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    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 20.09.2003
Vorbeam de masini fara sa consider daca este in productie or ba. Mie nu imi place pacifica. Imi aduce aminte de SSang Yong. Prefer un Nissan, un Tuareg, un Mitsubishi sau o Toyota...ca sa nu mai vorbim de BMW, Porsche pt ca au niste preturi exorbitante(pentru unii)




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Originally posted by Jarrive
Vorbeam de masini fara sa consider daca este in productie or ba. Mie nu imi place pacifica. Imi aduce aminte de SSang Yong. Prefer un Nissan, un Tuareg, un Mitsubishi sau o Toyota...ca sa nu mai vorbim de BMW, Porsche pt ca au niste preturi exorbitante(pentru unii)

Daca tot pui pretul in fata, atunci baga un ochi aici sa vezi si tu ce-si cumpara lumea...  
P.S.vezi sa nu faci infract cand ai sa vezi primele 5 locuri din clasament...



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Originally posted by jotte_ct
Daca tot pui pretul in fata, atunci baga un ochi aici sa vezi si tu ce-si cumpara lumea...  
P.S.vezi sa nu faci infract cand ai sa vezi primele 5 locuri din clasament...


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Sper ca traducem in acelasi mod din engleza in Romana.
Nu inteleg ce legatura are cu ce cumpara lumea. DIn cate vad eu e vorba despre altceva. Desi noi nu discutam ce cumpara lumea. Un american isi cumpara o Honda pentru ca are un pret de 15.000$. Pai de unde bani sa-si ia un A6 care costa 65.000 Euro ???

Daca doreai sa-mi arati editors most wanted cars puneai linku asta
Sau customers most wanted http://www.edmunds.c...d.bestcars..2.*

Numai ca nu faci diferentiera dumneata. Din dorinta de a-mi da peste nas tu cauti linkuri aiurea. Nu inteleg la ce te-ai deranjat sa cauti un link.????? Eu am sustinut ca Mercedes e mai bun decat Honda, Audi e mai bun decat Chrysler si BMW mai bun decat toate.
Daca imi dovedesti ca un Audi cu motor de 2.500 an 2002 sa zicem este mai slab calitativ( precum si ca performante) decat o Honda cu motor de 2500 an 2002 este altceva. Comparatia era gresita de la inceput. Comparam o Civic cu un E-Classe. Diferenta de la cer la pamant. Doar un snob poate spune altfel. Si nu-mi mai da americanul ca exemplu ca mai avem si noi amici pe acolo. Si ne mai povestesc si ei una alta.
Propun sa ne relaxam si sa enjoy the discutie. Vad ca v-ati aprins si cine stie poate se ajunge la infarct:D:D...Doamne fereste!

best sells in 2002

PS Cat de calificat este acel site pt a intocmi un top. Cunosti sursa de informatii??




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  • Înscris: 28.01.2004
Bertone Jet  2004

[ http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Bertone/bertone_jet_manu_004.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Bertone/bertone_jet_manu_003.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Bertone/bertone_jet_manu_002.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 28.01.2004
A "custom-built" vehicle in a "made-to-measure" suit by a great tailor based on a production vehicle of great prestige. This, very briefly, is the Bertone Jet 2 (the name is a tribute to the Aston Martin Jet created by Nuccio Bertone in 1961, based on the Aston Martin DB4 GT as a one-off).

A Concept car developed from the Aston Martin Vanquish, the Bertone Jet 2 has the same mechanical lay out, the floorpan structure (the wheel base has been lengthened by 210 mm. to allow two rear seats to be added to the original version) and all the BIW elements "under the skin" to limit investments and not alter the elements which are subject to homologation.

Bertone Jet 2 expresses the concept of a modern "custom-built" car. In other words a vehicle which, on the basis of a non-perceptible "carry over" nucleus, is characterized by a completely new body. In this sense the Bertone Jet 2 re-proposes, in modern terms, a product linked to the traditional history of Italian coachbuilders which dressed the most enchanting engines of the time in "haute couture".

Bertone's objective is to develop a specific product, of strong personality, with contained investments for the manufacturer, and therefore with a high added value.

"We always have to explore the limits of the brand -explained Dr. Ulrich Bez, CEO of Aston Martin- and this Bertone Jet 2 is a very interesting concept. There are a number of ideas we could perhaps consider in the future. That's why Aston Martin supported this."

"The choice of the Aston Martin brand really responds to two motivations -said Mrs. Lilli Bertone, Chairman of Bertone Group- The first is linked to history: Since 1953 Aston Martins have always stimulated and inspired Bertone's creativity, which has created one-off vehicles of particular design merit and expressive strength. The second motivation derives from an emotive factor: an exercise in design and engineering is much more stimulating (and demanding) if a sports "pedigree" such as the Aston Martin Vanquish is in the leading role."

2. The concept.
In recent years, the public has determined a marked division of the market in niche products. This diversification in demand entails massive economic investments for the manufacturers.
The Bertone Jet 2 is an example of how Bertone could help the manufacturers to diversify their own range by preparing "custom-built" vehicles, exactly as they did in the fifties and sixties, with all the quality and safety standards of a modern automobile manufacturer.
The proposal expressed by the Bertone Jet 2 has been made sustainable from the manufacturer's point of view, thanks to a maximum synergy with the components of the original model. From the engineering point of view, Bertone has respected all the structural limits of the original vehicle, the modification of which would have entailed high levels of investment (which would not have allowed to contain the price difference of the custom-built vehicle).
At the same time, the finished vehicle is characterized by a specific identity which is so strong that it can be presented as a new model. To the hypothetical final customer, the decision to work with limited investments could translate into a reasonable price increase, to justify the possession of an exclusive object, a vehicle for a few refined connoisseurs.

