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    Feralia Genitalia

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 emil_sv, on 10 iunie 2013 - 09:10, said:

Eu nu traiesc in Scotia, daca prinde moda asta si incep hipsterii si metrosexualii sa se imbrace in fuste, o sa incerc sa petrec cat mai mult timp in spatii publice Posted Image
scotienii, calugarii si unii musulmani au adoptat de mult moda cu aerisire pe la poale. era de asteptat ca si cat-walk-ul sa o falfaie...din cand in cand.



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 emil_sv, on 10 iunie 2013 - 09:10, said:

Eu nu traiesc in Scotia, daca prinde moda asta si incep hipsterii si metrosexualii sa se imbrace in fuste, o sa incerc sa petrec cat mai mult timp in spatii publice Posted Image
Crezi ca vei avea dreptul sa razi?
Iar te crezi pe alta planeta.
June 7, 2013, - 4:51 pm
Miss World Beauty Pageant Dumps Bikinis to Avoid Offending–Who Else?–Muslims – “Tolerance!”
By Debbie Schlussel
Hey, it’s more of that precious Muslim “tolerance” on display at the Miss World Beauty Pageant. Because some Muslims might get angry and murder a whole lotta people in a rampage, the attitude is always, “Hey, what other restriction can we put in place so that Muslims don’t get all jihadist on us?” Yup, Muslims ask for us for “tolerance” of them and their backwards, “party-like-it’s-1499″ ways (squat toilets at your local mall!). But when it comes to tolerance from them, you ain’t never gonna get it. Never ever. Denial is a river in Egypt, and tolerance is a one-way street in Islam. And it only goes their way.
week-end box-office
* “The Purge“: I absolutely hated this very obvious, predictable far-left “social commentary” denouncing rich White people (especially those who are still in married, nuclear families) and mocking American patriotism as something akin to supporting murder. Samantha Power–Obama’s America-hating UN Ambassador nominee–would LOVE this. The only good guy in this movie is a Black homeless veteran, who saves everyone, including the family that tortured him and was going to help him get murdered. And while the movie is entertaining, it’s mostly a racist (anti-White) exercise in torture porn, killing porn, and other brutal savagery. That’s how it gets its “thrills.” I saw almost every “twist” and plot point in this movie a million miles away–that the Black guy was gonna save the day, that the rich people are evil, self-absorbed Whites (they threw on one Black chick with the evil Whites at the end to make it seem balanced, but it wasn’t), that the daughter’s boyfriend was gonna try to kill the dad, etc.

Edited by searcher-star, 10 June 2013 - 10:47.



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The Diversity Illusion
Tony Bain, American Renaissance, June 7, 2013

One Briton who sees clearly.Ed West, The Diversity Illusion: What We Got Wrong About Immigration and How to Set it Right, Gibson Square Books, 2013
Let us start with the facts as author Ed West sees them:
The latest projections suggest that white Britons will become a minority sometime around 2066, in a population of 80 million, which means that within little over a century Britain will have gone from an almost entirely homogenous society to one where the native ethnic group is a minority. That is, historically, an astonishing transformation. No people in history have become a minority of the citizenry in their own country except through conquest, yet the English, always known for their reticence, may actually achieve this through embarrassment.
This well-written, interesting book by a veteran journalist seeks to explain how Britain came to allow massive, unselective immigration, without particularly intending to. Ed West documents a typically British muddle, composed of idealism, ignorance, expediency, optimism, and lashings of embarrassment. He has charted the story with bemused dismay, analyzing yet another example of history being more cock-up than conspiracy. The actual decisions lurched from one expedient to the next, until the conquered peoples of the Benighted Isles conceded that their position was lost. An unspoken and much denied retreat from immigration has begun, with the often-muttered sentiment, “With any luck it can be confined to the cities.”

A series of historical and political factors conspired to create the mess. Employers wanted a quick fix to industrial problems that would help them get around union restrictions. Parliament saw the issue as minor, temporary, and best understood in terms of historical Commonwealth legislation. At the same time, the fact that immigration began in 1948 with men from the West Indies recruited to work in the London tube system meant that race became a dominant feature of the debate. Those who objected to immigration itself, or to unselective immigration in particular, could be silenced by the accusation that they were covering up their own racism. Racism was wrong because it was a judgment based on skin color alone. Therefore immigration in general was good, and opposed only by bigots.
As a consequence, as Mr. West notes:
Never in modern history has a free population simply suppressed discussion of a major issue.  In living memory barely a newspaper article, radio or television show has seriously questioned the diversity orthodoxy, and even in the intelligent right-wing press, skepticism has had to be couched in such a cryptic way that the paper’s horoscopes are more candid.
This was useful for employers, who could avoid the charge that they were breaking the unions with foreign labor by sneering at the xenophobia of the working class. Liberal and wealthier classes were ashamed of small-minded, anti-immigrant sentiment, and found themselves in favor of immigration as a point of honor, perhaps even as a point of snobbery. As a consequence, Mr. West notes, “British people have come to accept these changes, assured that to do otherwise is morally repugnant.”

