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Motociclismul din pacate este un sport periculos . RIP Daniel Hegarty
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mAH4wdYs0Ho?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by ovyovi, 18 November 2017 - 18:20.




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  • Înscris: 15.06.2014
Sa organinezi curse moto pe asemenea circuite stradale, trebuie sa fii nebun. Acolo la un High Side, esti mort in proportie de 90%, pentru ca te lovesti de parapeti . Ceea ce s-a si intamplat din nefericite cu Hegarty ! RIP ! :(



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Italian MotoGP weekend top speeds: 1999-2017. Present prototypes now 35km/h faster than last of the 500s...



    The Doctor

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Ducati şi-a lansat astăzi modelul pentru anul acesta, GP18. Posted Image

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hg18Z8nGn68?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

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Edited by Cipry7, 15 January 2018 - 13:41.



    The Doctor

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Astăzi, Movistar Yamaha şi-a lansat noua motocicletă.

[ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUTi4WXXkAAI5uc.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/GfikxDd2ngc?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Maverick Vinales a anunţat la lansarea de astăzi că a semnat prelungirea contractului cu Yamaha pe încă 2 sezoane, 2019 şi 2020. Aşteptăm şi anunţul lui "Il Divino". :D




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Cand incepe sezonul? Si tot eurosport transmite, nu?



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Sezonul 2018 va începe în weekend-ul 16-18 martie. Eurosport mai are contract pe încă două sezoane (2018 şi 2019).



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2018 MotoGP Test calendar

Edited by ovyovi, 11 February 2018 - 10:41.




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Piloții MotoGP se pregătesc de primele teste în Thailanda, pe cel mai nou circuit al competiției


Buriram este o localitate aflată la 5 ore de mers cu mașina de Bangkok, capitala Thailandei, în partea de nord-est a țării. Construit în 2014, circuitul are 4.6 kilometri, 5 curbe la dreapta și 7 la stânga și a fost până acum folosit doar la cursele din Campionatul Mondial de Superbike. Circuitul este unul total diferit față de cel de la Sepang, Malaezia, acolo unde Jorge Lorenzo a fost cel mai rapid, stabilind cel mai bun timp pe tur din istoria circuitului.

Ducati au început 2018 în mod satisfăcător. Atât Lorenzo, cât și locul doi al sezonului 2017 Andrea Dovizioso au avut doar cuvinte de laudă despre echipa lor și despre managerul David Tardozzi la Sepang, speculând că fanii vor vedea mult mai mult spectacol și în testele de la Buriram, pe lângă progres tehnic pe partea inginerească.

Și Honda are de făcut destule ajustări după testele de la Sepang, mai ales la motor, cu campionul Marc Marquez și coechipierul Dani Pedrosa, cărora li s-a alăturat Cal Crutchlow ca pilot de teste. Acestea din urmă s-au dovedit a fi benefice la Speang, cu Pedrosa și Crutchlow făcându-și simțită prezența în topurile tururilor cronometrate. Marquez a plecat de la Sepang cu timpi mai slabi, însă așa cum a spus chiar el, s-a concentrat pe alte variabile decât timpul.

Între timp Yamaha speră să folosească temperaturile mari de la Buriram și de aderența mai slabă în avantajul lor. După două zile extrem de bune la Sepang, în a treia lucrurile nu au mers la fel de bine. Pe lângă încercarea de a refinisa motocicleta și a înlătura problemele legate de aderență, Yamaha a echipat și o nouă aero-carenă la Sepang, testată cu succes pe circuitul malaezian, carenă care ar putea fi testată și în Thailanda.

Pregătirile pentru 2018 sunt în toi și la viteză maximă pentru toate echipele MotoGP. Cine va ieși victorios în testele de la Buriram? Rămâne de văzut! Testele de pe circuitul thailandez încep pe 16 februarie, cu program de la 9:30 dimineața la 17:30 seara și dureză trei zile. Pitstops.ro vă va ține la curent cu evoluția piloților voștri favoriți pe toată durata testelor.

