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Ricoh sugereaza incetarea productiei in masa de aparatura foto in Japnia

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Ai dosar cu șinã?



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Partea a treia si ultima, explicatiile mele, argumentate:

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 00:30, said:

Interpretarea este eronata, chiar tendentioasa. Vorbim de acelasi site care spunea ca "Pentax K-3iii has been delayed indefinitely", si stim prea bine ca a fost lansat.
Incercati mai degraba threadul asta:
care da si sursa in japoneza, in plus unii de pe-acolo chiar inteleg japoneza.


Ricoh Imaging Corporation (President and CEO: Noboru Akahane) is pleased to announce that it will renew the manufacturing and sales structure of its digital camera business in Japan on April 1, 2022. We will establish a new business structure to further enhance the value of the two brands, PENTAX and GR, and to further sharpen and deepen the appeal of the two brands through direct connections with customers using "digital" methods and "studio-style" manufacturing.
Message from Noboru Akahane, President and Representative Director
Up until now, we have conducted our business while sensing the strong feelings of our customers toward the PENTAX and GR brands. While we would like to respond to their wishes as much as possible, we feel that the conventional way of doing business, which is based on mass production and mass sales, is becoming unfriendly to the recent changes in the market environment.
However, the activities of people taking pictures, sharing them and enjoying them are rather unstoppable. We will continue to respond to the diversified needs of our customers and challenge new paths together with them.
Ricoh Imaging will take on "two challenges".
(1) To be close to our customers by making full use of "digital" methods.
(2) Realize "studio-like" manufacturing
Going beyond the conventional wisdom, we believe in our customers' strong desire for both PENTAX and GR brands, and we will develop as a manufacturer that works together and creates together.
<Specific initiatives for the "Two Challenges
1. Strengthen relationships with customers using "digital" methods and "studio-style" manufacturing
(Deliver what you want to the people who want it. Enhance user communication.)
We will further strengthen online and offline contact points between Ricoh Imaging and its customers, and build a co-creation community where each customer is connected and mutual communication is activated.
In addition, we will expand opportunities for customers throughout Japan to experience a wide range of PENTAX/GR cameras and products.
The PENTAX brand
PENTAX has gained the support of customers mainly through its SLR cameras. PENTAX has been gaining support from customers mainly through its SLR cameras, and we will expand the range of customization to further reflect customers' requests and provide studio value. We will also build a system that allows us to work together with our customers from the product planning stage through communication via online fan meetings.
GR Brand
GR is committed to the concept of "the most powerful snapshot shooter" and pursues the universal value of snapshots. The GR brand will pursue the universal value of snapshots by focusing on the concept of "the most powerful snapshot shooter. In order to connect directly with customers and create a snapshot culture, we will focus on activating fan communities through social media and interaction through offline events to strengthen two-way relationships.
2. Shift to "digital" sales methods and "studio-style" production
(Strengthen Ricoh Imaging Stores, open directly managed malls in major marketplaces)
We will shift from a sales method mainly based on a distribution network via dealers to sales via the Internet to improve the efficiency of business operations. In addition to our own direct EC sales sites, we will open directly managed malls in major marketplaces to expand opportunities and venues for direct connection between Ricoh Imaging and customers.
In addition, by utilizing digital sales methods, we will be able to understand market demand in more detail and achieve optimal production that differs from the conventional model of mass production and mass sales. At the same time, through direct contact with customers, we will reflect their voices in our manufacturing more than ever before, aiming to provide products that are more attractive to customers.
Strengthening the Ricoh Imaging Store (direct EC sales site)
As the brand value of PENTAX and GR deepens, we will enhance the independent content of each site and use it as a place for interactive communication with customers.
Opening directly managed malls in major marketplaces
We will open directly managed malls for both Pentax and GR in major marketplaces on the Internet. By doing so, we will increase the number of points of contact with customers and expand opportunities for customer purchases and communication.

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 00:50, said:

Cred ca are legatura cu customizari de genul celor 6 variante de K-3iii.

