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Islamul denunta violenta si teroarea!

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    mason lvl 78

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Searcher_star, hartuirea crestinilor pe baza legilor alcoolului nu emana din Coran sau hadithuri. Nu indeamna islamul "hartuiti crestinii sa va dea mita".
As vrea sa faci distinctie intre violentele avand baze religioase si violentele "laice".



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View Posteu_unul, on 13th April 2010, 10:03, said:

Searcher_star, hartuirea crestinilor pe baza legilor alcoolului nu emana din Coran sau hadithuri. Nu indeamna islamul "hartuiti crestinii sa va dea mita".
As vrea sa faci distinctie intre violentele avand baze religioase si violentele "laice".
Teoretic asa e, numai ca, hai sa ne gandim, le-ar putea gasi noduri in papura de-astea daca deja nu ar fi cetateni de mana a doua?
Si de ce-s cetateni de mana a doua?
Ca asa scrie ca sa fie.
Da, nu scrie sa-i hartuiesti pe motivul x cum ar fi alcoolul. Dar, cetateni de mana a doua fiind, ai posibilitatea sa-i abuzezi pe care n-o ai cu fellow muslims.
De aici, calea e deschisa, ca doar omul in general e rau, prost si meschin.
Nu musulmanii in sine sunt rai, rai suntem toti, dar Islamul le da foarte deschis voie sa-si dea drumul fara urmari serioase. Prin urmare, o cam fac.



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2009
Somali music ban comes into effect today -- or else
Giving a whole new meaning to "Don't touch that dial."

There Is No Fun In Islam* Alert: An update on this story. "The day the music died: Somali Islamists ban songs," from AP, April 13 (thanks to Michael):

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali radio stations have stopped broadcasting music following an order from Islamist insurgents who say songs are un-Islamic.
Somalia has a tradition of music and most residents greeted the ban with dismay. The edict is the latest unpopular order from Islamists, who have also banned bras, musical ringtones and movies.

So will they rise up and throw the bums out? They did it once before, of course. But like all Islamic supremacists, the anti-music forces here resort to a tried-and-true tactic to make that an unappealing option:

Abdulahi Yasin Jama at Tusmo broadcasting says stations had no choice but to comply with the order, which came into force Tuesday. Only one government-controlled station is defying the ban.
The Islamists frequently assassinate those who defy them or carry out Shariah-based punishments like amputating limbs.

The ban on music echoes rules enforced by Afghanistan's hardline Taliban regime in the late 1990s.

Yeah, isn't that funny how both the Somalis and the Afghans misunderstand Islam in exactly the same way?

* The Ayatollah Khomeini said that.
Si ce-i mai nostim - ma rog, ar fi daca n-ar fi trist ca dracu' - e ca musulmanii vor continua sa ceara Sharia. Chiar daca vad de 100 de ori ca instaurarea ei inseamna totalitarismul cel mai absurd si absolut, tot vor face ureche si ochi shutzi si vor zice "pai ce-i asta? n-o aplica bine, dom'le, n-o aplica bine!"
Cred ca si daca ne-ar omora pe toti, si-ar mai ramane pe lume doar un fanatic si un moderat, moderatul ar zice "pai n-ai aplicat bine".
Pur si simplu nu vor sa creada ca-i o paradigma gresita din principiu. Ca comunistii - cacofonie voita.



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My name is Zakaryia Ezzat. I was born here in America to an Egyptian Sunni-Muslim father and a Scottish-American protestant mother. Just before I was born something important happened that would determine my circumstances. My mother was forced by the Islamic Mosque in Lansing, Michigan to sign a contract ensuring that I and my sister twin sister Sarah would be raised not as Christians but as Muslims. Upon my birth into this world my father whispered something that would again seal my fate and that was “la elaha ilallah wa Mohamed rasul lellah” which means there is “no God but Allah and Mohamed is his messenger.” From that point on I was obligated both from my name and my circumstances to live a Muslim life.

