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Beneficiile europenilor dupa primirea de migranti

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  • Înscris: 07.02.2017
Opinia unei doamne despre migrantii musulmani.
,,Nu vin in Europa sa se integreze si sa traiasca dupa valorile europene impuse dupa cel de al 2 lea razboi mondial, vin la trait pe banii statelor bogate...au doar drepturi, nu si obligatii, toarna o gramada de plozi, ca, deh, se aduna bani. Fetitele, de mici is crescute slugi care si servesc tatii si fratii, iar mai tarziu, sotul. Sa le fie de bine vesticilor daca au tolerat si incurajat asemenea inapoiati...''

“Nu strainii sunt problema noastra, chiar daca sunt atat de numerosi. Desigur, ca a avea spanioli, polonezi sau portughezi care muncesc la noi, pune mult mai putine probleme ca a avea musulmani sau negri. Cum credeti voi ca se simte muncitorul francez, care locuieste la Goutte D’Or, care munceste impreuna cu femeia sa si care, amandoi, castiga 15000 de franci, cand pe palierul la care locuieste, alaturi de apartamentul sau, sta o familie cu un tata de familie, care are 3 sau 4 neveste si 20 de mucosi si care castiga 50000 de franci din ajutoare sociale, fara ca, normal, sa munceasca vreun pic! (Aplauze puternice) Si daca la asta mai adaugati zgomotul si mirosul (rasete puternice), ei bine, muncitorul francez de la etajul ala inebuneste. Si trebuie inteles, pentru ca daca ati fi in locul lui ati avea aceeasi reactie. Si lucrul asta care vi-l spun nu este rasist. Noi nu mai avem mijloace de a onora regruparea familiilor si trebuie deschisa in sfarsit marea dezbatere neaparat necesara in tara noastra, care este o adevarata dezbatere morala, pentru a stii daca este firesc ca strainii sa poata beneficia, la fel ca francezii, de o solidaritate nationala la care nu au contribuit deloc pentru ca nu platesc impozite. Acest lucru ar trebui sa ne preocupe.”
Cel ce a rostit discursul acesta, in 1991, nu a fost Jean Marie Le Pen, seful Frontului National, ci Jacques Chirac, seful dreptei franceze. Cand a ajuns presedinte, in 1995,a uitat insa totul si a sustinut in continuare regruparea familiala si islamizarea Frantei, la fel de mult ca si inaintasul sau, Valery Giscard D’Estaing – alt politician de “dreapta”- al carui prim ministru a fost si impreuna cu care a introdus regruparea familiala in 1976, pentru care, 15 ani mai tarziu, declara ca nu mai sunt posibilitati de sustinere!

Edited by max_01, 23 March 2017 - 21:11.



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  • Înscris: 26.04.2015
E clar ca stiu exact ce fac si totusi o fac. De ce? Pentru ca interese oculte, materiale + nepasare si miserupism din partea bizonilor care perpetueaza aceeasi mizerie.

Ce s-a intamplat ieri la Londra NU este suprinzator. Din pacate, este o evolutie fireasca a  abordarii Corecte Politic, dar incorecte obiectiv si iresponsabile a Islamului – religie, ideologie, cultura – de catre autoritatile occidentale.

Islamul nu e pace. Religia mahomedana nu e religia pacii. Unde scrie? In textele sacre intemeietoare ale islamului (Coran, Hadise, Sira); in sharia (legea islamica) pe ele intemeiata; in literatura clasica, moderna si contemporana a islamului si jihadului.  Nu trebuie sa ma credeti pe cuvant. Notiuni de baza despre canoanele culturale si religioase ale islamului, cu bibliografie serioasa, de referinta, gasiti pe acest link:


Faptul ca nu stiti, ca n-ati invatat, ca nu vreti sa aflati  sau ca autoritatile susmentionate le ignora, nu schimba cu nimic realitatea si adevarurile islamice, ci doar suceste mintile unei parti consistente din populatiile europene si occidentale, transformandu-ne pe toti in victime sigure ale islamizarii societatilor noastre si jihadului.

Reiau: in contextul noii invazii islamice incepute in 2015 determinante pentru revirimentul terorismului islamic in Occident, in conditiile in care liderii occidentali (minus Presedintele Americii) continua sa o trateze cu iresponsabilitate, minciuni si fantezii multicultural progresiste tip “islamul e pace”, “religia pacii”, “terorismul musulman nu are legatura cu religia musulmana”, nu e suprinzator, ci doar revoltator ce s-a intamplar ieri la Londra.

Nu e deloc suprinzator atat timp cat se continua politica de supunere si cedare in fata islamizarii si jihadului perpetuu  impotriva lumii crestine si nemusulmane.

