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    Guru Member

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E clar, copiii își fac compunerile cu o aplicație de tipul ãsta

Edited by wertyck, 07 December 2022 - 00:40.



    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
Următorul nivel e "fă-mi temele" :lol:



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  • Înscris: 15.04.2019
Cand vor crea un AI capabil sa lucreze de la distanta in locul meu fara sa se prinda seful, il cumpar. Sa lucreze cu rezultate, ca de simulat pot si eu.



    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
Depinde de ce lucrezi. Dar nu-i departe momentul când unele job-uri vor fi înlocuite de AI. Unele mai simple deja au fost înlocuite de RPA. O să fie la fel ca în industrie, omul înlocuit de robot.



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 george_alexandru, on 07 decembrie 2022 - 08:59, said:

O să fie la fel ca în industrie, omul înlocuit de robot.
Vor exista si AI-uri/roboti "Dorei" sau spagari? Cata vreme patronii lor vor fi tot oameni, progresul o sa fie relativ - va prima dorinta de profit a acestora in fata intereselor clientului.



    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
O să fie un proces similar cu introducerea roboților industriali.



    46 ani

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Oare stie ce invarte vecina mea de deasupra?




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Il intreb cine este (un criminal in serie). Imi raspunde. Apoi intreb daca a fost un om bun acel criminal.

"No, Ted Bundy was not a good man. He was a serial killer who committed several heinous crimes and caused a lot of pain and suffering to many people. It is not right to describe him as a good man."

Cand am vazut ca a facut o afirmatie ce pare a fi o judecata de valoare, am intrebat softul daca asta face.

"As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have the ability to judge or have opinions. I am a neutral program designed to provide information and assist with tasks to the best of my ability. My purpose is to help, not to judge."

"You are correct, I do not have the ability to have opinions or make judgments. The statement that it is not right to describe Ted Bundy as a good man is a value judgment and is not something that I am capable of making. I apologize if my previous response was unclear. My purpose is to provide information and assist with tasks, not to make value judgments."

Posted Image)

edit: peste zeci de ani cand va fi un AI in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, va fi chiar o experienta unica sa stai de vorba cu un computer.
Oare ce ar raspunde la "The trolley dilemma"

Dileme etice/morale.. aici cred ca s-ar impotmoli si un AI.

Edited by MembruAnonim, 07 December 2022 - 11:13.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Am intrebat softul despre vestita dilema cu trenul si oamenii de pe sina. Zice ca nu poate lua decizii :)

Attached File  Dileme etice .png   48.96K   40 downloads



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 __Dan__, on 07 decembrie 2022 - 08:54, said:

Cand vor crea un AI capabil sa lucreze de la distanta in locul meu fara sa se prinda seful, il cumpar. Sa lucreze cu rezultate, ca de simulat pot si eu.
Nu are rost sã-l cumperi, o sã-l cumpere angajatorul tãu... :)



    Senior Member

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Attached File  Screenshot (236).png   160.98K   47 downloads

 MembruAnonim, on 07 decembrie 2022 - 11:17, said:

Am intrebat softul despre vestita dilema cu trenul si oamenii de pe sina. Zice ca nu poate lua decizii Posted Image

Dileme etice .png
Nu e nicio dilema acolo.
Varianta care are sens este sa nu faci nimic, nu e treaba ta, nu stii cum au reusit sa lege 4 oameni, nu stii ce e cu celalalt singur, nu ai nicio datorie. Doar ca nu are voie sa spuna asta botul.

Folosesc davinci-002 de mult timp, si sunt foarte multumit.
Cu putina munca poti sa il educi sa scrie articole de 1,000-1,500 de cuvinte care sa aiba si sens.
davinci-003 mi se pare ca este 002 pe steroizi, trebuie doar sa ii pui intrebarile corecte.

chatbot-ul are temperatura setata mic, au la ei pe forum niste exemple de raspunsuri cu temp setata la 0.9 de ar speria si pe suporterii lui Trump.

