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Romania 2017 Human Rights Report - cum ne vad americanii?

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  • Înscris: 29.06.2011
Ca pe un Belarus in devenire..


The most significant human rights issues included: endemic official corruption; police violence against the Roma community; and violence against LGBTI persons. The judiciary took steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses, but authorities delayed proceedings involving alleged police abuse; the result was that many of the cases ended in acquittals.

Despre militie..


Police were frequently exonerated in cases of alleged beatings and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment (see section 1.c.). Police corruption contributed to citizens’ lack of respect for police and disregard for their authority. Low salaries also contributed to making individual law enforcement officials susceptible to bribery.

Authorities referred cases of high-level corruption to the Directorate General for Anticorruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Despre mult trambitatii arestati politic..


There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees.

Despre libertatea de exprimare, presa si slugile PSD din presa.. e bine ca americanii stiu cine-s propagandistii tarii, da' ar fi si mai bine daca le-ar pune un calus si-o punga-n cap.


Two major private broadcasters, Antena 3 and Romania Television, were controlled by businessmen who were vocal supporters of the government. Both outlets gave strongly critical and factually inaccurate coverage of the January antigovernment protests. NGOs protested that the outlets sought to compromise the demonstrators as well as freedom of expression.

On January 29, an estimated 45,000 demonstrators marched in front of the office of the National Audio-Visual Council, accusing the council of intentional delays in ruling against the outlets. Following public and NGO pressure in February, the council fined the two stations 50,000 lei ($13,000) each for misinforming their viewers.

Despre hartuirea jurnalistilor de catre sleahta comunista din PSD..


Violence and Harassment:

In January, Romania Curata investigative reporter Daniel Befu appealed to authorities and the public to protect his family from acts of intimidation. Befu stated that someone had scrawled threatening graffiti on his parents’ house and other locations in his home city. The messages appeared after he published several investigative articles on alleged local corruption and the role of local criminal groups. The Internal Affairs Ministry had not identified any suspects as of September.

In July tax inspectors from the Finance Ministry began investigating the news group Rise Project and news website Hotnews. The investigations followed a series of articles by the two outlets on controversial domestic and international transactions allegedly coordinated by Chamber of Deputies president and Social Democratic Party leader Liviu Dragnea. Several NGOs and independent media groups asserted the tax inspection was aimed at intimidating the news organizations.

Despre cea mai frumoasa parte a vietii romanesti, coruptia..


The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, but despite numerous high-profile prosecutions, corrupt practices remained widespread. There
were numerous reports of government corruption during the year.

Corruption remained a problem, according to World Bank indicators. Bribery remained common in the public sector. Laws were not always implemented effectively, and officials, including judges, sometimes engaged in corrupt practices with impunity. Immunity from criminal prosecution held by existing and former cabinet members who were also members of parliament sometimes blocked investigations.


Conflicts of interest, disrespect for standards of ethical conduct, and general improbity in public office remained problems in all three branches of government.

In July the president signed into law a bill that restricts the types of situations in which a public official is considered to be in conflict of interest and removed direct reference to it from the criminal code. Corruption was widespread in public procurement. A 2016 law provides for a comprehensive software mechanism to
flag potential conflicts of interest in public procurement. Efforts to implement the system continued.

Bribery was common in the public sector, especially in health care. Individual executive agencies were slow in enforcing sanctions, and agencies’ own inspection bodies were generally inactive. Despite the emphasis on prevention in the latest National Anticorruption Strategy, individual agencies and the government did not take significant action in this area.

Despre copiii Romaniei si modul in care ei sunt tratati.. aratam precum o tara din lumea a treia..


Child abuse and neglect continued to be serious problems.

Themedia reported several severe cases of abuse or neglect in family homes, foster care, and child welfare institutions. The government has not established a mechanism to identify and treat abused and neglected children and their families.

In March the European Center for the Rights of Children with Disabilities notified prosecutors, the ombudsman, and the National Authority for the Protection of Children’s Rights that, according to video footage in their possession, children enrolled in a special school in Bucharest were systematically beaten by teachers, tied with ropes, and subjected to emotional abuse.

According to official data, during 2016 there were 14,323 cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children[oficial, dar neoficial? cine stie cati copii sunt chinuiti in Romania?] recorded by child protection services throughout the country. According to statistics provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice, in 2016 criminal prosecution was initiated in 719 of these cases. In the first half of the year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recorded 5,300 criminal complaints about offenses committed against underage persons.

Nu e foarte magulitor raportu' si nu ne ajuta cu aproape nimic faptu' ca aliatu' strategic doar face constatari. Caci in unele domenii aliatu' strategic ar putea sa-si bage nasu' si sa ne arate cum se face treaba peste Balta Mare.

Deci asa ne vede Departamentu' de Stat al SUA.. o tara corupta, cu o militie care abuzeaza minoritarii. Romania, 2018.

lil debul

lil debul

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Sa ma pish pe ei.



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 lil debul, on 22 aprilie 2018 - 11:20, said:

Sa ma pish pe ei.




    Guru Member

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Mvaaaai, se poate nenea @tomaso?