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 02:03, said:

E de fapt usor sa intelegi - nu in totalitate, dar macar directia generala - daca vrei.


[PENTAX brand]
PENTAX has gained the support of customers, mainly single-lens reflex cameras. We will expand the range of various customizations to further reflect the needs of our customers and provide workshop value. In addition, we will build a system that enables manufacturing together with customers from the product planning stage through communication through online fan meetings.

Customization - au prezentat recent cele 6 variante de K-3iii, probabil se refera la ceva in stilul asta. Comunicare prin online fan meetings, cum a fost cel la care au prezentat cele 6 variante de K-3iii.

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 02:22, said:

Ricoh GRiiix pe locul 2, Ricoh GRiii pe locul 7:

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 11:02, said:

Uite ce zice unu' pe DPReview:


Ricoh/Pentax and PetaPixel false headline
I want to clarify a few things, which puts the announcement in perspective:
1. The announcement is for Japanese market only. The sales pattern will change for Japan only. This is not an international announcement.
- Ricoh Imaging Corporation (President and CEO: Noboru Akabane) will renew its manufacturing and sales structure in Japan on April 1, 2022
2. "Workshop" is an incorrect translation. The actual meaning of the word(which is a Chinese loanword into Japanese) is closer to French word "atelier" which means an artist's studio or graphic design studio. It is just a fancy term for the fact that Pentax will likely make smaller batches of limited editions(with custom features), rather than a mass run of same black body. This means they'll take user input to design these variations and connect with fans. A bit Fuji like model where they put the same sensor/processor generation in multiple cameras, with only difference being form factor.
No they are not shutting down factories, and no, future Pentax cameras won't be made by old men struggling in a garage workshop. No, Pentax won't stop selling at B&H and Adorama.
-  PENTAX has been gaining support from customers mainly through its SLR cameras, and we will expand the range of customisation to further reflect customers' requests and provide studio value.
Couldn't have said it more clearly. Pentax are serious about Monochrome/Astro custom versions.
Tipul nu e pentaxist, apropo.
Apropo, ghici cine a mai facut o chestie similara, customizari de aparate samd: Leica.

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 12:16, said:

Mai e o chestie pe care pana acum vad ca nimeni n-a observat-o: daca era de rau, nu ar fi avut nici un sens ca Ricoh Imaging sa faca anuntul.
Repet: daca era o stire negativa, Ricoh Imaging pur si simplu nu ar fi publicat-o; n-ar fi avut sens.
Ajustarea productiei pentru volume mai mici - cum e "presupunerea" lui nicolaie - nici nu trebuie anuntata, e bucatarie interna si se poate face pur si simplu. Toti producatorii si-au ajustat productia - ca volum si metode - si n-am vazut press release-uri despre asta...
Stirea exista pentru ca Ricoh Imaging o considera pozitiva.

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 15:02, said:

Nu trebuie sa ghicim prea tare la ce fel de customizari se refera. Cu siguranta n-o sa vina clientul sa comande aparate personalizate 100%; nimeni nu e dispus sa plateasca pentru asta.
Tot de pe Pentaxforums:


Future K-3 III variants
This was unusual. Wakashiro-san described six ideas for variants on the K-3 III and wanted to get feedback on them.
1. K-3 III Jet black - All black, almost like one of those computers keyboards with no markings at all
2. K-3 Shutter change model - A variant with a different feel to the shutter release
3. K-3 III Monochrome - No bayer filter model
4. K-3 III MF - Manual focus model, no AF sensor, 30% brighter VF, AF still possible in live view
5. K-3 III Gun metal - Basically like the K-3 prestige editions, with customizable markings on the prism, such as the AOCO mark
6. K-3 III Astro - Sensor filter changed to enable better astro photography (like other brands do)
Evident ca productia in masa e mai putin potrivita pentru asa ceva. Evident ca trebuie sa produca loturi mai mici. Sa fie agile, ca sa folosesc un termen din lumea software.
Ceea ce inseamna ca... Pentax probabil nu moare nici de data asta, cum n-a facut-o nici celelalte 1000 de dati. Bagati sampania inapoi la rece.
Pentru mai mult... trebuie sa asteptam noul an fiscal. Oricum cei stresati rau rau rau de treaba asta nu sunt afectati catusi de putin, ca-s pe alte sisteme

Se pare ca nu intra toate citatele...

