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Cool Hand Luke (1967)

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    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 28.01.2006

[ http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/19/Cool_Hand_Luke_Poster.gif - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Prin filmu acesta l-am descoperit pe Paul Newman.Mama si ce actor e.Filmu asta m-a dat pe spate pur si simplu  :coolspeak:

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  • Înscris: 05.02.2008
he-he...prima oara am vazut filmul asta pe TNT (acum TCM) sa tot fie vreo 15 ani de atunci....TNT tot repeta filmele asa ca l-am vazut de 2-3 ori atunci, plus de multe ori dupa ...

"What we got here is... failure to communicate..."



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  • Înscris: 11.12.2006
WAUUU =mama mia asta film..Parodon CE FILM si ce ACTOR..

Fac pariu ca in film nu spune peste 100 de cuvinte. Restul sunt miscarile lui, fata, zambetul si ochii.
Are niste ochi cu care spune totul. Sa ma contrazica cei care l-au vazut de curand..
Amintiti-va secventa cu spalatul masinii..
(O tipa isi spala masina exact cand niste puscariasi trec pe acolo..Si evident ca absout din greseala, da, exact din greseala se uda cvu furtunul, ii sare spuma pe piept, ii scapa buretele pe jos, etc...
Saracii oameni, statuti cum erau, fac ..imaginatati-va cum se manifestea niste condamnati barbati dupa niste ani buni de cand nu mai atinsesera o femeie...
Pe cand PN doar din ochii face mai mult decat ceata aia de masculti infierbantatii....
sau pariul ca mananca 42(?) de oua in juma de ora...
sau meciul de box in care e facut cel putin praf, dar nu renunta....
Si nuitati ca in timpul razboiului castigase/pierduse cele mai inalte medalii...

Daca auziti cand va fi reprogramat, pls aici sau pe personala. L-am vazut prin '86...
Multam anticipat...

(de orice care crede ca exista si cultura cinematografica)




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  • Înscris: 22.05.2007
^ 50 de oua intr-o ora. eu-s mai mult cu mesajele pe care le transmit filmele decat cu jocul actorilor and stuff. d'asta laud unthinkable ori de cate ori am ocazia( :) ), desi jocul actorilor din respectivul film e foarte slab, iar cam tot filmul (primele 15(?) minute in special) da impresia de film de categoria B.

a se citi urmatorul comentariu luat de pe imdb (review cool hand luke):


Not just a prison film, but an excellent film about not being able to conform in a world that requires it

Having had the advantage of reading Donn Pearce's novel about a year before seeing Cool Hand Luke, it was with great anticipation that I awaited it's transfer to the big screen. I was not disappointed.

Cool Hand Luke could easily be classified by the misguided as just a prison yarn, but it is so much more than that. It is the story of a man who refuses to be nailed down or conform to the rules and regulations of a society that he has never craved to fit into. When Lucas Jackson is arrested for cutting heads off parking meters, his explanation to the prison captain(Strother Martin) is "Small Town, not much to do in the evening", which would have us believe he was just being drunk and stupid. Later, to one of the other inmates he mutters the same answer, but importantly adds "just settlin some old scores". It is a brief but important point in helping to define the character of Luke beyond just being drunk and damaging public property. As a service man, we also discover that Luke won a bronze star, achieved the rank of sergeant but came out as a private. Again, early evidence that Luke is unable to conform to any body's rules but his own. Yet, we are given clear evidence that Luke knows what is right in principal and what is wrong. At one point in the film when they are putting Luke in the box under less than reasonable circumstances, he tells the boss, "calling it your job don't make it right, Boss." In a visit from his mother Arletta(Jo Van Fleet), Luke says plenty about his own character by telling her, "A man's got to go his own way" or as he also puts it, "I tried to live always free and above board like you but I can't seem to find no elbow room".

As Luke enters the prison that will supposedly be his home for the next two years, we meet the other inmates. Some of them wear chains, some of them do not. It is a point early in the film that director Stuart Rosenberg, emphasizes. We understand quickly that sooner or later you conform. You either walk the line the way the bosses tell you to, or they will find the means to get you to walk the line. As the Captain reiterates, "for your own good, you'll learn the rules" A point driven home often.

What we discover about their crimes is minuscule. One is jailed for manslaughter after hitting a pedestrian with his car, another is a paper hanger, another new inmate is charged with breaking, entering and assault. The nature of their crimes is unimportant to us. It enables to view these prisoners as men, and while we don't feel any genuine sympathy for them, feeling disgusted by their crimes would have been a distraction from the true purpose of Pearce's story, and Luke as the focal point.

Because of his individuality, it doesn't take Luke long before he unexpectedly becomes a hero to the other inmates. It is not a role he chooses, or even wants. It unexpectedly imposes the burden on him of having to live up to the expectations of others. He never truly understands the nature of this hero worship, and would be just as happy if he didn't have to deal with it. He is still trying to find his way in the world, and if there is any real purpose for his existence.