3. The design.

The point of departure for the styling definition was the search of a Bertone identity with respect to the classic Aston Martin features.
The car body, originating from sinuous lines and tight "geometrical" features, is a synthesis of the two brand identities.
The flowing shape follows a forward leaning belt line which rises towards the tail; a graphical treatment which enhances the physical power of the Bertone Jet 2 through flowing and natural phrasing. The idea of movement is resumed by a large transparent roof, which emphasizes the dynamism and the impetus of the vehicle.
In the front part the classic Aston Martin grille remains, with additional air ducts to cool the disc brakes.
The flush cover headlights propose an evolved graphic with respect to the original model.
The rear view focuses on the vertical tailgate, the outline of which repeats the shape of the Aston Martin grille.

4. The interior.

The Bertone Jet 2 presents the classic interior configuration of the 2+2 coupé, made possible by a sizeable increase in the wheelbase with respect to the original model.
The real flexibility of use of the "grand tourer" is expressed also by means of fitting solutions such as the two rear seats, which fold and store away in the floor, to make way for an exceptional loading space for a vehicle of this category.
The finishing in matt pear-wood, satinized aluminium trim with upholstery in leather, embossed using an innovative procedure, are a tribute to the luxurious Italian motorboats of the fifties and sixties, but also an ironical wink to the hypothetical customer of this kind of vehicle, who is used to surround himself with precious materials.

5. The tradition: all Bertone's Aston Martins.
The collaboration between Bertone and Aston Martin begins in 1953, the year of the birth of two models (which remained one-off) which were based on the Aston Martin DB2/4: a competition-type "barchetta" and an elegant 2+2 cabrio.

The DB2/4 Barchetta highlights some features which, over the years, are to become Bertone "classics": the windscreen low and thin, the eyecatching air ducts of the engine hood, the wide grille, the rear fenders enveloping and sleek to give impetus to the rear volume.

The DB2/4 Cabrio presents a formal and very sober elaboration. The front is entirely structured around the large chromed Aston Martin grille, which incorporates two supplementary spotlights. The front hood, as in the Barchetta, is livened up by a long air duct. The side view shows a smooth, modest body side, defined by a long front hood and by a gathered and muscular tail, tapering downwards.

In 1955 it is still the mechanics of the DB2/4 which inspire Bertone to a 2-seater maximum roadster of great formal elegance. The treatment of the volumes has become softer and more flowing. The air duct on the front hood has disappeared in favour of a higher and conspicuous grille. The rear volume is marked by the "fins" which rise above the fenders. Surprisingly, a panoramic windscreen is added, to a bodywork of such classical lines, in homage to the fashion of that time.

In 1961 a 2+2 coupé is born which even today is considered one of the most successful creations of Bertone: the DB4 GT (made as a one-off model, this vehicle won the Concorso d'Eleganza Villa Este in 2001) was presented with the name Jet at the Geneva Motor Show 1961.

With the Aston Martin Jet the theme of GT theme is developed according to design norms that, at that time, give rise to amazement and admiration.

The vehicle presents a sinuous and very flowing side, linked to the tail volume by a tense "muscle" above the rear wheel arch. The roof short and thin, resting with delicacy on the rear pillar, defines a cosy and bright interior like the cockpit of an aeroplane. For many years, the Aston Martin Jet was a design paradigm of the Italian sports coupé.  

Source Bertone



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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2005

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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2

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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2005 3

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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2005 4

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  • Înscris: 21.01.2004
Bertone Jet 2004 - super masina  nota 10/10



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Originally posted by Jarrive
Un american isi cumpara o Honda pentru ca are un pret de 15.000$. Pai de unde bani sa-si ia un A6 care costa 65.000 Euro ???

@jotte: evident ca un american in cautare de masina are way way mai putine resurse decat un european si mai concret, un roman in special (mai ales ca ei stiu asta, iti dai seama)

nu vorbim de jarrive, ca asta nici dupa ce bea apa nu are, dar ma intreb in cata vreme poate sa zicem un roman plati un Audi A6, cumparat NOU asa cum l'ash lua eu maine sa zicem....

mie imi pare foarte scumpa masina aia, n'ash lua'o desi as putea... de ce? nejustificat de scumpa. cheltuiala mult prea mare fata de ce ofera pana la urma.

pimp: tu iti dai seama ce taraboi ar face asta daca chiar ar avea asa ceva???? ca uite ce s'a aprins si asta doar din ce vede la tv si prin reviste...



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  • Înscris: 29.02.2004
2004 Mercedes-Benz Vision Grand Sports Tourer Concept 1

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2004 Mercedes-Benz Vision Grand Sports Tourer Concept 2

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2004 Mercedes-Benz Vision Grand Sports Tourer Concept 3

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2004 Mercedes-Benz Vision Grand Sports Tourer Concept 4 Interior

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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2005 5

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Mercedes-Benz CLS500 2005 6

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  • Înscris: 21.01.2004
@daf_kobebenz - incearca sa grupezi pozele intr-un sigur post , si inca ceva Mercedes-Benz CLS500  a mai fost postat ....



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