[ http://www.pitstops.ro/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/circuit-chang-bariram-thailanda-motogp-816x460.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]Attached File  circuit-chang-bariram-thailanda-motogp-816x460.jpg   104.83K   7 downloads

[ http://www.pitstops.ro/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/circuit-chang-bariram-thailanda-motogp-816x460.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]




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MotoGP și Federația Internațională de Motociclism anunță schimbări în durata curselor de la clasele principale


Distanțele curselor pentru Campionatul Mondial MotoGP vor fi ajustate începând cu 2018. Măsura vine pentru a asigura un timp de cursă similar pentru fiecare eveniment din campionat, care va fi de ajutor la organizarea uniformă a evenimentelor și la o mai bună structurare a programului în zilele de cursă pentru televiziunile care transmit cursele în întreaga lume.

Din cauza limitărilor în regulamentele care vizează consumul de combustibil și al motoarelor la clasa mare, creșterea distanței la unele curse din MotoGP și scăderea distanței la altele este imposibilă. În acest caz, pentru a asigura o mai mică variație în durata curselor, șapte curse MotoGP vor fi scurtate începând cu sezonul 2018. Astfel, cursele MotoGP din America (Austin, Texas) Franța (Le Mans) Barcelona (Catalonia) Cehia (Brno) și San Marino vor fi cu un tur mai scurte, în timp ce cursa de la Jerez, Spania va fi mai scurtă cu două tururi și cea de la Valencia cu trei. Schimbările sunt definitive, au anunțat reprezentanții FIM.

La Moto2 și Moto3, schimbarea se va face în două părți pentru a le permite producătorilor să se pregătească așa cum trebuie. În 2018 schimbările vor fi similare cu cele de la MotoGP, cu întrecerile Moto3 din Texas (SUA) Jerez, Spania, Barcelona, Brno, Aragon, Sepang și Valencia urmând să fie scurtate cu câte un tur, în timp ce cursa de la Le Mans va fi mai scurtă cu două tururi.

La Moto2, cursele din Texas, Le Mans, Barcelona, Germania, Brno, San Marino, Japonia și Malaezia vor fi mai scurte cu câte un tur, în timp ce cele de la Jerez și Valencia vor fi scurtate cu două tururi în 2018. În 2019, piloții de la Moto2 și Moto3 vor avea și mai puține tururi de parcurs per cursă, în timp ce la clasa regină nu se vor face alte ajustări.

Pe lângă ajustarea distanțelor curselor, o altă regulă nouă care intră în vigoare începând cu prima cursă din 2018 la MotoGP este cea privitoare la Steagurile Roșii. Dacă un Steag Roșu este afișat când cursa este sau a trecut de pragul de 75% din tururi, atunci grila din momentul afișării steagului este cea finală. Regula este similară la clasele mici, unde două treimi din cursă trebuie să fie parcurse pentru ca Steagul Roșu să însemne și finalul cursei. Noua regulă are ca scop sporirea siguranței pentru piloți și fani, au explicat cei de la Federația Internațională de Motociclism.

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Valentino Rossi Happy Birthday

Edited by ovyovi, 16 February 2018 - 11:59.



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Primele concluzii pe anul asta , dupa sesiunile de teste ar fi :
- Honda sta cel mai bine (rezultate bune si la Sepang si la Buriram)
- Ducati nu stau rau nici ei.
- Yamaha de uzina inca nu gaseste solutii, salvatoare  Posted Image
- Suzuki destul de multumiti.

Attached Files

Edited by ovyovi, 18 February 2018 - 22:51.




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  • Înscris: 26.07.2009
@ovyovi, parca m-ai simtit, acelasi lucru voiam sa-l fac si eu, dar completez cu ceva.. Cred ca e nevoie de declaratiile lor: Zarco cu moto din 2017 are cel mai bun rezutlat, iar  Rossi si cu Vinales se plangeau de cea de anul trecut, insa sa nu uitam, a fost un test foarte important, insa vom vedea in Qatar ce se va intampla.