Si va asigur ca acestea, nu altele, sunt cauzele si determinismele pentru care adeptii devotati ai prescriptiilor cultural-religioase mahomedane, indiferent de etnie,  de rasa, de locul nasterii, de educatie, de statut social-financiar,  vor continua si reusi periodic asemenea acte de teroare si destabilizare a Occidentului si lumii nemusulmane. Iar victimele se vor inmulti in randul nostru, al nemusulmanilor europeni si occidentali pana la nivelul tragic din alte arii geografice precum Orientul Mijlociu, Africa, Asia, unde islamul are un palmares cotidian mult mai impresionant.

Se vor inmulti pana la acel nivel – zeci de mii de victime anual –   pentru ca in conditiile susmentionate, cu granitele larg deschise si fantezii multiculturale obstructive, nicio forta de securitate occidentala nu face fata jihadului, desi material si logistic poate.

Prin urmare nu-i suprinzator ce s-a intamplat pe 22 martie 2017 la Londra. Surprinzator este doar nivelul de cinism atins ieri de noua Naratiune politico-mediatica in legatura cu teroarea musulmana: nu va stresati, e business as usual; asa-i din cauza Brexitului si vietii in marile orase:

a)Premierul “conservator” Theresa May: “life goes on”. Viata merge inainte.
b)Primarul stangist (laburist) musulman al Londrei, Sadiq Khan: the threat of terrorist attacks is “part and parcel of living in a big city”. Amenintarea atacurilor teroriste este  parte din viata in marile orase.

Ce sa spun? Intai ca tare as vrea sa-i vad calmi si nestresati pe alde Sadick si Theresa in fata acestei perspective,  daca printre cadavre s-ar fi numarat copilul, sotul sau cineva apropiat.

Pe de alta parte, din partea unuia ca Sadiq, afectat de o dubla psihopatie ideologica – islam si stanga – nu-s neobisnuite cinismul, ipocrizia si sociopatia. Stanga si Islamul sunt la fel de indiferente fata de victimele cauzei lor suprematiste si totalitare. (Da, atat Stanga cat si Islamul sunt religii politice suprematiste si totalitare)

Insa, din partea unei britanice care se pretinde conservatoare poate parea bizar. Asta daca prin conservatorism intelegem conservatoarea institutiilor politice si crestine britanice, nu a ideii de transformare a UK in Emiratele Unite ale Stangii cu Islamul.

Totusi nu-i bizar, decat pentru cei carora le-au scapat inclinatiile deschise ale doamnei May spre acomodarea politica a inamicilor (de moarte, literalmente de moarte) ai UK, printre care Islamul. De exemplu, in anul 2013, dupa decapitarea in plina zi, la Londra, de catre doi musulmani devotati, a soldatului britanic Lee Rigby, ce a facut Theresa, ministru de interne la vremea aia in primul guvern Cameron? A declarat persona non grata pe cetatenii americani pasnici Pam Geller si Robert Spencer – critici ai islamului, militanti pentru libertatea de exprimare si foarte incorecti politic – interzicandu-le accesul pe teritoriul UK.

Interdictia se mentine pentru cei doi si azi. Niciun imam propovaduitor al uciderii crestinilor si islamizarii Marii Britanii nu s-a bucurat, dupa stiinta mea, de un tratament similar – interdictia de a se afla pe teritoriul insular.

Orice om cu minima logica si empatie ramane perplex in fata unei asemenea atitutini cinice, duplicitare – geaba mimeaza regrete si lacrimi – si clar sociopate din partea liderului conservator britanic. Apoi se revolta neputincios.

But so history goes on, and on, and on… intre revolta si perplexitate neputincioasa. Pana cand? este intrebarea.

Raspuns. Pana cand majoritatea liderilor occidentali si de opinie va admite, lucid si responsabil, un adevar fundamental: este razboi, se cheama jihad, nu l-am inceput noi, si trebuie actionat ca atare.

Este razboiul ideologic si militar perpetuu al islamului impotriva lumii nemusulmane – numit de ani buni de catre specialistii in terorism si islam, “jihad apocaliptic global”.


Edited by a3ds, 23 March 2017 - 21:17.



    nu pot trăi fără multiculti

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Aia care au decis primirea de musu sigur nu ii au ca vecini. Ca daca ar avea fetele si muierile batjicorite de musu poate nu ar fi atat de ingaduitori si permisivi. Sau poate ca ar fi toti ca muid ala la care i a murit fata ucisa de.musu, dar puletele facea cheta pentru musu la inmormantarea fetei.



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View PostBogzaG, on 23 martie 2017 - 22:00, said:

Aia care au decis primirea de musu sigur nu ii au ca vecini.

Ce sigur esti....dar gresesti, stii asta...
Nu numai vecini ci si colegi la lucru



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parinte mai tampit ca ala nu exista, e ca si cum ar fi urinat pe mormantul propriei fiice  Posted Image  

probabil nefericita aia a fost un copil nedorit dar chiar si asa e prea de tot  Posted Image



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View Postskandal, on 23 martie 2017 - 11:47, said:

Ba e foarte usor. Grecii au fost o casta privilegiata in imperiu. Cei care s-au islamizat, au facut-o pentru bani. Nu uita ca domnitorii fanarioti veniti la noi erau in majoritate proveniti fix dintre acei greci "asupriti". Da, au existat probleme la sf sec 19 si inceputul sec 20, dar acolo vorbim de probleme etnice, nu religioase. De-abia la asiro-chaldeeni a fost vorba de persecutie religioasa.
Bosnia s-a convertit foarte rapid pentru ca erau sub amenintarea cruciadelor, fiind considerati catolici eretici si pierdeau din ambele parti. La Albania nu stiu exact, nu am cautat.

