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Acum 100 de ani proaspata doamna Gobjila la brat cu sotul ei se plimbau pe cheiul Ermitajului

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    Confectionez manusi din pielea clientului

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 11.827
  • Înscris: 16.10.2012
Peste putine ore se implinesc 100 de ani ...
Era miercuri (nu marti!) .. dupa amiaza sau sa zic asa spre inserat .... o atmosfera placuta si proaspata doamna Gobjila (nascuta nascuta baroana Angelfedt , fica baronului Angelfedt) , la brat cu sotul ei se plimba pe cheiul Ermitajului in fata palatului Ermitaj. Vreme placvuta si calma numa buna ptr o plimbare in pesiajul romantic al Sankt Petersburgului ....
Zic se se plimba pe cheiul Ermitajului cu proaspatul ei sot cand o coloana de „moreaci” (marinari militari) cu brasarde rosii face  frumos la stanga si intra in Ermitaj - ce mare lucru - inca o delegatie de bolsevici acolo...
A doua zi a auzit ca bolsevicii au arestat guvernu provizoriu. Reactia a fost: las c’o sa vada ei! Pana la urma toti au vazut pe Ciort (dracu)
Dar ati retinut? Bolsevicii de au arestat guvernul Kerensku au intrat in orfdine. Canci  asta
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si nema cruiserv Avrora deschizand focul asupra Palatului de Iarna!
Sau de o fi fost ceva a fost mai traziu :


„Poporul muncitor” a început să bănuiască că bolşevicii care au luat puterea vor să distrugă cantităţile „uriaşe” de alcool care erau depozitate în Palat. Soldaţii şi marinarii nu puteau să permită o asemenea „blasfemie”, de aceea au mai organizat un asalt care s-a soldat cu succes. Vinul şi rachiul curgea şuvoaie pe străzile adiacente fostei reşedinţe imperiale, iar dezmăţul a pus la îndoială viabilitatea Puterii sovietelor. Cu greu şi cu mult mai multe jertfe decât în timpul Marii Revoluţii Socialiste au reuşit bolşevicii să ţină situaţia sub control. Şocul pe care l-a avut Lenin în acele zile l-a făcut să devină un inamic înrăit al anulării legii prohibiţiei;legea a fost anulată abia după moartea sa, în 1925.
sursa : https://www.historia...a-rusa-din-1917
Stoto ceva curios? Cand vizitai Ermitajul ... erai trecut si prin intrarea de pe cheiul Nevei "uitati pe aici au intrat bollsevicii care au arestat guvernu provizoriu"  ... fara a se sublinia ca ar fi fost altceva decat o banala intrare unu mpam cam scvarpinat dupa ceafa .. si la scurt timp dupa asta mi-a povestit domana Gobjila cum a inceput "Marea Revolutie din Octombrie"

E .. dar nu e singura cestie cam obscura in legatura cu  Marea Revolutie din Octombrie ...
Azi se stie si mia ales se damite ca Lenin a fots adus in Rusia de autoritaile germane. Nu pr4ea se zice4 ca a fots finatat de bancile germane . Ca pe frontu din Moldova germanii faceau propaganda bolsevica (ca sa provoace defectiunea trupelor ruse,,,) insa ssst! Asta nu se poate spune!
Nu se poate spune  ca la Helsinki (inca oras rusesc) Lenin a fots preluat de ofiteri britanici care l-au avaut un paza si aparare pana l-au depus la Blatiskaii Vagzal  unde iute s-a urcat pe un Austin blindat si asa a inceput cunoscuta serie de poze  "lenin fara sapca" . Hmm pfiteri englezi da?! A da.. Englezii au refuzatsa preia familia mimperiala .. ca cica trau avea presa proasta in tara varului sau Ghita no 5 ... Nu colportati mai departe - sunt doar zvonuri rautacioasze auzit de la albi ...
Asa cum incrucate au fots si caile domlui tovaras revolutioner Trotzki Lev Davdovicvi Bronstein.. Care niciodata nu a dus lipsa de bani! Uneori avea chiar ujn exces de bani .....


A părăsit New Yorkul în martie la bordul vasului S.S. Christiania Fiord, dar a fost interceptat de oficialii marinei britanice în Halifax, Nova Scotia. Troțki și alți cinci compatrioți au fost arestați și mai multe milioane de dolari în aur au fost confiscate de pe vapor. El a ajuns până la urmă în Rusia în luna mai a aceluiași an. De la întoarcerea sa, a fost un sprijinitor al poziției bolșevice. Aderând la această formațiune câteva luni mai târziu, Troțki s-a implicat în mod activ în eforturile de răsturnare a guvernului provizoriu condus de Alexandr Kerenski și a devenit membru al Sovietului din Petrograd.
De unde atatea  milioane  la un parlit ca Lev Davadovicvi?!
De la bancheri muricani ca cum de unde! Sst! Nu e frumos sa zicem da' revolutia bolsevica a avut sponsori generosi in SUA !!!!