So what was the main problem today?
"We always suffer with the rear tyre and we are correlated to the rear tyre," replied Rossi, who celebrated his 39th birthday on Friday.
"For me the problem is that if we are able to go softer, you can go faster. But unfortunately I lose a part of the tyre, chunking, because the temperature of the tyre is too high.
"And after you have to go with the tyre that is a bit more hard [the Austria spec]. When the tyre is a bit more hard, you can arrive at the end of the race but you go more slow! So we worked a lot, but everything is correlated to the rear grip."
Zarco set his best lap time on a medium front-soft rear tyre combination.
"For me we speak a lot about the chassis, we speak a lot about the electronics and everything. But depends very much from the tyre. Because sometimes you change tyre and change all the feeling.
"Very similar to last year and like this is also very difficult to develop the bike, because sometimes you have a problem and then after two hours it disappears."
Nonetheless, Rossi reiterated that Yamaha also has plenty of work to do.
Earlier in the test the nine-time world champion had spoken of the need to try and improve acceleration through progress with the electronics, an area where he feels Yamaha has fallen behind since the unified software in 2016.
"We don't improve a lot compared to last year, especially the electronics. So I think we have a lot of work and at this moment we have to struggle. But this is today. Maybe Qatar can be better.
"I spoke a lot with all the Japanese engineers and I tried to give all my feedback. I think the problem can be quite clear. But not easy to fix. Difficult. For me in Qatar we need to wait to understand our potential on that track. But I don't think we will have something new. We have to think more about the future.
"Apart from that a lot of people are very competitive here. We need to concentrate and try the maximum."
Rossi and Yamaha weren't alone in seeing their form drop at the second of the three official tests and he cited Honda as the most consistent performer so far.
"I was sincerely more happy after Malaysia because I feel better. My pace was better. Here we are struggling more," he explained.
"I think, from what I understand, the only manufacturer that was competitive in both tracks was Honda, especially with Marquez but also Dani and Crutchlow.
"Ducati were flying in Sepang, Lorenzo was first, and here is struggling a lot. So we have to wait for Qatar to see what happens."
Rossi also clarified his chassis specification.
"It's not exactly the 2016 chassis, but the bike of this year is more similar. I feel better because I can enter the corners faster and I feel better about the front. But we still have to work, especially in acceleration."
The Doctor also batted away speculation that he is now dominating development of the Yamaha at the expense of Vinales.
"No. If Maverick wants to use some other stuff, he can. Because also last year sometimes we tried different things."

Marc Marquez:

Fourth fastest on Sunday and third overall after neglecting a ‘time attack’, Marquez was able to definitively decide on Honda’s engine choice for the season ahead, and continue testing a new carbon swingarm, which he believes has some benefits.
“Since Valencia we were using,” he joked when asked about the component. “It’s different. We are trying to analyse it. Since Valencia we are using back-to-back because in the end it’s a new experience for Honda. [HRC] Never tried it.
“[There are] Some positives, some negatives. We are trying it at a different circuit just a few times, not all the day, because we are able to compare well and decide well for the future because we are not 100 percent sure.”
Pressed on the new swingarms strengths, Marquez was again full of cheer: “I will keep for me,” he quipped. “It’s shaking a little bit more, the bike. Looks like the grip is a little bit better but then with the used tyre it’s shaking too much. We need to find a way.”
His speed at Valencia, Sepang and the Chang International Circuit caused certain members of the press core to suggest he was well positioned to repeat his dizzying feats of 2014, when he stole an early march on the rest and romped to ten straight victories.
Could he repeat the feat? “At the moment, no,” he said. “If you check the 2014 preseason I remember on the last in Malaysia I finish at one or two o’clock, packed up and go to the hotel because everything was fine.
“But this year we saw that we’re coming more and more competitive but it’s not easy. We did 97 laps yesterday and 96 today. Every time we work a lot. We did the longest long run between riders, and also the fastest one.
“I’m feeling good with the bike. Today we improved. Of course, if you see the lap time you’d say, ‘You’re slower than yesterday’ but we didn’t make a time attack. We just kept riding to try to learn and understand the fairing and different things. Now we wait for Qatar because it’ll be a circuit that we struggle at more than this one.”
Where does he feel the new bike is stronger than the ’17 model with which he finished the season last November? “It’s better,” came the response. “I mean, in the chassis area, it’s more or less the same.
“We didn’t gain a lot. In some areas it’s slightly better in corner entry. We found something there that is helping me stopping the bike. And especially the engine is faster. This makes everything easier to go for the lap time.”
And one what is still missing, Marquez added, “Of course here and Malaysia it was working well, but I repeat the same: engine character is still something we need to improve. We can’t forget that we’re in a very warm circuit. OK, Qatar is warm but at night it’s quite cold.
“We will see there how is the character of the engine, because in some areas it’s too aggressive. Anyway we are working on that area. The good thing, and what makes me more happy, is the factory is working really quick. This year I feel like the atmosphere is different and this is something really positive.”
So he feels ready? “Yeah. I feel ready. We are working. Of course a few tests more and you feel ready. Of course we’ll be in Qatar and maybe on the last day I’ll complain about something but every circuit is different.
“In two days it’s enough. Yesterday everyone had a good shape, but Qatar will be interesting to see where we are because it’s one of the circuits where we struggle more.”


