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  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Omule am inteles ca nu iti place PCLOS asa ca nu incerca sa ma convingi de "dreptatea" pe care o ai, Si ma citeste odata ce am scris mai sus, pe scurt "mi se rupe daca e inovator sau nu, mi se rupe de tot si toate cata vreme sunt multumit de el". Adica vezi tu diferenta dintre noi e ca pe tine nu te intereseaza distributia in sine si vrei ceva "shiny" si foloseti cuvinte de astea mari ca inovator si etc. Totusi poti intelege ca sunt oameni care nu cauta asa ceva ci cauta ceva cu care sa isi faca treaba? Iti zic eu in 10 minute am PCLOSul instalat cu ce am nevoie sau hai 15 minute daca nu pun MiniMe insa cum numai asta pun raman la 10 minute apoi cateva apt-get install si am tot ce trebuie instalat.

Eu nu caut shiny la o distributie si nici inovator ci rapiditate in instalare in cazul in care bubui distributia, sa aiba in repo-uri aplicatiile pe care le folosesc frecvent, sa fie stabila si etc. Vad ca tu nu pomenesti nimic de asta deci vorbit de lucruri diferite.



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View Postrocket1982, on 01 august 2013 - 18:17, said:

0% INOVATIE va ramane. Spunemi un program facut si lansat de ei sub GPL? PAi sa vedem cum sta treaba la Zorin ...mmmm au cateva ... indiferent de ce aduc.
Lasa ca a scrie un meniu peste tehnologia altora nu-i mare branza (pentru un programator).




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  • Înscris: 08.05.2008
Eu unul nu am nevoie de SHINY cum ii zici tu , si nici nu am dat de inteles despre Zorin ca ar fi  , asta vrei tu sa intelegi

... mai degraba distributia pentru categoria Fructele PADURII este PC Linux OS ... care face ce fac toate celelelte si e sorcova  : KDE Full Mounty  


Cu siguranta nu e mare branza sa pun 6 ecrane cu fundal diferit si sa zic ca am distributie NOUA ....

PS : Tot respectul pt KIWI ,macar vine cu o idee in spate !!! asta ca sa nu mai povestesc de Zorin.


Edited by rocket1982, 01 August 2013 - 19:27.



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View Postrocket1982, on 01 august 2013 - 19:24, said:

Cu siguranta nu e mare branza sa pun 6 ecrane cu fundal diferit si sa zic ca am distributie NOUA ....
Nici asta. Eu in legatura cu PCLOS mi-am exprimat parerea chiar de la inceput.




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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Smechere nu stiu ce vrei sa zici, sa faci si de fapt ma doare fix in pix si de ce zici tu si de balaria aia de ii faci reclama. Daca eu am inteles ca balaria aia e shiny tot e ceva, tu nu ai inteles nimic din ce am incercat sa zic aici. Nici nu stiu daca are rost sa iti mai raspund. Totusi tu poti concepe ca nu ma intereseaza daca Tex si restul au scris ei ceva cod sau nu? Ai impresiat ca nu pot dormi noaptea ca PCLOS nu e diferit cu nimic de alte distro-uri? Ai capacitatea sa intelegi asta? Pana acum vad de la tine doar ostilitate,te roade cumva faptul ca sunt oameni care folosesc PCLOS si nu balazorin ala de il pomenesti tu?

Recunoaste ca te roade faptul ca am pocit numele prea iubitei "distributii".




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  • Înscris: 08.05.2008
pe mine nu ma roade nimic ... si nu sunt smeker ...din cartierul tau  nici fratie si nici cumnate ....  CIZELEAZATE !
nu vreau sa dau vina pe parintii tai ..pt comportamentul tau ... online!!!

Edited by rocket1982, 01 August 2013 - 19:34.



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Kiwi Linux parca era proiect mort. Care e ideea din spate? (sau care a fost?)