Pe scurt, imaginea neobișnuită care se desprinde de aici este că Charles Crane, prieten și susținător al lui Woodrow Wilson și un finanțist și politician important, are un rol știut în „prima” revoluție și a călătorit în Rusia în mijlocul lui 1917 în compania comunistului american Lincoln Steffens, care era în contact atât cu Woodrow Wilson, cât și cu Troțki. Ultimul avea un pașaport emis la ordinele lui Wilson și 10.000 de dolari din presupuse surse germane. La întoarcerea sa în SUA după „re-revoluția” lui Crane i s-a dat acces la documente oficiale privind   consolidarea regimului bolșevic. Acesta este un pattern de evenimente care se întrepătrund care, dacă pare problematic, necesită cercetări ulterioare și sugerează, deși fără probe în acest punct, legături între finanțistul Crane și revoluționarul Troțki.
Dar  nu pe gratis!!

A da... se pare, se pare , ca Revolutia Demicrata din Februareie (azi cam ignorata) a avut "sponsoi" in ambasadele Antantei din Skt Peteresburg ... se spera ca impulsinta de revolutia patriotismul rus se va dezlantu si va pune miltarismul p;riscva cu botu pe labe. Se spera la un Valmy , la un Arcole rusesc .... da fu un Razboi Civil .....
Miza sponsorilor generosi?
Atunci ca zi azi resursele imperiulu, Sibeia samd....
Si unii urla in strada ca vor .. ce ? Adevarul?!
Sa recapitulam .. acum 100 de ani  tanara si proaspata doamna Gobjila  la brat cu sotul ei se plimba pe cheiul Ermitajului ....

Editat de Ghita_Bizonu, 07 noiembrie 2017 - 10:18.



    Smrt fačizmu, sloboda narodu! Îmi cresc amprenta de Carbon

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 112.696
  • Înscris: 13.06.2004
Marea Revoluţie Socialistă din Octombrie care a avut loc în Noiembrie. Bolşevicii nu au fost niciodată majoritari, deşi îşi ziceau aşa (menşevicii erau "minoritarii", deşi erau majoritari), dar un grup bine determinat poate să facă fapte multe; din păcate, în acest caz, faptele au fost tragice  Posted Image
Marinarii din Kronstadt (nu cei din Petrograd - pe atunci nu mai se numea Sankt Petersburg) s-au răsculat mai târziu contra bolşevicilor, dar nu au reuşit să-i răstoarne   :(

Editat de djl, 07 noiembrie 2017 - 10:25.



    Confectionez manusi din pielea clientului

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 11.827
  • Înscris: 16.10.2012

View Postdjl, on 07 noiembrie 2017 - 10:24, said:

Marea Revoluţie Socialistă din Octombrie care a avut loc în Noiembrie. Bolşevicii nu au fost niciodată majoritari, deşi îşi ziceau aşa (menşevicii erau "minoritarii", deşi erau majoritari), dar un grup bine determinat poate să facă fapte multe; din păcate, în acest caz, faptele au fost tragice  Posted Image
Marinarii din Kronstadt (nu cei din Petrograd - pe atunci nu mai se numea Sankt Petersburg) s-au răsculat mai târziu contra bolşevicilor, dar nu au reuşit să-i răstoarne   Posted Image

View Postdjl, on 07 noiembrie 2017 - 10:24, said:

Marea Revoluţie Socialistă din Octombrie care a avut loc în Noiembrie. Bolşevicii nu au fost niciodată majoritari, deşi îşi ziceau aşa (menşevicii erau "minoritarii", deşi erau majoritari), dar un grup bine determinat poate să facă fapte multe; din păcate, în acest caz, faptele au fost tragice  Posted Image
Marinarii din Kronstadt (nu cei din Petrograd - pe atunci nu mai se numea Sankt Petersburg) s-au răsculat mai târziu contra bolşevicilor, dar nu au reuşit să-i răstoarne   Posted Image

AM scris eu pe undeva marinarii din Piter?!
Kristat - era baza a flotei si in 1977 ...

Si  bolsevici ... In interbelic cand se dorea traducerea termenului bolsevic se folosea cuvantul "maximalisti" ... de abia prin 1990 am azuit traznaia ca bolsevicii ar fi fots candv a, idata in viata , majoritari



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  • Înscris: 02.12.2016
Vezi si memoriile francezului Marcel Fontaine de pe frontul romanesc.
Cand pleaca de la noi, se intoarce prin Rusia proaspat bolsevica.

La momentul ala era destul de bon enfant atmosfera, nu prea era teroare & shit.
Bordel dar bordel relativ calm.
Vezi si Berdiaev cu ce istoric a facut el socialismului la rusi.
Si avertismentele lui Durnovo catre Tzar.

