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The whole analysis on archer ninja

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    New Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 1
  • Înscris: 22.11.2008
The whole analysis on archer ninja
The weakness about archer njnja:
1. It is slow to cast skill, especially it will spend a long time on casting rapid shoot.
2. It is much slower to release main skill. There is no hope for 1V1 to hit 2sets of skill.
3. It also is slow to upgrade without G, it is very tied to draw in monster everyday.
1. It is very useful for archer ninja’s poisonous arrow to kill in groups. The 100% poisonous about p also can stun when the opponent active stun-resistance.
2. It is strongest for sneak attack in groups. I have 40critical attack rate, and dragon shaman also give me critical attack rate.
Skill: it must be 4attack skill, if it is 3, then it will be deformity. It also is useless, although it can run fast. That +4 movement stone, high-mov shoes and movement potion add in together can increase the speed much.
1. Fire arrow: high attack
2. Poisonous arrow: it can poison, stun and shoot the monster.
3. Rapid shoot: its attack almost is the same as fire arrow.
4. Arrow rain: it is very useful for draw the monster and its release also is fast.
5. Pen Way: run fast, and that escape skill is fit to PK field operations.
Characteristics: the prophase is 40vitality, then full-agi, full-agi + strength, full-strength + vitality.
PS, the 40 vitality is necessary. When you draw the monster and upgrade, it can be use less if your skill is good.
Shield +9 partisan warrior stun-resistance, sura ninja +9 white is ok. It can be used at lvl.
Weapons, there is a advantage for 75 archer, long distance attack is availability, also can take with skill attack and physics attack.  When weapons forge stone, it is necessary to forge +4 warrior-control stone and +4 sura-control stone.
The last is to make 65 shaman-control bow. Upgrade to +6 at blacksmith in city, and then upgrade to +7 at blacksmith in temple. Both the material is easy to get.
:rolleyes:  ;)


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