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Windows 98 Drivers Bug

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  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 21,665
  • Înscris: 26.11.2001

"Just spotted this @ Speedguide.net! I got to say that I run windows 98se and I've not noticed any crashes, not had one for @ least 6 months but hey if it help someone else? you never know.

This bug in the installation of Windows '98 is not reported or confirmed by Microsoft, and there seems to be some controversy on whether extracting the vxds really improves anything. Judging by the hundreds of positive replies we're getting, it fixes numerous problems in the operation of Windows. "

Windows '9x / ME does not install some vxd files in your system directory by default, adding them manually has proven to help for a healthy setup with less crashes. To resolve 20 to 50% of the system errors in any Win9x build, extract these vxd files manually from cab 47 and 48 into

windowssystemvmm32 and windowssystem The following files should be extracted: vcomm.vxd, vdmad.vxd, configmg.vxd, vdd.vxd, vmouse.vxd, ntkern.vxd, vflatd.vxd. Extract these files and reboot. Your system will love you for it. Note: In Windows 98SE, the files are located in CABs 53 and 54.

To check if you need the vxd's yourself, look in the Driver File Details tabs in your Device Manager ( Control Panel > System > Device Manager ). If you find entries containing 'vmm32', there's a good chance you need to extract these manually. For example, in my Modem Driver details, I had " C:WINDOWSSYSTEMVCOMM.VXD (VMM32) " before, and just " C:WINDOWSSYSTEMVCOMM.VXD " after I extracted the vxd's. Note: if you're upgrading, rather than doing a clean install of Windows '98, you might have the old, Windows '95 vxd's in your system. You can check the file versions ( they should be 4.10.1998 ) if you want to find out whether you need the vxd's


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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