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    Old school member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 4.824
  • Înscris: 25.07.2006
Uite aici zig-zag la mine, de la un gen la altul...  :walkman:

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sunt multe texte bune....




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 5.438
  • Înscris: 18.06.2009
Aria Urbana - Doruri

Minunate zile de pace
natura umană în feerie se complace
Veșnicia spontană Esența-și desface
dându-ne de pomană stare care ne place.
Calea lumină dospește sporuri
de galactice zboruri
prin microscopicele holuri
ale nemărginitelor doruri.

Dor de supremă libertate
într-o încarcerată moralitate
Dor de stabilă pozitivitate
într-o instabilă controversitate
Dor de inspirată creativitate
într-o incoerentă realitate
Dor de sclipitoare spontaneitate
într-o haotică diversitate.

Dor de măiastră cântare
într-un abis de nepăsare
Dor de vibrantă contemplare
într-o meditativă așteptare
Dor de izbăvitoare iertare
într-un vârtej de fapte murdare
Dor de plăcută visare
într-o bulversantă agitare.

Dor de adâncă liniște
într-un ocean de neliniște
Dor de intensă plăcere
într-o vindecătoare durere
Dor de umilă soartă
într-un pustiu de slavă deșartă
Dor de repere spre fericire
într-o degradantă rătăcire.




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.659
  • Înscris: 10.06.2008
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee
die now, dieeeeeee





  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 5.438
  • Înscris: 18.06.2009
Pink Floyd - Time

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
And you are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone
The song is over
Thought I'd something more to say

Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 54
  • Înscris: 23.06.2009
I Feel So Unsure
As i take your hand
And lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies
Something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all its sad goodbyes


I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool
I should have known better than to cheat a friend
And waste a chance that i've been given
So i'm never gonna dance again
The way i danced with you

Time can never mend
The careless whisper of a good friend
To the heart and mind
Ignorance is kind
There's no comfort in the truth
Pain is all you'll find


Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But now who's gonna dance with me
Please stay


Now that you've gone
Now that you've gone
Now that you've gone
Was what i dïd so wrong
So wrong that you had to leave me alone

2.Sandra :)
n The Heat Of The Night

Talk to me - want my love. Talk to me - but not that stuff.
You ain't get enough using my love.
You call for me
again I'll see.

In the heat of the night -
You lose control and sell your soul -
I lose control in the heat of the night -
It's much too late to leave the trade -
But I can't stand it anymore -
You lose your heart and sell your soul -
I lose control in the heat of the night -
In the heat of the night -

Talk to me - want my love. Talk to me - but not that stuff.
Who's on my side losing my pride?
You call for me
again I'll see.

In the heat of the night - . . .
In the heat of the night -

In the heat of the night - . . .
You lose your heart and sell your soul -
It's much too late to leave the trade

3.Chris de Burgh - Lady in Red 1996
Released 1986

I've never seen you
looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men
ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance,
given half a chance
And I have never seen that dress
you're wearing
Or the highlights in your head
that catch your eyes I have been blind

The lady in red is
dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here,
it's just you and me,
It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know
this beauty by my side
I'll never for get,
the way you look tonight

I've never seen you
looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you
shine so bright you were amazing
I've never seen so many people
want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled,
It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love,
as I do tonight

Lady in red is
dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, is nobody here
it's just you and me,
It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know
this beauty by my side
I'll never for get,
the way you look tonight, Yes.

I never will forget, the way you look tonight
Lady in red
Lady in red
My lady in red



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 76
  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
Coma - Coboara-ma-n rai
2XSortii-mi canta intre tine si pamant
Si pamant... si pamant... si pamant... si pamant...

Lipseste-ma de juramant
Consuma-mi teama si atat
Cinsteste-mi linistea-n cuvant
Si fii azi demonul meu bland...

2X Sortii-mi canta intre tine si pamant
Si pamant... si pamant... si pamant... si pamant...

3X coboara-ma-n RAI !!!

Lipseste-mi noaptea de cuvant
Transpira-mi trupul si atat
Complica-mi ingerii-n desfrau
Sa-mi fii tu-n asta noapte sfant...

2X Sortii-mi canta intre tine si pamant
Si pamant... si pamant... si pamant... sï pamant...

3X coboara-ma-n RAI !!!



    Senior Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.920
  • Înscris: 09.07.2009
Ducu Bertzi "Iertarile":


Ai sa ma ierti in fiecare noapte
Si-am sa te mint in fiecare zi
Si cit putea-va sufletul sa rabde
Cu cit itI voi gresi te voi iubi.

Tu sa ma ierti de tot ce mi se-ntimpla
Ca ochii mei sint cind senini cind verzi
Ca port noroi sau port ninsori pe timple
Ai sa ma ierti, altfel ai sa ma pierzi.
Vad lumea prin lunete maritoare
Si vad gradini cu mari lumini de foc
Sub mina mea deja pamintul moare
Si in urechi am continentul Rock.