When I was two years of age my family moved to Cairo, Egypt. We lived in a famous area of Cairo known as Seyata Zeynab. During my time in Egypt I was further ingrained with Islam as my religion. Although my mother was Christian and a strong Christian, she was not allowed to relay her beliefs on to her children. As my sister and I became more ingrained with the culture and the religion my mother knew that if we stayed in Egypt we would not only become Muslim but I would not experience religious freedom. Religious freedom may be something that people down play and take for granted in the Western world but it is not something my mother wanted me to live without, as my mother recognized there was no religious tolerance in Egypt unless you are Sunni Muslim. To make another point even if I was too become a Christian in Egypt I would have been either killed or put in prison. This is because in Egypt you can’t change your religious origins, if your father is Muslim you are Muslim are and there is no questioning that. This is the only way Islam can function in society because if there is freedom many people will leave Islam, and it will cease as the dominant religion.

In order to learn Arabic my dad put me with an Islamic tutor by the name of Ahmed Al-Jamal at the Islamic Center of Mt. Pleasant in Michigan. One day we were going over vocabulary. One of the words in the vocabulary list was “Israel” Ahmed yelled at the book and looked at me, and taught me one of my first Arabic sentences, which was “Ana bakrah Yisrael” which means “I hate Israel.”

My mom managed to leave Egypt when I was 4 years old. My dad was not able to follow us immediately because the Egyptian government would not let him out of the country. Eventually my dad got a job in the United States as a professor and reunited with me, my mother, and my sister. From that point on my dad consistently took me and my sister to the mosque every Friday. It was not in Egypt but in America where I learned most of what I know about Islam. Every Friday I went to the mosque and learned the fundamental teachings of Islam. I noticed in this time that these mosques fostered an incredible hatred and resentment towards Jews and America. Jews were seen as the worst most evil human being that could not under any circumstances be trusted. When I heard the incredible hate speech I either would down play it in my head or dismiss it altogether. I remembered one sermon during my freshman year of college given by a Palestinian man by the name of Tariq at the mosque in Mt. Pleasant, MI. His focus was on the horrible acts of the Jews and there oppression of the Arabic people. He concluded his sermon with saying that if he was in Palestine right now he would blow himself up. Tariq was not some uneducated peasant he is a brilliant physics professor in Central Michigan University. This well educated man just admitted to everyone in the mosque that he would commit a terrorist act. Terrorism in the Middle East is a result of the fundamental teachings of the Quran. This is a conclusion that I came to not by doing an internship with Al-Qaeda but by spending time in the American Mosques and as my time as a Muslim I would have attended over twenty mosques in various parts of the USA. In addition after Tariq’s sermon nobody challenged him or refuted what he said. To put this in perspective this man admitted that he would commit a terrorist act and nobody challenged him, in fact it would be most if not all would agree with him.

In the first semester of my second year of college I lived in the dorms. During this time I befriended a Yemenite kid by the name of Khalid. Khalid and I were the only Arabs and the only Muslims in the dorms so naturally we became quick friends. One day we were eating at the cafeteria with some of the other kids. We all started to talk about Arabs, Jews, and the state of Israel. Khalid proceeded to talk about how he does not hate Jews and that Jews have a high status in the Quran because they are people of the book. After all the other kids left the table Khalid leaned over to me and said “Zakaryia one day we will fight and kill the Jews and we will win.” I found it interesting how Khalid’s tone changed when all the “non-Muslims” left the table.

In the second semester of my sophomore year I traveled to Egypt for an intensive Arabic program at Alexandria University. When I got to Egypt I visited with my family in Cairo. I was talking to my cousin Khalid. Khalid talked a lot about Islam and religion. At some point in the conversation I said to Khalid “God loves everybody, right?”. Khalid then said to me, “No God doesn’t love everyone. He loves everyone to be good, but he doesn’t love everyone. That’s a very Christian thing to say.”

During my time in Egypt I would frequently visit with my friend Ibrahim at the local dry cleaners. Everyone there were under the impression that I was Muslim so the way they would talk to me would be different than if they talked to a Westerner. One day a wealthy engineer came into the drycleaners he looked at me and asked me my name. I told him, he then paused and asked me if I was Muslim, I nodded yes. He then sat down with me and began preaching Islam to me. He mainly talked about “the day of judgment” in Islamic text. He began to tell of how the “day of judgment” will not come until there is a big war between the Muslims and the Jews (and the Christians who did not convert to Islam). He then quoted The Hadith Sahih Al-Bukari Book 52 number 176-177 which states “Allah’s Apostle said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, ‘O ‘Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.’ “Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say.”O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.” Basically he explained to me that in the Day of Judgment we Muslims will get to slaughter all the Jews in the world.

