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audio-DVD 24bit/96Khz nu functioneaza in dvd-player

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29 răspunsuri în acest subiect



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 221
  • Înscris: 04.04.2011

salut,am trei dvd player,toate sunt compatibile "DAC 24bit/192khz" dar observ ca nu functioneaza cu dvd-urile audio( DVD-A )
am ars 2 dvd-a din .iso imagine(hi-rez) si nu merge,cred ca dvd-a nu-s compatibile cu playerele?
ce format,extensie cu 24bit/96khz sau 192 khz trebuie sa ard ca sa fie compatibil cu playerele?



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 06.03.2005
DAC-ul integrat nu are nici o legatura cu formatul audio suportat, exista playere fara DAC care suporta DVD-A.
Cauta un player care sa fie compatibil cu acest format DVD-A.Poti eventual incerca sa scrii direct fisiere PCM 24/96, poate asa le reda.



    STATI ACASA !! :)

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 7.442
  • Înscris: 06.02.2016
Modele exacte playere ?




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 7.243
  • Înscris: 19.08.2005



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 28.10.2006
Eu am "ars" DVD-uri audio si din imagini ISO si "compuse" de mine din diferite fisiere audio si functioneaza perfect pe DVD player standalone E-Boda si pe PC.
Verifica pe PC daca exista pe disc cele 2 foldere Audio_TS si Video_TS.
Unele playere verifica existenta folderului Video_TS si daca nu-l gaseste nu ruleaza DVD-ul. Nu este nevoie sa contina fisiere, trebuie doar sa existe pe disc.
Si da, exista playere care nu redau DVD-A native.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 04.04.2011
FC72 cu ce program pot scrie pcm 24/96? cu cele gen nero,imgburn etc imi scoate doar de cd?

viceroy56 am si un eboda 555x si tot nu merge Posted image

iara in imgagine iso deci si pe dvd sunt doua foldere unul audio-ts cu muzica si cel video-ts gol si tot nu-mi merge spune-mi cum ai facut si cu ce programe ai convertit si ars...

Editat de mihai311, 08 mai 2019 - 14:01.



    STATI ACASA !! :)

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 7.442
  • Înscris: 06.02.2016
Ai SI un Eboda.... OK, dar si celelalte, ce model sint ?!
Eboda ala, 99.99% nu citeste format DVD-Audio.
Deci nu conteaza frecventa si alte alea, nu stie acest format

PCM 24/96
Adica 24 bits si 96 KHz.
Uite aici, primul, r8brain: https://www.voxengo....roduct/r8brain/
Partea nasoala e ca le face unul cite unul.
Dar, cum sint fisierele tale originale, in ce format si ce caracteristici ?
Daca sint mia mici decit 24 bits si 96 KHz nu vei cistiga absolut nimic din aceasta conversie.
De ce nu le pui direct pe cele originale ?
Orice DVD citeste MP3 si WAV.
Daca nu sint MP3 si nici WAV originale, fa-le WAV sau MP3 si cu asta basta.
Chiar crezi tu ca vezi sesiza vreo diferenta ????



    Guru Member

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  • Mesaje: 11.088
  • Înscris: 28.10.2006
DVD-Audio SOLO de la Cirlica este soft-ul folosit. Alegi din soft creare ISO. ISO il arzi cu ImgBurn.
Inainte de ardere poti verifica functionarea ISO-ului in VLC sau "montand" ISO-ul si redarea cu orice player software care suporta redare DVD.
Mai poti face un artificiu: un DVD-Video cu blank image sau cu poze afisate pe timpul redarii melodiei.
Asa vei putea 100% reda DVD-ul pe orice player.
Pe forumurile externe se recomanda acest mod pentru compatibilitate cu orice DVD player.
Atentie la formatul fisierelor sursa si la setarile folosite pentru conversie.
Poate are fisiere audio multicanal si de asta doreste DVD!

Editat de viceroy56, 08 mai 2019 - 14:36.



    STATI ACASA !! :)

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 7.442
  • Înscris: 06.02.2016
Si MP3 si WAV suporta multicanal.
Acum neah, trebuie sa si citeasca eboda, deci...
Buna si aia cu DVD-Video.
Pe de alta parte, nu stim ce format originale are el.
Este clar si evident ca nu se pricepe, o tot da inainte cu dac si 24 si alte alea relativ irelevante in acest moment.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 04.04.2011

multumesc,spune-mi un program(de preferat free) unde pot face video cu black image si sa adaug flac sau wav ca sa-l faca audio pcm 24bit/96khz?

Editat de mihai311, 08 mai 2019 - 15:01.



    STATI ACASA !! :)

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Mesaje: 7.442
  • Înscris: 06.02.2016
Mai frate, ce audio original ai tu acolo ?
Este de calitate cel putin PCM 24bit/96khz ?
De ce nu scrii direct aceste fisiere originale ?
Sau MP3 sau WAV, ca sa nu pierzi timp aiurea ?