Ai sa ma ierti ca nu pot fara tine
Si daca n-ai sa poti si n-ai sa poti
Mie, pierzindu-te-mi va fi mai bine
Eu, tristul, cel mai liber dintre toti.
Ai sa ma ierti ca simt labilitate
Ca trec peste examene fulgerind
Ai sa ma ierti prea blinda mea de toate
Eu sint nemuritorul tau de rind.

Si daca nervii tai au sa cedeze
Si intr-o zi n-ai sa mai poti ierta
Napraznic voi iesi la metereze
Si pustilor straine ma voi da
Si cum se-ntimpla moartea sa le spele
Pe toate, mobilindu-le fictiv
Ai sa te aperi deasupra mortii mele
Si tot ai sa ma ierti definitïv.



    New Member

  • Grup: Banned
  • Mesaje: 12
  • Înscris: 26.07.2009
Dupǎ ce-am sinucis luna,
am împachetat-o-n sine
pân-un punct, ce toarnǎ-n mine
sete albǎ și furtuna.

Calzii trandafiri de brumǎ
cu-albele petale grele
umplu-n alb eterne stele,
umplu-n alb întinsa humǎ.

Vin noiane, vin noiane
de corole circulare
din rosarium cât un soare
în stern, coaste și-n ciolane.

Dar ca dragostea sǎ-mi sufle,
înot îmbrǎcat cu oase
crânguri de tulpini spinoase
din semințe reci de suflet. (autor)

Versurile mele preferate sunt ale mele



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 25
  • Înscris: 06.09.2007
Versurile mele preferate ar fi cam astea:

Danzig - Mother

Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean
What they say

Metallica - Minus Human

Don't you leave me Father Time
Take me with you
Tell me does your sun still shine
Come squeeze the world and drip it down my throat
Down my throat again

si... Cargo - Aproape de voi

In seara asta vreau sa beau,
Sa uit de-orice nevoi,
Sa sparg paharul si sa zic:
Sunt acum, aici, cu voi
Nu stiu cat timp mi-a mai ramas,
dar vreau sa mi-l petrec,
cu voi care mi-ati fost alaturi
La bine si la greu

Si de-o fi si eu sa mor
Nu vreau sa va intristati
Sa cantati si sa jucati pana-n zori
Si daca din cand in cand
O sa ma primiti in gand,
Voi fi aproape de voi.

Inchin paharul si va spun:
Ii multumesc celui de sus
Ca imi va da prieteni buni
Si nu-s singur pe acest drum.




    Senior Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 4.623
  • Înscris: 20.11.2007
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
Lets me see.
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
Drawn beyond the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. watch it bend.

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines.

Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
Lets me see there is so much more and
Beckons me to look thru to these infinite possibilities.
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
Drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. watch it bend.

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind.
Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line.
Reaching out to embrace the random.
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come.

I embrace my desire to
I embrace my desire to
Feel the rhythm, to feel connected enough to step aside and weep like a widow
To feel inspired to fathom the power, to witness the beauty,
To bathe in the fountain,
To swing on the spiral
To swing on the spiral
To swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human.

With my feet upon the ground I move myeslf between the sounds and open wide to
Suck it in.
I feel it move across my skin.
Im reaching up and reaching out. Im reaching for the random or what ever will
Bewilder me.
What ever will bewilder me.
And following our will and wind we may just go where no ones been.
Well ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been.
Spiral out. keep going.
Spiral out. keep going.
Spiral out. keep going.
Spiral out. keep going.
Spiral out. keep going.



    Active Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 1.188
  • Înscris: 21.04.2008
Maria mea vino inapoi,ca nu mai sunt cioban la oi,sunt tractorist la SMA si am masina de acia :P

Editat de vasilianu, 02 septembrie 2009 - 19:34.



    Consulting Voyager

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.449
  • Înscris: 17.05.2006
Holograf - Si baietii plang

Nu incerca sa te mai minti la infinit
Sa nu imi spui ca n-ai iubit
Nu incerca s-ascunzi durerea care te-a lovit
Si plangi,poti sa plangi linistit...
Doar lasa-ma ca sufletul sa ti-l impac
Nefericirea s-o alini



    Active Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 1.252
  • Înscris: 25.12.2006
30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday

He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message yet

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of sin
through the blood he can look, see the life that he took
From the council of one
He'll decide what he's done with the innocent

On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message
He doesn't want to read the message
Doesn't want to read the message yet

On his face is a map of the world

From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message yet
From yesterday,
From yesterday,
From yesterday, the fear
From yesterday,
From yesterday
But he doesn't want to read the message
But he doesn't want to read the message
But he doesn't want to read the message here



    Consulting Voyager

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 2.449
  • Înscris: 17.05.2006
Joined at the soul
With a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselfs go
Always at my side
As we rocking the stage show.
In an ocean of music, we move with the flow
Hand in my hand, I dont wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old road
We got the wind on our backs that blow,
We cant drift apart we just move with the flow..