Rusii erau de cateva decenii socialisti, in suflete.
Revolutia a fost doar oficializarea acestei stari.
De aia majoritatea populatiei a primit-o cu indiferenta.
Bolsevicilor le-a luat cateva luni sa se solidifice, si au facut-o relativ usor, fara a fi niste genii in ale planificarii.

Editat de grrrrr, 07 noiembrie 2017 - 11:24.



    Smrt fačizmu, sloboda narodu! Îmi cresc amprenta de Carbon

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 112.696
  • Înscris: 13.06.2004
Ce avertismente?   :huh:

Azi seară (nu sunt 100% sigur dacă azi sau mâine) la Radio România Cultural va fi o continuare a unei discuţii despre revoluţia bolşevică.



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View Postdjl, on 07 noiembrie 2017 - 18:28, said:

Ce avertismente?   Posted Image

Memorandumul ministrului Durnovo catre Tar, februarie 1914

Sa cititi cu totii de-a fir in par, e un text exceptional.

For there can be no doubt that the war will necessitate expenditures which are beyond Russia's limited financial means. We shall have to obtain credit from allied and neutral countries, but this will not be granted gratuitously. As to what will happen if the war should end disastrously for us, I do not wish to discuss now. The financial and economic consequences of defeat can be neither calculated nor foreseen, and will undoubtedly spell the total ruin of our entire national economy.
But even victory promises us extremely unfavorable financial prospects; a totally ruined Germany will not be in a position to compensate us for the cost involved. [...]
However, no matter how sad may be the economic prospects which face us as a result of union with England, and, by that token, of war with Germany, they are still of secondary importance when we think of the political consequences of this fundamentally unnatural alliance.
* * *
It should not be forgotten that Russia and Germany are the representatives of the conservative principle in the civilized world, as opposed to the democratic principle, incarnated in England and, to an infinitely lesser degree, in France. Strange as it may seem, England, monarchistic and conservative to the marrow at home, has in her foreign relations always acted as the protector of the most demagogical tendencies, in variably encouraging all popular movements aiming at the weakening of the monarchical principle.
From this point of view, a struggle between Germany and Russia, regardless of its issue, is profoundly undesirable to both sides, as undoubtedly involving the weakening of the conservative principle in the world of which the above-named two great powers are the only reliable bulwarks. More than that, one must realize that under the exceptional conditions which exist, a general European war is mortally dangerous both for Russia and Germany, no matter who wins. It is our firm conviction, based upon a long and careful study of all contemporary subversive tendencies, that there must inevitably break out in the defeated country a social revolution which, by the very nature of things, will spread to the country of the victor.
During the many years of peaceable neighborly existence, the two countries have become united by many ties, and a social upheaval in one is bound to affect the other. That these troubles will be of a social, and not a political, nature cannot be doubted, and this will hold true, not only as regards Russia, but for Germany as well. An especially favorable soil for social upheavals is found in Russia, where the masses undoubtedly profess, unconsciously, the principles of Socialism. In spite of the spirit of antagonism to the Government in Russian society, as unconscious as the Socialism of the broad masses of the people, a political revolution is not possible in Russia, and any revolutionary movement inevitably must degenerate into a Socialist movement. The opponents of the Government have no popular support. The people see no difference between a government official and an intellectual. The Russian masses, whether workmen or peasants, are not looking for political rights, which they neither want nor comprehend.
The peasant dreams of obtaining a gratuitous share of somebody else's land; the workman, of getting hold of the entire capital and profits of the manufacturer. Beyond this, they have no aspirations. If these slogans are scattered far and wide among the populace, and the Government permits agitation along these lines, Russia will be flung into anarchy, such as she suffered in the ever-memorable period of troubles in 1905-1906. War with Germany would create exceptionally favorable conditions for such agitation. As already stated, this war is pregnant with enormous difficulties for us, and cannot turn out to be a mere triumphal march to Berlin. Both military disasters--partial ones, let us hope--and all kinds of shortcomings in our supply are inevitable. In the excessive nervousness and spirit of opposition of our society, these events will be given an exaggerated importance, and all the blame will be laid on the Government.
* * *
If the war ends in victory, the putting down of the Socialist movement will not offer any insurmountable obstacles. There will be agrarian troubles, as a result of agitation for compensating the soldiers with additional land allotments; there will be labor troubles during the transition from the probably increased wages of war time to normal schedules; and this, it is to be hoped, will be all, so long as the wave of the German social revolution has not reached us. But in the event of defeat, the possibility of which in a struggle with a foe like Germany cannot be overlooked, social revolution in its most extreme form is inevitable.
As has already been said, the trouble will start with the blaming of the Government for all disasters. In the legislative institutions a bitter campaign against the Government will begin, followed by revolutionary agitations throughout the country, with Socialist slogans, capable of arousing and rallying the masses, beginning with the division of the land and succeeded by a division of all valuables and property. The defeated army, having lost its most dependable men, and carried away by the tide of primitive peasant desire for land, will find itself too demoralized to serve as a bulwark of law and order. The legislative institutions and the intellectual opposition parties, lacking real authority in the eyes of the people, will be powerless to stem the popular tide, aroused by themselves, and Russia will be flung into hopeless anarchy, the issue of which cannot be foreseen.