It should have been realized that mass economic migration was a new phenomenon which had to be managed, but there was too much else to think about in shattered, post-war Europe.
By the time they started thinking about immigration, Labour, at any rate, got it wrong:
Labour’s attempts at creating a truly multicultural society have unquestionably succeeded. But why did the Government do this? What drove them towards imposing such an enormous change on England, one that will have profound, long-lasting and irreversible effects? And why did the entire political class go along with it?
Of course, some people opposed it, most notoriously senior Conservative politician Enoch Powell. However, when he decided to talk about the problem, he did so in such florid and apocalyptic terms—“like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’ “—that it was embarrassing. The English do not like being embarrassed. Thereafter, to be concerned about immigration was treated as if it revealed some distorted, childish version of penis-envy, best epitomized by the front cover of the satirical magazine, Private Eye, which showed an animated Enoch Powell with arms fully outstretched,  saying “I tell you, some of them have got them this long.” The debate has yet to recover.
Indeed, there has essentially been no debate at all. As Mr. West notes:
Everyone in a position of power held the same opinion. Diversity was a good in itself, so making Britain truly diverse would enrich it and bring ‘significant cultural contributions’, reflecting a widespread belief among the ruling classes that multiculturalism and cultural, racial and religious diversity were morally positive things whatever the consequences. This is the unthinking assumption held by almost the entire political, media, and education establishment. It is the diversity illusion.
Mr. West might as well have called his book The Diversity Religion: “A belief in the benefits of a multicultural, multi-racial society is an article of faith in today’s largely atheist society; to not believe is to not be in communion.”
Of course, diversity’s devotees seldom practice it: “If diversity is such a good thing, why do so many people vote with their feet to avoid it?”

Mr. West has a clear view of the evolutionary reasons why mass immigration does not work:
The universalist ideal rests on the belief that human beings are willing to share such a collective system with the rest of humanity. But evolutionary psychology suggests that humans have developed kin selection, those tribes with the strongest sense of in-group altruism being the most likely to survive. . . . No universal altruism has evolved because a sense of universal altruism would have no evolutionary advantage. Garrett Hardin argued in a 1982 essay, ‘Discriminating Altruisms’, that a world without borders or distinctions is impossible, because groups that practice unlimited altruism will be eliminated in favor of those that limit altruistic behavior to smaller groups, from whom they receive benefits.
And further:
Racism, or what anti-racists understand as racism, is a universal part of human nature, ‘as human as love’ as novelist Thomas Keneally put it. . . . One might regret that, just as one might regret that greed, lust and violence are part of human nature, but building a society based on the assumption that they can be driven out through re-education is an optimistic idea.
Mr. West recognizes that ancient nations like Britain have deeply-rooted assumptions about how society should be organized, and how its members should behave. The following passages recognize the threats to those assumptions of massive immigration by people who may not share them:
The creation of nations, under which common law ensured that Justice was dealt out by disinterested magistrates, allowed the radius of trust to expand and, even where the authorities were not close at hand, mutually-understood norms of behavior were built up. And so, with enormous increases in social capital, people living in nations, social solidarity maintained by a deliberately-encouraged patriotism, we were able to speed ahead of societies where men still owed their loyalty and protection to clan and tribe.
The basis on which you can extract large amounts of money in taxation, and pay it out in benefits, is that most people think that benefit recipients are people like themselves facing difficulties which they too could face. If values become more diverse, lifestyles more differentiated, it is harder to sustain the legitimacy of a universal risk-pooling welfare state.
Social capital, just like any other kind, requires generations of careful saving and hard work, and can last long after its original source dries up. Perhaps we are currently running on the reserves that were built up by our ancestors.

