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2 replies to this topic



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 127
  • Înscris: 12.07.2012
1. Dati copy/paste si puneti codul intr-o pagina.
2. Prima problema este acolo unde setcookie l-am dezactivat cu // deoarece atunci cand primeam un rezultat, gen: 1. Egalitate, imi apare pagina blank nu mi se salveaza cookie corect ca celelalte.
3. A 2 a problema este cartea A, desi random returneaza 1 sau 11, jos in paranteze afiseaza mereu (11). Celelalte carti afiseaza corect valoarea lor.
4. A 3 a problema este ca nu stiu sa adaug un buton nou Dubleaza miza, tot cu sesiune, in care sa dublez suma (pe care o stabilesc eu din cookie). Mai exact butonul de dublat sa fie egal cu butonul Retrage, cu diferenta ca dubleaza miza curenta.

echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" ;
echo "<html lang=\"ro-RO\">\n" ;
echo "<head>\n" ;
$ogtitle = "Blackjack 21 | Joc de cazino popular in lume" ;
echo "<title>" . $ogtitle . "</title>\n" ;
echo "<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n" ;
echo "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"https://img.icons8.com/arcade/36/1FB141/hangman.png\">\n" ;
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/css/default.css\">\n" ;
echo "</head>\n" ;
echo "<body>\n" ;
$wname = "Blackjack21" ; // Nume
$wvalue = "666" ; // Valoare
$wtime = time() + ( 60 * 60 ) ; // 1h
$wlock = date( "H:i, d.m.Y", $wtime ) ; // Timp asteptare
if ( ! isset( $_COOKIE[$wname] ) ) {
setcookie( $wname, $wvalue, $wtime ) ;
echo "<div style=\"text-align: left;\">\n" ;
echo "- " . $ogtitle . ".\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- Varsta recomandata: minim 18 ani.\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- Jucatori participanti: maxim 5.\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- Wlogi alocati: " . $wvalue . ".\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- Acesta este un simulator de joc online.\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- <a href=\"#\"onclick=\"javascript:window.location.reload();\">Incepe jocul</a>\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
} else {
if ( $_COOKIE[$wname] < 3 ) {
echo "<div style=\"text-align: left;\">\n" ;
echo "- Nu mai ai wlogi, revino dupa " . $wlock . "\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- Jocul nu a fost creat sa castigi ceva, ci doar sa te distrezi.\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- <a href=\"cazino.php\" title=\"*\">Cazino 777</a>\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "- <a href=\"piatra-hartie-foarfeca.php\" title=\"*\">Piatra, Hartie, Foarfeca</a>\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
} else {
session_start() ;
$cards = array(
"2" => 2,
"3" => 3,
"4" => 4,
"5" => 5,
"6" => 6,
"7" => 7,
"8" => 8,
"9" => 9,
"10" => 10,
"J" => 10,
"Q" => 10,
"K" => 10,
"A" => 11 ) ;
$types = array(
"S" ) ;
$winner = false ;
function notification( $msg ) {
echo $msg . "\n" ;
function pullCard() {
global $cards ;
global $types ;
$tmp["card"] = array_rand( $cards ) ;
$tmp["type"] = $types[array_rand( $types )] ;
while ( in_array( $tmp["card"] . $tmp["type"], $_SESSION["used_cards"] ) ) {
$tmp["card"] = array_rand( $cards ) ;
$tmp["type"] = $types[array_rand( $types )] ;
$_SESSION["used_cards"][] = $tmp["card"] . $tmp["type"] ;
return $tmp ;
function calcCards( $hand ) {
global $cards ;
$count = 0 ;
$aces = 0 ;
foreach ( $hand as $card ) {
if ( $card["card"] != "1" ) {
$count += $cards[$card["card"]] ;
} else {
$aces++ ;
for ( $x = 0; $x < $aces; $x++ ) {
if ( $count + 11 > 21 ) {
$count += 1 ;
} else {
$count += 11 ;
return $count ;
echo "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n" ;
function checkWinner( $player, $computer ) {
global $winner ;
if ( $winner != true ) {
if ( calcCards( $player ) == 21 && calcCards( $computer ) == 21 ) {
//$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] + 0 ;
//setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>1. Egalitate</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
} else
if ( calcCards( $player ) > 21 || calcCards( $computer ) == 21 ) {
//$Wlogs = mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ;
//$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] - $Wlogs ;
//setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>1. Ne pare rau, ai pierdut. " . $Wlogs . " wlogi</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
} else
if ( calcCards( $computer ) > 21 || calcCards( $player ) == 21 ) {
//$Wlogs = mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ;
//$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] + $Wlogs ;
//setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>1. Bravo, ai castigat " . $Wlogs . " wlogi</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
} else {
return false ;
if ( $_POST["reset"] ) {
session_destroy() ;
session_start() ;
if ( ! $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) {
$_SESSION["used_cards"] = array() ;
$hand_player = array() ;
$hand_computer = array() ;
array_push( $hand_player, pullCard() ) ;
array_push( $hand_player, pullCard() ) ;
array_push( $hand_computer, pullCard() ) ;
array_push( $hand_computer, pullCard() ) ;
$_SESSION["hand_player"] = $hand_player ;
$_SESSION["hand_computer"] = $hand_computer ;
if ( $_POST["hit"] && $winner != true ) {
array_push( $_SESSION["hand_player"], pullCard() ) ;