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Scriu ei pe site ce vor: http://kiwilinux.org/



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  • Înscris: 25.07.2007
dupa mine, pclinuxos este o distributie mai ciudata...
in primul rand este semi-rolling release....
foloseste apt-get pentru pachete .rpm
am incercat-o si eu la un moment dat dar am avut niste hibe, nu mi-a merg iesirea s-video si dupa instalare si toate update-urile nu a mai pornit.
la ei pe forum, daca pomenesti de alta distributie, esti mancat!




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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015

View Postrocket1982, on 01 august 2013 - 19:33, said:

pe mine nu ma roade nimic ... si nu sunt smeker ...din cartierul tau  nici fratie si nici cumnate ....  CIZELEAZATE !
nu vreau sa dau vina pe parintii tai ..pt comportamentul tau ... online!!!

Nu ar strica sa iti urmezi sfatul, nu am pomenit nimic de parintii nimanui pe aici insa vad ca te mananca degetele si incepi sa tragi niste concluzii pripite. Daca ai ceva de zis zi-mi mie nu pomeni de parintii mei ca nu ii cunosti nici pe ei si nici pe mine.



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View Postrocket1982, on 30 iulie 2013 - 14:39, said:

Totodata Zorin OS in varianta 7 (CORE) este cea mai buna de pana acum , 6 - le fiind un esec din punctul meu de vedere ... iar Varianta cu LXDE -LITE pt masini vechi ruleaza FOARTE RAPID
Asa este, 7 merge foarte bine. Te-ai cam bosumflat cand am scris intr-un post mai vechi ca 6 este imatur si astept 7 sau 8.




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  • Înscris: 08.05.2008
eu parca iti povesteam de LITE la vremea aia ..si tu incercasei CORE

baieti , din pacate voua nu va convine ce scriu ,faceti clone pe forum si atacati , mai usor...eu nu sunt agresiv.
am punctat exact unde nu are valoare ....

Edited by rocket1982, 01 August 2013 - 21:14.



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  • Înscris: 01.08.2013
@Kagaroth ignora-l e cel mai bine. Nu de alta dar cu el oricum nu ajungi la nici un rezultat.

Tocmai libertatea licentei iti permite sa faci ce vrei cu codul de sub licenta LGPL, GPL sau alte licente compatibile FSF.
PCLOS e o distributie ok, bine pe mine nu ma prinde.
Chiar si asa nu am de ce sa am o critica agresiva asupra acestei distributii.
Mi-a placut la ea ca foloseste apt-get si synaptic, poate o fi de la obisnuinta.
@Kagaroth tu foloseste ce iti place tie, nu trebuie a iti pese ce zice X sau Y.
Pana la urma toate impart acelasi kernel si acelasi userland.




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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
O sa il ignor si oricum nu ma afecteaza cea ce zice el. Oricum partea amuzanta la toata discutia este ca omul crede ca noi doi suntem una si aceiasi persoana.



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View Postrocket1982, on 01 august 2013 - 21:05, said:

eu parca iti povesteam de LITE la vremea aia ..si tu incercasei CORE
Incercasem si Lite si Core, amandoua au crapat la dezinstalarea browserului implicit.



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  • Înscris: 01.08.2013
@Kagaroth mie mi se falfaie de ceea ce crede el.
Nu sunt nici clona si nici presul lui de spers pe jos.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
@ovilix: Avem aceiasi parere in situatia de fata. Noua sa ne fie bine. Cheers mate.




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  • Înscris: 08.05.2008
sigur , ai venit pe forum la nivelul oportun si  primul care ti a accesat contul a fost : Posted Image

BUN uite un rewiew REAL al PC Linux Os .... http://fossforce.com...dbye-pclos/  
reincarcati pagina dupa accesare...nu suporta linkuri directe

