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Un sofer de Tesla doarme la volan!

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26 răspunsuri în acest subiect



    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 31.07.2015
Un comentariu amuzant de pe youtube.

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Imagine if he selected the wrong destination and wakes up to "You have reached Tampa, Florida. You are 445 miles from home
Posted Image

Editat de DraculescuDraculescu, 29 mai 2016 - 11:02.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 18.10.2003
Imposibil. Musk s-a gândit la toate. A făcut-o cu o autonomie mult mai mică.
Poți veni înapoi pe jos...

Editat de valitudor, 29 mai 2016 - 16:24.



    Very OLD Member

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  • Înscris: 07.02.2003
E reclama totusi :)



    Acest etern fabulos

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  • Înscris: 29.04.2004
June 30 (Reuters) - The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) said on Thursday it is opening a
preliminary investigation into 25,000 Tesla Motors <TSLA.O>
Model S cars after a driver of one of the vehicles was killed
using the Autopilot mode.
The agency said the crash came in a 2015 Model S operating
with automated driving systems engaged, and "calls for an
examination of the design and performance of any driving aids in
use at the time of the crash." The investigation is the first
step before the agency could seek to order a recall if it finds
the vehicles were unsafe.
NHTSA said in a statement the driver of the 2015 Model S was
killed while operating in Autopilot mode in a crash on May 7 in
Williston, Florida. NHTSA said preliminary reports indicate the
vehicle crash occurred when a tractor-trailer made a left turn
in front of the Tesla at an intersection.
Tesla said in a blog post that this is the first known
fatality in just over 130 million miles where Autopilot was
Tesla said "neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the
white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky, so
the brake was not applied."
The company said "the high ride height of the trailer
combined with its positioning across the road and the extremely
rare circumstances of the impact caused the Model S to pass
under the trailer, with the bottom of the trailer impacting the
windshield of the Model S."
Tesla said that "Autopilot is getting better all the time,
but it is not perfect and still requires the driver to remain
alert. Nonetheless, when used in conjunction with driver
oversight, the data is unequivocal that Autopilot reduces driver
workload and results in a statistically significant improvement
in safety when compared to purely manual driving."



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 15.10.2014
A dormit de tot soferul, din cauza autopilotului neperformant.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 18.05.2009
Se poate fenta usor treaba cu mana pe volan http://stirileprotv....dentificat.html
Eu personal n-am functie de invarte singura volanul masina, doar Adaptive cruise control si lane assist sunt destul de convins ca nu ai ce sa patesti intr-o masina autonoma, dar sa fii pe autostrada. In situatii de urgenta oricum frana automata functioneaza excelent... e maxim cand te pune masina in bot din cauza unui damb in autostrada totusi.

Editat de SpeedDemon, 05 iulie 2016 - 12:57.




  • Grup: Senior Members
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 Torquemada-666, on 05 iulie 2016 - 12:38, said:

A dormit de tot soferul, din cauza autopilotului neperformant.
Nu bre, a adormit de tot soferul din cauza inconstientei lui.
Nici un producator auto nu spune ca poti dormi la volan, cu atat mai putin Tesla, sau nu stii sa citesti?



    Guru Member

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 SpeedDemon, on 05 iulie 2016 - 12:53, said:

Se poate fenta usor treaba cu mana pe volan http://stirileprotv....dentificat.html
Eu personal n-am functie de invarte singura volanul masina, doar Adaptive cruise control si lane assist sunt destul de convins ca nu ai ce sa patesti intr-o masina autonoma, dar sa fii pe autostrada. In situatii de urgenta oricum frana automata functioneaza excelent... e maxim cand te pune masina in bot din cauza unui damb in autostrada totusi.

Filmul tau este absolut ingrozitor. Nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut ca in lume exista atatia cimpanzei in pantaloni (de partea asta sau cealalta a oceanului).
Se pot intampla multe, dovada sta cel care s-a infipt cu Tesla in tractor.
Si tu, la fel ca si mine acum ceva vreme, faci o confuzie mare. Eu m-am lamurit intre timp. La Tesla si la Mercedes-ul din film nu e vorba de conducere autonoma, ci de auto pilot, care-i foarte departe de sistem autonom. Primele nu sunt proiectate sa fie conduse fara sofer, cele autonome da, dar mai au mult de munca la ele. Un exemplu de sistem autonom este in partea a 2-a a filmului ProTV.
Asadar, Tesla nu este masina autonoma. Dupa cate stiu, nu exista masina de serie autonoma, ci doar teste facute de VW, Google, Toyota, Merc, etc

Editat de valitudor, 05 iulie 2016 - 15:50.



    "United Gashka" mobile team

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Se muta la "Generalitati", nu-i nimic de "News" aici...


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.

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