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  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
In timp ce toata lumea se concentreaza pe Kobane crestinii din Al Qosh se pregatesc de confruntarea cu IS
armele le-au prinit de la kurzii iraqieni ca si bruma de antrenament
[ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz0lhrXCcAEwufe.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]




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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
Alt atentat cu bomba in Baghdad




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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
In bunul stil cu care ne-a obisnuit, armata iraqiana a mai abandonat o baza in Anbar azi retragandu-se chipurile tactic din fata lui IS

ISIS militants seized a military base 85 miles from Baghdad early Monday after the Iraqi Army made what they described as a tactical withdrawal, local media and Reuters reported. The Iraqi soldiers took their weapons and equipment before leaving the base, close to the city of Hit, in Anbar province, some reports said. Iraq’s Ministry of Defense did not immediately respond to requests for comment from NBC News but Lt. Gen. Rashid Flaih, commander of operations in Anbar, told regional news outlet Al Arabiya that the retreat had been “tactical.” No other information was immediately available.



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  • Înscris: 03.05.2011
Astia sunt mana in mana cu isis dar dupa cate se pare si Turcia. Dupa cate se pare si irakeni si turci au de castigat de pe urma anihilari kurzilor.

Cred ca au lasat si munitia de fapt cred ca soldati irakieni au luat de fiecare cate un cartus restul pentru isis.

Astia profita in acest fel ca sa primeasca armament de la SUA.




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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011

 marcu35, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 19:53, said:

Astia sunt mana in mana cu isis dar dupa cate se pare si Turcia. Dupa cate se pare si irakeni si turci au de castigat de pe urma anihilari kurzilor.

Cred ca au lasat si munitia de fapt cred ca soldati irakieni au luat de fiecare cate un cartus restul pentru isis.

Astia profita in acest fel ca sa primeasca armament de la SUA.
daca sunt mana in mana avand in vedere ca parintele guvernului de la Baghdad este Iranul atunci inseamna ca ISIS este de fapt mana in mana cu guvernul de la Teheran, eu asa am inclinat sa cred de la inceput, avand si argumente cat priveste esalonul superior unde se iau deciziile nu insa si masa mare a indoctrinatilor jihadisti.



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  • Înscris: 22.09.2013

 marcu35, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 19:53, said:

Astia sunt mana in mana cu isis dar dupa cate se pare si Turcia. Dupa cate se pare si irakeni si turci au de castigat de pe urma anihilari kurzilor.

Cred ca au lasat si munitia de fapt cred ca soldati irakieni au luat de fiecare cate un cartus restul pentru isis.

Astia profita in acest fel ca sa primeasca armament de la SUA.
Asta e ca si zicala: Vrei calule ovaz?
Sa-l intrebi pe un musulman: Vrei ca ISIS sa cucereasca lumea?
Doar analiza occidentala e de o naivitate sora cu idiotenia. De altfel foarte cunoscuta din vechile dispute teologice

Sa te apuci sa pui sanctiuni Rusiei in timp ce ii tii in brate pe musulmani sau evrei!

Edited by altul2, 13 October 2014 - 20:48.




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011

 altul2, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 20:47, said:

Sa te apuci sa pui sanctiuni Rusiei in timp ce ii tii in brate pe musulmani sau evrei!
Care Rusie a pasat tehnologie nucleara iranului
Nu tot ce este ortodox cu numele este si ortodox cu faptele.



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  • Înscris: 22.09.2013

 ThinkAbout, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 20:49, said:

Care Rusie a pasat tehnologie nucleara iranului
Nu tot ce este ortodox cu numele este si ortodox cu faptele.
Deci repet, Papa a primit ordin sa recunoasca Rusia ca cea mai tare.
Cat mai dureaza ca sa se puna in practica?
Tu esti sub jurisdictie catolica? Deci sa raspunda Papa pentru insubordonarea subordonatilor




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011

 altul2, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 20:53, said:

Deci repet, Papa a primit ordin sa recunoasca Rusia ca cea mai tare.
Cat mai dureaza ca sa se puna in practica?
Tu esti sub jurisdictie catolica? Deci sa raspunda Papa pentru insubordonarea subordonatilor
esti off topic




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
Acum 29 de zile, califul le promitea luptatorilor IS o victorie rapida
Kobane inca rezista.