Uite aici, nu este deloc usor de folosit, este doar command line (nu are fereastra, butoane...):

Fisierele audio trebuie sa fie deja la 24 bits / 96 khz, ai program mai sus pentru asta.
Mai ai inca 3 programe pentru asta, jos la Caveats > Upsampling.

Editat de buyonevideo, 08 mai 2019 - 15:20.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 16.10.2008
Oricum pe acele playere nu se simte absolut nicio diferenta intre 24/96 fata de 16/44,1 wav si chiar mp3-uri la 320 kbps. Nu mai zic ca trebuie si un sistem audio scump(amplif. si boxe)ca sa sesizezi diferentele.
DVD audio e un format multicanal. Ce vrei sa convertesti acolo? Sa faci mixdown in stereo?

Editat de edigee, 08 mai 2019 - 15:27.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 28.10.2006
MP3, WAV si WMA sunt redate de DVD player, in functie de caracteristicile la care au fost rip-uite.
Nu toate playerele suporta, de ex, MP3 la 384. Nu am intalnit player sa redea MP3 multicanal. La fel nu toate suporta WAV multicanal.
Playerele mele decodeaza si DTS, dar eu oricum folosesc decodare externa prin conexiune optica.
Si cum am mai spus aici, in alte post-uri, am si CD-uri audio DTS pe care le redau pe DVD player sau pe CD player cu conexiune optica in decodor.
Cum au cerut si colegii, spune-ne exact ce playere ai si ce alte "scule" folosesti pentru redarea fisierelor audio respective si mai ales CE FORMATE au acele fisiere audio.
Cand ajung acasa verific ce soft-uri free de authoring DVD permit adaugarea separate de fisiere video si audio si postez.

Editat de viceroy56, 08 mai 2019 - 15:28.




  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 432
  • Înscris: 16.02.2019
Placa auidio Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS are soft pentru DVD Audio.
Probabil că nu despre asta este vorba, dar redă sigur ceea ce dorești, prin PC.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 04.04.2011

din moment ce am spus ca nu merge deci m-am uitat si la cartile tehnice si am probat dvd-uri nu stiu cu ce te ajuta ce modele sunt? eboda 555x,bush dvd-1000,pacific 1002 mk2.deci cu ce te ajuta?asa si lasa-ma si lasa omul indiferent daca nu-i nici o diferenta 16bit/41khz CD sa ascult la 24/96khz daca asa vreau eu fara explicati, nu ma stresati nu face bine sanatati.
deci nu merge cum am spus am ars iso din imgini dvd-a si nu reda plus ca am ars dvd separat unde am bagat in folder gen data audio 24/96 in format extensie.WAV.deci o sa fac cum spui tu un dvd video(video-ts) cu o imagine black unde sa adaug fisierul .wav-audio chestia este ca nu stiu cum pot face asta,un soft my user fiendly vad ca audioplex e mai hard tre facute in.ini comenzi ca in linux...

Editat de mihai311, 08 mai 2019 - 16:30.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 16.10.2008
Cu atitudenea de genul "fac asa ca asa vreau eu" in mod sigur nu vei mai primi sfaturi pe aici. Chiar recomand abtinere.




  • Grup: Members
  • Mesaje: 247
  • Înscris: 12.07.2005
Dat fiind acest post despre DVD-Audio, pentru cine e interesat de începuturile acestui format, cred că e util comentariul următor apărut pe  