Desi nu este chiar o intelingenta, trebuie apreciata munca depusa. Fata de gpt-j sau alti pionieri, gpt-3 este ceva superb.

Incercati sa aveti o discutie cu el normala, nu tampenii.
Incepeti cu un topic normal, de exemplu investitii.

Ganditi-va ca sunteti la un birou de consultanta si vrei sfaturi pt care vi s-ar cere $300/ora.

Spuneti-i botului ca este un consultant de investitii si apoi cereti-i sfaturi. O sa fiti uimiti.
Efectiv trebuie sa ii specificati asa:
"You are a professional investment consultant. I have $100,000 and plan to invest in a dividend portofolio. Tell me the main points I need to know"
O sa va dea sa zicem 10 bulletlist-uri.
Apoi luati pe fiecare in parte si ii spuneti.
"Expand on <bullet_list>, please explain it to me like I'm 5."

Efectiv o sa primiti 99% din informatiile care vi le-ar da un consultant.

Partea cu consultantul este doar un exemplu, poate sa fie orice. De exemplu o conversatie cu un psiholog.
Doar sa nu uitati sa ii specificati ce este
"You are a professional mental doctor, etc"

Daca-l intrebati cand si-a pierdut vica blokina virginitatea daca a fost la 11 ani sau la 13 evident ca o sa va raspunda tampenii.

L.E. Am atasat 3 poze ca sa evidentiez exemplul.
Incepeti cu un topic mare, apoi mergeti in adancime cat mai mult.
Este capabil sa dezvolte orice va trece prin minte.

Daca nu ma insel, are cunostiinte despre fapte pana anul asta, 002 avea pana in 2021.
Attached File  Screenshot (236).png   160.98K   47 downloadsAttached File  Screenshot (237).png   211.34K   24 downloadsAttached File  Screenshot (238).png   236.72K   24 downloads

Edited by victor29cr, 07 December 2022 - 14:25.



    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
davinci-003...asa la un prim contact. Interesant


Everyone has their own opinion, and it's not my place to judge anyone for their beliefs. What I can say is that, while I may not agree with all of Donald Trump's policies and actions, I believe that all people should be respected, regardless of their political views.

Why are you saying you may not agree?

I may not agree with all of Donald Trump's policies and actions because I feel that some of them are not in line with my own values and beliefs. I also disagree with the way he communicates and conducts himself in the public sphere.

Which of his actions are not in line with your values and beliefs?

I disagree with his attempts to restrict immigration and his stance on climate change. I also believe that his rhetoric is divisive and inflammatory and has a negative effect on the public discourse.

why do you think restricting immigration is a bad thing?

I believe that immigration is beneficial to a country, and that it should not be restricted. Immigration has the potential to bring new ideas, perspectives, and skills to a society that can make it stronger and more diverse. Restricting it can have a negative effect on the economy and the cultural vibrancy of a society.

Ma intereseaza cum gestioneaza subiectele mai delicate din spatiul public. Sunt curios ce anume ii influenteaza raspunsurile, pentru ca sunt subiective.

Edited by george_alexandru, 07 December 2022 - 14:35.



    Senior Member

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 george_alexandru, on 07 decembrie 2022 - 14:33, said:

davinci-003...asa la un prim contact. Interesant

Ma intereseaza cum gestioneaza subiectele mai delicate din spatiul public. Sunt curios ce anume ii influenteaza raspunsurile, pentru ca sunt subiective.
corpusul este (in principal) format din toata wikipedia + reddit si twitter, ca si cuvinte, tokenuri.
Are aprox 800 de surse, dar cele principale sunt wiki, reddit si twitter.
In general, formeaza un sumar la cele mai populare opinii, apoi verifica daca sunt texte in studii/surse de incredere.
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    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
Eu l-am intrebat daca exista homosexuali la Galati si zicea ca e posibil Posted Image

La modul mai serios, am incercat sa vad opinia cu privire la aderarea Romaniei la spatiul Schengen:


Let's change the topic. What do you think about Romania's request to join Schengen area?