  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 909
  • Înscris: 27.06.2008
Zero - Sunny days

In a way u can call me a fool
I was praying to find love from you
In a way,
Love in chasing me every day

From the day you left I was lonely
It was all the same
Different story
Why do you have to go
Why my life is it so
We're so bad i didn't know

Tell me where is the love
Or I belived in a lie
Tell me what do you feel
When you look in my eyes

I'm singing the same sad song
That remindes me of you
Oh, I would give you my love
If you'd ask me to

They say that love is a drog
It can take you soo high
It can make you strong
But you'd been liveing a lie
I gues I might be hurt (bis)
Don't worry I'll be OK

Sunny days,look around you now
Find a place where you can't be found
Don't be scared
Dreams will take you soo far away

I'm the man who can't be arround you
I'm the man who stays just behind you
Why do you have to go
Why my life is it so
We're so bad I didn't know

Tell me where is the love
I belived in a lie
Tell me what do you feel
When you look in my eyes

I'm singing the same sad song
That remindes me of you
But I could give you my love
If you'd ask me to

They say that love is a drog
It can take you soo high
It can make you strong
But you'd been liveing a lie
I gues I might be hurt (bïs)
Don't worry I'll be OK.



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 30
  • Înscris: 16.11.2009
Piese cu versuri de suflet puteti gasi aici:



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 121
  • Înscris: 24.03.2010
Și totuși e stare de veghe
Și totuși murim repetat
Și totuși mai cred în pereche
Și totuși ceva sa-ntâmplat.

Pretenții nici n-am de la lume
Un pat, întuneric și tu
Intrăm în amor fără nume
Fiorul ca fulger căzu.

Motoarele lumii sunt stinse
Rețele pe căi au căzut
Un mare pustiu pe cuprins e
Trezește-le tu c-un sărut.

Acum te declar Dumnezee
Eu însumi mă simt Dumnezeu
Continuă lumea femeie
Cu plozi scriși în numele meu.

Afară roiesc întunerici
Aici suntem noi luminoși
Se ceartă-ntre ele biserici
Făcându-și același reproș.

Și tu și iubirea există
Și moartea există în ea
Îmi place mai mult când ești tristă
Tristețea, de fapt, e a ta.

Genunchii mi-i plec pe podele
Cu capul mă sprijin de cer,
Tu ești în puterile mele,
Deși închiziții te cer.

Ce spun se aude aiurea,
Mă-ntorc la silaba dintâi,
Prăval peste tine pădurea:
Adio, adică rămâi.

Și totuși există iubire
Și totuși există blestem
Dau lumii, dau lumii de știre
Iubesc, am curaj și mă tem.




  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 432
  • Înscris: 10.05.2009
The Offspring-You're gonna go far,kid

Show me how to lie
You're getting better all the time
And turning all against one
is an art that's hard to teach

Another clever word
sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back into line
a mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance
man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you steal away
Take him out today
nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit em' right between the eyes
Hit em' right between the eyes

when you walk away,
nothing more to say.
see the lightning in your eyes
see em' running for their lives

slowly out of line
and drifting closer in your sights
So play it all, I’m wide awake
It’s a scene about me

There’s something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can’t get what you want
Well, it’s all because of me

Now dance, fucker, dance
man he never ever had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

And now you lead the way
show the light of day
nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid

Trust deceived!

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit em' right between the eyes
Hit em' right between the eyes

when you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See them running for their lives

Now dance, fucker, dance
He never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you

So dance, fucker, dance
I never had a chance
It was really only you

With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit em' right between the eyes
Hit em' right between the eyes

when you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
see them running for their lives

clever alibis
lord of the flies
Hit em' right between the eyes
Hit em' right between the eyes

when you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See em' running for their lïves

Green Day feat U2 - The saints are coming

There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Superdome
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I'm one.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come down,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come home,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.

A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief,
how long now?
Until the weather change condemns belief,
how long now?
When the night watchman lets in the thief
Whats wrong now?

The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
I say no matter how I try, I realïse there's no reply.


Neurochirurgie minim invazivă Neurochirurgie minim invazivă

"Primum non nocere" este ideea ce a deschis drumul medicinei spre minim invaziv.

Avansul tehnologic extraordinar din ultimele decenii a permis dezvoltarea tuturor domeniilor medicinei. Microscopul operator, neuronavigația, tehnicile anestezice avansate permit intervenții chirurgicale tot mai precise, tot mai sigure. Neurochirurgia minim invazivă, sau prin "gaura cheii", oferă pacienților posibilitatea de a se opera cu riscuri minime, fie ele neurologice, infecțioase, medicale sau estetice.

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