Nu ma refeream la persecutie religioasa ci la inlocuirea civilizatiei "autohtone", daca vrei.Efecte fundamentale au existat, aduse de venirea musulmanilor. Ca s-au intamplat la Constantinopol si nu la Viena e alta discutie...
N-am fost in Constantinopol dar n-as paria pe o majoritatea de romei cu civilizatia romana/greseceasa dominanta.

Edited by vlad1102, 24 March 2017 - 08:31.



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View Postskandal, on 23 martie 2017 - 11:47, said:

Ba e foarte usor. Grecii au fost o casta privilegiata in imperiu. Cei care s-au islamizat, au facut-o pentru bani.
Nu e deloc asa - asimilarea a fost facuta cu forta, un excelent exemplu similar fiind soarta crestinilor spanioli aflati sub ocupatie musulmana.

View Postskandal, on 23 martie 2017 - 11:47, said:

Bosnia s-a convertit foarte rapid pentru ca erau sub amenintarea cruciadelor, fiind considerati catolici eretici
Bosniacii s-au convertit foarte repede pentru ca nu erau crestini ci un amestec de pagani cu eretici.



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View Postskandal, on 23 martie 2017 - 11:47, said:

Ba e foarte usor. Grecii au fost o casta privilegiata in imperiu. Cei care s-au islamizat, au facut-o pentru bani.

Corect.Turcii aveau o relatie corecta cu crestinii greci, recunosteau Patriarhul Ecumenic al Bisericii Ortodoxe Rasaritene drept conducător al tuturor ortodoxilor din imperiu.
Grecilor nu le-a cerut sa se converteasca.Ba unele regiuni din Creta si Peloponez erau chiar independente.
Grecii convertiti au facut-o din doua motive:
-sa scape de povara socioeconomica a supusilor imperiului
-satui de coruptia clerului crestin.

al doilea motiv ma ingrijoreaza caci ar insemna ca populatia Romaniei sa se converteasca incorpore la islam

Edited by vio69a, 24 March 2017 - 18:07.



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View Postvio69a, on 24 martie 2017 - 18:04, said:

Corect.Turcii aveau o relatie corecta cu crestinii greci, recunosteau Patriarhul Ecumenic al Bisericii Ortodoxe Rasaritene drept conducător al tuturor ortodoxilor din imperiu.
Grecilor nu le-a cerut sa se converteasca.Ba unele regiuni din Creta si Peloponez erau chiar independente.
Grecii convertiti au facut-o din doua motive:
-sa scape de povara socioeconomica a supusilor imperiului
-satui de coruptia clerului crestin.

al doilea motiv ma ingrijoreaza caci ar insemna ca populatia Romaniei sa se converteasca incorpore la islam

Ca-n imperiul otoman nu era coruptie deloc... Posted Image Posted Image



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  • Înscris: 26.04.2015
Actualitatea si realitatea germana prind prim-planul numai atunci cand varful icebergului se iveste dintre valuri. Si asta se intampla doar cu ocazia vreunui atac cu camionul sau cu masina asupra pietonilor, sau atunci cand un “dezechilibrat psihic” se arunca in aer, sau ataca cu cutitul, maceta, ori toporul, calatorii vreunui tren sau trecatorii de pe strada. Desi autoritatile si media germana incearca programatic sa cantoneze astfel de evenimente in zona “faptului divers”, ele se transforma in stiri cu impact mediatic international. Oricum ar fi, Germania este din ce in ce mai des in lumina reflectoarelor. Franta are de ce sa se uite iar, cu ingrijorare, peste Rin. Germania este hotarata sa ii ia fata.

Imensa masa a icebergului ramane insa ascunsa privirilor. Este vorba de uriasa explozie a criminalitatii, provocata de valul migrator ce a afectat o tara care, sub conducerea lui Merkel, pare tot mai hotarata sa se uneasca cu Africa si Orientul Mijlociu. Adica sa se lase cucerita de ele.

Sistemul politico-mediatic german a incercat cu ajutorul unei retorici pe cat de ofensive pe atat de optimiste, sa transforme invazia celor 1,5 milioane de straini – fara nicio legatura cu cultura si civilizatia gazda – sositi in 2015 si 2016, intr-un veritabil simbol de solidaritate, compasiune si empatie.

Asigurarile oficiale ca noii veniti vor raspunde cu recunostinta mainilor intinse, ba chiar isi vor aduce nemijlocit contributia la viitoarea dezvoltare a Germaniei, devenind un important vector de integrare civica si responsabilitate economica, s-au dovedit lipsite de orice legatura cu realitatea.