He then proceeded by telling me that peace will come to the Earth only when Islam is “the” religion not a religion and everyone who is not Muslim has either been killed or submitted to the Islamic state. This man was not some crazy radical he was a well educated wealthy engineer. In addition he did not speak without references; everything he said was backed up by the Quran or the Hadith. Going into my sophomore year of college I was well entrenched as a Muslim but something happened that opened my eyes to everything, I went to Egypt. I was in Egypt for an intensive Arabic program. As I started to read Quran in Arabic I began to have a better understanding of the teachings of the Quran and Islam in general. The turning point came when I was reading chapter 9 verse 5 of the Quran which states “When the forbidden months have past then fight and slay the pagans where you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them In every stratagem of war….” I was in the room I was sharing with a friend and I saw his bible beside his bed, I asked him if I could read it. I picked up the bible and just began reading it. I saw the love and tolerance of the New Testament and was very much inspired by it. Even though I had Christian influences from my mother it really wasn’t until this point that I really made a conscious decision to let Jesus Christ into my life. My mother was very happy to know that I had embraced Christianity because at the time she believed me to be Muslim. However, I was very fearful to come out as a Christian because of my heavy Muslim background and the consequences of embracing a different faith.

When I came back to America I did not come out as a Christian right away. I continued to go to the mosque every Friday. One day I was in the Mosque and noticed some white guy with a big camera. I went up to my friend Sharif and asked him who that man was. Sharif told me he was some reporter from the Reno Gazette Journal and he was doing a story on Islam. He then leaned over to me and said “I had to warn the Imam to be different.” If Islam is a religion of peace why does the Imam need to be different every time a non-Muslim comes into the equation?

Everything changed when I invited Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem to talk on my campus. These two men are big enemies in the eyes of the Muslim community because of the fact that there were Muslims and converted to Christianity. Inviting them to speak on campus really raised questions about whether I was Muslim or Christian. It was not long until everyone in the Muslim community knew that I was a Christian. As result I have experienced a lot of negativity toward me. I have been called ironically ignorant of Islam, racist, and islamaphobic.

The most important thing I must do in the mists of all this is to have love for the ones that hate me because I cannot counter hate with more hate. As a Christian, I love everyone and that includes the Jews and Israel and the Muslims and the Arab world. To counter the hate we must expose it first, and by doing so many Muslims who currently go with the status quo will stand with the West because they see the firmness of our resolve. What they see now is Western weakness and no chance of being protected if they stand with us in the West.

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Edited by clara_spiele, 15 April 2010 - 13:46.



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Vedeti pe Faithfreedom.org, Sports in Islam examined, e cam lung si nu mereu interesant dar sunt cateva hadith-uri foarte interesante despre importanta Jihadului in activitatea fizica a musulmanilor.



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Tancurile israeliene distrug pamantul agricol al Gazei
Vineri, 23 Aprilie 2010 01:04:54 GMT

Tancurile si buldozerele israeliene au invadat satul al-Mubra din sudul Fasiei Gaza, distrugand un numar de terenuri agricole apartinand palestinienilor.

Tancurile au deschis focul asupra unor case joi, in timp ce buldozerele dezradacinau copacii si distrugeau terenurile agricole aflate in posesia taranilor palestinieni, au declarat martorii oculari agentiei de stiri palestiniene Maan.

Tancurile israeliene invadeaza zonele de la granita din Fasia Gaza in mod frecvent si distrug terenuri cu scopul de a crea o zona tampon de-a lungul granitei dintre Israel si Gaza.

In acelasi timp, intr-o alta invazie din nordul West Bank, trupele israeliene au luat in detentie 15 civili palestinieni in primele ore ale zilei de joi.

Surse locale au raportat ca in Jenin, un satean a acuzat rani usoare dupa ce soldatii l-au atacat in timp ce mergea la lucru.

In orasul Jenin, trupele israeliene au retinut trei persoane. Un numar de alti 6 adolescenti au fost luati de soldati in timpul perchezitiilor din casa in casa, vizand satul Azon langa Qalqilia.

