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Suzuki Swift vs Hyundai i20

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vezi ca ai in dreptul numelui meu un buton REPORT. apasa pe el si ti se va deschide o fereastra in care trebuie sa scrii motivul.




    Rechin de stepã, "United Gashka" member

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Va potoliti? <_<



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si ei spun despre prezenta swift in ,,Autocar,, B)



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View PostMarius3k, on 15th November 2009, 22:56, said:

Va potoliti? <_<

Sunt cam offtopic : dar ce a fost bun s-a discutat, te las pe tine sa decizi soarta topicului.

Legat de VS, mergeti la dealer-ul vostru din zona, aranjati pentru un test-drive, de preferat la ambele masini in aceeasi zi, sa va faceti o imagine "la cald" si pe urma masurati de mai multe ori si alegeti odata .



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http://www.autocar.c...1.5-GLX/215548/ :thumbup:

Edited by mirceathekid, 16 November 2009 - 09:26.



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1.5 GLX 5dr
Bill Swallow , West Sussex . Date: 29/05/2009

I have to say that my Suzuki Swift GLX 1500 was the most disappointing car I have owned since a disastrous Peugeot 306 in the mid-90s. The handling was lovely, albeit with a very firm ride on the factory Continentals, and while some of the trim was patchy there were no squeaks. The keyless ignition was a practical and genuine boon. All this was completely negated by a harsh and noisy engine. Most of the time it was coarse and unpleasant between 2250 and 3000 rpm, although actually the problem seemed more to do with throttle openings than engine speed. The Suzuki dealer's chief mechanic came out in it and said, yes, you can tell from the sound that Suzuki make motorcycles. But this was not the sound of a fast-spinning bike engine, it was the sound of a well-designed product destroyed by its most important component. I normally keep my cars for years and never sell them with less than six figures on the clock. I bought the Suzuki new in March 2009 and today, on 29 May, I sold it. The depreciation was fierce but frankly I am just pleased to be rid. A horrible car.

1.3 GL 3dr
Ib Adedugbe Date: 01/05/2009

I picked up a brand new swift in march 2009. The problems started as soon as drove out of the car lot. The reverse lights were permanently on whilst driving forwards. Turns out the dealership knew about the problem before it was sold to me. I found a checklist in the glove compartment of the car which showed they had picked up the problem 6months previously when the car was delivered to the dealership.

Also like another reviewer (L J), I found it unsafe at junctions. When changing down gears at junctions, roundabouts, it slipped into 3 instead of 1 and thus the car stalled at very unsafe points.

I returned the car within 8days and now fighting to get my deposit back. Was not prepared to keep a car that had been misrepresented to me.

1.5 GLX 5dr
L J Date: 03/11/2008

Just wanted to 'update' on my Swift's progress. I've had it for almost 9 months now. And the gear box issue has persisted, getting worse in some respects.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has had the same problems with not being able to 'find' 2nd or any lower gears when changing down at junctions etc...it really undermines what has been a super little car.

The dealer was to say the least stereotypical about the issue. Claiming the burning smell of the stuck gears was 'a dead fox smeared over the exhaust' unfunny and offensively bizarre as excuses go! I know there is a problem with the gear boxes on these cars - and it appears it can't be fixed either.

1.5 GLX 3dr
amy lawson , county durham . Date: 18/05/2008

Having owned this car for 8 months now i must say what a complete waste of money it was. I brought it from Batchalors at ripon and what as waste of space they were, they never returned phone calls and couldn't ever tell me where my car was when i was awaiting delivery of it!. I have had the car into the garage a numorus amount of times for grinding, noisey spongey brakes that the garage thinks are normal!! The tyres have lasted all of 7000miles which again i have to the garage and again they think that this is normal. I must say it's a nice car to look at and nice to drive but thats about it. Persistent problems make this car a nightmare to live with.

1.3 GL 3dr
Noeleen Hammond , Co. Durham . Date: 17/03/2008

have owned a Swift 1.3GL for 2 months ... I have actually been able to drive it for 1 month. Since I bought it BRAND NEW it has been back to the dealership (Simms, Darlington) approx. 7 times for the following faults: The gearbox in third gear moves and trembles when you accelerate or decelerate, the brakes squeal which I have been told is dirt, the gearbox has been changed once already and still the problem still persists - I have been told the problem with the gearbox is a quirk of the vehicle which for 9k is an expensive eccentricity - the dash board has that the age old rattle everyone in the review panel is talking about, the car vibrates at 60mph and over which I have been told is because the balance is out which is ridiculous, the car is brand new and I have not knocked it off any curbs or crashed, the driver side window rattles when open and my drivers door originally failed to close correctly and the plate had to be adjusted.