Another principal character is Dragline(George Kennedy). It is he who finally establishes the fact that Cool Hand Luke is a man who can not be beaten. Dragline's admiration for Luke seems to extend from the fact that he(Dragline)has learned the rules on how to get by, but yet regrets having lost some of his own individuality in the process. He is the rest of the inmates in microcosm. I can't remember a role that George Kennedy has ever been better in, and he deservedly won the best supporting actor award.

Cool Hand Luke is not without it's humorous moments especially in the early going. It is these moments that help move the film from the early stages to the darker more despairing later stages. Perhaps, for that reason alone we are even more effected by Luke's dilemma.

In translating his novel to the screen Donn Pearce along with Frank Pierson, has managed to bring the heart and soul of his nove to the big screen. Lalo Shifrin's memorable score emphasizes often the repeated drudgery of working on the chain gang. Director Stuart Rosenberg made more good films after Cool Hand Luke, but in my opinion never achieved the same degree of perfection that he does here.

As Cool Hand Luke, Paul Newman give one of the most memorable performances in a long distinguished career. It is not an easy task portraying a man who travels the road from being a sincere individualist, to a man who may be beaten and defeated, yet in the end is still unwilling to accept that fate. Although Rod Steiger won the best actor award that year, one could argue that Newman's role was more difficult, as it required substantially different subtle ranges in character. As for the failure of Cool Hand Luke to achieve a Best Picture nomination, I'm at a loss to explain that malfunction, especially when the likes of Doctor Doolittle and Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, far lesser efforts than this were nominated.

Cool Hand Luke is a true classic in every sense of the word. It is a film that will long be remembered.

My grade: A+

pe mine unul m-a atins mai mult the hustler (tot PN in rolul principal). the hustler e singurul film pe care l-am vazut de 3 ori (de obicei nu ma uit nici macar a 2-a oara la un film) si probabil o sa-l vad din nou in viitor.

Edited by chmihai, 07 August 2010 - 20:28.



    antrenor dă jmekheri

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  • Înscris: 06.01.2009
pe mine nu m-a impresionat cu absolut nimic acest film



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  • Înscris: 11.12.2006
Si niciunul dintrre voi nu poate descrie cu cuvintele lui de ce nu i-a placut acest film? Ce usor e sa copy paste de pe imdb...
Si vai cat de KUUULT in Ka_pul la la mine sunt ...




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 01.01.2011
Film frumos, finalul lasa de dorit, dar tot ramâi cu o parere de rau ca s-a terminat (mai ales finalul).



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  • Înscris: 11.12.2006
Corect. De fapt mesajul e cam clar. Faci ce vrea de la tine societatea sau o incurci.
Rebelii sunt treptat sau marginalizati -adica la parnaie- sau eliminati fizic. Si asta in ciuda faptului ca era o (mica) celibritate locala...



    antrenor dă jmekheri

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  • Înscris: 06.01.2009

View PostPrien, on 25th February 2011, 10:24, said:

Si niciunul dintrre voi nu poate descrie cu cuvintele lui de ce nu i-a placut acest film? Ce usor e sa copy paste de pe imdb...
Si vai cat de KUUULT in Ka_pul la la mine sunt ...
nu stiu cum sa-ti spun, da' aproape ca am si uitat filmu' asta, desi l-am vazut acum o luna si un pic. Deci iti dai seama cat mi-a placut. Filmu' nu are dpmdv nimic special care sa-ti starneasca interesu'. Nu mai retin decat ca personaju' principal era de o inconstienta incredibila (faptu' ca a supravietuit in razboi si a mai adunat si niste medalii mi se pare incredibil) si facea tot felu' de prostii, adica se batea cu cel mai smardoi de acolo si nu numai ca si-o lua grav, dar cerea si mai mult, manca 50 de oua in nush cat timp sau evada fara sa aiba un plan bine pus la punct in cap. Mi se pare mult mai slab decat alte filme de gen (Shawshank Redemption Escape From Alcatraz sau Papillon).



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 11.12.2006
Acuma nu ca vreau sa ma erijez in crtic de film sau ca, Dne fereste, as vrea sa jignesc pe cineva care si-a expus punctul lui de vedere. Daca cineva va intelege altfel, scuze anticipate.
Dar Papi si Jake desi sunt  filme cu puscariasi nu se pot compara asa cum nu poti compara merele si perele. mda, ambele sunt fructe, cresc in copaci, dar..
Hai sa ne gandin de ce a fost inchis Jake. Pt ca a distrus intentionat,adica avea un instrument adecvat la el niste aparate de parcometre.
Ce o sta in spatele acestui gest? Simpla betie?
Si pe front sa obtii niste medalii pt curaj suprem dovedeste ca ai nu numai BAFTA porceasca...
Si cand te comporti in mod repetat astfel incat sa iti fie retrase, le recuceresti, si iarasi le pierzi..
Cati oare din cei care or fi fost pe front putea cere degradarea si retragerea unor medalii? Trebuia sa ii superi si rau si de foarte multe ori..si retrasul era chestie de multe comisii, ce numai la e birocratie
Eu asta am inteles printre randuri din comportarea lui Jake. Revolta si refuzul de a se supune legilor societatii.


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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