Edited by TS030, 22 February 2022 - 14:17.



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 TS030, on 22 februarie 2022 - 14:15, said:

Se pare ca nu intra toate citatele...

Recomand 7zip.



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astea ramasesera pe dinafara:

 TS030, on 21 ianuarie 2022 - 19:25, said:

Ce zice asahi-man:


Don't spread panic, that's not true and only a bigger change in the Japanese main market.
No changes in Europe and US!!!
The Japanese sells system is much older than in the rest of the market.
More like in the good old 80's.
Dar voi sperati in continuare ca poate, de data asta... ai naibii, nu mai mor odata? :rolleyes:

 TS030, on 22 ianuarie 2022 - 00:55, said:



The announcement made by Ricoh Imaging Co., Ltd. on January 20, 2022 regarding a revamped approach to Ricoh’s digital camera manufacturing and distribution was specific to the local market in Japan only. “Ricoh/Pentax will not change its distribution structure in North America, and the company has significant plans and goals for the North America market this year that will utilize mass production of its products,” said Kazumichi Eguchi, President, Ricoh Imaging Americas Corporation. “Customers in North America can continue to purchase Ricoh and Pentax cameras through our authorized dealers and directly via our website: https://us.ricoh-imaging.com/.”

 TS030, on 24 ianuarie 2022 - 17:23, said:

Ce liniste pe-aici, de cand s-a dovedit - inca o data - ca PentaxIsStillNotDoomed ;)
Un tip de pe Pentaxforums explica situatia din Japonia si ce anume incearca Ricoh Imaging:

 TS030, on 24 ianuarie 2022 - 19:26, said:

Inca un cui in cosciugul Pentax, ah, stai... :rolleyes:
Conform BCNRanking, Pentax ar avea 5.8% DSLR market share pe 2021, in crestere fata de 3% anul trecut (si pe fondul scaderii Canon/Nikon, evident).
BCNRanking nu reprezinta piata japoneza. Intre noi fie vorba, as zice ca Pentax are ceva mai mult decat masoara ei (pentru ca nu se acopera multe magazine de specialitate).
Ma intreb daca vanzarile directe o sa fie contorizate de BCNRanking. Foarte posibil nu.

 TS030, on 25 ianuarie 2022 - 10:09, said:

Pentax e popular in Japonia. GR e popular in Japonia.
Pentax e foarte apreciat in Japonia, nu ca pe Softpedia.

 TS030, on 25 ianuarie 2022 - 19:09, said:

Intre timp, inca o clarificare de la Ricoh Imaging EU:

 TS030, on 25 ianuarie 2022 - 19:31, said:

Pai un model monocrom, sau unul modificat pentru astrofoto ar influenta calitatea imaginii.
De fapt asta-i toata chestia, Pentax a avut acel upgrade de la K-1 la K-1ii (unde practic se schimba placa de baza si se faceau diverse ajustari) - dar unele chestii nu pot fi facute intr-un upgrade in service. Trebuie facute in fabrica.

 TS030, on 08 februarie 2022 - 10:06, said:

Am aruncat o privire pe Pentaxforums, si... HongKong are un nou distribuitor Ricoh Imaging:

 TS030, on 14 februarie 2022 - 09:46, said:

Pentax SLR fan meeting, pe 13 martie. Pentru Japonia.