I have been given a checkerboard stripe for my car as compensation the cost of which does not even match the payment I make monthly on the car and the dealership has told Suzuki Main that the car is 100% operating within manufacturers specifications ... I am unconvinced that the specifications are even road worthy.

Would I recommend this car? Hell no! Buy yourself a Fiesta and enjoy extra quirks such as air con and heated front and rear windows on a Climate Edition for a fraction of the cost or the headache!

1.5 GL 5dr
Steve finch , kent . Date: 30/01/2008

have been reading the readers reviews i am now compelled to write a review. As someone who drives these vehicles every day i am inclined to disagree with whats ben said. first of all as for the suzuki being better than a mini, no way hose'!!!! anywho first things first the drive and quality of manufacture. The clutch on these vehicles is absolutely disturbing, high biting point makes these vehicles impossible to drive well, often riding the clutch heavily. the gearbox feels extremely weak when hard driving is needed too. engine noise is a constant problem although i like to hear this so ill let that slide. on the road the handling is terrible cornering feels odd lumpy bumpy and unresponsive. looks are ok ill admit but cheap paint and panels spoil badly. reliabuility is good engine wise but brakes are rotten and be warned these little cars eat tyres for breakfast youve been warned. overall the cars are rubbish ok in smal areas and abbismal in most. how you can see these cars in the same league as the mini is scary...... avoid

1.5 GLX 5dr
john walker Date: 14/09/2007

We brought a Swift at the end of March 2007 and have had nothing but trouble, the main fault is the power steering which kepts failing, the keyless entry is useless and most times does not work, we have a rattle behind the dash and the mpg is nothing like it states in the booklet and the self indicators dont turn of. We have had the breakdown service out three times for the power steering fault and spoken to customer service about this problem with no help. This is the worst car we have ever had and we wish we had never brought it.



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Daca nu ai selecta raspunsurile ai fi mai obiectiv, dar asa tot un pidaraz ramai....
Si surprinzator e ca nu ai vazut nici unul in Uk.... nu ti-au dat aia nici o pauza sa te plimbi??? :)) dar dai review-uri de acolo... whatever
Oricum din partea mea cu cat mai putini posesori de Swift cu atat mai bine, am mai multi iepurasi de alergat..
http://fwd.five.tv/c...ni/suzuki-swift Si ca o paranteza e una din masinile preferate de Tiff Needell, dar probabil ca sunt destui pe acest forum care au condus mai multe masini decat el si mult mai performante ca sa isi dea cu parerea....
Nu e cea mai buna, nici cea mai ... , nici cea mai ... , dar fiecare isi alege o masina in functie de ce doreste de la ea.. iar prin comparatie la aceleasi dotari si aceeiasi putere cautati si voi pe la alte marci si trageti o concluzie.... obiectiva.



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inteleg, trecerea de la sielo la suift este marcanta...



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Daca tu ai avut doar una iti inteleg comportamentul si incercarea de a gasi aceleasi defecte la altii, dar asta e viata....  incearca sa te obisnuiesti...



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  • Înscris: 23.08.2008
ce a fost bun si rau despre swift sa cam scris eu inteleg ca fiecare crede ca masina lui e cea mai buna in final e doar un lucru de care te folosesti dar se pare ca propietarii de i20 in loc sa caute argumente despre masina lor le a fost mai usor sa atace swiftul,ii inteleg masina e prea noua ca sa gaseasca ceva deosebit la ea minusuri sau plusuri dar de cand a aparut nu a inregistrat o crestere deosebita a vanzarilor cu toata reclama celor de la hyundai(o fi de vina criza) nici nu a fost nominalizata niciunde(nici nu cred sa se intample vreodata,probabil cel cu motorul de 1,4 sa aiba ceva sanse) si cine a citit paginile anterioare stie ce vreau sa spun un lucru e clar swiftul are o istorie deosebita si e depasit de i20 doar prin dimensiuni atat si nimic mai mult,eu cred ca alte discutii nu mai au rost si cineva din afara forumului poate linistit sa traga o concluzie mai multe vom putea discuta cand va aparea noul swift si care va fi de generatie aproximativa cu i20,iar tu car-man mai ai putin si i dai in judecata pe cei de la ,,Autocar,, sau cei de la,,World Car of the Year,,pentru dezinformare,mult succes in continuare.