Prea o ardeti in grup ... aiurea.
Vorva haia ..numor caii cand vor cainii

he bull doesn’t seem to be part of PCLinuxOS anymore, as it was in 2010 when I first started using it. The distro changes its look with each new release and nowdays the logo is something akin to a CPU usage graph. Other than that, I can’t tell you a thing about the greatest and latest version of PCLOS.
I became a PCLOS user when someone gave me an old Dell laptop running XP. The first thing I did, of course, was replace Windows with Linux. Up until then, I would’ve installed Mandriva without thinking twice, since I’d been using Mandrake/Mandriva since version 9.0 was released in 2002. However, in 2010 Mandriva was rumoured to be on the verge of floating face down in the water, which helped me make the decision to finally switch distros and try something new.
After doing some research and exchanging a few emails on PLUG, the local Linux users’ group, I decided to try running a live CD of PCLOS to see how it performed on the laptop. As the distro had started as a fork of Mandriva, I was comfortable with this move; I would be in familiar territory.
The live CD worked perfectly, recognizing and installing the proper drivers for all hardware. I liked this distro very much, finding it to be much like Mandriva, especially since it used most of the same graphical configuration tools. It was fast and stable. The user community on the forums was both helpful and polite the few times I logged on to attempt to fix a glitch. No issue ever went unresolved.
A couple of weeks ago I realized that my installation was out-of-date, so I set aside a day to upgrade to the latest and greatest PCLOS has to offer. I planned a clean install, so I downloaded and burned the ISO image to a CD and rebooted the system. A text screen asked me what I wanted to do and I selected “Live CD.”

PCLOS 2010 loading KDE.
The boot took forever. Several times I thought the system had stalled, then the progress bar would creep ever so slightly forward. After more than a few minutes I was prompted for the keyboard language, so I used the USB mouse I attach to the laptop whenever I’m at home and selected “English.” After another two or three minutes the desktop started showing up, piece by piece, but still very slowly. I killed time by playing with the mouse a bit, watching the cursor play across the screen.
Unfortunately, when the installation was complete, the mouse and keyboard suddenly quit working. With no way to address the system, I took it down cold with the power button and rebooted. Again, it took forever to load and I lost use of the mouse, trackpad and keyboard the instant the boot was complete. This was only a minor inconvenience. I’d soon get help on the PCLOS forums and would have this problem fixed in short measure.
I searched the forum first, to see if someone else had already reported the same problem and found an answer. When I was unable to come up with a thread about this particular issue, there was nothing else to do except log-in, pose a question and wait for a reply.
When I tried to log-in, however, I was told my username did not exist. That could be, I have memory moments just like everyone else and it’d been a couple of years since I’d used the forum. I opened Thunderbird and found the “welcome to the PCLOS forums” email I’d received two years earlier when I’d first registered. My memory was good; my login had been correct. Evidently the folks at PCLOS had closed my account due to inactivity.
This was still no problem. I registered for a new account, using the same username but with a different password. The system said my username was available and sent me an email welcoming me to the forums, repeating my username and password and explaining that a moderator would have to approve my account before I could login. I was assured I would be getting another email shortly.
That was two weeks ago and I’m still waiting. I’m not holding my breath. If I attempt to login, I’m told my username doesn’t exist. It’s as if my favorite distro has run off with another user.
To tell the truth, I don’t care anymore. After about a week I grew tired of waiting and started looking for another distro. To my surprise, I found one I like much more than PCLOS. About a week ago I installed it on the laptop, wiping-out the old PCLOS install in the process. I’ve had no trouble accessing the forum at the new distro and I’ve found the user community there to be even more helpful and knowledgeable than on the PCLOS site.
I’m still a little upset that I was left out in the cold, without access to the support forums, to fend for myself. It’s just a little matter, a hiccup at their server perhaps, but I expected better.
At this point I would not consider using PCLOS again nor would I recommend it to folks who need a user-friendly “first” distro. In this case, my need of tech support wasn’t great. It was only a problem getting a live CD to work. My computer wasn’t down. I wasn’t facing a loss of any kind. I could simply move on and try another distro or continue to use the system that was already installed on the hard drive.
What if circumstances had been different? What if I had a broken installation and couldn’t access my data? What if I was an absolute newbie who only knew how to start a browser and open an email client who needed help on a brand new PCLOS installation? What if I was a student with an unbootable system who needed to find some way to rescue an important essay?
We penguinistas are always telling people that, with Linux, help is only a click or two away. All that’s necessary is to go to the distro’s forums and inquire of the user community. This won’t work if the forums aren’t accessable.

Edited by rocket1982, 01 August 2013 - 22:00.


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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