Like the second half of 2017, the ex-Moto3 world champion was left dejected and shrugging his shoulders. “We are working on our side, and we have the same problems from six months ago,” he said. “So honestly, I don't know.”
“Today we were struggling much more than yesterday,” said Viñales. “I thought we had the solution, but finally not. So we have to continue working, as I said always. I have been saying for a long time we have to continue trying to find out where the problem is.
“Honestly I don't know [what the problem is], because we tried everything, and nothing works, so we have to continue working. It's difficult right now, it's a difficult point, because some other Yamahas are working quite well, and we are struggling as a factory team, so I don't know. I don't know what to say. It's difficult.”
Asked what in particular was so lacking in performance, Viñales couldn’t pinpoint any area in particular. “All areas," he said. "We are missing a little bit in all areas. But what we do is try to do laps, and just be objective and give an explanation every time I try a new setup.”
Would he consider this his worst outing as a Yamaha rider? “For me, yes,” came the terse reply. “By a long way it's the worst. Even Malaysia, for me that was the worst one [since] I've been in Yamaha, and then today it's even worse.”
The truly confusing manner of the factory team's struggles stems from the continually differing feedback offered up by its riders. On Friday Viñales explained how he struggled to enter the corner as he wanted, while Rossi felt the electronics package was at fault.
A day later and Viñales said Yamaha’s 2018 engine was too docile for his style when in conversation with the Spanish media, and Rossi used Sunday’s debrief to add a new thought to the list: tyres, and the M1’s vicious reaction to them.
From a distance, it appeared the riders and technicians were at as much of a loss to explain the whole affair as the observers looking in.
On Saturday, Viñales had sounded defiant, claiming he needed to “follow my own feelings and my own set-up. That’s when I feel good” – words that suggest he has been frustrated by development and set-up direction over the off-season.
Asked whether he aimed to continue this tactic at the next test in Qatar less than two weeks away, he said, “Yes, for sure! For sure we will continue. But I don't think the problem is in the garage, it's something more. Because we tried everything on the bike - everything. Set-ups that last year we were never going to try, because it was impossible for them to work.
“Honestly, Yamaha has to work, has to realise we have a problem, and have to put the work. As a rider, physically I'm 100%, I'm concentrated, when the bike is there, I can do a good lap, good rhythm, I just give my best every time I go on the track.”
So what has he requested from the factory? “My request is to have the bike I rode the first time I rode the Yamaha,” he said. “To have this feeling. I just jumped on the Yamaha, and it was a totally different feeling to right now.”

Jorge Lorenzo:

"On the last day in Sepang I was in first position and here I'm 22nd. But we cannot take this as a conclusion because all the riders tried to make a quick lap time in the morning and I was going with old tyres," said Lorenzo, who was one place behind MotoGP newcomer Hafizh Syahrin on the Sunday timesheets.
"We are much better than this 22nd position. Probably we are not in the top three, but also we are not in the last three."
But the triple MotoGP champion admitted:
"Today and also the first day have been difficult. Not so much confidence, very far from the top riders. So that's why, in a difficult situation, we decided to try again the old bike.
"It has been important to try again the old bike that still has some points that are better than the new one, but also some points worse.
"The problem is that for Qatar it is going to be difficult to make a mix, but if I have to chose at the moment and take a conclusion I think with the new bike we have a bigger potential.
"We have to be patient probably in the first races, try to get the best results that we can. Probably Qatar will be much better than here - like we were in Sepang - and wait for some kind of mix as soon as possible to be more competitive."
Unwilling to provide exact details of what he likes and dislikes about the old and new bikes, Lorenzo did confirm it is chassis rather than engine related.
"Yeah I cannot speak very precisely, but in general the new chassis still has some negative points that I don't like so much."
And when asked if he will continue trying the old and new bikes in the final Qatar test, Lorenzo spoke of a lack of front freeling.
"Let's just see what the engineers can do in some days, something from the old bike into the new one and also work on the setting of the new bike, especially to feel more the front tyre that at this track I didn't feel anything. So let's see."
In terms of combined lap times over the three days, Lorenzo was 16th and 0.948s from Honda's Dani Pedrosa courtesy of a 1m 30.729s on Saturday. His Sunday best was a 1m 31.627s.
Team-mate Andrea Dovizioso - seventh overall, but only 0.411s from Pedrosa - has no such reservations about the GP18.
"We didn't compare the GP17 and GP18. I think what we feel in Malaysia, it was clear [the GP18 is better], so I have no question mark about that."
Petrucci has been using one GP18 and one GP17, but concentrating on the newer bike as he also feels it is clearly better.
When Petrucci receives his second GP18 from Ducati, the GP17 thought to have been given to Lorenzo on Sunday will move across the Pramac garage to become Jack Miller's spare bike.

Andrea Dovizioso:

The Buriram exams were passed with honours by Andrea Dovizioso, who leaves Thailand with a smile on his face. While Lorenzo is still searching for the straight and narrow, the Italian is smiling from ear to ear because his expectations were met in full. In fact, the fairing and the frame convinced the Borgo Panigale standard-bearer.
“I’d give myself an 8.5 for the way this test went – the Italian began – We were able to be fast throughout the three days, so I am very happy with all the material we tested. Obviously, I do not want to let my guard down – he continued – As you have seen, there are a lot of fast bikes. As I said, I am enthusiastic about having confirmed the progress of the GP18 here.”
Dovizioso mentions the frame.
“I must say that I feel a different sensation on the handlebar which is not easy to describe – he admitted – It is obviously a positive sensation that leaves me with a lot of confidence.”
One thing is certain: this Ducati is the best bike ever.
“I would say so – he conceded – Now we have a base that works and it allows us to be competitive on every track. Today I was once again able to be fast with a soft tyre on the rear.”
The question about Lorenzo astride the GP17 was only natural.
These are particular and personal situations –Andrea explained – I wouldn’t know what advice to give Jorge since we all have our own style and therefore follow our own path. Decisions should definitely be taken when you are doing well and have peace of mind. Plus, we still have Qatar and I’m sure that in Losail we will see him up with the leaders.”
While the Majorcan was called on to make comparisons, the Italian is carefree.
For me, there is no more need to compare the two bikes – he pointed out – From Sepang, I used the new one and I’ll keep going with that one.”
His Ducati flies, but the competition is still a threat.
“Obviously, there is a lot of confidence, but at the same time, the other rivals are not standing by watching. During the tests this winter, Marquez proved to be competitive straight away, as did Pedrosa. Zarco is also in there, demonstrating a lot of growth with Yamaha and with another year of experience. That said, I don’t want to forget about Rossi and Viñales either since I expect them to be battling with the best.”
Now his thoughts have turned toward the Qatar tests.
“As we all know, it is a different track where Ducati has always done well, so we will try to continue down our path of growth and confirm our progress.”
With the season opener just a month away, a touch of pressure is normal.
“That is always there, but I look at it as something positive, because when you are battling for the top spots, it has to be there. Personally, I cannot be anything but happy about finding myself in this situation.”