Social capital is best built in homogeneous communities.
Mr. West notes the difference between the free movement of goods and the free movement of people, a distinction lost in fashionable praise for “globalism:”
Globalism has many benefits, but mixed with universalism it can become an ideological dogma that ignores the human consequences. [British economist] Phillippe Legrain asks: ‘Why can computers be imported from China duty-free but Chinese people cannot freely come to make computers here? Why is it a good thing for workers to move within a country to where the jobs are, but a bad thing for people to move between countries for the same reason?’ That is because human beings are not computers. Goods can be freely moved about only because they can be discarded when they are no longer useful; humans cannot. Immigration is long-term and has permanent effects for everyone involved. . . .
An extreme example of this [globalism] is the white liberal environmentalist who decides, for the good of the planet, that he or she should remain childless—the result being that future generations will contain fewer white liberals.
Mr. West also notes the double standards that are almost universal:
Writing about Tibet, [a] liberal blogger . . . once stated that China ‘has resettled Han Chinese colonists there to the point where Tibetans are at risk of becoming a minority in their own homeland.’ On his own country he declared that ‘further mass immigration obviously has the potential to rejuvenate the population of this island once the politicians can get their head around the idea.’ Tibetans becoming a minority in their country are a threatened species; the English are being ‘rejuvenated.’ Of course the Tibetans have no choice in becoming a minority, yet when the British express their opposition to ‘rejuvenation’ they are condemned as racists.
As should be evident by now, Mr. West is immensely quotable. He has the rare knack of summing up a complex chain of events with a succinct observation in plain English. In a book of 14 chapters he covers such topics as: the leftist language of social justice, Enoch Powell, the shadow of Auschwitz, doing jobs Brits won’t do, the new blasphemy laws, and the tribal nature of society. In every chapter there are many observations worth quoting.
I wish I could write that this book has shaken the establishment, but it has not. It was reviewed dismissively in The Guardian, and a bit more sympathetically in The Telegraph, but does not appear to be having an impact. More precisely, because there is so little open discussion of this subject, it is hard to judge whether it has had any impact. It has a ranking of 14,451 on Amazon, UK; The Hairy Bikers’ Great Curries has a ranking of 91.
This is a book well worth reading, particularly because it shows a keen appreciation of the excruciating contortions of the middle-class Anglo-Saxon mind, which I parody thus: “If one may be so bold as to make a comment, one does not wish to be associated with anything vulgar. To treat someone impolitely because of race is vulgar. Immigrants are a different race. Opposing them is impolite and vulgar. Therefore opposing immigration is vulgar. Shall we talk about something else?”
Tony Bain is a researcher who lives in London.

Edited by searcher-star, 10 June 2013 - 12:05.



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June 7, 2013
Storm Clouds Ahead for Barack Obama: Less than Half of Americans Now View Their President as ‘Honest and Trustworthy’, Telegraph (London) - They don’t like the federal government either.
Al Sharpton: Holder Critics Targeting ‘Black Attorney General’ over Voting Laws, Breitbart - MSNBC host refers to Obama administration as “we.”-BIG SAPRAIZ...
My Son: Victim of ‘Knockout Game’, WND - But police dismiss it as a “minor crime.” DESIGUR...
William and Mary Aims to Atone for Role in Slavery, Diverse Education - College is now ashamed of its past.
The End of the Line for St. Paul’s College?, JBHE - Black college likely to close. Students will have to transfer.
The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee, American Thinkers - Community members won’t be silenced.
University Study Finds No Evidence of Racial Discrimination by Major League Baseball Umpires, JBHE - Whew. We were worried.
Chesterfield Man in Court for Painting Racial Slurs on His Own Home, NBC 12 (Chesterfield) - Police call the attack a “hate crime hoax.”
165 Kidnapped Migrants Freed in Mexico, CNN - They were on their way to the United States.
June 6, 2013
Judge Says ‘Blacks and Hispanics Are Predisposed to Crime and Violent Acts’, Daily Mail (London) - Among other unmentionables.
Rhode Island Woman Screams “Dumb White Girl” and Sics Her Pitbulls on News Reporter, Gateway Pundit - White reporter ventured into the wrong neighborhood.
The Parochialism of ‘Diversity’, Wall Street Journal - Liberals have their own “out-groups,” but foreigners aren’t among them.
Path to Citizenship ‘Highly Unlikely’ to Pass House: Rep. Tom Price, Yahoo! News - Republicans doubt the government will enforce immigration law.
Guess What?—Schumer-Rubio Ignores Collision Course Between Affirmative Action and Immigration, VDARE - With the Fisher decision due soon, John Derbyshire offers a refresher on the state of racial preferences.
Moms Get into Brawl at Children’s Talent Show in Central Florida, Click Orlando - Latisha James is charged with battery.
Allegations of Sex, Drugs Roil Baltimore Jail, Press of Atlantic City - “The indictment that came down makes us look like a third-world nation.”
Cheerios Stands by TV Ad Showing Mixed-Race Family, Yahoo! Finance - But will consumers stand by Cheerios?
Russia’s Population Decline Said to Have ‘Stopped’, Radio Free Europe - Political will finds a way.
Papua New Guinea Reinstates Death Penalty After Gruesome Sorcery Killings, Rapes, Reuters - New Guineans bring African behavior to Asia.
June 5, 2013
White Pride in My Classroom, Salon - Professor discovers that white advocates are human, too. UN TEXT NEMAIPOMENIT
Forum on Civil Rights Sparks Protest Rally for Free Speech, News 2 (Nashville) - Muslims and patriots clash at event called “Public Discourse in a Diverse Society.”
Senate Bill Doubles Annual Flow of Guest Workers, Center for Immigration Studies - We’ll have another 600,000 “temporary” workers each year.
Rick Scott Vetoes Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses, Breitbart - Democratic state Senator calls the move an “anti-Hispanic bomb.”
Violent Crime in U.S. Rises for First Time Since 2006, New York Times - The crime increase is concentrated in big cities.
California State Senator Is Targeted in FBI Searches, Los Angeles Times - Records from the Latino Legislative Caucus have been seized in corruption investigation.
Chokwe Lumumba, Ex-Black Nationalist, Wins Jackson, Miss. Mayor’s Race, The Grio - He received 85 percent of the vote.
French Far-Right Leader Loses Immunity, Faces Charges, BBC News - She may be prosecuted for comparing Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation.
Miss World Axes Bikinis for Muslim Indonesia, France 24 - Contest is being held in majority-Muslim Indonesia, so bikinis won’t be allowed.
Quebec Soccer Federation Falls Silent as Outrage Grows, Montreal Gazette - Sikhs want to play soccer in turbans but the league says “no.”