Editat de grrrrr, 08 noiembrie 2017 - 09:23.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 02.12.2016
Merge perfect cu topicul:
Despre jivina blestemata de Lenin.
Deci e cam cum ziceam: intre noiembrie 1917 si iulie-august 1918 a fost relativ cool, tampitii s-au simtit bine, dupa care s-a declansat teroarea.

There is thus no better and no more urgent time to consign the “Communist fable of a Lenin supposedly gentler than Stalin” (as Stephen Kotkin put it) to its well-deserved place in the dustbin of history.
Who was Lenin?
The brother of a terrorist. In the totalitarian state that he built, which operated by blood guilt, this would have been as good as a death sentence. Fortunately for Lenin, he lived in the Russian Empire, not the USSR.
Lenin’s “administrative exile” to Siberia – a rite of passage for Russian revolutionaries – might as well have been a holiday. He brought along his mother, wife, and even hired a maid to keep house (how bourgeois). He whiled away his time in Siberia fishing, hunting, and corresponding with other revolutionaries. Needless to say, consequent Siberian vacations would not be near as fun for the 3,777,380 people convicted under the Soviet “counter-revolutionary” articles implemented under Lenin and his successors from 1921-53.
Supported and inspired terrorist attacks on Russian police and state bureaucrats. Around 4,500 Tsarist officials were murdered just in 1905-1907. Bolshevik propaganda about “Bloody Nikolashka” aside, only around 6,321 people were executed for all offenses (including purely criminal ones, like murder) in the Russian Empire from 1825-1917. The Red Terror that Lenin would unleash in response to the assassination of just one Bolshevik functionary would claim two orders of magnitude more lives.
Zealotry aside, Lenin wouldn’t be Lenin without a side dish in treason.
Supported Japan in the Russo-Japanese war at the 3rd Congress of the RSDRP.
It is worth noting that the guy who arranged this, the German Communist Fritz Platten, also tried to enlist Socialist Revolutionary exiles for the purpose of destabilizing Russian. To their credit, none of them accepted, not wishing to be associated with Lenin’s overt treason.
One successful assassination and one attempted assasination against Lenin was enough to kickstart the Red Terror.
The famous August 11, 1918 cable to the Communists in Penza:
''Comrades! The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. The interests of the whole revolution require this because ‘the last decisive battle’ with the kulaks is now under way everywhere. An example must be demonstrated.
Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers.
Publish their names.
Seize all their grain from them.
Designate hostages in accordance with yesterday’s telegram.''
Though statistics are much harder to come by than in the better documented Stalinist period, it is plausible that around one million Russians were killed in the Red Terror – two orders of magnitude more than what the Russian Empire was responsible in the preceeding century, and entirely comparable to the victims of Stalinism.
Within a year, an Empire with one of the world’s highest economic growth rates became a desert, where those who could, fled, and those who could not, died of hunger and typhus. Even amidst the instability of two revolutions, industrial production had remained at 80% during 1917 relative to 1913 figures; it plummeted to around 10% by 1920, as the Bolsheviks confiscated everything from banks and factories to ordinary people’s windmills, workshops, apartments, and private savings. You have a complaint? Justice system now consists of black-leather jacketed thugs that operate on hostage taking and mass shootings. Good luck suing them.
Despite not performing a single day’s worth of “productive” work in his life, Lenin loved to call all sorts of people parasites. For instance, those well-known exploiters, peasants.
The death toll of war communism: 5-10 million deaths, a number that is once again entirely comparable to the Stalinist famines of the early 1930s (5-7 million) and 1946-47 (1 million), and again, an order of magnitude worse than the worst famine of the Russian Empire in 1891-92 (500,000 victims).
The ruthless grain requisitions (prodrazvyorstka) provoked the Tambov uprising, which the Bolsheviks crushed with the use of poison gas and concentration camps. Upwards of 200,000 deaths.
This brings me to the final point I wish to make about Lenin: The state he built as a failure.
By extension, Lenin was not just a sadist, a Russophobe, and a tyrant.
He was also a failure.
This was a world where the fictive dictatorship of the proletariat was almost immediately replaced by an all too real dictatorship of the nomenklatura based on renewed class privileges, judicial “telephone law,” no division of powers, and but a lame parody of an electoral process.


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