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 Pengoon, on Jul 31 2008, 10:54, said:

Battle Isle 2&3

Maestre joci Biltzkrieg sau Company of Heroes?



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  • Înscris: 24.04.2008
Vechi, dar face ! Nimeni nu a pomenit de "taticul" RTS: Total Anihillation ! Grafica numai 2D, deci sigur merge pe un PC foarte vechi, dar pina la StarCraft nimeni nu i-a contestat suprematia! Usor de jucat, misiuni intrigante, unele extrem de lungi, armate uriase de roboti si nu numai, etc. Pentru mine ramine jocul de referinta in aria RTS. As dori sa vad unul in aceeasi maniera, dar cu o grafica 3D, unde sa am nevoie doar de energie si metal pentru a cosntrui armate integi si sa am axez in principal pe strategia de lupta! Ce vremuri !

The Kid

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Stronghold Crusader Extreme



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  • Înscris: 30.04.2008
Eu am 800Mhz, 576 MB RAM(SDRAM), placa video de 64 MB si warcraft 3 merge foarte bine.



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  • Înscris: 27.08.2008
age of mytology...super jocul...va merge pe sistemul tau ;)



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offtopic titan quest(cu toate ca e RPG) i-mi merge bine pe un p3 de 667, ram 320 mb si placa video fx 5300 128mb
si fara drivere insatlate :) :D

Edited by stryx, 05 September 2008 - 19:10.



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 zink93, on Sep 1 2008, 09:50, said:

age of mytology...super jocul...va merge pe sistemul tau ;)

+1.Am jucat pe vechiul meu pc (celeron 1.0ghz, 256mb SDRAM, geforce 2 mx200 32mb si hdd de 40gb 7200rpm) age of mythology la setari maxime 1024&768 si se misca perfect ori cate unitati as avea pe harta.Are o grafica senzationala pentru anul in care a aparut (2002 jocul simplu si expansionul "the titans" in 2003) si are cerinte foarte mici.

Edited by Merdiso, 08 September 2008 - 08:03.




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 (THX)GogolometroEAW, on Jul 31 2008, 11:04, said:

Maestre joci Biltzkrieg sau Company of Heroes?
nici una, nici alta. io turn-based.
ultimul RTS ce l-am jucat a fost cossacks2



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 Pengoon, on Sep 30 2008, 00:22, said:

nici una, nici alta. io turn-based.
ultimul RTS ce l-am jucat a fost cossacks2

Medieval 2 Kingdoms Staineless Steel mod?
Te bate ai-ul de zici ce e aia.Si ca sa nu uit, muschetele rup tot.:)




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am medieval2 dar fara mod. chiar si fara add-on.
deocamdata am in pipeline Napoleon's Campaigns, dar n-am inceput inca. am un backlog de click-and-point-uri neterminate si am o tendinta nefericita de a mai tot lua altele, asa ca, deocamdata am treaba cu "Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin". si mai am incepute "the force unleashed" si "assassin's creed". si GTA4. si patrician 2.
auleo ce ma fac ca nu mai termin  :calich:
oh, RTS mai am AOE3+War Chiefs



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  • Înscris: 08.07.2007
Staineless Steel e un mod ce merge si pe varianta originala (vanilla) si pe Kingdoms.Haios e pe kingdoms caci sunt ceva plusuri dar nu uriase.
SS e la 6.0 acum si are mai multi utilizatori decat orice alt mod.Gata reclama, ce e excelent sunt nu cele 30 de factiuni, harta imensa cu 199 de provincii, renuntarea la america si extinderea catre mecca, medina si india sau texturi noi si harti mult mai bune.Modul a inceput prin batch al mai multor moduri excelente.Sunt unitati complet noi, mercenari ok, fiecare factiune a primit unitati noi.Surpriza e Aragonul, Khanatul Cuman, Novgorod si Kiev dar mai ales Templierii si Teutonii.Avem Lituania si Norvegia ca si Irlanda si Imperiul Kwazimirian.E sunge, namol, praf si tot aspectul realistic al unei batalii.S-a renuntat la atacul mare al trupelor, s-a mentinut defensul mare si s-a adus la situatia in care unitatile rezista mai mult datorita moralului, special like bonus versus...
Ce imi place enorm acum nu e faptul ca bizantinii au archebuze si artileria ca si sifonatorii, ci faptul ca pot tine piep mult mai bine unei unitati full plate occidentale.Polonezii au devenit un fel de spaima a estului numai daca nu ii compari cu sfantul imperiu care practic are o asa mare paleta de unitati ca nu ai cum sa te plictisesti ca si Kaiser.
Punctul forte al modului nu e popularitatea lui ci faptu ca a transformat erorile CA si bugurile in trecut.Imagineaza-ti Ai-ul recrutand unitati de elita, gata cu armata de tarani si spearman militia.Asediile tembele cu carnita de tun pentru longbows a devenit amintire, Ai-ul isi amplaseaza unitatile dincolo de range-ul armelor tale, isi trimite trupele pe laturi, face invaluire si nu mai masesaza toate unitatile la poarta.Haios este in batalii sub cerul frantei cand te trezesti ca unitatile tale au fost invaluite, DFK ataca frontal sprijiniti de pikemeni, isi amplaseaza bowmans, xbows in punctul maxim de damage si la limita range-ului.E pur si simplu haios.In vanilla toti se temeau de mongoli si timurizi, acum oricine poate fii puternic ca un mongol.Joc in continuare Empire at War dar petrec din ce in ce mai mult timp in Medieval 2 SS.