} else
if ( $_POST["stand"] && $winner != true ) {
while ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) > calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) ) {
array_push( $_SESSION["hand_computer"], pullCard() ) ;
if ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) == 21 && calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) == 21 ) {
$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] + 0 ;
setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>2. Egalitate</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
continue ;
} else
if ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) > 21 ) {
$Wlogs = mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ;
$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] + $Wlogs ;
setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>2. Bravo, ai castigat " . $Wlogs . " wlogi</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
continue ;
} else
if ( ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) < calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) || calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) == 21 ) ) {
$Wlogs = mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ;
$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] - $Wlogs ;
setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>2. Ne pare rau, ai pierdut " . $Wlogs . " wlogi</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
continue ;
if ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) == calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) ) {
$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] + 0 ;
setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>3. Egalitate</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
if ( ( calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) > calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) ) && $winner != true ) {
$Wlogs = mt_rand( 1, 5 ) ;
$Total = $_COOKIE[$wname] - $Wlogs ;
setcookie( $wname, $Total, $wtime ) ;
echo notification( "<mark>3. Ne pare rau, ai pierdut " . $Wlogs . " wlogi</mark>" ) ;
$winner = true ;
checkWinner( $_SESSION["hand_player"], $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) ;
echo "<div class=\"cards-table\">\n" ;
$comp = 0 ;
foreach ( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] as $card ) {
if ( $comp != 0 || $winner == true ) {
echo "<div class=\"cards\">\n" ;
echo "<img src=\"test5/cards/" . $card["card"] . $card["type"] . ".png\">\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "(" . $cards[$card["card"]] . ")\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
} else {
$rand = ["21CB", "21CR"] ;
$what = $rand[mt_rand( 0, count( $rand ) - 1 )] ;
echo "<div class=\"cards\">\n" ;
echo "<img src=\"test5/cards/21CB.png\">\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "(?)\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
$comp++ ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
if ( $winner == true ) {
echo "Calculator: " . calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] ) . "\n" ; //echo count( $_SESSION["hand_computer"] );
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "<div class=\"cards-table\">\n" ;
foreach ( $_SESSION["hand_player"] as $card ) {
echo "<div class=\"cards\">\n" ;
echo "<img src=\"test5/cards/" . $card["card"] . $card["type"] . ".png\">\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "(" . $cards[$card["card"]] . ")\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
echo "Jucator: " . calcCards( $_SESSION["hand_player"] ) . "\n" ; //echo count( $_SESSION["hand_player"] );
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "<br/>\n" ;
echo "<form action=\"" . htmlentities( $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ) . "\" method=\"POST\">\n" ;
if ( $winner == true ) {
echo "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"reset\" value=\"reset\" style=\"background: green; color: white; font-weight: bold; height: 30px;\">Joc nou</button>\n" ;
} else {
echo "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"hit\" value=\"hit\" style=\"background: red; color: white; font-weight: bold; height: 30px;\">Mizez</button>\n" ;
echo "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"stand\" value=\"stand\" style=\"background: blue; color: white; font-weight: bold; height: 30px;\">Retrag</button>\n" ;
echo "</form>\n" ;
echo "(Wlogi: " . $_COOKIE[$wname] . ")\n" ;
echo "</div>\n" ;
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
if ( $winner == true ) {
session_destroy() ;
session_start() ;



    Guru Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 12,464
  • Înscris: 15.11.2003
E mai util sa dai share la code + runtime atunci cand vrei ajutor https://onlinephp.io/
Codul de mai sus arata oribil, ma zgarie pe ochi asa ca nu ma uit atent, sintetizeaza perfect : asa nu se face

Edited by radu103, 17 November 2023 - 01:10.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 549
  • Înscris: 18.06.2017
3. A 2 a problema este cartea A, desi random returneaza 1 sau 11, jos in paranteze afiseaza mereu (11). Celelalte carti afiseaza corect valoarea lor.

Incearca sa incapsulezi cartile macar in niste obiecte de forma, daca nu vrei in clasa diferita
[ label => 'K', value => 10 ], asa o sa fi mereu sigur de valoarea unui label


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