Pentru ca integrarea are sanse de reusita in fata unor indivizi, nu si a unor popoare – spunea De Gaulle. Si cate dreptate a avut, se vede acum.

Asa cum era si normal, milioanele de imigranti nu au aruncat in apele Mediteranei, sau au abandonat la granitele imaginare ale super civilizatei Germanii, “cultura” medievala de banda si trib, imprimata genetic in zeci de generatii.

Si “cultura” asta mai spune ca o tara care te-a primit, este o tara pe cale de a fi ocupata. Asa ca un val de violente, violuri, si jafuri, de neimaginat in urma cu doar cativa ani, s-a abatut asupra Germaniei. Oaspetii se comporta ca niste ocupanti!

restul aici: https://bogdancaleha...a-ca-titanicul/

[ https://ericallenbellblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/islamic-attack-eric-allen-bell.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

"Asadar teroristul Khalid Masood era cetatean britanic, nascut si crescut in Marea Britanie. Daca in cei 52 de ani de viata (varsta pe care-o avea atacatorul) n-a avut timp sa se 'adapteze' si 'integreze' in societatea occidentala, desi a trait toata viata lui acolo, e clar ca nu e vorba de adaptare/integrare (asa cum incearca mereu adeptii 'corectitudinii politice' sa gaseasca explicatii si alte tampenii asemenea).

E o fractura in logica ! Poate ar trebui sa ne gandim ca e de fapt o chestiune de raportare la valorile noastre europene/occidentale (ca sa nu mai spun Crestine) pe care acesti cetateni cu origini si radacini islamice, care chiar daca sunt nascuti si crescuti in 'lumea libera' refuza sa le respecte (nu mai spun sa si le asume), ba mai mult, le ataca cu ura specifica fanaticilor.

Varianta cu 'auto-radicalizarea' subita e cel putin stupida, ca si cea cu 'nu era deloc o persoana religioasa'. Or fi pornirile 'ancestrale' si 'vocea sangelui' cele care dau imboldul/factorul declansator..." - comentariu Yulia Dima

In timp ce la Bruxelles, mieii fac ce stiu ei mai bine, la Londra lupii procedeaza la fel.

[ https://scontent.fotp3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17362581_394009974325677_1734735053348741251_n.jpg?oh=f0cd56797edd25cd8fa425de3d0b3316&oe=5951C5CF - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]


[ https://scontent.fotp3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17342476_394010007659007_8371110243527477504_n.jpg?oh=c035e90f7efd13b5ed4ffd3916f22033&oe=594FCE7C - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by a3ds, 24 March 2017 - 19:42.



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Trebuia să-l ascultați pe Papa de la Roma, pe canalul Euronews, un deliciu multi-kulti. Bătrînul a comis-o din nou cu muslimii refugees amărîți, care vin cu pluta pe mări. Despre creștini, uluitor: mai important este să respecți multiculturalismul european și deabia apoi credința în Domnul Iisus - parcă ar fi vorbit un tembel de la Bruxelles și nu Șeful suprem al Bisericii Catolice.



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A vorbit un marxist patologic, ca si aia de la bruxelles, sunt tot politruci doar uniforma difera. Dara de la chipiul de komissar bolsevic o poarta-n suflet.



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View Postvio69a, on 24 martie 2017 - 18:04, said:

Corect.Turcii aveau o relatie corecta cu crestinii greci,
Musulmanii nu au avut niciodata o relatie corecta cu cineva de alta religie, indiferent care ar fi fost ea. In cazul grecilor cultura le-a fost incet distrusa, au fost eliminati fizic din teritoriile lor ancestrale - vezi Asia Minor - si au fost parazitati prin taxele speciale aplicate crestinilor. Religia musulmana a fost mai destructiva decat marea ciuma pentru lumea civilizata.

View Posto_p_2005, on 24 martie 2017 - 19:38, said:

Șeful suprem al Bisericii Catolice.
E doar un Anti-papa marxist. Ar trebui sa plece la Avignon.



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View Posto_p_2005, on 24 martie 2017 - 19:38, said:

Trebuia să-l ascultați pe Papa de la Roma, pe canalul Euronews, un deliciu multi-kulti. Bătrînul a comis-o din nou cu muslimii refugees amărîți, care vin cu pluta pe mări. Despre creștini, uluitor: mai important este să respecți multiculturalismul european și deabia apoi credința în Domnul Iisus - parcă ar fi vorbit un tembel de la Bruxelles și nu Șeful suprem al Bisericii Catolice.
unde vezi asa ceva? Discursul:

