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Tiptronic vs Multitronic

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    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 03.11.2009
Salut Softpedia, sper sa ma puteti ajuta cu un raspuns. Unchiul meu doreste sa isi cumpere un Audi A6 break la mana a2-a de prin 2006-2007 insa unele le gaseste cu tiptronic altele cu multitronic (doreste automata). Lamuriti-ma si pe mine care e mai fiabila, mai buna, mai avansata. Tot ce stiu despre multitronic este ca ar fi asemanatoare cu transmisia unui scooter, idee ce nu ma incanta prea mult, si ca ar fi actionata printr-o curea. Asa spune wikipedia, insa mai mult nu inteleg deoarece sunt multi termeni ce ma inebunesc de cap. In concluzie, ce transmisie automata merita dintre cele doua si de ce.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 22.10.2006
Multitronic = CVT
Continuously variable transmission

Eu o gasesc enervanta, pt ca parca e uitata masina intr-o viteza mica cand accelerezi.

Tiptonic = cutie automata cu trepte.
De preferat 7, dar nu cred ca erau in acei ani.


Edited by Ahasverus, 21 March 2013 - 15:32.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 02.12.2007
Multitronic e de tip CVT.
Tiptronic e DSG.
Ambele sunt la fel de bune si fac acelasi lucru dar in mod diferit.
Alegerea tine de preferinte, restul e cancan.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 03.11.2009
Eu am inteles ce e fiecare cutie si cum functioneaza mai mult sau mai putin insa vreau sa stiu care e mai fiabila, mai rezistenta, mai buna, mai comoda, care consuma mai putin etc. Avantaje si dezavantaje.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 02.12.2007
Probleme de fiabilitate deosebite nu au avut niciunele, sunt la fel de comode, in schimb cu multitronic motorul consuma mai putin, dar nu relevant pentru portofel.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 03.11.2009
Deci ii pot spune unchiului meu sa mearga linistit pe multitronic, asta daca nu isi doreste ceva cu tractiune quattro care nu este valabila pe aceasta transmisie. Totusi mai astept pareri de la cei ce detin masini cu sistemele astea sau asemanatoare.



    Property Caretaker

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  • Înscris: 22.05.2003


Translating a driver’s preferences and intentions into road
performance, the multitronic® transmission system entertains
no compromises – whether in terms of dynamism, convenience
or economy. multitronic® automatic transmission is available
on models without quattro permanent four-wheel-drive.
A continuously variable transmission, multitronic® can transmit
up to 310 Nm of torque and permits an exceptionally wide
range of gear ratios. The result is smooth, powerful acceleration
and a high level of driving comfort. And thanks to its lightweight
design and a number of advanced electronic control systems
that monitor gradient, road conditions and the way the driver
is using the accelerator pedal, multitronic® also plays an
instrumental role in reducing fuel consumption.

The 6-speed tiptronic transmission system is a form of
automatic transmission available on Audi models with
quattro® permanent four-wheel-drive. The technology
converts high-torque engine power into both sporty
performance and operating convenience, with crisp, fast
gear changes, reduced weight and an optimised gearshift
strategy. More spontaneous gear changes are a particular
benefit, especially when down-shifting. Both in the ‘D’ (Drive)
and ‘S’ (Sport) programme, the advanced electronics used in
tiptronic respond efficiently to every driver input, helping to
prevent unwanted upshifts when cornering.