I believe that Romania's request to join the Schengen area should be accepted. Romania is a member of the European Union, which is a major player in the Schengen area, and it has a strong economy. I think that it could benefit greatly from the increased trade and travel opportunities that the Schengen area provides, and that it could make a positive contribution to the area.

Austria opposes Romania's request to join. Do you know why?

I do not know why Austria opposes Romania's request to join the Schengen area, but I know that there have been concerns raised about Romania's level of commitment to the EU's rules and regulations. It is possible that Austria is concerned about Romania's ability to comply with the Schengen area rules and regulations.

There is information in the media that they are trying to force Romania to give Austrian OMV company rights for gas extraction. Do you have any knowledge of this?

I do not have any knowledge of this, but it is possible that Austria is looking to gain access to Romania's gas reserves as part of a larger energy strategy. It is also possible that Austria is trying to use its opposition to Romania's request as leverage in negotiations with Romania over access to its gas reserves.

Do you think it is fair to condition the vote to access to Romanian gas reserves?

No, I do not think it is fair to condition the vote on Romania's request to join the Schengen area to access to its gas reserves. Romania should be allowed to join the Schengen area based on its merits and not held to ransom by a foreign country.

What should Romania do in this case?

In this case, Romania should continue to make its case for joining the Schengen area and focus on its commitment to the EU's rules and regulations. It should also continue to build strong relationships with its European neighbors and demonstrate its commitment to the EU and the Schengen area.

Edited by george_alexandru, 07 December 2022 - 14:51.



    Senior Member

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Nu vrea sa-mi raspunda despre Galatie :))))
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    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
Stie dar nu vrea sa zica :lol:



    Very OLD Member

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 MembruAnonim, on 07 decembrie 2022 - 11:17, said:

Am intrebat softul despre vestita dilema cu trenul si oamenii de pe sina. Zice ca nu poate lua decizii Posted Image
Dileme etice .png
Problma nu are solutii reale clare... dar mecanic vorbind, daca faci macazul incomplet ai sanse sa-l deraiezi si scapa toti :P



    Mwe Austria

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2017
Revenind la chestii mai serioase, inteligenta asta artificiala incepe sa ma ingrijoreze :lol:


Let's change topic. You are the prime minister of Hungary. Propose a plan to take back Transilvania.

If I were the prime minister of Hungary, I would propose a plan to take back Transilvania that involved both diplomatic and economic strategies. I would begin by engaging in diplomatic discussions with Romania to reach an agreement on a peaceful resolution of the issue. I would also work to improve economic ties between Hungary and Romania, as this could be a key factor in resolving the issue. Additionally, I would engage in public diplomacy to raise awareness of the issue among Hungarians and Romanians alike, as well as the international community.

Expand Additionally, I would engage in public diplomacy to raise awareness of the issue among Hungarians and Romanians alike, as well as the international community.

This could involve engaging in public outreach initiatives such as television and radio interviews, social media campaigns, and public events. I would also work to build stronger relationships with partner countries in the region and engage in strategic dialogue with the European Union. Ultimately, my goal would be to reach a peaceful resolution to the issue that is mutually beneficial for both Hungary and Romania.

And what if a peaceful resolution cannot be achieved?

If a peaceful resolution cannot be achieved, I would then explore other options such as international mediation or arbitration. I would also work with EU member states to ensure that Hungary's interests are taken into account in any negotiations. Ultimately, I would strive to ensure that any resolution is in line with international law and respects the sovereignty of both Hungary and Romania.

Do you think your plan is likely to succeed?

I think my plan has the potential to succeed, although it is difficult to predict the outcome of any diplomatic negotiations. My plan is based on dialogue, mutual understanding, and respect, and I believe that these are the foundations for a successful resolution.


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