Edited by searcher-star, 10 June 2013 - 16:12.



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Robert Spencer: Free Speech Battle in Small-Town Tennessee
Exploding a trial balloon. My piece in FrontPage today:
Last Tuesday, Bill Killian, U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District of Tennessee, FBI Special Agent Kenneth Moore, and Zak Mohyuddin of the American Muslim Advisory Council hosted an event called “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” in the town of Manchester, Tennessee. My American Freedom Defense Initiative colleague Pamela Geller and I called for a protest of what was clearly an event designed to intimidate Americans into being afraid to criticize the elements of Islam that give rise to violence and supremacism – and patriots turned out in numbers far beyond what we expected.
Nearly 2,000 protesters assembled at the Manchester Convention Center to register their disapproval of this latest Obama Administration attempt to silence criticism of jihad and Islamic supremacism, and to stigmatize the critics. When the event started, the room was filled way beyond capacity, with people filling the aisles and standing in the doorways – while many hundreds more continued to rally outside and wait for news of what went on.
The event, predictably, was all about hate crimes, hate speech, and how Tennesseans needed to be more inclusive and welcoming of the increasing numbers of Muslims in their midst. Mohyuddin, Killian and Moore all spoke with extraordinary condescension to the crowd, as if it were taken for granted that their only reason for being suspicious of Muslims was the color of their skin (Killian said exactly that) and cultural differences. The audience, however, was having none of it, and frequently shouted responses to the various (and numerous) disingenuous and manipulative assertions coming from the speakers.
That gave the mainstream media their take on the event. In a peculiar move coming from those who would seem to have a good bit to lose if the freedom of speech were entirely subverted, mainstream media reporting on the event uniformly portrayed the pro-free speech protesters as a gang of racist, bigoted thugs, shouting down the valiant paladins of tolerance.
Nicole Young’s report in the generally hopeless Nashville paper, The Tennessean, was a case in point: “The interruptions,” it claimed, “were so intense at times that attendee Elaine Smith, 55, of Bedford County, said she was afraid of other audience members. ‘I came here because I wanted to learn something … but I couldn’t hear because the audience was so disrespectful,’ she said. ‘I cried when I got here. It makes me really sad especially because these people say they’re Christians. The God I worship doesn’t teach hate.’”
The claim that someone in the crowd was “afraid” of the other audience members, as if these patriots who came out to defend the freedom of speech were some gang of menacing thugs, bent on silencing their foes by force, was utterly preposterous – this was not, after all, a meeting of United Against Fascism or some other genuinely thuggish Leftist group. But this, of course, is how the mainstream media always portray those who oppose jihad and Islamic supremacism, and the facts be damned.
Pamela Geller’s questions are apposite: “The enemedia supporting the suppression and restriction of free speech in America presents an interesting paradox. Are they so clueless or self-important that they think they will be spared? Didn’t the Obama administration spying on the AP and other news organizations teach them anything?” Good questions for Nicole Young to ponder.
The Tennessean report, like Bill Killian, Kenneth Moore, and Zak Mohyuddin at the “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” event, completely ignores the genuine concern that people have about jihad and Islamic supremacist activity, and the fact that Muslim groups (aided and abetted by Barack Obama) use claims of “hate” and “bigotry” to shut down honest discussion of how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism.
Killian and Moore expatiated at length about how “inflammatory” speech could violate civil rights laws, and how Arab and Muslim children were being taunted in school, and how Tennesseans should be more welcoming. But no one, of course, was there to defend the taunting of Muslim or Arab schoolchildren. No one was there because he hated foreigners. No one was there to defend sending people violent threats. The protesters turned out in such unexpectedly high numbers because they knew that truthful and accurate exploration of Islam’s violent teachings has been deemed “inflammatory” by both Muslim groups and the Obama regime — and that leaves us unable to examine the motives and goals of jihad terrorists, or to defend ourselves adequately against them. That’s why everyone was so upset with Killian, Moore, and Mohyuddin, but the media were either oblivious to that fact or intent on ignoring it.
Canadian jihad plotter demands to be judged by the Qur'an, not Canadian law
He wants to be judged by the Qur'an because according to the Qur'an, what he did in plotting the mass murder of Infidels was justified. This demand is particularly striking in light of the claims of Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. and Canada, that Islam and the Qur'an teach peace and that only "Islamophobes" who misunderstand Islam think otherwise.



