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Cum a incercat Google sa-l fure pe Steve Jobs

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  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 01.10.2010
New book reveals Apple's Steve Jobs was targeted for role of Google CEO

A new book released this week exposing the inner secrets of Google reveals that the company's founders wanted Steve Jobs to be their CEO, but failed to lure him away from Apple.

Steven Levy's just-released tell-all on Google, entitled "In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works and Shapes Our Lives," offers an inside look at the search giant. It also details how Apple and Google, companies that once shared a close relationship, became fierce rivals.
According to the Daily Mail, when Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page were on the hunt for a new CEO, their top choice was Apple's Jobs. When Jobs declined, Google instead found Eric Schmidt, who would become a member of Apple's board of directors.
"He (Jobs) turned down their offer, but because he saw the potential of Google he agreed to mentor Mr. Page and Mr. Brin, even sharing advisers," the report said.
Of course, the relationship between the two companies quickly went south after Google unveiled the Android mobile operating system. Jobs felt that he was betrayed by Google, and that Android simply copied the success of the iPhone.
Jobs allegedly first saw features in Android like pinch-to-zoom while visiting Google's Mountain View, Calif., corporate headquarters. The meeting reportedly made Jobs "furious."
Jobs also reportedly disparaged Google at a company meeting, dismissing Google's "don't be evil" mantra with an expletive, and saying that "Google wants to kill the iPhone."
The new book also reveals that Jobs "somehow managed to keep the development of the iPad hidden" from Schmidt when he served on Apple's board. Jobs reportedly believed that the "best ideas from the iPhone had been stolen."
Google is headed in a new direction now, as Page has officially replaced Schmidt as chief executive of Google. And Page's co-founder Sergey Brin will also take a more active role in strategic projects including product development. Schmidt will remain Google's executive chairman.

Aici cartea: https://www.amazon.c...s...QG007NY8YG



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  • Înscris: 31.12.2010


"Google wants to kill the iPhone."
E o imbecilitate!



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  • Înscris: 01.10.2009

View Postwalsy, on 9th April 2011, 22:19, said:

"best ideas from the iPhone had been stolen."
Cum ar fi ce? Home Buton-u? :lol:

Apple ar trebui sa mai lase Google-u in pace si sa se uite la Microsoft ce face cu WP7. Incearca sa copieze iPhone in orice aspect, dar mai mult in defecte pe care nea' Steve deja le-a corectat de la OS 1.0 la 4.0. Noroc ca au gasit Nokia...cum e zicala aia? A, da, s-a intalnit hotu' cu prostu' si vor face niste telefoane de rahat, cu avantaje infinite pt OS-ul lui Microsoft si falimentul psihologic al Nokiei.



    Jedi sora-mea!

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  • Înscris: 27.04.2005
old news. Se stie ca baietii de la Google s-au inspirat din ideile lui Jobs, pe cand se plimbau impreuna prin parcurile din Mountain View.

Totusi motivul principal pentru crearea Android nu a fost sa omoare iFonul. Cele 2 companii au modele de business foarte diferite:
- Apple vinde hardware si intermediaza distributie de continut multimedia si software
- Google vinde reclame, prin motorul de cautare

Problema lui Google era faptul ca motorul de cautare urma sa fie constrans sa utilizeze una dintre platformele mobile software existente si sa fie la discretia Nokia/Apple/RIM. Or, modelul de business al lui Google presupune omniprezenta motorului sau de cautare. Asa ca a ales sa sparga un viitor oligopol prin crearea unei alternative/contraponderi. Cum puteau crea asta rapid de tot? Alternativa trebuia sa fie gratuita, open-source si cat mai liberala cu regulile. Nu e nimic idealist in ce a facut Google, ci doar calcul rece de business.

Jobs a fost furios pe ei nu pentru ca i-au furat ideile (asta se rezolva repede pentru niste maruntis acolo), ci pentru ca i-au rapit posibilitatea de crea un monopol semnificativ. Din acelasi motiv Jobs a subminat (si apoi interzis) Flash-ul pe platformele Apple, pentru ca sapa din interior un monopol pe cealalta linie de business: aia de distributie de continut.

Prostia cu "Google vrea sa omoare iPhone-ul" e scoasa tot de Jobs intr-un meeting intern, ca sa-i tina pe negrisori in priza (ce creeaza un spirit de echipa mai puternic decat imaginea dramatizata a unui inamic comun?). Dupa cum se vede, 2 ani mai tarziu, Android n-a omorat iPhone-ul, desi l-a depasit binisor. iPhone-ul o duce bine mersi. Si nici n-o sa-l omoare vreodata, pur si simplu pentru ca are alte obiective.

Parerea mea.



    Geniu umil

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eu nu dau 2 bani pe birfe


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