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Chirurgie dentara cosmetica

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    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 30.06.2013
Am dintii de jos strambi, si as vrea sa corectez asta. Nu vreau sa port aparat dentar, ci as prefera o interventie chirurgicala. As vrea sa stiu in ce consta suita de intrventii, durata si poate si niste costuri.
E mai rentabil un aparat in spatele dintilor sau interventia chirurgicala?




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  • Înscris: 14.02.2010
depinde ce varsta ai. Intrucat marea majoritate alege aparatul dentar in locul chirurgiei, ma gandesc ca e mai rentabil.



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View Posttibi346, on 23 noiembrie 2014 - 16:39, said:

depinde ce varsta ai. Intrucat marea majoritate alege aparatul dentar in locul chirurgiei, ma gandesc ca e mai rentabil.
Irelevant, dar sub 35.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 27.01.2009
Sunt aparate transparente ,deci mult mai putin vizibile



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  • Înscris: 30.12.2005
Isuse, virsta e extrem de relevanta in situatia pe care-o expui!!! Ca una e sa ai 11 si alta e sa ai 34!!! Amindoua sint sub 35 dar tratamentul e spectaculos de diferit ca solutii terapeutice, durata, rezultate la virstele astea!
Revenind la ce te arde, pune-o poza sa vedem ce ai in gura!



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View Postdoktoru, on 23 noiembrie 2014 - 19:35, said:

Isuse, virsta e extrem de relevanta in situatia pe care-o expui!!! Ca una e sa ai 11 si alta e sa ai 34!!! Amindoua sint sub 35 dar tratamentul e spectaculos de diferit ca solutii terapeutice, durata, rezultate la virstele astea!
Revenind la ce te arde, pune-o poza sa vedem ce ai in gura!
Banuiesc ca nu e atat de greu sa-ti dai seama ca vorbesc din perspectiva unui adult care s-a oprit din crestere, nu?
Apropos, fumatul si consumul de alcool afecteaza cumva un astfel de tratament?



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 24.06.2010
Port aparat dentar de 2 ani si din ce stiu eu nu poti corecta dintii strambi prin chirurgie, ci prin ortodontie, deci aparat dentar. Varsta conteaza mult. Sa iti dau un exemplu concret, eu si sora mea, eu 20 de ani in momentul punerii aparatului si ea 12, amandoua cu un canin superior inclus in gingie. Ei i-a iesit de la sine dupa 6 luni de cand i s-a facut spatiu, eu m-am operat pt a fi atasat de aparat caninul si nici dupa 1 an si umpic nu mi-a iesit deloc, se misca(dupa radiografiile trimestriale pe care le fac) dar nu destul, e lenes. Asa ca, desi  si eu sunt f tanara tot nu se compara cu atunci cand esti in crestere. Exact la fel nu se mai compara nici 25 cu 20 sau 35 cu 20, etc. Daca vrei dinti frumosi si sanatosi trebuie sa faci un sacrificiu financiar si estetic temporar pentru a purta aparatul, alta cale nu cred ca este. Exista aparate incognito ce se pun pe spatele dintilor, deci nu se vad deloc, daca te tine buzunarul, costa cam 2000 eur/arcada daca nu ma insel.
Fumatul si alcoolul nu afecteaza decat in momentul cand ai de facut o extractie/operatie si atunci trebuie sa le intrerupi cel putin temporar, pt a se vindeca locurile respective.

Edited by n25cris, 24 November 2014 - 11:47.



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Se poate rezolva usor si chirurgical. Se extrag toti dintii si se realizează o minunatie de proteza mobila cu dintii drepti ca stâlpii de telegraf. ;)
Dar totusi e de preferat un aparat ortodontic.



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  • Înscris: 24.06.2010
Da ,nu m-am gandit la asta ce-i drept, dar nu stiu ce om sanatos la cap si-ar scoate TOTI dintii sanatosi ca sa isi puna proteza....?! :)) Nu mi-as scoate nici macar un dinte sanatos decat daca nu e necesar dpdv medical, in niciun caz pt estetic. Daca vrei dinti drepti, aparatul e solutia. Iti pui de safir/incognito daca nu suporti ideea de metalic si there you go, in 2 ani daca nu ai probleme majore sau alte complicatii ai scapat si ti-ai atins obiectivul.



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  • Înscris: 05.12.2004

WIN® system: “TheNextGeneration”


WIN is the latest generation of made-to-measure lingual orthodontic appliances, which can be adapted to individual requirements, creating smiles that enhance self-esteem without compromising the aesthetics of the patient or the outcome of treatment.

Launched on the market in 2012 and developed by the same Dr Wiechmann (Bad Essen, Germany) who had already developed the first generation of lingual orthodontic appliances.

This new generation of lingual orthodontic appliance has met the objectives that were set at the beginning of its development:

Reduce costs and thus make lingual orthodontics a high quality treatment that is affordable for the patient, and not a “luxury” one requiring precious metals for its production.
Improve the accuracy and quality of the braces: precision of the bracket slots, precision in the fitting of the appliance and improved quality of the archwires (the archwires of lingualWIN braces receive a special surface treatment which gives them a very low resistance to sliding, substantially shortening the treatment time required for the alignment of the teeth).
Facilitate clinical management for the orthodontist.

INCOGNITO® system: “TheFirstGeneration”


The real “revolution” in lingual orthodontics began in 2002 when Dr Wiechmann (Bad Essen, Germany) developed and launched a new system of lingual brackets that were completely different from all previous lingual brackets, both in terms of design and method of production.

This was the Incognito appliance system, currently marketed by 3M-Unitek ©.

Using the latest CAD / CAM technology, it managed to combine in a single procedure two hitherto separate processes: the production of brackets and their positioning, thereby simplifying treatments, dramatically improving patient comfort and allowing a degree of accuracy in completion of cases that until then had been very difficult to achieve.

These factors enabled the treatment of any type of malocclusion (and not only the less serious cases) with lingual orthodontics.
However, this system requires a precious metal, namely gold, in the manufacture of the brackets, which makes its use very expensive.



WIN DW Lingual System


The WIN appliance is the ‘next generation’ of the Incognito lingual appliance from the world renowned orthodontist Dr Dirk Wiechmann.

The WIN system is an evolution of the Incognito system, this was also developed by Dr Dirk Wiechmann. WIN is a custom made brace. Being custom made ensures a better fit, and less impact on speech. The updates that Dr Dirk Wiechmann sought to make are based around making the brackets smaller and easier to manipulate.

It is fair to say that sometimes lingual appliances can be a little more uncomfortable to start with and take a bit more time for acclimatisation.
Most orthodontic problems are treatable with WIN.

Benefits of the WIN braces system include:
Predictable results
Suitable for all ages
Extremely flat design = improved comfort
For simple to complex cases
German engineering = precision manufacturing




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 294
  • Înscris: 29.01.2009
Mai trebuie tinut minte ca la 35 de ani, dupa indepartarea aparatului ortodontic, se va purta toata viata ,cel mai probabil un aparat ”de contentie”  toata viata pentru a impiedica dintii sa migreze din nou. Oare, daca pana la 35 n-ai facut nimic sa-i aliniezi, crezi ca mai e cazul? Posted Image s-ar putea sa strici mai mult acum,parerea mea!


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