammad’s death. And this prophet was notable for proclaiming the imminent arrival of the Jewish messiah. “At the height of the Arabian conquests,” Spencer writes, “the non Muslim sources are as silent as the Muslim ones are about the prophet and holy book that were supposed to have inspired those conquests.” This uncertainty in the ancient sources is a consistent feature of Spencer’s succinct survey of them. Indeed, these sources call into question the notion that Islam itself was recognized as a new, coherent religion. In 651, when Muawiya called on the Byzantine emperor Constantine to reject Christianity, he evoked the “God of our father Abraham,” not Islam per se. One hundred years after the death of Muhammad, “the image of the prophet of Islam remained fuzzy.”

Non-literary sources from the late 7th century are equally vague. Dedicatory inscriptions on dams and bridges make no mention of Islam, the Qur’an, or Mohammad. Coins bear the words “in the name of Allah,” the generic word for God used by Christians and Jews, but say nothing about Muhammad as Allah’s prophet or anything about Islam. Particularly noteworthy is the absence of Islam’s foundational statement “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Later coins referring specifically to Muhammad depict him with a cross, contradicting the Qur’anic rejection of Christ’s crucifixion and later prohibitions against displaying crucifixes. Given that other evidence suggests that the word “muhammad” is an honorific meaning “praised one,” it is possible that these coins do not refer to the historical Muhammad at all.



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2009
Muslim group in Egypt: "Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian"
See the cross? See it? Why are you laughing?

Warning! Your salad could be making you into an Infidel! "Salafist group warns tomatoes are 'Christian,'” by Angie Nassar for NowLebanon.com, June 12 (thanks to Lachlan)

...A Salafist group called the Popular Egyptian Islamic Association has come under fire after sending out a warning on Facebook urging its followers not to eat tomatoes because the vegetable (or fruit) is a Christian food.
The group posted a photo on its page of a tomato - which appears to reveal the shape of a cross after being cut in half – along with the message: “Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian. [The tomato] praises the cross instead of Allah and says that Allah is three (a reference to the Trinity).

[God help us]. I implore you to spread this photo because there is a sister from Palestine who saw the prophet of Allah [Mohammad] in a vision and he was crying, warning his nation against eating them [tomatoes]. If you don’t spread this [message], know that it is the devil who stopped you.”

Yeah... no.



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Credeti ca islamul e o religie primitiva?

Vorbim de care primate?

View Postsearcher-star, on 18th June 2012, 11:56, said:

Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian
Pai chiar ca patrlagelele sunt crestine
Tot asa si ouale de cucos.



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2009
Morocco: Imam says newspaper editor "must be killed" for calling for individual rights for Moroccan people
This story is not just noteworthy for the thuggish Islamic supremacist imam, but for Laghzioui's alleged anti-Islamic act: calling for individual rights. "Moroccan Imam Investigated After Calling For Journalist's Death," from Worldcrunch, July 3 (thanks to Twostellas):

OUJDA - A Moroccan court has ordered the investigation of a controversial imam, Abdellah Nhari, for inciting hatred, reports Le Soir Echos.
In a video posted on YouTube (see below), Nhari suggests that Mokhtar Laghzioui, editor-in-chief of the Arabic newspaper Al Ahdath Al Maghribia, "must be killed" in reaction to his appearance on the new pan-Arabist news channel Al Mayadeen, where he defended individual rights for Moroccan people, especially pertaining to sexual liberties.

Egypt: Islamic supremacists stab man to death for walking with woman
Ah, the glories of the new, democratic "Arab Spring" Egypt! "Suez knifing stirs fears of 'moral' policing in Egypt," from Ahram Online, July 3 (thanks to David):

Twenty-year-old engineering student Ahmed Said was stabbed to death on Sunday in the Egyptian canal city of Suez – allegedly by bearded men – while walking with his fiancée.
According to eyewitnesses, Said was attacked by three men with long beards and dressed in galabiyas – attire generally associated with religious Muslims – while walking with his fiancée near the centrally-located Arbeen Square.

"They shouted at him, demanding to know his relationship with the woman he was with," Said's father said in video testimony currently circulating on social-media networks. "And Said replied that it was none of their business."

Provoked by Said's reaction, one of the men then reportedly stabbed him between his legs. The young man was then taken to Suez Hospital for treatment before being transferred to a hospital in nearby Ismailiya where he eventually succumbed to his injuries.




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  • Înscris: 27.04.2012
cred ca e una din cele mai primitive religii din lume. defapt , e compaabila cu nazismul sau comunismul de acum 80 100 de ani. e o religie foarte dura si foarte irationala. nimic din ceea ce prezinta nu duce catre un om mai bun.

din pacate , aceste probleme nu ar trebuii discutate in europa.... din pacate sunt , deoarece exista musulmani prin europa. mai bine ramaneau la ei acolo si se omorau cu pietre intre ei decat sa ne creeze noua probleme pe aici. cea mai buna rezolvare la o problema e sa nu mai exista problema.

cand vb cu fete musulmane si mi spun ca au fost fortate in casatorii si ca sunt nefericite , nu stiu ce sa zic.... as tinde spre mila , insa tiind spre un "bine va face"... pana la urma isi merita soarta. daca si ar pastra problemele pentru ei ar fi si mai bine...




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View Postatoe47w, on 28th July 2012, 12:23, said:

din pacate , aceste probleme nu ar trebuii discutate in europa.... din pacate sunt , deoarece exista musulmani prin europa. mai bine ramaneau la ei acolo si se omorau cu pietre intre ei decat sa ne creeze noua probleme pe aici. cea mai buna rezolvare la o problema e sa nu mai exista problema.

Lapidarea este interzisa in Quran.
Multe manifestari ale musulmanilor nu au suport scriptural.
De exemplu nimeni nu este silit la credinta, exista o serie de principii care indeamna la coexistenta pasnica, razboiul este interzis fiind permis doar in autoapareare, dreptul evreilor de a locui in Tara sfanta este recunoscut, evreii fiind indemnati sa o ia in stapanire s.a.m.d.
Insa Quranul a fost rastalmacit functie de interesele unuia sau altuia si rezultatul este un non-islam.


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