Submitted by ROBERT SCHAFFER on September 28, 2018 - 12:46pm

I am the co-inventor of the DVD-Audio format and the originator of the concept. After hearing early 3-channel "stereo" mixes (yes, stereo was originally conceived as a 3-channel format) it was clear to me how inferior the 2-channel stereo that was marketed to the public really was (and still is). Sure, if you've got expensive enough speakers, perfectly placed, in a room with the right acoustics, and high quality gear to run those speakers, and if you sit in the one and only sweet-spot in the entire room, you can get a lot of depth and a pretty convincing sound-stage, but those are a lot of conditions to be met and since you're the only one in the room that can hear it properly, it's about as shared an experience as listening through headphones. Adding a center channel can open up that tiny (tiny with 2-channel) imaging sweet spot to a much wider area in the room. Multiple people can then actually get that wonderful imaging. 2-channel DOES work, but only under such incredibly limited conditions. What, I now ask you, is wrong with erasing those limitations and opening up the sound stage for numerous multiple listeners to enjoy? I have never understood the nearly religiously fanatical disdain for this idea from 2-channel people. I've heard it all, from, "We have two ears so there should be two speakers." to "Two-channel is how music was meant to be heard." to "Two-channel is how God intended us to listen to music." None of it has any actual logical rational behind it. It is only stubborn refusal to admit the reality of the facts. If you hear it, three channels is unquestioningly better than two.
The addition of even two more "rear" speakers takes it a step farther still. One of my co-workers brought in to work a wonderful live performance CD, played it and said, "It's just like you're really there and they're right on stage in front of us". Of course, the audience was also in front of us in this 2 channel mix as well. I just happened to have the SACD of the same concert with me and I played it for him for comparison. The musicians still seemed to on stage right in front of us, but now the audience was all around us instead of in front of us, exactly as they would have been if we'd really been there. And the illusion of the venue acoustics were a lot more convincing too. I told him that the 5.1 channel version sounded a heck of a lot closer to really being there than the 2 channel version did to me and challenged him to dispute me. He shrugged grumpily and although he didn't agree--he didn't disagree either. He just walked off looking very perturbed.
Multi channel IS better. There's no disputing it, no matter whether a 2-channel fanatic may refuse to admit or not.
And I know most people believe DVD-Audio was a response to SACD, but it is actually the other way around. SACD wasn't even an idea Sony was kicking around when I came up with DVD-Audio. The reason people are confused is that right before DVD-A was about to be released, the copy protection codec for DVDs was broken and published on the internet. DVD-A then used the identical scheme. DVD-A was immediately pulled and the machines in the warehouses never went to stores and were put on sale until over a year later, after a new copy protection scheme had been settled on. When the products finally came on the market, Sony's SACDs were already out there. Thus the mistaken impression that DVD-A was created to combat SACD versus the reality of it being the other way around.
But DVD-A was plagued by a lack of uniformity. Some discs had true 2-channel mixes along with the 5.1 mixes, some folded down the 5.1 mixes to "synthesize" the 2-channel mixes (not a good idea). It was a bit of a mess, I'll admit. But it was the constant rejection of the whole concept of more than 2-channels that I kept encountering from audiophiles which proved to be the toughest nut to crack. I never did figure out how to reach these people.
And, honestly, the record companies had a Jekyll and Hyde attitude towards the new format. They didn't want to cannibalize their then major CD sales, but they also didn't want to miss out on a possible big new thing. So, they stuck the discs in stores but wouldn't push the product with their marketing. Back then they still did commercials on TV for new albums and when the announcer said "Available this Tuesday on CD." They wouldn't even add the words, "...and DVD-Audio." to the advertising. When bluray (a video format) came out, commercials happily announced "Available on DVD and bluray" without any difficulty. That is the difference between really pushing a new product and only half-heartedly supporting it.
I still believe Sony was more interested in preventing DVD-A from costing them their then profitable CD royalties if it became CDs replacement than they were in really improving audio and creating a successful new format. When SACD became the format war victor they did not push the format and actually laid off many employees from their SACD division. You don't cut back a new format as soon as it wins the format war if you are really interested in it succeeding. You just don't. When HDDVD lost the format war, Sony redoubled there efforts to push the bluray format. But, not so with SACD. I may be mistaken, but I still believe that once DVD-A had lost the war and was finished, they no longer had any investment in SACD's success. Its' job of preventing DVD-A from succeeding by introducing a competing and totally incompatible format to the marketplace had worked. Of course, audiophile record labels kept on producing SACD discs, so the format continued on, but it was not as the result of Sony's marketing. It was a time of great promise to lift home audio to hew heights and the major constituent of the audiophile community opposed it vehemently. So, now, multi channel audio has been relegated to being supported by only a niche market of the already niche market audiophile community. At least, with bluray, we have a commonly adopted format that can deliver high-resolution multi-channel music whenever an artist decides to create it. I will remain an immovable fan of music in more than only two channels for as long as I am able to listen.

Editat de gac, 08 mai 2019 - 17:14.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 06.03.2005
edigee ti-a explicat ca nu te ajuta cu nimic fisierele high-res la un player tip eboda, converteste in mp3, va fi acelasi lucru.
Fisierele hi-res 24/96 sau 24/192 conteaza la sisteme sofisticate altfel te chinui degeaba.Formatul DVD-A a fost destinat pentru astfel de sisteme nu pentru Logitech Z5500.


Neurochirurgie minim invazivă Neurochirurgie minim invazivă

"Primum non nocere" este ideea ce a deschis drumul medicinei spre minim invaziv.

Avansul tehnologic extraordinar din ultimele decenii a permis dezvoltarea tuturor domeniilor medicinei. Microscopul operator, neuronavigația, tehnicile anestezice avansate permit intervenții chirurgicale tot mai precise, tot mai sigure. Neurochirurgia minim invazivă, sau prin "gaura cheii", oferă pacienților posibilitatea de a se opera cu riscuri minime, fie ele neurologice, infecțioase, medicale sau estetice.

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