Edited by mirceathekid, 16 November 2009 - 23:08.



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@yir,cand am zis ca swift sport nu e cine stie ce m-am referit la concurenta

are 1.6 aspirat 125cp si 148Nm pe ocaroserie de 1,1t,din cate stiu la 6900rpm limiteaza,are o cutie cu 5 rapoarte;indiferent cat de scurte ar fi rapoartele ramane tot un 1.6 aspirat

prod da un timp 0-100km/h de 8,9s nimic spectaculos,departe de a fi numita sportiva,eu as zice doar ca se misca bine

daca vrei sportivitate iti iei un 207RC din stoc,nou 0km,e vr'o 13100 sau 13300ddp si ai 1.6 turbo 175cp 260Nm ,0-100km in 7,1s si daca tot esti pasionat cu 300e ii faci soft si o duci la vr'o 210cp si 310Nm (iti dai seama ce inseamna 310Nm pe buburuza aia)



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Francezii sunt foarte buni la discounturi si pretul ala e foarte avantajos. Masina e clar peste Swift Sport cel putin la acceleratie, numai ca nu e la distanta asa mare fiind penalizata de cutia mai lunga (daca nu ma insel peste 100 in a2a) si de cele aproximativ 150kg in plus. In functie de rapoartele din cutie variaza si puterea la roata. La 207 RC sincer nu mi-a placut curba de cuplu care e prea plata si iti da o acceleratie liniara. Daca mergi cu un 207RC si cu un Swift Sport o sa vezi ca Swift-ul pare mai rapid chiar daca nu e, oferindu-ti in schimb o senzatie mai placuta la accelerare. La 6900 e puterea maxima, limitarea e ceva mai sus, in jur de 7300.



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  • Înscris: 02.04.2007
e plata dar valoarea cuplului e aproape dubla. e caracteristica masinilor turbo.
la fel si cutia lunga. nu are rost sa pui o cutie (prea) scurta pe un motor turbo.
la aspirate,
timpul pierdut cu schimbatul treptei la o cutie mai scurta e mai mic decat timpul pierdut datorat lipsei cuplului la turatii mai joase. la turbo nu e cazul.
de benzina vb. se aplica si la diesel dar cu anumite mentiuni pe care nu le zic acum pt ca nu e cazul.

inca o problema cu aspiratele mici si rele e ca daca ai mai luat 2-3 amici in masina sa le arati ce masina tare ai, masina va merge la fel ca a unuia care si-a luat o compacta pe care s-o foloseasca la toate. ba s-ar putea ca la viteza mai mare sa nu poti sa te tii dupa el, masinile mici (toate) avand o aerodinamica proasta iar franele si stabilitatea sa fie mai rele chiar decat ale unei compacte fara pasageri.

Edited by undercoverbrother, 17 November 2009 - 14:48.



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View Postmirceathekid, on 16th November 2009, 23:05, said:

iar tu car-man mai ai putin si i dai in judecata pe cei de la ,,Autocar,, sau cei de la,,World Car of the Year,,pentru dezinformare,mult succes in continuare.
in realitate, ma doare fix in bascheti de Suzuki...
va intaratam si eu putin!  :roflmao:
oricum, meritati felicitari pentru vehementa cu care va aparati masinuta.



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eu am zis doar ca din cauza curbei de cuplu si a cutiei mai lungi nu ai acelasi feeling ca in swift-ul sport care are o cutie mai scurta si alta curba de cuplu.
aerodinamica nu e data de marimea masinii, dar in general (cu cateva exceptii bineinteles) hatchback-urile au o aerodinamica mai slaba. Suzuki Swift Cx 0.32, Peugeot 207 0.30, Peugeot 207 ECO 0.274, Toyota Auris 0.29, Opel Calibra=Mazda 6 Cx 0.26, etc