Trei barbati si trei adolescenti au fost retinuti in satul Taqua langa Beit Lahm (Bethlehem).

Armata israeliana a anuntat ca toti cei 15 retinuti joi au fost luati in tabere de detentie militare pentru interogatorii.




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View PostSelam, on 24th April 2010, 15:06, said:

Tancurile israeliene distrug pamantul agricol al Gazei
Vineri, 23 Aprilie 2010 01:04:54 GMT

Tancurile si buldozerele israeliene au invadat satul al-Mubra din sudul Fasiei Gaza, distrugand un numar de terenuri agricole apartinand palestinienilor.

Tancurile au deschis focul asupra unor case joi, in timp ce buldozerele dezradacinau copacii si distrugeau terenurile agricole aflate in posesia taranilor palestinieni, au declarat martorii oculari agentiei de stiri palestiniene Maan.

Scopul nu este distrugerea. Ar fi o prostie si ma mir ca cineva este atit de orbit de ura ca nu judeca in mod logic.
Chestiunea e alta.
In Fisia Gaza activeaza 20.000 de hamasnici_teroristi_imputiti. Ei primesc arme de pa persi si sirieni. Care este scopul lor? Stii? Ei sustin ca urmaresc cucerirea Israelului. Pina una alta hamasnicii astia trag rachete din casele si curtile civililor la adapostul zidurilor si a copacilor, respectiv. Israel detecteaza locul de unde se trage, vine riposta si civili nevinovati mor. Oare mor si hamasnici? Nu prea, caci ei au adaposturi de beton in care civilii nu au acces.
Ar fi putut fi pace. Cu PLO-ul din Cisiordania s-a ajuns la acord de neatacare RECIPROCA, insa hamasnicilor teroristi din Gaza nu le place acordul acesta si ucid arabi palestinieni din Cisiordania si Gaza. Este f posibil ca atacurile teroriste din Cisiordania au ca autori pe hamasnicii teroristi.
Cam asta e.

View Posteu_unul, on 7th April 2010, 14:48, said:

Musulmanii pot trai in pace cu oricine atata timp cat sunt minoritari. Odata ce isi asigura majoritatea se duce dracului pacea si armonia intre etnii si religii.  Si nu ma poti contrazice pentru ca iti dau peste nas cu toate tarile arabe majoritar musulmane, unde cei de alta religie sunt cetateni de mana a doua. Aici purtati un discurs despre toleranta pentru ca sunteti minoritari, unde sunteti majoritari uitati usor de toleranta. Cam asa a procedat si Mahomed, nu?

In Europa sunt acum cca. 40 de milioane de musulmani din totalul de cca. 800 de milioane de crestini. In multe tari de acolo musulmanii cer legi speciale. Ei urmaresc instaurarea Shariei ca forma de guvernamint religios. Numarul lor creste mereu si multi au cetatenie locala. Bineinteles, au drept de vot si candidati in Parlamente.
Cu timpul Europa va deveni islamica. Crestinii care vor dori sa nu fie ucisi, vor trebui sa se "musulmanizeze".

Si iata cum democratia prost inteleasa de europenii cei blegi, ii va baga in mormint.
Bibliile vor dispare. Bisericile si manastirile vor deveni Moschei.
Biserica Di San Pietro din Roma se va denumi Moschea di Mohammad.

View Posteu_unul, on 13th April 2010, 11:03, said:

Searcher_star, hartuirea crestinilor pe baza legilor alcoolului nu emana din Coran sau hadithuri. Nu indeamna islamul "hartuiti crestinii sa va dea mita".
As vrea sa faci distinctie intre violentele avand baze religioase si violentele "laice".

Am vizitat Kirgistanul. Acolo musulmanii beau [alcool] de sting. Nu toti, doar majoritatea. Fac ei un fel de tuica de vreo 50 de grade, o placere pentru cine are placere. Mie imi face gaze si daca le "eliberez", din intimplare in vreo moschee, as putea fi candidat la lapidare.