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08 June 2013 - 00H52  
Assange: US rule of law suffering 'calamitous collapse'

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (L) speaks to the media after leaving the High Court in London on December 5, 2011. Assange said Friday that the US justice system was suffering from a "calamitous collapse in the rule of law", as Washington reeled from the sensational exposure of vast spy agency surveillance programmes. AFP - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Friday that the US justice system was suffering from a "calamitous collapse in the rule of law", as Washington reeled from the sensational exposure of vast spy agency surveillance programmes.
Speaking in an interview with AFP at Ecuador's London embassy, where he has been holed up for almost a year, the founder of the whistleblowing website accused the US government of trying to "launder" its activities with regard to the far-reaching electronic spying effort revealed on Thursday.
"The US administration has the phone records of everyone in the United States and is receiving them daily from carriers to the National Security Agency under secret agreements. That's what's come out," said the 41-year-old Australian.
Two damning newspaper exposes have laid bare the extent to which President Barack Obama's intelligence apparatus is scooping up enormous amounts of personal data -- on telephone calls, emails, website visits -- on millions of Americans and foreigners.
Obama has defended the programmes, saying they are legal, necessary to combat terror, and balance security with privacy.
Assange, whose website has enraged Washington by publishing hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables and classified files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, said the Obama administration was engaged in a bid to "criminalise all national security journalism in the United States".
'We don't want to tax ALL businesses out of business'
Obama claims 'we're pretty common-sense folks'
Published: 12 hours ago (CNSNEWS) — President Barack Obama says Democrats “don’t want to tax all businesses out of business.”
“I know that there are a few Republicans here in the audience,” Obama said Friday at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign in Palo Alto, Ca. “If you talk to us, it turns out we’re pretty common-sense folks.
“We don’t think government can do everything,” he said. “We don’t think that top-down solutions are the right way to go. We believe in the free market. We believe in a light touch when it comes to regulations.”
“We don’t want to tax all businesses out of business,” Obama said. “But we do think that there’s a role to play for government.”

Hmm... deci NU TOATE firmele?
Inafara de clientii statului, "too big to fail"? Eh?



    Post Tenebras Lux

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Committee says Police and prosecutors must be able to raise an issue without being accused of racism
A dangerous trend of Pakistani men grooming young white girls does exist, according to a Commons Home Affairs committee Report.

Police, prosecutors and social workers must be able to raise the issue without fear of being accused of racism, the committee said.

Businessman vs. burglars in midnight fight at his premises
A businessman who confronted suspected burglars raiding his premises at night could be jailed after he grabbed one of the gang’s weapons and used it to fight back.

Andrew Woodhouse, 43, claims he was chasing thieves off his property when one of them ‘came at’ him with a wooden stick.
In the scuffle, he managed to grab the stick and used it to injure the man’s legs before holding him down and screaming at his wife to call the police.

But then police arrested Mr. Woodhouse as well and held him in a cell for 18 hours.
He has been charged with grievous bodily harm with intent and will appear before magistrates on Thursday, along with the two men he apprehended.

Se pare că nici dreptul la autoapărare nu mai are omu'...dacă-l răneşti pe infractor, şi tu rişti să ajungi la bulău! Ce s-a ales şi de justiţia britanică... :roflmao:



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 Tinkerbelle, on 11 iunie 2013 - 21:27, said:

Committee says Police and prosecutors must be able to raise an issue without being accused of racism
A dangerous trend of Pakistani men grooming young white girls does exist, according to a Commons Home Affairs committee Report.

Police, prosecutors and social workers must be able to raise the issue without fear of being accused of racism, the committee said.

Businessman vs. burglars in midnight fight at his premises
A businessman who confronted suspected burglars raiding his premises at night could be jailed after he grabbed one of the gang’s weapons and used it to fight back.

Andrew Woodhouse, 43, claims he was chasing thieves off his property when one of them ‘came at’ him with a wooden stick.
In the scuffle, he managed to grab the stick and used it to injure the man’s legs before holding him down and screaming at his wife to call the police.

But then police arrested Mr. Woodhouse as well and held him in a cell for 18 hours.
He has been charged with grievous bodily harm with intent and will appear before magistrates on Thursday, along with the two men he apprehended.

Se pare că nici dreptul la autoapărare nu mai are omu'...dacă-l răneşti pe infractor, şi tu rişti să ajungi la bulău! Ce s-a ales şi de justiţia britanică... Posted Image

Stai linistita, ca si aici e la fel. Risti sa ajungi tu in puscarie daca faci una ca asta. Cine stie ce s-o fi intamplat de fapt, eu credeam ca nu exista tara mai cretina ca Romania in ceea ce priveste autoapararea dar se pare ca nu :) britanicii sunt cel putin la fel de cretini.