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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
inside kobane

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qB9_Qx2qxHE?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
E virala campania

Au scris pe bani Free Kobane
in curand vor cere ca parolele la cartile de credit sa fie alcatuite din acelasi text
[ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz2mcYAIQAMXZ0U.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 22.09.2013

 ThinkAbout, on 13 octombrie 2014 - 21:17, said:

esti off topic
Nu stiu daca am mai repetat.
Toti cei care fac reclama ISIS fac propaganda.
De aceea trebuie tot timpul specificat: Aceasta este o reclama.?
De ce e asa? Simplu, pentru ca nu se prezinta care e starea normala adica contrapusa.

Adica, cazul practic: tu zici

- ISIS avanseaza
- Irakienii se predau
- Kurzii sunt disperati
- Turcii fac complice cu ochiul


Deci propaganda.

Si de ce faci asta banuiesc ca fara sa vrei, sau ceva?




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011

 altul2, on 14 octombrie 2014 - 07:39, said:

- Kurzii sunt disperati
unde spui matale ca am scris eu ca respectivii kurzi sunt disperati
dimpotriva mie mi se pare ca lupta bine

 altul2, on 14 octombrie 2014 - 07:39, said:

- ISIS avanseaza
- Irakienii se predau
pai si nu-i asa?
adevarul doare cumva sau este propaganda
se consemneaza o situatie de fapt.
pe rest esti off topic




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday urged "all countries concerned", including those not in the coalition fighting the Islamic State group, to provide weapons to those battling the jihadists, notably in Kobane.

Iran: Confidential report reveals Khamenei strategy for Syria and other Arab countries

A report by mullahs’ Supreme National Security Council on the latest developments in Syria to regime’s leaders:Syria is our redline and the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen axis needs to be preserved and completed at all cost to be used to encircle the rest of the Arab countries

Following a visit by Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), to Syria on September 30, 2014 and his meetings with Bashar al-Assad and other Syrian government officials, this council prepared a report on the developments in Syria for clerical regime’s leaders.

This report emphasizes that Syria is Ali Khamenei’s redline and that in the past three years he has directed all resources to save Bashar Assad and has ordered that all necessary steps should be taken to preserve and complete the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ring in order to encircle the rest of the Arab countries.

Some of the points in this report are as follows:

1. The strategy of the Iranian regime remains investing in and keeping Bashar al-Assad regime in power at all cost. Khamenei has emphasized that “the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen axis” is crucial “for the Islamic Republic of Iran and there should be no retreat in this regard” and that all “necessary measures” should be implemented to this end. It is through this axis that “we can encircle the rest of the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Jordan,” and put pressure on countries such as Egypt.

2. The report underscores that until a few months ago, the balance of power in Syria had tilted in favor of Assad and that his enemies had weakened. The developments in Iraq, in particular the removal of Nouri al-Maliki from power and the internal problems in that country, created problems for the regime in Syria namely transfer of forces and ammunition to that country via the Iraqi territory. Moreover, the regime was compelled to return from Syria to Iraq a portion of the terrorist paramilitary forces, such as Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata’ib Hezbollah, and Abulfadhl al-Abbas and Zolfaqar brigades.

3. However, the more important development was the coalition airstrikes that has changed the scene. The report goes on to add that there is this concern that if the Americans rein in ISIS and strengthen the Free Syrian Army, the situation will turn against Assad. According to Shamkhani’s report, in this trip, the subject of “how to use [coalition] airstrikes [against ISI] to the benefit the Bashar Assad regime was discussed in great detail” with Assad and other Syrian officials.

4. According to the report, following the coalition airstrikes against ISIS in Syria the morale of Bashar Assad and his commanders became very fragile and that Shamkhani’s visit to pump up their moral was quite necessary. Moreover, through this visit, the Iranian regime wanted to “convey this message to the United States and other enemies of Syria that Iran will continue to support Assad full force”.

5. The SNSC report emphasizes that it needs to obtain information on the coalition airstrikes against Syria in any way possible considering it to be “vital for the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. The information that the U.S. government provides to the Syrian regime on the bombings is directly passed on to the regime, the report said.

6. Since three years ago and when that the Free Syrian Army became a serious factor and the opposition gained strength, IRGC commanders and advisors went to Syria and de facto took control of “planning and commanding the operations”. The SNSC report states that the “problem in Syria could not be resolved with a conventional war. Therefore, IRGC used all its experience in conventional, urban and unconventional warfare, plus intelligence and security tactics to save Syria. Otherwise, the Syrian army would have been incapable of confronting the opposition and Assad would have been toppled in the first few months”. Two years ago, Assad’s forces were surrounded by their opposition; even the IRGC and Khamenei’s Office were surrounded by the Free Syrian Army.

7. In the more intricate operations, the IRGC commanders and operational forces would be directly present to direct the battle. Many of the IRGC and Quds Force (QF) officers and commanders who had retired or were busy elsewhere in the government returned to IRGC and were transferred to Syria. The IRGC drones collect extensive information on the opposition to further enable Bashar Assad forces to attack them.