Dani Pedrosa:

Pedrosa shared the smile at the accidental undercover prototype, but similarly stressed it’s a work in progress. “We’re trying this style of swingarm which no other manufacturers are using. It’s the first time we’ve gone into that area and we’re still in the process. It’s not easy when you don’t have experience with it but I think it’s positive, learning more about it and getting feelings, feedback and a starting point.”
The final thing the riders were quizzed on was a lot more divisive, however. The new aero-fairing drew a simple “I didn’t like it, it’s not what I expected” from Pedrosa, but Marquez swayed the other way: “The new fairing was quite positive today. I like it, and I was consistent with the used tyre.”
And the final word at the conclusion of the test goes to Marquez, who echoes the thoughts of many…
“Now we analyse here, then forget it and concentrate on Qatar because that’s a track where we suffer more,” he says. “Honestly, after so much testing, I’m just waiting for the races.”
Know the feeling? It’s getting closer! One more test begins in Qatar on the 1st March, before the season finally fires up to race two weeks later.

Edited by cristinel07, 18 February 2018 - 23:41.



    The Doctor

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  • Înscris: 04.08.2010
Astăzi, şi Repsol Honda şi-a lansat noua motocicletă.

[ https://motogp.hondaracingcorporation.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/02/5a8197fa114a23.05589443.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]
[ https://motogp.hondaracingcorporation.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/02/5a869b8674af69.79213338.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Mai multe imagini: https://motogp.honda...om/rc213v-2018/



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@Cipry,vezi ca iar nu se vad pozele din link :) te cam bat la cap, dar nu am ce face.. Pe Tapatalk nu se vad pozele în https.. Și majoritatea vad ca pun numai linkuri din astea




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  • Înscris: 26.07.2009
Lansare Repsol Honda 2018

Attached File  _g025105.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   439.56K   7 downloadsAttached File  _g025185.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   640.55K   7 downloadsAttached File  _g026545_g018965_modif_0.gallery_full_top_fullscreen (1).jpg   451.41K   7 downloadsAttached File  _g026545_honda_gruppo_insieme3.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   380.92K   7 downloadsAttached File  _g026545_modif_0.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   323.6K   7 downloadsAttached File  repsol_honda_pres_jakarta_2018-5833.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   925.76K   7 downloadsAttached File  repsol_honda_pres_jakarta_2018-5889.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   292.67K   8 downloadsAttached File  repsol_honda_pres_jakarta_2018-5919.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   403.01K   8 downloadsAttached File  repsol_honda_pres_jakarta_2018-5939.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   409.13K   7 downloadsAttached File  repsol_honda_pres_jakarta_2018-5939-5362.gallery_full_top_fullscreen.jpg   264.88K   7 downloads

Just after 3pm local time, Marc Marquez and Dani Pedrosa unveiled the bike, the livery of which retains its traditional colours. Red and orange prevail, with a touch of white for good measure. Then there is the inevitable Repsol wording on the front fairing and Red Bull on the sides. #93 has a smile on his face after the Chang test: “We've been here to Jakarta many times and so it feels very familiar - ha he comments – over the winter, we carried out two tests and both went quite well. We're going to work hard at Losail too so that we're ready for the start of the championship. We want to fight for the title and make sure our fans enjoy themselves”.

This is echoed by Dani Pedrosa: “It's great to see so many fans. Last week we were in Thailand and the people gave us a really warm welcome”. Dani then touches on the pre-season tests: “It's all gone well up until now. In Qatar we'll have a better idea as to where we're at, seeing as conditions will be different. I'm ready to give it 100% and try to win".



    The Doctor

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  • Înscris: 04.08.2010
Hafizh Syahrin devine primul malaezian din MotoGP. El îl va înlocui pe Jonas Folger întregul sezon la Yamaha Tech3, după ce neamţul a decis să-şi ia un an de vacanţă pentru recuperare. Syahrin cică a impresionat în testele din Thailanda, deşi a fost al 22-lea din 24 de piloţi, la peste 1,6 secunde de coechipierul său, Johann Zarco.

Puţin mai mult de 3 săptămâni până la startul noului sezon. Posted Image

Edited by Cipry7, 21 February 2018 - 11:19.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 10.03.2014
Și tratat cu același ”respect” de Eurosport. Posted Image Posted Image


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