Distinguished Guests,
I thank you for your presence here tonight, on the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaties instituting the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community. I convey to each of you the affection of the Holy See for your respective countries and for Europe itself, to whose future it is, in God’s providence, inseparably linked. I am particularly grateful to the Honourable Paolo Gentiloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy, for his respectful words of greeting in your name and for the efforts that Italy has made in preparing for this meeting. I also thank the Honourable Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, who has voiced the aspirations of the peoples of the Union on this anniversary.
Returning to Rome, sixty years later, must not simply be a remembrance of things past, but the expression of a desire to relive that event in order to appreciate its significance for the present. We need to immerse ourselves in the challenges of that time, so as to face those of today and tomorrow. The Bible, with its rich historical narratives, can teach us a basic lesson. We cannot understand our own times apart from the past, seen not as an assemblage of distant facts, but as the lymph that gives life to the present. Without such an awareness, reality loses its unity, history loses its logical thread, and humanity loses a sense of the meaning of its activity and its progress towards the future.
25 March 1957 was a day full of hope and expectation, enthusiasm and apprehension. Only an event of exceptional significance and historical consequences could make it unique in history. The memory of that day is linked to today’s hopes and the expectations of the people of Europe, who call for discernment in the present, so that the journey that has begun can continue with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.
This was very clear to the founding fathers and the leaders who, by signing the two Treaties, gave life to that political, economic, cultural and primarily human reality which today we call the European Union. As P.H. Spaak, the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs stated, it was a matter "indeed, of the material prosperity of our peoples, the expansion of our economies, social progress and completely new industrial and commercial possibilities, but above all... a particular conception of life that is humane, fraternal and just”. [1]

After the dark years and the bloodshed of the Second World War, the leaders of the time had faith in the possibility of a better future. "They did not lack boldness, nor did they act too late. The memory of recent tragedies and failures seems to have inspired them and given them the courage needed to leave behind their old disputes and to think and act in a truly new way, in order to bring about the greatest transformation... of Europe”. [2]

The founding fathers remind us that Europe is not a conglomeration of rules to obey, or a manual of protocols and procedures to follow. It is a way of life, a way of understanding man based on his transcendent and inalienable dignity, as something more than simply a sum of rights to defend or claims to advance. At the origin of the idea of Europe, we find "the nature and the responsibility of the human person, with his ferment of evangelical fraternity..., with his desire for truth and justice, honed by a thousand-year-old experience”. [3] Rome, with its vocation to universality, [4] symbolizes that experience and was thus chosen as the place for the signing of the Treaties. For here – as the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, J. Luns, observed – "were laid the political, juridical and social foundations of our civilization”. [5]
It was clear, then, from the outset, that the heart of the European political project could only be man himself. It was also clear that the Treaties could remain a dead letter; they needed to take on spirit and life. The first element of European vitality must be solidarity. As the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, J. Bech stated, "the European economic community will prove lasting and successful only if it remains constantly faithful to the spirit of European solidarity that created it, and if the common will of the Europe now being born proves more powerful than the will of individual nations”. [6] That spirit remains as necessary as ever today, in the face of centrifugal impulses and the temptation to reduce the founding ideals of the Union to productive, economic and financial needs.

Solidarity gives rise to openness towards others. "Our plans are not inspired by self-interest”, [7] said the German Chancellor, K. Adenauer. The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, C. Pineau, echoed this sentiment: "Surely the countries about to unite... do not have the intention of isolating themselves from the rest of the world and surrounding themselves with insurmountable barriers”. [8] In a world that was all too familiar with the tragedy of walls and divisions, it was clearly important to work for a united and open Europe, and for the removal of the unnatural barrier that divided the continent from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic. What efforts were made to tear down that wall! Yet today the memory of those efforts has been lost. Forgotten too is the tragedy of separated families, poverty and destitution born of that division. Where generations longed to see the fall of those signs of forced hostility, these days we debate how to keep out the "dangers” of our time: beginning with the long file of women, men and children fleeing war and poverty, seeking only a future for themselves and their loved ones.

In today’s lapse of memory, we often forget another great achievement of the solidarity ratified on 25 March 1957: the longest period of peace experienced in recent centuries. "Peoples who over time often found themselves in opposed camps, fighting with one another... now find themselves united and enriched by their distinctive national identities”. [9] Peace is always the fruit of a free and conscious contribution by all. Nonetheless, "for many people today, peace appears as a blessing to be taken for granted”, [10] one that can then easily come to be regarded as superfluous.
On the contrary, peace is a precious and essential good, for without it, we cannot build a future for anyone, and we end up "living from day to day”. United Europe was born of a clear, well-defined and carefully pondered project, however embryonic at first. Every worthy project looks to the future, and the future are the young, who are called to realize its hopes and promises. [11] The founding fathers had a clear sense of being part of a common effort that not only crossed national borders, but also the borders of time, so as to bind generations among themselves, all sharing equally in the building of the common home.
Distinguished Guests,