- Talk by panelists on what they like about SLR cameras
- Survey about film cameras and why people like them (they will reveal the results of some kind of survey conducted in Japan)
- Some talk about Pentax (this is very vague and they seem be saying not to get your expectations up too much)
- Shutter sound competition - This sounds like fun, They will play the sounds of shutters from various manufacturers and poll the audience on which sounds best)
- In-depth discussion of SLRs in the future
Parte a strategiei reale anuntate de Ricoh Imaging - si nu a minciunii anuntate in titlu + postul initial.
Nu ma astept la prea multe. Ultima parte prezinta ceva interes, dar si acolo ma astept doar la generalitati.
Insa... e comunicare. Exact ce-au promis.

 TS030, on 19 februarie 2022 - 15:39, said:

Si-o sa mai pun inca o data citatul din raportul financiar pe FY2021Q3, cel mai recent:
- Increased sales and earnings on strong demand for new products (Pentax/GR)"



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cand iti spune unul ca esti beat, ignori, cand iti spune al doilea intri pe ganduri, la al treilea deja ar trebui sa fi in taxi...



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 Mondeo, on 22 februarie 2022 - 14:51, said:

cand iti spune unul ca esti beat, ignori, cand iti spune al doilea intri pe ganduri, la al treilea deja ar trebui sa fi in taxi...
Timp in care ne putem intoarce linistiti la postul initial cu vanzari nasoale si inchiderea productiei de masa: https://forum.softpe.../#entry28716874



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Exact; sa ne intoarcem la dezinformarea initiala. Pana la urma, cica ai nevoie de doar 3 oameni pentru a transforma minciuna in adevar.
Pamantul este plat, omenirea nu a ajuns pe Luna, mastile contin antene 5G iar Pentax a zis ca renunta la productia in masa.

Intre timp, Ricoh Imaging face fix ce zice - adica pe dos fata de dezinformarile de pe topic:


About the establishment of a special contract store system and the integration of repair storage counters
Thank you for your continued support of our products.
At Ricoh Imaging, we will improve the quality of repairs, shorten the storage period for repaired products, expand the bases for developing optional services that are only available at our counters, and provide after-sales services that match the product usage environment of corporations and organizations. In order to further improve customer convenience, such as by providing Ricoh Imaging, the Ricoh Imaging Special Contractor Designated Store System * 1 was established in March 2020, and after-sales service is being developed in collaboration with Ricoh Imaging certified special contractor designated stores. It became a carry.
At the same time, by dedicating a special contract store responsible for service development to regions or corporations / organizations, we will strive to propose more detailed services that meet customer needs than ever before, and an environment where our products can be used forever. We will provide you with peace of mind.
With the start of the special contract store system, our repair clerk (Heiwajima Daigo Warehouse) will be integrated into the special contract store at the end of February 2020, and after March 2020, inquiries regarding repairs and repairs of our products will be accepted. , We will inform you that we will accept it at the special contract store in charge of each region. Four companies certified by us as special contract stores (one company is scheduled to be certified in May) * 2 are repair specialist companies that have passed the technical quality inspection specified by us with particularly excellent results after long-term repair skill training. Therefore, please be assured that you can contact our designated dealer in your area * 3 for repair.
(Note 1) For corporations that have already concluded a repair contract with one of the repair companies, please continue the conventional contract regardless of the region.
(Note 2) The Ricoh Imaging Square window (Tokyo / Osaka) will accept repairs as before, but the same-day repairs for Ricoh products that were carried out at Square Osaka will be terminated.

We will take this opportunity to further focus on the development and improvement of repair technology and strive to improve customer service through our designated dealers. Thank you for your continued patronage of our products. Thank you.
* 1: Ricoh Imaging Special Contractor Designated Store and Ricoh Imaging Special Contractor Designated Store System
Ricoh Imaging Special Contractor Designated Store is a repair cooperation company that has passed the strict inspection of Ricoh Imaging and is recognized as having the same repair quality as the manufacturer service of Ricoh Imaging. This is a specially licensed category that is granted only to Ricoh Imaging. Ricoh Imaging guarantees quality.


Edited by TS030, 22 February 2022 - 23:37.



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Mai mult ca sigur este vorba de reparatii de serie mica, direct catre clienti.


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