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SEO E-Commerce

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    New Member

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  • Înscris: 10.07.2010
Hi Friends,

I would like to share with you about SEO E-Commerce. SEO E-Commerce build a very efficient SEO platform for E-Commerce website development.E-commerce sites are among the most difficult to optimize for in the search engines. E-commerce sites are just the opposite of that, they are composed primarily of product images and offer very little in terms of detailed descriptions.

There are actually a number of SEO techniques that can be applied to e-commerce sites that will help improve its search engine ranking.

Meta Tags

1) Meta Title: This is the title that only the search engines can see, it can be the same as the on page title or different, but must contain the most relevant keywords to describe the product.
2) Meta Description: This is the description that only the search engines can see, it can be the same as the on page description or different, make sure it is detailed and describe exactly how the product looks like and how it functions.
3) Meta Keywords: These are the keywords that only the search engines can see, it is used as tags to describe the product, use only the most relevant keywords.


1) Dynamic Static HTML Pages: These are pages that have relevant keywords in the urls rather than generic numbers or product id, make sure that each of your product pages, category pages and content pages have their own unique and descriptive urls.

On Page Elements:

1) Header Tags: Use these tags when writing page or product titles, it emphasizes the keywords to help let the search engines know that they are important.
2) Keywords: Use relevant keywords on all of your pages so that you are able to demonstrate exactly what is on the page.
3) Unique Description: Make sure you have original content that cannot be found on any other online store that is selling the same product.
4) Alt & Title Tags:Add these tags to all of your images so that not only will you be found on regular search results but also on image search.


Edited by dvdv882, 06 August 2010 - 12:50.



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View Postdvdv882, on 6th August 2010, 13:50, said:

Hi Friends,

I would like to share with you about SEO E-Commerce. SEO E-Commerce build a very efficient SEO platform for E-Commerce website development.E-commerce sites are among the most difficult to optimize for in the search engines. E-commerce sites are just the opposite of that, they are composed primarily of product images and offer very little in terms of detailed descriptions.

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