I have devoted this first part of my talk to the founding fathers of Europe, so that we can be challenged by their words, the timeliness of their thinking, their impassioned pursuit of the common good, their certainty of sharing in a work greater than themselves, and the breadth of the ideals that inspired them. Their common denominator was the spirit of service, joined to passion for politics and the consciousness that "at the origin of European civilization there is Christianity”, [12] without which the Western values of dignity, freedom and justice would prove largely incomprehensible. As Saint John Paul II affirmed: "Today too, the soul of Europe remains united, because, in addition to its common origins, those same Christian and human values are still alive. Respect for the dignity of the human person, a profound sense of justice, freedom, industriousness, the spirit of initiative, love of family, respect for life, tolerance, the desire for cooperation and peace: all these are its distinctive marks”. [13] In our multicultural world, these values will continue to have their rightful place provided they maintain a vital connection to their deepest roots. The fruitfulness of that connection will make it possible to build authentically "lay” societies, free of ideological conflicts, with equal room for the native and the immigrant, for believers and nonbelievers.
The world has changed greatly in the last sixty years. If the founding fathers, after surviving a devastating conflict, were inspired by the hope of a better future and were determined to pursue it by avoiding the rise of new conflicts, our time is dominated more by the concept of crisis. There is the economic crisis that has marked the past decade; there is the crisis of the family and of established social models; there is a widespread "crisis of institutions” and the migration crisis. So many crises that engender fear and profound confusion in our contemporaries, who look for a new way of envisioning the future. Yet the term "crisis” is not necessarily negative. It does not simply indicate a painful moment to be endured. The word "crisis” has its origin in the Greek verb kríno, which means to discern, to weigh, to assess. Ours is a time of discernment, one that invites us to determine what is essential and to build on it. It is a time of challenge and opportunity.
So what is the interpretative key for reading the difficulties of the present and finding answers for the future? Returning to the thinking of the founding Fathers would be fruitless unless it could help to point out a path and provide an incentive for facing the future and a source of hope.
When a body loses its sense of direction and is no longer able to look ahead, it experiences a regression and, in the long run, risks dying. What, then, is the legacy of the founding fathers? What prospects do they indicate for surmounting the challenges that lie before us? What hope do they offer for the Europe of today and of tomorrow?
Their answers are to be found precisely in the pillars on which they determined to build the European economic community. I have already mentioned these: the centrality of man, effective solidarity, openness to the world, the pursuit of peace and development, openness to the future. Those who govern are charged with discerning the paths of hope, identifying specific ways forward to ensure that the significant steps taken thus far have not been wasted, but serve as the pledge of a long and fruitful journey.
Europe finds new hope when man is the centre and the heart of her institutions. I am convinced that this entails an attentive and trust-filled readiness to hear the expectations voiced by individuals, society and the peoples who make up the Union. Sadly, one frequently has the sense that there is a growing "split” between the citizenry and the European institutions, which are often perceived as distant and inattentive to the different sensibilities present in the Union. Affirming the centrality of man also means recovering the spirit of family, whereby each contributes freely to the common home in accordance with his or her own abilities and gifts. It helps to keep in mind that
Europe is a family of peoples [14] and that – as in every good family – there are different sensitivities, yet all can grow to the extent that all are united. The European Union was born as a unity of differences and a unity in differences. What is distinctive should not be a reason for fear, nor should it be thought that unity is preserved by uniformity. Unity is instead harmony within a community. The founding fathers chose that very term as the hallmark of the agencies born of the
Treaties and they stressed that the resources and talents of each were now being pooled. Today the European Union needs to recover the sense of being primarily a "community” of persons and peoples, to realize that "the whole is greater than the part, but it is also greater than the sum of its parts”, [15] and that therefore "we constantly have to broaden our horizons and see the greater good which will benefit us all”. [16] The founding fathers sought that harmony in which the whole is present in every one of the parts, and the parts are – each in its own unique way – present in the whole.
Europe finds new hope in solidarity, which is also the most effective antidote to modern forms of populism. Solidarity entails the awareness of being part of a single body, while at the same time involving a capacity on the part of each member to "sympathize” with others and with the whole. When one suffers, all suffer (cf. 1 Cor 12:26). Today, with the United Kingdom, we mourn the victims of the attack that took place in London two days ago. For solidarity is no mere ideal; it is expressed in concrete actions and steps that draw us closer to our neighbours, in whatever situation they find themselves. Forms of populism are instead the fruit of an egotism that hems people in and prevents them from overcoming and "looking beyond” their own narrow vision.
There is a need to start thinking once again as Europeans, so as to avert the opposite dangers of a dreary uniformity or the triumph of particularisms. Politics needs this kind of leadership, which avoids appealing to emotions to gain consent, but instead, in a spirit of solidarity and subsidiarity, devises policies that can make the Union as a whole develop harmoniously. As a result, those who run faster can offer a hand to those who are slower, and those who find the going harder can aim at catching up to those at the head of the line.
Europe finds new hope when she refuses to yield to fear or close herself off in false forms of security. Quite the contrary, her history has been greatly determined by encounters with other peoples and cultures; hers "is, and always has been, a dynamic and multicultural identity”. [17] The world looks to the European project with great interest. This was the case from the first day, when crowds gathered in Rome’s Capitol Square and messages of congratulation poured in from other states. It is even more the case today, if we think of those countries that have asked to become part of the Union and those states that receive the aid so generously offered them for battling the effects of poverty, disease and war. Openness to the world implies the capacity for "dialogue as a form of encounter” [18] on all levels, beginning with dialogue between member states, between institutions and citizens, and with the numerous immigrants landing on the shores of the Union. It is not enough to handle the grave crisis of immigration of recent years as if it were a mere numerical or economic problem, or a question of security. The immigration issue poses a deeper question, one that is primarily cultural. What kind of culture does Europe propose today? The fearfulness that is
becoming more and more evident has its root cause in the loss of ideals. Without an approach inspired by those ideals, we end up dominated by the fear that others will wrench us from our usual habits, deprive us of familiar comforts, and somehow call into question a lifestyle that all too often consists of material prosperity alone. Yet the richness of Europe has always been her spiritual openness and her capacity to raise basic questions about the meaning of life. Openness to the sense of the eternal has also gone hand in hand, albeit not without tensions and errors, with a positive openness to this world. Yet today’s prosperity seems to have clipped the continent’s wings and lowered its gaze. Europe has a patrimony of ideals and spiritual values unique in the world, one that deserves to be proposed once more with passion and renewed vigour, for it is the best antidote against the vacuum of values of our time, which provides a fertile terrain for every form of extremism. These are the ideals that shaped Europe, that "Peninsula of Asia” which stretches from the Urals to the Atlantic.