VW agrees to settle Audi CVT class-action case in U.S. court


A federal judge has granted preliminary approval for the settlement of a class-action suit against Volkswagen Group of America over alleged defects with continuously variable transmissions in about 64,000 2002-06 Audi A4 and A6 models.
The original lawsuit -- which concerned only U.S. customers -- argued that manufacturing and design problems caused the transmissions to fail and left owners stuck with repair costs. The suit also alleged that Audi was aware of the problems and hid them from consumers.
In the settlement, Audi, the luxury unit of Volkswagen AG, denied the allegations. The automaker said in court documents that it maintains that "the CVT transmissions of settlement class vehicles were not defective," that no applicable warranties or statutes were breached or violated and that the vehicles "were properly designed, manufactured, distributed, marketed, advertised, warranted and sold."
The original lawsuit was filed in January 2011, according to The New York Times, which reported the story on Tuesday. The preliminary settlement approval was given by U.S. District Court Judge A. Howard Matz in Los Angeles.
The Times reported that Audi said it settled the case because it was "'mindful of the fact that future protracted litigation, with the burdens and uncertainties it creates, may not be in the best interests of their customers.'"
An Audi spokesman declined to comment further.
Another court hearing is set for September to take up potential complaints with the settlement.
According to court documents, terms of the settlement include:
• Audi drivers with certain CVT repairs occurring within 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever occurred first, of the original sale or lease of the vehicle are entitled to reimbursement. The initial powertrain coverage was 4 years/50,000 miles. Parts for reimbursement vary by model year.
• The transmission control module is covered for 2003-06 A4 and A6 models. The valve body is covered for 2003-04 A4 and A6 models. Replacement of the transmission without the valve body and transmission control module is covered for 2002-04 model years, as well. It is not indicated in the settlement if owners would be reimbursed if another transmission part failed or needs replacement.
• Owners with certain 2002 and 2003 models beyond the extended warranty can still be reimbursed for the specified repair if the issue occurred within 100,000 miles or 10 years.
• The settlement also includes a trade-in reimbursement cost for lost value of a 2002-04 A4 or A6 needing a replacement CVT after the normal warranty expired but the vehicle was sold or traded with no repair. There were no details on why 2005-06 models are not covered.
• Excluded from the settlement is anyone claiming personal injury, property damage or subrogation.
• The plaintiff lawyers involved in the settlement will receive about $2.4 million for fees and expenses.



    New Member

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  • Înscris: 12.01.2010
Banuiesc ca ti-ai luat deja. Mie mi-ar place sa cred ca ti-ai luat multitronic. Eu am multitronic pe un A6 din 2002, 2.5TDI simplu (150 cai). Efectiv pluteste masina, habar nu ai cand schimba treaba de viteza, daca ai nevoie de putin sprint intr-o depasire te ajuta enorm de mult. Nici nu iti dai seama cand ai sarit de la 100 la 140, te scoate din orice depasire. Am mers si cu un A6 acelasi model acelasi motor numai ca era cu cutie tiptronic si era exagerat de enervanta: urca turatiile pana la 1700-1800 apoi dura cam 1 secunda pana dadea treapta a doua. Foarte enervant, si smucea cand schimba treapta chiar daca masina nu era stricata sau ceva...

Inca un pont: trebuie sa ii schimbi uleiul din cutie cam la 60.000km. In momentul de fata nu e foarte complicat de schimbat uleiul din cutie, acum stie orice mecanic sa faca treaba asta. Eu am masina din 2006, si cand am luat-o am vrut sa ii schimb si uleiul din cutie si nu am gasit nici la Bucuresti sa il schimbe. Am gasit unul tocmai de la Timisoara si eu sunt din Buzau. Acum il schimba oricine.

Inca un pont: o data la 120.000km ar trebui schimbat si filtrul de la uleiul din cutie. O operatiune putin mai complicata, se demonteaza cam toata cutia. Eu din 2006 si pana acum nu am mai schimbat uleiul la cutie nici filtru nici nimic, am aproximativ 140.000km cu acelasi ulei si in ultima perioada se comporta cam ciudat, nu rau tare dar o simt ca tureaza 60-70-80 roatii in plus fata de cum schimba inainte si frana de motor e o idee mai tare.

Lumea spune ca sunt mai pretentioase multitronic-urile decat tiptronic-urile, asa cum am mai spus am 140.000. Sper ca ti-am fost de folos.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 28.12.2008
in postul #3 s-a strecurat o greseala.
Tiptronic e DSG -------------------------> Tiptronic nu este DSG.

Tiptronic este automata clasica, hidraulica. Niciodata, absolut niciodata nu merge in spate daca este in D, si nici in fata daca este in R
DSG este in esenta o manuala cu dublu ambreiaj robotizata, care se comporta cam ca si o automata. O mentiune la DSG: Da sa fuga in spate daca e panta mare. Dureaza cateva momente de cand iei piciorul de pe frana pana cupleaza ambreiajul sa mearga in fata. Pe o panta mai mare, mi-a mers masina "2 palme" in spate pana sa mearga in fata. Vorbim totusi de DSG, si masina din 2014


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