View Postleyla18, on 11th April 2010, 05:58, said:

...,in SFINTUL KURAN aratati -mi o sura unde scrie ca trebuie sa omori cu pietre?uite in BIBLIE vechiul testament scrie sa fie omoriti cu pietre.ce interesant!!! :coolspeak:
De ucis se ucide, insa in deserturile arabe pietrele sunt scumpe. Se folosesc cutite inoxidabile calitatea una. De import.



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View Postben_gal, on 24th April 2010, 17:46, said:

Am vizitat Kirgistanul. Acolo musulmanii beau [alcool] de sting. Nu toti, doar majoritatea. Fac ei un fel de tuica
Au si rusii influentze pozitive uneori...

Cititi Jihad Watch, despre importantza jihadului din gurile celor convertiti sau predicatori, si detalii despre distrugerea fara provocare a comunitatii evreiesti din Khaybar de catre Mohamed.



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Jihad Watch, despre clericul arab de-a avut inconstientza de a zice ca femeile si barbatii se pot ruga la un loc. Acum are fatwa cu moartea.



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Jihad Watch, despre isteria distructiva din Indonezia, cand musulmanii au auzit zvonuri ca se va construi o biserica in Java de vest.



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Jihad Watch, ce te asteapta daca razi o barba musulmana in calitate de minoritar crestin undeva in provincia islamica.



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Jihad Watch: Afghanistanul cenzureza internetul contra pornografiei, precum filmele indiene unde barbatii si femeile danseaza impreuna.



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View Postsearcher-star, on 29th April 2010, 17:05, said:

Jihad Watch: Afghanistanul cenzureza internetul contra pornografiei, precum filmele indiene unde barbatii si femeile danseaza impreuna.

Propui să li se interzică celor de acolo să facă ce vor la ei în țară? :D



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Sindromul "fructului oprit "nu functioneaza ,vezi clasicul caz cu Adam si Eva !



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View PostFumatorul, on 29th April 2010, 19:17, said:

Propui să li se interzică celor de acolo să facă ce vor la ei în țară? :D
Nu, doar sa vada lumea cu cine avem de-a face.
Asta de mai jos chiar ca-i buna:

Pakistan: Taliban blow up 3 more schools
With apologies to Sam Cooke:

Don't know much about history;
Don't know much biology;
Don't know much about a science book;
Don't know much about the French I took;

But I do know that Allah hates you*;
And I know that if we blame the Jew,
What a halal world this would be.

*Sahih Bukhari 2.24.555: "Allah has hated you" for asking too many questions.

"Three schools blown up in Orakzai Agency," from Dawn, April 29:

PESHAWAR: Three schools were blown up by militants in the Mamozai area of upper Orakzai Agency on Thursday.



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Faithfreedom.org: the wild-wild Arabia.
Despre Jihadul in timpul lui Mohamed, in special Badr.



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  • Înscris: 30.04.2010

View PostAnca878, on 12th April 2010, 16:36, said:

Nu inceteaza sa ma uimeasca faptul ca prin ochelarii religiei pana cele mai reprobabile fapte devin sfinte si curate, si cum oameni care se considera civilizati accepta, ca fiind normale, aceste lucruri deoarece sunt scrise intr-o carte.
Daca acea carte nu s-ar numi biblie sau coran, probabil ca ar fi considerata o simpla pagina violenta de literatura, si nimeni nu si-ar ghida viata dupa perceptele unui roman de groaza...
Trebuie sa intelegem ca pe timpul scrierii coranului alte erau normele sociale. Cam pe atunci a fost scris si Talmudul.
In ambele gasim singe. Avem si grozaviile Inchizitiei, dar ceeace s-a facut atunci nu provine din NT.
Majoritatea evreilor inteleg ca ceea ce era valabil acum 1400 de ani nu este aplicabil astazi.
Nu asa musulmanii. Ei se comporta de parca coranul a fost scris ieri. Sa ucizi pe cineva pt. ca nu vrea sa fie musulman?
Sincer - habar nu am cum poate un musulman inteligent citi sura 9 si sa ramina la asta religie.



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View PostBen_Gal_1, on 1st May 2010, 19:37, said:

Ei se comporta de parca coranul a fost scris ieri. Sa ucizi pe cineva pt. ca nu vrea sa fie musulman?

Probabil vor sa faca ce a facut si Mohamed.


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Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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