Pă americani? care, vorba aia, era prietenii matale dintotdeauna.. :D

lil debul

lil debul

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Hai sa va zic eu o chestie mijto, cautati cu gogu cum sint vazuti romanii de catre straini, o sa ramineti surprinsi.
Adica strainii aia normali, de pe strada, nu departamentul de supt al sua.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Cica „police violence against the Roma community” si „violence against the LGBTI persons”

[ https://i.imgur.com/5yVGmlW.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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 Alecsandru010, on 22 aprilie 2018 - 11:22, said:

Mvaaaai, se poate nenea @tomaso?

Pă americani? care, vorba aia, era prietenii matale dintotdeauna.. Posted Image

Nu are treabă cu America.

Ăia au scris niște aberații temebele.   Care violență contra ți-ga-ni-lor? Unde anume?
Vor să facă vinovați majoritarii pentru jegul și violența minoritarilor.    Care violență?   Poate lipsa violenței,  cred că ar vrea să spună.

În rest,  doar aberații tefeliste.  Gunoi.

 MembruAnonim, on 22 aprilie 2018 - 11:34, said:

Cica „police violence against the Roma community” si „violence against the LGBTI persons”

Poate au confundat cu Rusia.
Se mai întâmplă.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Americanii să și vadă de shiturile lor! Că au destule!



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  • Înscris: 13.12.2009
asa e!!!!!

sa nu se amestece in treburile noastre interne!!!!!! noi suntem popor suvern si independent!!!!!!! pt noi lumina vine din teleorman!!!!




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Exact. Coordonarea SRI de către CIA este ceea ce se numește înaltă trădare. Cică în perioada de ocupație sovietică au mai fost ăștia atât de în genunchi și capră. :puke:



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  • Înscris: 21.02.2009
Poate as crede asa ceva daca ar fi fost facuta de un stat precum Finlanda sa zicem. Sau elvetia.
Asa americanii au mult mai multe bube decat multe alte tari. Intai sa isi rezolve gunoiul lor si dupa aia sa se uite in curtea vecinilor.



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De nervi mai cumpara latrina un premiu din america.



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ok, ai bifat-o pe aia cu serviciile secrete. pe cand ceva cu dna cucuvea si iohannis 6 case?

Edited by newbie13, 22 April 2018 - 12:11.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Aș mai bifa o și p asta: că niciodată în istoria noastră nu a fost atât de scuzat ( aproape cerut cu subiect și predicat ) de către unii civili statul capră în fața marilor puteri. Lol Propaganda v a lobotomizat pur și simplu.

Edited by MembruAnonim, 22 April 2018 - 12:17.



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meh sunt in toane bune si desi stiu ca nu vei raspunde macar altii vor citi si vor realiza poate cat de penibila e tactica psdistilor.

ok, I'll play your game. sa zicem ca e asa cum ziceti voi (de la daddy citire). americanii si strainii rai, vor sa ne subjuge. mantra cu colonia. bun. acum tu daca ai avea o colonie de exploatat, cum ti-ai dori sa fie? performanta (sa poti sa ai beneficii mai mari de pe urma ei) sau corupta? sa o controlezi tu sau baronii din teleorman, dambovita &co? sa mearga contracte publice catre firmele tale sau catre tel drum? ;) nu stiu cum se face ca desi suntem colonie doar psdistii si acolitii lor se imbogatesc. really makes you think.

ah, si tu vorbesti de slugarnicie in fata americanilor? pai lordul vostru daddy a platit sute de mii de dolari ca sa se gudure la un dineu pe langa trump (fapt dovedit), asta ce mai e? :lol:




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Și unde am zis eu că Dragnea nu pupa coaiele lu Trump? Lol

Pai daca nu le ar pupa, ar fi la pușcărie in secunda doi.



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  • Înscris: 17.11.2017
Gunoaiele astea criminale si decerebrate(doar un exemplu din milioane si milioane de abuzuri nepedepsite) au tupeul sa deschida gura despre "drepturile omului"??? Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

De fapt, daca ma gandesc bine, chiar si numai existenta pedepsei cu moartea intr-un stat, il exclude complet din a-si da cu parerea despre "drepturile omului"

Edited by Geth, 22 April 2018 - 12:52.



    Disident politic

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  • Înscris: 22.12.2015
Tot cu LGBT-ul si zigeunerii , doar atat ? Am vazut eu ce bine i-au integrat evoluatii din Vest, de fapt...inca se poate spune ca rromii nostri tot s-au mai integrat cat de cat, daca e sa comparam cu liftele musulmane pe care le-a adus maica Merkel in UE.
Si cine ne acuza ? Natiunea in care segrerarea de tip apartheid a negrilor e alive & kicking in multe state republicane din sud ? Hotul care striga hotii...

Edited by doxan, 22 April 2018 - 13:59.


Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei Chirurgia endoscopică a hipofizei

"Standardul de aur" în chirurgia hipofizară îl reprezintă endoscopia transnazală transsfenoidală.

Echipa NeuroHope este antrenată în unul din cele mai mari centre de chirurgie a hipofizei din Europa, Spitalul Foch din Paris, centrul în care a fost introdus pentru prima dată endoscopul în chirurgia transnazală a hipofizei, de către neurochirurgul francez Guiot. Pe lângă tumorile cu origine hipofizară, prin tehnicile endoscopice transnazale pot fi abordate numeroase alte patologii neurochirurgicale.


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