Europe finds new hope when she invests in development and in peace. Development is not the result of a combination of various systems of production. It has to do with the whole human being: the dignity of labour, decent living conditions, access to education and necessary medical care. "Development is the new name of peace”, [19] said Pope Paul VI, for there is no true peace
whenever people are cast aside or forced to live in dire poverty. There is no peace without employment and the prospect of earning a dignified wage. There is no peace in the peripheries of our cities, with their rampant drug abuse and violence.

Europe finds new hope when she is open to the future. When she is open to young people, offering them serious prospects for education and real possibilities for entering the work force.When she invests in the family, which is the first and fundamental cell of society. When she respects the consciences and the ideals of her citizens. When she makes it possible to have children without the fear of being unable to support them. When she defends life in all its sacredness.
Distinguished Guests,
Nowadays, with the general increase in people’s life span, sixty is considered the age of full maturity, a critical time when we are once again called to self-examination. The European Union, too, is called today to examine itself, to care for the ailments that inevitably come with age, and to find new ways to steer its course. Yet unlike human beings, the European Union does not face an inevitable old age, but the possibility of a new youthfulness. Its success will depend on its readiness to work together once again, and by its willingness to wager on the future. As leaders, you are called to blaze the path of a "new European humanism” [20] made up of ideals and concrete actions. This will mean being unafraid to take practical decisions capable of meeting people’s real problems and of standing the test of time.
For my part, I readily assure you of the closeness of the Holy See and the Church to Europe as a whole, to whose growth she has, and always will, continue to contribute. Invoking upon Europe the Lord’s blessings, I ask him to protect her and grant her peace and progress. I make my own the words that Joseph Bech proclaimed on Rome’s Capitoline Hill: Ceterum censeo Europam esse aedificandam – furthermore, I believe that Europe ought to be built.
Thank you.



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View PostImperathor, on 24 martie 2017 - 18:34, said:

Ca-n imperiul otoman nu era coruptie deloc... Posted Image Posted Image

Peshes , bacsis , ciubuc, plocon.  Toate aceste cuvinte "romanesti" sunt de fapt de origine turca , si reprezinta spaga , coruptie . Ele  au fost lasate de Imperiul Otoman care din pricina coruptiei ce domnea in el s-a si destramat . I-am mai tinut de vreo doua ori vioricii lectia asta dar nu s-a prins nimic de ea.



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View PostCris007, on 24 martie 2017 - 19:55, said:

unde vezi asa ceva? Discursul:


Doar am ascultat la TV. N-am văzut discursul publicat.



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View PostCris007, on 24 martie 2017 - 19:55, said:

unde vezi asa ceva? Discursul:

Thank you.
Prefer discursul lui Urban II despre musulmani, Clermont , 1095 AD - Deus Vult.