Oricum ceva ciudat este la mijloc, ca a mai fost un caz foarte mediatizat anul trecut in UK, unul a impuscat un spargator cu o pusca de vanatoare, n-a murit, si l-a dat in judecata ca a ramas desfigurat. Dreptate s-a facut pana la urma in sensul ca hotul a pierdut procesul.



    Post Tenebras Lux

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 emil_sv, on 11 iunie 2013 - 21:46, said:

Stai linistita, ca si aici e la fel.
Emile, faptul că sistemul de justiţie în România e defect nu surprinde pe nimeni. Ne-am obişnuit.
Dar noi vorbim aici de Anglia, locul unde au fost gândite Magna Carta şi legea habeas corpus.

Prin subminarea dreptului la autoapărare, prin exercitarea unei presiuni asupra procurorilor şi poliţiştilor pt. ca aceştia să menajeze sentimentele infractorilor, sau insuflarea fricii de a fi acuzat de "rasism" atunci când fac arestări, toate astea provoacă mult rău aparatului justiţiar.



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 Tinkerbelle, on 11 iunie 2013 - 22:35, said:

Emile, faptul că sistemul de justiţie în România e defect nu surprinde pe nimeni. Ne-am obişnuit.
Dar noi vorbim aici de Anglia, locul unde au fost gândite Magna Carta şi legea habeas corpus.

Prin subminarea dreptului la autoapărare, prin exercitarea unei presiuni asupra procurorilor şi poliţiştilor pt. ca aceştia să menajeze sentimentele infractorilor, sau insuflarea fricii de a fi acuzat de "rasism" atunci când fac arestări, toate astea provoacă mult rău aparatului justiţiar.

Perfect de acord. Dar de asemenea trebuie sa iei in considerare ca e posibil sa se fi intamplat ceva mai mult decat s-a scris in articolul de presa, si de asta politia l-a bagat la zdup si pe nea caisa. Ca e important si cum te aperi si in ce conditii, daca tu ma jefuiesti pe mine si dupa eu te urmaresc si te caftesc ca m-ai jefuit aia nu e autoaparare ci luarea legii in propriile maini. Daca legea spune intr-un fel n-ai cum sa faci exceptii. N-o sa i se intample nimic cel mai probabil, la fel cum nu s-a intamplat nici in cazul pe care l-am pomenit.


While the law was changed a few months ago to protect those who use force against burglars, the rules apply only at home, not if thieves are chased outside.

Intelegi acum de ce l-au arestat?



    Post Tenebras Lux

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  • Înscris: 22.04.2013
Aha, deci eu dacă am ocazia să imobilizez infractorul, chit că se află pe peluză, trebuie să mă rețin și să-l las să fugă?
Legea ar trebui să protejeze cetățeanul onest. Dacă tâlharul primește o cafteală de la persoana pe care încerca s-o jefuiască, se numește nu luarea legii în propriile mâini ci pedeapsă civică.  :naughty:



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 Tinkerbelle, on 12 iunie 2013 - 00:19, said:

Aha, deci eu dacă am ocazia să imobilizez infractorul, chit că se află pe peluză, trebuie să mă rețin și să-l las să fugă?
Legea ar trebui să protejeze cetățeanul onest. Dacă tâlharul primește o cafteală de la persoana pe care încerca s-o jefuiască, se numește nu luarea legii în propriile mâini ci pedeapsă civică.  Posted Image

Dpdv moral ai fi perfect indreptatita sa ii dai o mama de bataie Posted Image dar legea spune altceva din pacate. In fine e discutabila treaba, e cam aiurea ca e asa, dar in felul asta se  evita multe abuzuri si probabil si victime (nu neaparat in randul infractorilor). Daca deja a luat-o la fuga nu prea e indicat sa te duci dupa el, ca ala are mai putine scrupule ca tine, infractor fiind, cine stie ce arme are asupra lui si dupa tot tu ai de suferit. Daca nu ti-a furat nimic nu prea mai face vreo diferenta pentru tine daca il prinzi si il caftesti pe hot, deja tine de razbunare, care iar nu e ok. Daca de exemplu ai putea sa iti recuperezi bunul furat facand asta, da e ok. In Ro daca iti recuperezi bunul furat e considerat legitima aparare. Nu stiu cum o fi legea in UK. Poate s-au inspirat de la noi, mai stii? :D

Edited by emil_sv, 12 June 2013 - 00:49.



