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  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 5,275
  • Înscris: 28.02.2010

View Postsearcher-star, on 02 octombrie 2014 - 15:45, said:

Din perspectiva ta, da, makes sense.
Pai... nu pot spune ca ma simt intr-o situatie proasta, aici unde ma aflu...
Fie ca bhakti e reala sau nu, sunt convins ca in planul absolut respect mai multe principii, din alea universale, decat hinduistul mediu. Si romanii in general, de asemenea. O si ducem mai bine in medie decat majoritatea hindusilor. Prin urmare, suntem o companie relativ ok, as zice... n-om fi respectand noi bhakti 100% dar nu stam rau, ci in general stam mai bine ca cei care au ramas mai aproape de sursa, si la fata locului. Pai mie nu mi se pare ceva ce necesita neaparat ameliorari in sensul apropierii de India.

Dacă ai nevoi de traducere să-mi scrii.

Many hundreds of years before the coming of the English,
the nations of India had been a collection of wealthy and highly civilised people,
possessed of great language with an elaborate code of laws and social regulations,
with exquisite artistic taste in architecture and decoration,
producing conceptions which have greatly influenced the development of the most progressive races of the West."

(Henry Mayer Hyndman, 20th Century British politician)

According to the celebrated American author of The Story of Civilization, Will Durant,
"It is true that even across the Himalayan barrier, India has sent to the West such gifts as grammar and logic,
philosophy and fables, hypnotism and chess, and above all numerals and the decimal system.

India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages.
She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha,
of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy.
Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all."

Despite India's extraordinary civilisational achievements being well documented by respected Western scholars,
accurate knowledge of the country's history has seldom entered the public domain, most especially in Britain.

1. The Indian/Hindu Numeral System: Few people are aware that the numbers that we all use today are an Indian invention.
Often referred to as Arabic numerals, after the Arab traders who brought Indian mathematical concepts to the West,
this path-breaking Indian invention replaced the cumbersome Roman numeral system in use in the West until then, and stands as one of the greatest human inventions of all time.

"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Albert Einstein.

The ingenious Indian system succeeded where the efforts of other great civilisations failed,
and today underpins the foundation of modern mathematics and its infinite uses in our day-to-day lives.
Beyond the numeral system itself, a number of other critical mathematical principles also have their routes in India,
whose scientific texts and discoveries were regularly studied by foreign scholars, from Greek philosophers to Arab mathematicians,
and from British inventors to Nazi and Cold War era rocket and nuclear scientists.

"Nearly all the philosophical and mathematical doctrines attributed to Pythagoras are derived from India." Ludwig von Shroeder




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 5,275
  • Înscris: 28.02.2010

View Posttudorel666, on 05 octombrie 2014 - 10:32, said:

Dar dacă și cultura vedică și cea evreiască sunt urmașele unei culturi și mai vechi?
Ai informații despre această cultură pe care o presupui?




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 5,275
  • Înscris: 28.02.2010

View Postbarbu78, on 28 aprilie 2015 - 20:59, said:

Ce intelegi tu prin Scripturi?

View Postmadhukar, on 29 aprilie 2015 - 13:21, said:

Scrieri spirituale originale, sau copii ce nu sunt măsluite,
ce au la bază revelații originale
și o practică spirituală ce le confirmă.

Exemplu de scrieri măsluite:

View Postbarbu78, on 29 aprilie 2015 - 21:49, said:

Ai o "scriptura"?


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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