Most beloved brethren: Urged by necessity, I, Urban, by the permission of God chief bishop and prelate over the whole world, have come into these parts as an ambassador with a divine admonition to you, the servants of God. I hoped to find you as faithful and as zealous in the service of God as I had supposed you to be. But if there is in you any deformity or crookedness contrary to God's law, with divine help I will do my best to remove it. For God has put you as stewards over his family to minister to it. Happy indeed will you be if he finds you faithful in your stewardship. You are called shepherds; see that you do not act as hirelings. But be true shepherds, with your crooks always in your hands. Do not go to sleep, but guard on all sides the flock committed to you. For if through your carelessness or negligence a wolf carries away one of your sheep, you will surely lose the reward laid up for you with God. And after you have been bitterly scourged with remorse for your faults-, you will be fiercely overwhelmed in hell, the abode of death. For according to the gospel you are the salt of the earth [Matt. 5:13]. But if you fall short in your duty, how, it may be asked, can it be salted? O how great the need of salting! It is indeed necessary for you to correct with the salt of wisdom this foolish people which is so devoted to the pleasures of this -world, lest the Lord, when He may wish to speak to them, find them putrefied by their sins unsalted and stinking. For if He, shall find worms, that is, sins, In them, because you have been negligent in your duty, He will command them as worthless to be thrown into the abyss of unclean things. And because you cannot restore to Him His great loss, He will surely condemn you and drive you from His loving presence. But the man who applies this salt should be prudent, provident, modest, learned, peaceable, watchful, pious, just, equitable, and pure. For how can the ignorant teach others? How can the licentious make others modest? And how can the impure make others pure? If anyone hates peace, how can he make others peaceable ? Or if anyone has soiled his hands with baseness, how can he cleanse the impurities of another? We read also that if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch [Matt. 15:14]. But first correct yourselves, in order that, free from blame , you may be able to correct those who are subject to you. If you wish to be the friends of God, gladly do the things which you know will please Him. You must especially let all matters that pertain to the church be controlled by the law of the church. And be careful that simony does not take root among you, lest both those who buy and those who sell [church offices] be beaten with the scourges of the Lord through narrow streets and driven into the place of destruction and confusion. Keep the church and the clergy in all its grades entirely free from the secular power. See that the tithes that belong to God are faithfully paid from all the produce of the land; let them not be sold or withheld. If anyone seizes a bishop let him be treated as an outlaw. If anyone seizes or robs monks, or clergymen, or nuns, or their servants, or pilgrims, or merchants, let him be anathema [that is, cursed]. Let robbers and incendiaries and all their accomplices be expelled from the church and anthematized. If a man who does not give a part of his goods as alms is punished with the damnation of hell, how should he be punished who robs another of his goods? For thus it happened to the rich man in the gospel [Luke 16:19]; he was not punished because he had stolen the goods of another, but because he had not used well the things which were his.
"You have seen for a long time the great disorder in the world caused by these crimes. It is so bad in some of your provinces, I am told, and you are so weak in the administration of justice, that one can hardly go along the road by day or night without being attacked by robbers; and whether at home or abroad one is in danger of being despoiled either by force or fraud. Therefore it is necessary to reenact the truce, as it is commonly called, which was proclaimed a long time ago by our holy fathers. I exhort and demand that you, each, try hard to have the truce kept in your diocese. And if anyone shall be led by his cupidity or arrogance to break this truce, by the authority of God and with the sanction of this council he shall be anathematized."
After these and various other matters had been attended to, all who were present, clergy and people, gave thanks to God and agreed to the pope's proposition. They all faithfully promised to keep the decrees. Then the pope said that in another part of the world Christianity was suffering from a state of affairs that was worse than the one just mentioned. He continued:
"Although, O sons of God, you have promised more firmly than ever to keep the peace among yourselves and to preserve the rights of the church, there remains still an important work for you to do. Freshly quickened by the divine correction, you must apply the strength of your righteousness to another matter which concerns you as well as God. For your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them. For, as the most of you have heard, the Turks and Arabs have attacked them and have conquered the territory of Romania [the Greek empire] as far west as the shore of the Mediterranean and the Hellespont, which is called the Arm of St. George. They have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians, and have overcome them in seven battles. They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches and devastated the empire. If you permit them to continue thus for awhile with impurity, the faithful of God will be much more widely attacked by them. On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it.
"All who die by the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission of sins. This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested. O what a disgrace if such a despised and base race, which worships demons, should conquer a people which has the faith of omnipotent God and is made glorious with the name of Christ! With what reproaches will the Lord overwhelm us if you do not aid those who, with us, profess the Christian religion! Let those who have been accustomed unjustly to wage private warfare against the faithful now go against the infidels and end with victory this war which should have been begun long ago. Let those who for a long time, have been robbers, now become knights. Let those who have been fighting against their brothers and relatives now fight in a proper way against the barbarians. Let those who have been serving as mercenaries for small pay now obtain the eternal reward. Let those who have been wearing themselves out in both body and soul now work for a double honor. Behold! on this side will be the sorrowful and poor, on that, the rich; on this side, the enemies of the Lord, on that, his friends. Let those who go not put off the journey, but rent their lands and collect money for their expenses; and as soon as winter is over and spring comes, let hem eagerly set out on the way with God as their guide."

Rezumat - musulmanii adora demoni si ataca pe crestini, poti fi de partea lui Dumnezeu si sa lupti contra lor sau de partea inamicului. Se ofera iertarea tuturor pacatelor si viata vesnica. QED.

Edited by AMDG, 24 March 2017 - 20:09.



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Mulți vorbesc de "interese oculte" ca și cauză a primirii de emigranti din lumea a treia în Europa. E cineva pe aici care poate dezvolta ideea asta cu subiect și predicat? Cine sunt cei care au interese oculte, care sunt aceste interese, cum acționează?


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