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Google Index Flooded With Spam

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  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 21,670
  • Înscris: 26.11.2001


Google doesn't show the number of pages in the index on its homepage, but a good way to find it is to search for "* *". The resulting number is 25,270,000,000. Google says their index is more than 3 times larger than any other search engine. But what kind of pages are included in this huge index? Let's see:

Search for [site:t1ps2see.com]: 2,460,000,000 results and every page is a search result from a spam site.

Search for [site:eiqz2q.org]: 5,100,000,000 results that redirect to the same t1ps2see.com spam site.

And the list of spam sites is really long. So that means Google has upgraded its index with spam sites.

Note: Yahoo and MSN have very few pages from the sites mentioned.

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Second Opinion Second Opinion

Folosind serviciul second opinion ne puteți trimite RMN-uri, CT -uri, angiografii, fișiere .pdf, documente medicale.

Astfel vă vom putea da o opinie neurochirurgicală, fără ca aceasta să poată înlocui un consult de specialitate. Răspunsurile vor fi date prin e-mail în cel mai scurt timp posibil (de obicei în mai putin de 24 de ore, dar nu mai mult de 48 de ore). Second opinion – Neurohope este un serviciu gratuit.


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