Revenind vorbeam de Blitzkrieg pentru ca a fost un joc minunat de panzere inainte de company of heroes, acesta e mai recent, mai bun, mai scump.Nu am CoH dar devine o optiune.E superb ricum l-ai privi exceptand ideea de strategic points ca resursa pe care nu toti gamerii de RTS sunt obisnuiti.Planuiesc o migrare catre Red Alert 3 si Starcraft2.Sa vad cum va face si clanul. :rolleyes:




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 pascaru_alin, on Nov 7 2006, 20:38, said:

Am un AMD Athlon 1600+, cu 256 DDR si RivaTNT2 32MB(nu radeti). Cam ce strategie imi recomandati?

Age of empires 1 si 2, Heroes of Might and Mgic 3, Cossaks, Starcraft, Red alert 2.



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Despre SS

New installer options for:

- Real Recruitment
- Byg's Grim Reality III
- Permanent Arrows
- Removing the Byg II army supply system


- Fixed campaign script errors
- Fixed unit descriptions
- Fixed event/buiding/tooltip typos
- Fixed missing (gunpowder) events
- Fixed ship spwaning on lakes
- Fixed Hobilars, Kazaks & Knights of montesa textures
- Fixed wrong/missing unit cards
- Fixed un-clickable Kwarezmian symbol
- Fixed wrong names
- Fixed non-recruitbale Bodyguards for Kwarezm and Cumans
- Character Trait fixes/changes
- Kaaba wonder symbol fixed
- Several other little fixes


- Slightly raised moral for all units
- melee hit rate slightly increased
- Bodyguards weakened
- Most spear units slightly weakened
- Bodkin arrow using longbowmen slightly weakened
- several other little unit stst changes
- Lowered Squalor/lowered positive effect of garrisons
- Ai less likely to rebel
- Changed several AI recruitment priorities
- Changed "turkish" references to "seljuk"
- Changed "russian" references to "novgorod"
- Slightly more spies/assassins allowed
- Scots Guard recruitbale for Scotland
- Generals can get slightly older
- a very slight map extension to the north
- Tobacco ressource changed to Salt
- Batumi is now Kutaisi
- New (fun) historical battle by horton


- Quark (for the help with character traits and scripts)
- Point Blank (for his great Real Recruitment)
- Byg (For his help in implementing BygIII)
- gracul (for his patient help with the new installer)

*--- New Intro Video ---

1. The Campaign Map

*- Completely new and huge campaign map, covering most of Europe and the beginning of Persia.
*- New ground types and custom climates.
*- Maximum width the engine allows of 510 movement tiles.
*- Mountains, hills and map outlines are based on satellite data.
*- Maximum amount of almost 200 historically medieval settlements. (A few had to sacrifice historical accuracy for better game balance)
*- Every Region has its own ressources, including new valuable resources in the "outbacks" of the map.

New campaign map models:

*- New Coat of Arms for most factions
- New character models for all faction leaders
*- New captain models for catholic factions
*- New captain and general models for all orthodox factions
*- New character skins
-* New models for trade ships, sieges and trade wagons
- New models for european castles, fortresses and citadels
- Unique models for brick castles
- wooden walls now have a wooden colour

2. The Campaigns

*- Extended and more reasonable win conditions
- Date is shown shown as years and turns
- Money Script to support AI Factions
*- New menu music
- New campaign music from the Kingdoms Expansion:
* Crusades Music for the middle eastern factions
* Britania Music for north european factions
* Teutonic Music for east european factions
The Early Era Campaign
-Time frame 1080 - 1560.
- 1.5 years per turn and 320 turns.