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View Postmirceathekid, on 16th November 2009, 23:05, said:

ce a fost bun si rau despre swift sa cam scris eu inteleg ca fiecare crede ca masina lui e cea mai buna in final e doar un lucru de care te folosesti dar se pare ca propietarii de i20 in loc sa caute argumente despre masina lor le a fost mai usor sa atace swiftul,ii inteleg masina e prea noua ca sa gaseasca ceva deosebit la ea minusuri sau plusuri dar de cand a aparut nu a inregistrat o crestere deosebita a vanzarilor cu toata reclama celor de la hyundai(o fi de vina criza) nici nu a fost nominalizata niciunde(nici nu cred sa se intample vreodata,probabil cel cu motorul de 1,4 sa aiba ceva sanse) si cine a citit paginile anterioare stie ce vreau sa spun un lucru e clar swiftul are o istorie deosebita si e depasit de i20 doar prin dimensiuni atat si nimic mai mult,eu cred ca alte discutii nu mai au rost si cineva din afara forumului poate linistit sa traga o concluzie mai multe vom putea discuta cand va aparea noul swift si care va fi de generatie aproximativa cu i20,iar tu car-man mai ai putin si i dai in judecata pe cei de la ,,Autocar,, sau cei de la,,World Car of the Year,,pentru dezinformare,mult succes in continuare.

pai care proprietari de i20? e unul singur pe acest topic, adica EU. si uita-te mai bine la ce am scris si o sa vezi ca nu am atacat swiftul. te inteleg ca lucrezi in vanzari la Suzuki, de aici si disperarea si loaialitatea ta fata de swift. Poate te vad la anul lucrand la  dacia, sa vezi ce o sa mai ridici in slavi noua Dacia...

PS. ba chiar a fost nominalizat Hyundai i20: "The first round of nominations for 2010's European Car of the Year Awards has been announced.

Although most companies only received one nomination, Hyundai garnered two for their i20 and ix55. Their Korean counterparts at Kia also received two nominations for the Sorento and Soul. Likewise, Nissan also got two nods of approval for the new Cube and redesigned 370Z. Toyota turned out to be the big winner as they've earned five entries thanks to their Avensis, iQ, Prius, Urban Cruiser, and Verso.

Other nominees include the BMW Z4, Chevrolet's Cruze, Citroen's C3 Picasso, the Ford Ka, Honda's new Insight, Land Rover's updated Discovery (IV), Lexus' redesigned Rx450h hybrid, the Mazda3, and Mercedes' redesigned E-Class. Rounding out the rest of the contenders are the Mitsubishi Colt, the Opel/Vauxhall Astra, Peugeot's 3008, Porsche's new Panamera, the Renault Scenic, the previous generation Audi A4 Seat Exeo, Skoda's Yeti, the Suzuki Alto/Nissan Pixo twins, and Volkswagen's new Polo."

Edited by koolsavas, 17 November 2009 - 21:34.



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da am vazut e un inceput pentru i20 ca nominalizata la masina EUROPEANA :D  a anului dar nu mi am dat seama daca e vorba de motorul de 1,2 sau cel de 1,4. :rolleyes:dar vezi ca totusi nu a fost nominalizata intre cele 7 finaliste,ca o gluma e si ,,suzuki alto,, pe acolo:))

Edited by mirceathekid, 17 November 2009 - 22:53.



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Foarte rar imi sta ceva in fata, cum intr-a 4-a pot sa o duc pina la 180 km/h... In general doar bmw-urile serie 3 au sanse si asta daca se nimereste un sofer care sa stie ce sa faca cu el. E o masina de turatie si trebuie folosit acest lucru fara frica. Intre 4500 ture si 6000 masina se simte perfect, chit ca multi prieteni s-au speriat si considera ca motorul e supra-solicitat. Consider ca turatiile ridicate e unul dintre principalele avantaje ale masinii si in trafic te scoate din incurcatura si in oras si la drum lung.

ATENTIE: M-am luat la intrecere cu un Opel ASTRA pe soseaua Ploiesti-Buftea. La 140 km\h pe curba la intrarea in Cocorestii Colt eu am ramas pe sosea, tipul a derapat nu a reusit sa redreseze masina si a iesit de pe sosea. S-a dat peste cap de trei ori, s-a oprit pe camp. Am oprit, am sunat 112, au venit salvarea, pompierii, etc. In Opel erau doi tineri, un el si o ea. Au scapat ca prin minune cu julituri mici desi masina era praf. Concluzie: swiftul este o masina excelenta si sper ca chestiile "versus" sa le pastrati pentru astfel de forumuri. Cel putin eu, dupa ce am scos-o pe tipa inconstienta dintre fiarele contorsionate, asta o sa fac...


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