    Post Tenebras Lux

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  • Înscris: 22.04.2013
Dar dacă infractorul e de culoare și susține că l-am atacat pe motiv rasial? :rolleyes:



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mai prost ca legea engleza (common law) nu exista sistem



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 Tinkerbelle, on 12 iunie 2013 - 01:02, said:

Dar dacă infractorul e de culoare și susține că l-am atacat pe motiv rasial? Posted Image

E pe naiba... Infractorul e infractor indiferent ca e alb, negru, verde, mov... daca il ataci degeaba ca e verde-albastru e una, daca e INFRACTOR si te-a lezat e alta, cum o sa dovedeasca el ca tu l-ai atacat din cauza culorii? E imposibil asa ceva, cum crezi ca ar putea sa il creada vreodata cineva? Astea sunt exagerari de multe ori ca vezi doamne n-are politia ce sa le faca ca sunt minoritari. De asta sunt reprezentati disproportionat prin puscarii, ca e justitia corect politica, nu? Sa fim seriosi.

Imagineaza-ti conversatia:

-Mai negrule, deci tu ai intrat la Tinkerbelle in casa sa ii furi papucii?
- Da, i-am furat si am fugit cu ei.
- Si dupa zici ca te-a prins nebuna si te-a  caftit?
- Da e o rasista, daca eram alb nu numai ca ma lasa sa ii fur papucii dar imi dadea si haina de blana si bani de taxi.
- Ok... LOL


-Ce-ai patit mai "minoritarule"?
-Am fost atacat si batut mar de Tinkerbelle, pentru ca sunt minoritar
-Pai si papucii ei de ce ii aveai in traista?
-Ah pai nu de asta m-a batut ca i-am furat papucii, m-a batut ca sunt minoritar
-Zau? Posted Image Si la ea in barlog ce ai cautat?
-Uhm... eram beat si am gresit casa... si am un fetish cu papuci
-Aha deci tu de obicei asa intri in casa, spargand 3 incuietori?

Sau mai degraba o sa fie asa Posted Image

Un minoritar intra la Tinkerbelle in casa, a doua zi Tinkerbelle arestata pentru ca i-a facut felul minoritarului
-Ce s-a intamplat?
-Nu stiu domnu' judecator, acest minoritar a intrat la mine in casa din senin si s-a sinucis...
- S-a sinucis cu 5 lovituri de cutit in spate dupa care s-a aruncat de la balcon? Posted Image

Edited by emil_sv, 12 June 2013 - 01:47.



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 emil_sv, on 12 iunie 2013 - 01:27, said:

Sau mai degraba o sa fie asa Posted Image

Un minoritar intra la Tinkerbelle in casa, [...]
Razi tu razi, dar e tot mai putin amuzant pentru oamenii cinstiti...
Vezi cazul Trayvon.
Posted on June 11, 2013 The Assault on Truth Continues
Roger Kimball, PJ Media, June 6, 2013
I just caught up with Charles Murray’s brave and perspicacious column at NRO about Jason Richwine. {snip}
Another victory for the forces of “diversity” and “tolerance.” The enforcers in George Orwell’s 1984 would have been proud. Once again, reality caved in to ideology.
I know that this depressing scenario is happening too often to be surprising. While there is still a little space for dissent, however, it is worth publicizing such disgusting events for what they are: the victory of totalitarian imperiousness over a cowardice masquerading as prudence. (I am speaking of the Heritage Foundation, not Mr. Richwine).
Charles Murray, with his usual instinct for the salient, gets it just right:
In resigning, Dr. Richwine joins distinguished company. The most famous biologist in the world, James D. Watson, was forced to retire from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 2007 because of a factually accurate remark to a British journalist about low IQ scores among African blacks. In 2006, Larry Summers, president of Harvard, had to resign after a series of attacks that began with his empirically well-informed remarks about gender differences. These are just the most visible examples of a corruption that has spread throughout American intellectual discourse: If you take certain positions, you will be cast into outer darkness. Whether your statements are empirically accurate is irrelevant.
{snip} Translation: truth doesn’t matter when ideology triumphs. White is black, day is night, there are no IQ differences among ethnic groups.
We are used to this sort of politically motivated mendacity in the university, where “diversity” has come to mean “conformity.” Murray merely states the obvious when he observes that “In academia, only the tenured can safely write on these topics. Assistant professors know that their chances of getting tenure will be close to zero if they publish politically incorrect findings. Their chances will not be much higher if they have published anything with a distinctly conservative perspective of any sort.”
That is bad enough. Here we have institutions, whose very raison d’être is the pursuit of truth, constrained to parrot politically-sanctioned untruth on a wide range of sensitive topics.
Even worse is the metastasis of this freedom-and truth-blighting habit of mendacity. Increasingly, this sort of craven doublethink has oozed out of the academy and into the corridors of business, the media, and culture at large. Where will it end?

Se va termina cand societatea distrusa de acest tip de gandire se va prabusi, simplu. Ca de vrut, doar putini vor sa se termine visarea asta mai rea ca delirul heroinei.
In Franta, Hollande vrea sa creeze un fond pentru ajutarea mamelor divortate.
Inca o tampenie.
Adica nea Abricot libidinosul prosteste pe lelea Fleur sa se marite si sa-i faca plozi, apoi isi pune palma-n fund si pleaca si oamenii cinstiti deja cocosati de taxe si de costurile crescande ale educarii - tot mai de rahat - a propriului copil trebuie sa mai plateasca si prostia ei si iresponsabilitatea lui.
In timpul asta, nea Abricot repeta figura, iar ala muncitor nu-si mai permite plozi...