The Late Era Campaign
- Time frame is 1220 - 1560
- 1 year per turn and 340 turns
- Historically accurate empires
*- Historically accurate family trees (within the limits of the game engine)
- Advanced settlements and units available at the game start
- A few settlements are different than in the Early Era
- Every faction owns one or two very advanced settlements, which will be your local military powerhouse. Loosing this key settlements can seriously drop the military and econimc power of one faction.
- Mongols playable
- Teutonic Order playable
- Kingdom of Jerusalem replaces Knights Templar

Hotseat Campaign
- Play the early Era Campaign in Hotseat mode. (guide to play late era follows)

New Factions:

*The Khwarezmian Empire
*Cuman Khanate
Kievan Rus
Crown of Aragon
Knights Templar (only playable in the Early Era Campaign)
*Genoa (replaces milan)
*The Teutonic Order (only playable in the Late Era Campaign)
Kingdom of Jerusalem

Reskinned Factions:


4. Units & Mercenaries


*- New captain and general models
- Maximum amount of 500 Different Units and mercenaries
*- New and additional units for all factions
- All factions now have a logical and more complete recruitment tree and several reasonable and interesting units are added.
- Some units are only recruitable in specific regions or with specific buildings
- Early/Late Generals recruitable in castles/citadels
- Added Additional Units:
Dismounted Order Knights
Dismounted Armored Clergy
Regular Light Swordsmen for many factions
Greek Arquebusiers
Guard Pikemen for Byzantium
Desert Raiders for Moors and Egypt
Calivermen for Scotland
Armored Clergy for Norway
*Mangonels for most factions
*Heavy Hussars for Poland
and many more units from the Kingdoms Expansion...


- Many new mercenaries for the Early and High Medieval Period:
*Doppelsoldner, Sergeant Swordsmen, Hashishim Mercenaries, Viking Mercenaries, Prussian Spearmen, Highland Pikemen, Armenian Infantry
Pikemen Mercenaries, Hunters, Arbalesters, Macemen, English Huscarls, Swabian Swordsmen, Andalusian Infantry, Mercenary Saracens, Axemen
Pisan and genoese Sailors, Armenians of selicia, Gwent Raiders
- New and more varied mercenary pools
- Greater mercenary variety
- Mercenaries have more experience
- Regions have more mercenary special units

5. Gameplay

Improved AI.

- More aggressive Ai
- Better defending AI
- Better AI expansion and invasion
- Stronger alliances
- Rarer Catholic - Islamic alliances
- Increased flanking
- Better pathfinding
- Better Siege AI

New buildings

*- New education structures: Schools, libraries and universities
*- Medieval Wonders can now be constructed in important medieval cities: Dome of Rock (Jerusalem), Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem), Cordoba Mosque (Cordoba), Kaaba (Mecca), Notre Dame (Paris), St. Marks Basilica (Venice), Hagia Sophia (Constantinople), Great Aqueduct (Constantinople)
- Other buildings: highways, Hanseatic League and pagan shrines.

Role Play Elements

*- Completely reworked military and economical education, based on the inclination towards Military or Adminastrative skills, the quality of schools, libraries and universities and of course skills you show in battle.
*- Different titles for greek, catholic and islamic culture for every settlement. The effects and descriptions are often based on historical backgrounds.
*- Crowns for faction leaders that have conquered historical biggest empires
*- Royal Bloodlines for all existing factions
- Army attrition and supply system demands much more tactical decisions and religion is much more important. Watch and take care of your general and the moral and suply of his army!
*- Most ancillaries are now transferable from one character to another
*- Countless new Traits, Transferable Titles, Ancillaries
*- Several boosts for the AI to get better characters
- Unique Traits and Ancillaries for the Teutonic Order and the Knights Templar
- New Patriarch titles for Orthodox Factions available
- Many broken Character Traits and Ancillaries fixed
- and much more...

Improved and challenging AI Armies

*- Ai now uses unit priorities to build their armies
- Ai is forced to make better mix of Infantry, Missiles, Cavalry and Artillery.
- AI produces more Elite and Heavy units.

