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Polul Nord / o insula

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    priveste profund

  • Grup: Validating
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  • Înscris: 30.10.2005
Cel putin fiecare generatie participa la un mare eveniment istoric.

De mai bine de citeva saptamini, toate televiziunile pun accentu' pe cite un subiect interesant, in goana lor dupa firescul rating aducator de capital. Suntem coplesiti:

-de razboiul din Georgia si invazia rusilor cei rai,
-de stiri alarmante ce fac referiri la cresteri si descresteri spectaculoase ale pretului petrolului.
-razboiul din Irak dus de americanii cei buni impotriva teroristilor cei rai aducatori de moarte si mult evil pe pamint.
-in Afganistan trupele binelui conduse de americanii iubitori de Jesus si de Gozi se confrunta cu talibanii rai si cruzi iubitori de Mohamezi si Alahi. Mereu si constant cite un soldat roman cade prada unui atac taliban si crapa in tabu' "blondat" made in Cugir, powered by ARO.
- Ba nu stiu ce Gustav ametit face furori prin US si astfel este amenintata productia de petrol din Golfu' Mexic.

Si multe alte stiri de genu' asta, unele de trecut cu vederea, altele suficiente pt. un hamburgher si un suc seara la tv, cit sa nu adormi.

DAR, in toata pleiada asta de nimicuri si excremente mediatice s'a strecurat o stire care in mod normal ar fi trebuit sa ne ingrijoreze. Stirea respectiva suna cam asa:


The North Pole has become an island for the first time in human history.Startling satellite pictures taken three days ago show that melting ice has opened up the fabled North-West and North-East Passages - making it possible to sail around the Arctic ice cap.

The opening of the passages has been eagerly awaited by shipping companies which hope they will be able to cut thousands of miles off their routes.
Sa sarbatorim, avem o noual insula pe Tera :peacefingers: .

EU nu sunt specialist dar tind sa cred ca nu este o stire grozava. Pt. alte lamuriri exista gugal. Pe situl NASA gasiti un simulator dragut cu evolutia calotei glaciare la polul nord si inca un tool simpatic cu evolutia temperaturii pe tera.



    Flavian, motan de serviciu

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 14.09.2005


Bear in mind that warming and cooling concerns are nothing new, as this alarming bulletin reminds us -

    The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

A RealClimate blogger? No, that was the US Weather Bureau in 1922.

We saw a global cooling scare in 1924, a global warming scare in 1933, another global cooling in the early 1970s, and another warming scare today. The changes the USHCN promised Watts won't help resolve anything for another decade or so, but perhaps future generations will be able to reduce the alarming increase in the number of climate alarms


Last summer, the headlines read "First ever traversal of the Northwest Passage". This sounds very dramatic, except that it is entirely incorrect. As the BBC reported: "In 1905, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first person to successfully navigate the Northwest Passage, in a wooden sailboat." The Northwest Passage has been navigated at least one hundred times over the last century.

In 2007 2008, two very different records were set. The Arctic broke the previous record for the least sea ice area ever recorded, while the Antarctic broke the record for the most sea ice area ever recorded. Summed up over the entire earth, polar ice has remained constant. As seen below, there has been no net gain or loss of polar sea ice since records began.

In other words, then, Antarctic temperatures and ice are going the opposite direction of what Dr. Hansen predicted, and most of the Arctic warming is due to soot, not CO2. His own research directly contradicts his recent high-profile statements about the Arctic and CO2.

Dr Hansen also talks frequently about the unprecedented temperature rise in the Arctic, yet his own temperature records show that much of the Arctic (including Greenland) was warmer from 1920-1940 than now. The NASA graph below from Nuuk, Greenland is typical of long term records of the region.

During the ice age scare in the 1970s the Arctic cooled dramatically, and is only now returning to temperatures comparable to sixty years ago. Most of the other Arctic locations with long-term records show similar trends.

Edited by flaviand, 02 September 2008 - 17:02.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 26.09.2007
Cam doomerist subiectul dar dacă ține treaba pe mai mulți ani, și e cel mai probabil să țină pentru că e greu să se refacă gheața, deoarece apa absoarbe mai multă căldură, este o oportunitate de afacere în domeniul transportului maritim.


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