Edited by searcher-star, 12 June 2013 - 08:32.



    Post Tenebras Lux

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Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité...să reții aceste principii, da sărci? :D

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 Tinkerbelle, on 12 iunie 2013 - 20:27, said:

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité...să reţii aceste principii, da sărci? Posted Image
Nu inteleg.
Poate vrei s-o dai iara cu ''jenerozitatea"...
In primul rand ca nimeni n-are dreptul sa-mi impuna sa fiu generos daca nu vreau.
Cel putin, n-are dreptul sa-mi impuna si sa-si mai zica democrat sau ceva de genu'.
Doi la mana, de cand pana cand e ''generozitate'' taxarea oamenilor responsabili si subventionarea celor iresponsabili?

June 14, 2013
Worst News for Republicans: Demography, WND - At least Pat Buchanan gets it right.
Jeb Bush: U.S. Economy Needs Immigrants Because They’re ‘More Fertile’, Washington Post - The sooner we are replaced, the better.
How to Increase the Crime Rate Nationwide, Wall Street Journal - One liberal judge could do it all by herself.
More Americans Consider Themselves Multiracial, Los Angeles Times - But Obama identified himself only as “black.”
Harry Reid: GOP Poisoning Immigration Reform for Border Security, Breitbart - Amnesty must proceed as it did in 1986.
Employment Checks Fuel Race Complaints, Wall Street Journal - Refusing to hire ex-cons is disguised racism.
Sebelius: Kids ‘So Far Behind’ by 3rd Grade ‘May as Well Drop Out’, CNS News - Americans now require pre-school as soon as they are born.
NYC Muslim Day Parade 2012, YouTube - Praying in the streets, just as in Europe.
Perils En Route to US Mean More Central Americans Now Pin Hopes on Mexico, Christian Science Monitor - Mexico will send the Marines to guard its southern border.
Kuwaiti Cleric Says Koran Allows for Wife Beatings to Treat ‘Mental Disorder’, Washington Post - Especially for masochism.
June 13, 2013
Census: More Deaths than Births Among Whites, USA Today - The recession has led to a “precipitous” decline in white births.
If GOP Is This Stupid, It Deserves to Die, WND 94 Comments They’re heaping up their own funeral pyre.
Dick Durbin Says Border Security No Longer Linked to Citizenship, Washington Examiner - Lindsey Graham denies this.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan: Pre-School Is Better than Grandma, CNS News - Many Hispanics aren’t “culturally comfortable” sending children to pre-school.
Study: 60 Percent of Richmond Families Are Single Parent, WTVR (Richmond) - For blacks, 86 percent.
Trayvon Martin Justice Group Member Tries to Get onto George Zimmerman Jury, NY Daily News - He’s white.
Suspect in 2006 Ocala Murder Says He’s Killed 30 Across U.S., CF News - He will be entered into the statistics as white.
U.S. Considers Taking in Syrian Refugees, Los Angeles Times - Turks are proposing an airlift straight to the West.
‘Visible Minority:’ A Misleading Concept that Ought to Be Retired, Globe and Mail - How about “non-white”?
June 12, 2013
Los Angeles: Geert Wilders Speech Explains Europe’s Situation, VDARE 77 - Dutch Party for Freedom leader says a “European Spring” is here.
Documents Reveal DHS Abandoned Illegal Alien Background Checks to Meet Amnesty Requests Following Obama’s DACA, Judicial Watch - The kind of lies and bungling we can expect from amnesty.
Schumer: ‘Illegal Immigration Will Be a Thing of the Past’, Breitbart - When have we heard that before?
Touré on ‘Proper Negro Fatigue’: No Matter How Good I Am at It, ‘I Still Know I May End Up Dead’, Mediaite - Claims there is a “tsunami of injustice against black men.”
Dollar General Sued over Use of Criminal Checks in Hiring, Bloomberg - The checks disproportionately exclude blacks.
Arrested 396 Times: Chicago Woman Has Done It, Using 83 aliases, Yahoo! News - She tells the judge “I’m not that person.”
English-Only at Whole Foods?, CNN 63 Comments Company struggles to maintain common-sense policy.
Anti-EDL Bomb Could Have Sparked ‘Spiral of Terror’, BBC News - Six Muslims planned to blow up an EDL rally in retaliation for “blasphemy.”
David Cameron: Aid Spending Makes Me Proud to Be British, Telegraph (London) - Doesn’t he realize this is other peoples’ money?
Korean Baseball Star Catches Heat Following Racist Remarks Towards American Pitcher, HAPS - Koreans must be whipped into line, too.

Edited by searcher-star, 17 June 2013 - 09:29.


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