8. According to this report, all measures in Syria are coordinated by Ali Khamenei and his Office and he directly issues orders to the QF and its commanders. Khamenei has ordered Qassem Suleimani, Commander of the QF, to consider Syria as his main task. Moreover, He “totally devoted to Syria Commander Hamadani whom all of you gentlemen are familiar with his eminence and his reputation”. Suleimani regularly travels to Syria and there is this saying among Syrian officers that “when Haj Qassem Suleimani is here, we sleep well at night”.

9. According to this report, Khamenei has allocated to Syria the military and political budget and expense of a country and as such “Agha [Khamenei] has stated that Syria is our redline. Had it not been for the leader’s wisdom, everything would have been finished by now” and in that case, we would have faced a calamity in Iraq and Lebanon and “even Tehran would have been affected”.

10. In most military and operational areas and in every checkpoint en routes and between cities, there is a special lane that regime’s military and IRGC elements in Syria pass through by showing their “Iranian National Identification”. Syrian military and security forces hold great respect for the revolutionary guards and consider them as their commanders.

11- In addition to the presence of the IRGC forces and their commanders in Syria as well as training Assad forces in Syria, the IRGC transfers a large number of Assad forces who are primarily from the Alawites Sect to Tehran in groups and returns them to Syria subsequent to going through rigorous training courses (from one to seven weeks). In Syria they are organized in operational groups similar to Basij Force in Iran to fight against the Free Syrian Army. In the beginning they got engaged in the fights under the pretext of defending Shrine of Zeynabieh and subsequently began to fight in defense of Assad regime. Syrian forces go through training in Iran in Imam Ali Garrison.

12- The participation of Turkey in the coalition and the vote by the Turkish Parliament for participation in the coalition and in particular the possibility of involvement of Turkish ground forces into Syria, is very dangerous for the future of Assad . The Iranian regime should prevent the more active intervention of Turkey by utilizing all of its resources.

The above report clearly shows that the Syrian crisis, and procrastination of the conflict and bloodletting in that country are direct consequences of meddling of the clerical regime. Otherwise, Assad regime was overthrown a long time ago and there were no place for growth and expansion of extremist forces in the scope that is occurring currently. Fundamentalism and extremism under the guise of Islam, came to existence in the region 35 years ago with the inception of the clerical regime and will depart the region with the downfall of the mullahs. As such, the creation and expansion of ISIS in Syria and Iraq are direct consequence of ominous meddling and yoke of the mullahs' regime in these countries. Total defeat of the ISIS hinges upon the total eviction of the clerical regime from Iraq and Syria.




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 19.03.2011
A suicide car bomb attack on a checkpoint in Baghdad killed at least 15 people Tuesday, the third deadly bombing to hit the Shiite neighborhood of Kadhimiyah in four days, medical sources said.

Printre victime, MP Al-Khafaji

Intrebare adresata de un jurnalist intr-o conferinta de presa sub secretarului de stat pe probleme de aparare
Why is the Iraqi army which USA spent billions of $ to train,keeps collapsing and the Kurds fighting?

Kobane rezista de 30 de zile
astazi au reusit sa elibereze Tell Shair la 7 km west de Kobane
[ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bz5BDRKCQAANSeB.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ http://i1144.photobucket.com/albums/o490/sun_solstice/TELLsheir_zpsd2f8348b.png - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by ThinkAbout, 14 October 2014 - 19:04.



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  • Înscris: 22.09.2013

 ThinkAbout, on 14 octombrie 2014 - 18:53, said:

Intrebare adresata de un jurnalist intr-o conferinta de presa sub secretarului de stat pe probleme de aparare
Why is the Iraqi army which USA spent billions of $ to train,keeps collapsing and the Kurds fighting?

Intrebarea este retorica pura:
- pentru ca irakienii au fost scoliti de americani de aia se comporta ciudat.

Nu i-au invatat CIA ca Coranul e fara violenta?



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  • Înscris: 22.09.2013

 ThinkAbout, on 14 octombrie 2014 - 18:53, said:

Kobane rezista de 30 de zile
Armata turca a bombardat evident pozitiile kurzilor din nu stiu ce partid ce sustine acest oras Kobane. Motivul a fost ca kurzii fac proteste si scandal in turcia.

Evident drept raspuns, occidentul se ratoieste in continuare la Rusia, ca asta e nivelul. Doar n-o sa-i supere pe turcii musulmani.

Edited by altul2, 15 October 2014 - 10:19.


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