Agents and Characters

- Historically accurate Character Names
- Reasonable limits for assassins, spies and priests
- Merchants income increased, movement increased
- Inquisitors less effective
- Spy's chances decreased, movement greatly increased
- Princesses movement increased, more charming
- Diplomats movement increased
- Priests movement increased
- Captains are less likely to rebel
- Assasins slightly improved, movement increased
- Imam's required Piety to call a Jihad raised
- Less Heretics and Rebels
- More Witches

Settlement and Unit Recruitment Changes

- Important medieval Cities like Constantinople, Jerusalem, Kiev, Rome and Paris more powerful
*- Many Guilds changes for more varied guilds
*- More logical recruitment, for example cities can build more ships & artillery than castles.
- Fortesses/Citadels & Large/Huge Cities have 4-5 recruitment slots
- Castles-Citadels have 1-2 free upkeep
- City growth slightly reduced
- Slightly lowered law bonus in cities
- Tax Income slightly decreased
*- Money income bonus for late game buildings decreased
- Unit recruitment depends on barracks and armorers

6. Battles

*Complete rework of unit stats and balance.

- Much bigger difference between different unit classes.
- Cavalry stronger and with an devastating charge, very expensive.
- Missile and gunpowder units do more damage
- Spearmen are now stronger against cavalry
- Increased effect of heat on heavily armored units.
- Unit recruitment costs and upkeep costs derived from actual medieval sources
- Improved unit cohesion
- Longer Lasting Battles due to slightly higher morale and lower attack values
- More realistic battle map movement
- Artillery crews reduced, morale lowered
- (Great) Bombards, Serpentins can deploy Stakes
- Shield walls for several early era units
- Ballista/Cannon Towers fixed
- More Archers can deploy stakes
- All Longbowmen ranges increased
- Pikemen very vulnerable to missiles
- and much much more...

Kingdoms Expansion Features

- Boiling Oil from Gatehouses
- Control your reinforcements

New Faction Symbols
*- 42 new epic loading screens
*- New models for Mailed Knights, Armored Sergeants, Crusader Sergeants and Knights, Light Swordsmen, Berdiche Axemen

*- New models and skins for all captains and east european Generals
- New Horse models and skins for Templar, Hospitaller and Montesa Knights
- New skins for all Order Knights
- New upgrade for Eastern Bodyguards
- Special shields for Norman Knights
- New skies from kingdoms, including aurora sky
- More spectacular Sky variations
- New grass textures from kingdoms
- Different interfaces for eastern, northern and arabic cultures
- New unique Shield textures for all catholic factions
- New unique Unit Textures for all European Early & High units
- New unique Unit Textures for all Feudal & Mailed Knights
- New unique unit textures for all Order Knights armor upgrades
- New historical accurate faction banners and banners for special units
*- Improved Musket & Artillery Smoke
*- several other little changes

Attached Files

Edited by (THX)GogolometroEAW, 30 September 2008 - 13:25.




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 (THX)GogolometroEAW, on Sep 30 2008, 13:00, said:

Revenind vorbeam de Blitzkrieg pentru ca a fost un joc minunat de panzere inainte de company of heroes, acesta e mai recent, mai bun, mai scump.Nu am CoH dar devine o optiune.E superb ricum l-ai privi exceptand ideea de strategic points ca resursa pe care nu toti gamerii de RTS sunt obisnuiti.Planuiesc o migrare catre Red Alert 3 si Starcraft2.Sa vad cum va face si clanul. :rolleyes:

daca vrei unul fain de ww2, desi e vechi, cauta dupa "Steel Panthers". este o versiune freeware. are grafica de anii '90, e turn based, dar e bestial.




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  • Înscris: 17.02.2006
starcraft zhe best!! :first:



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Iti recomand seriile: Age of Empires, Starcraft si Medieval Total War.
Uite o lista aici: http://www.buygames....op-rts-idx.aspx



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 Pengoon, on Sep 30 2008, 10:35, said:

"assassin's creed"
Si iti merge pe Athlon 1600+ si Riva TNT2 de 32 MB ???



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 aleksutzu07, on Oct 2 2008, 09:04, said:

Si iti merge pe Athlon 1600+ si Riva TNT2 de 32 MB ???

Nope.De fapt Riva TNT 2 de 32 de mb va gasi pana si solitare-ul solicitant. :lol:
Acum real tine doar pana la grafica lui Quake 2 si Broodwar.Mai mult de atat inseamna lag.Mama e tehnologie de acum 7-8 ani... :mellow:


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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