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Half-Life 2 Episode 3

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View Postclass, on 9th June 2009, 14:54, said:

OMFG, hl2: deathmatch exista de 4 ani deja shi e pe Steam gratis pt ATI users.. e varianta multiplayer pt hl2.. nu mai zicetzi ca nu are mp, ca are! atentie, creeaza dependenta!
E gratis si pentru detinatorii de placi grafice Nvidia



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Dupa aparitia lui Fakefactory Cinematic v10, chiar imi este foarte greu cum ar mai putea imbunatati Valve engineul de la Half Life 2, luand in considerare ca acest mod aduce acestui joc o grafica de 2009-2010 si chiar si mai mult. Totusi, nimic nu se compara cu un storyline tipic "halflaifian", asa ca astept sa apara jocul si eventul un mod si pentru acest episod :P



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View PostAby_50cnt, on 13th April 2008, 12:59, said:

Gman este gordon freeman care sa intors in timp  G-gordon  si man de la freeman si seamana la fata amandoi au ochi verzi  G(ordonfree)man  asa cred eu
G-Man este un pesonaj misterios care apare si in half-life 1,el are puterea sa te duca in timp si sa apara fix in fata ta.in half-life 2 apare in diferite locati si porma dispare :bouncey:



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Vreau sa stiu.
Prima data a iesit hl2 si apoi source?La ce interval de timp?Daca e sa apara hl3 apare cs3 ,asa cred eu :)



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View PostGabystelistu95, on 22nd July 2009, 13:34, said:

half-life 2 episode 3 va aparea in 2010 cred  :scratchchin:
Ma indoiesc ca va fi asa avand in vedere ca nu a fost prezentat nici un teaser,screen,sa nu mai zic de trailer.Un singur artwork anemic pana acum

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O sa apara si HL3 :D :inlove:
Sper ca HL2 Episode 3 sa apara atunci cand au zis ei, nu in 2010.


Half-Life 2: Episode Three is going to be a massive deal. Not only will it conclude arguably the greatest FPS of all time (at least until Half-Life 3), but it will tie up the current chapter of one of the most intriguing, involving and well-told stories in gaming.

Decades of history, tightly-woven and complex personal relationships, an ongoing cosmic mystery… It’s all going to come to a head. But with so much still to address, how’s it going to go down? We had hoped that E3 was going to reveal some secrets, but alas it was not to be. So in compensation, join us as we power up the Speculatron for a few educated guesses.

Release Date:2009-12-31

Ce e posibil sa se intample in HL2  Episode 3:


What we know, and what to expect?
We know the episode is going to be set in the northern reaches of the world of Half-Life, these will be cold places filled with ice and snow, oh and a Borealis.

The Borealis is that great ship that disappeared during some experimentation by the same sort of scientists that caused the Resonance Cascade from the original Half-Life. From what we have seen from Portal and the previous Episodes the Borealis is a scientific ship that was involved in teleportation tests at the Aperture Science labs. Something went wrong which led to the ship disappearing completely from its original location. It is only during the events of Episode 2 that we find out that it has returned, this time in the coldest reaches of the world.

The question that will be answered (we hope) in Episode 3 is what happened to the ship, did it appear instantly after the experiment in the north? If that is so then why haven’t we heard about it until now? Is it simply down to the fact that the resistance couldn’t detect it?

We also know the scientists on the Borealis performed their experiments and the ship got sent somewhere, maybe Xen? Or maybe it just disappeared out of the time loop? We know that during the course of Half-Life 2 Gordon takes seven days to travel from Nova Prospekt back to City 17, a 'slow teleport' according to Dr Kleiner.

The Borealis contains something that Eli wishes Gordon to destroy for fear of a repeat of the events at Black Mesa, Dr Kleiner feels it is destined to be a useful asset in the future. The differing views between these two eminent scientists is intriguing. Is caution the best bet, or should Gordon use whatever he can find on the ship to aid in the destruction of the Combine once and for all?

Flora, Fauna and Everything Else
Enough of this speculation, Episode 3 will be set in an area of snow and ice, this is going to pose some new gameplay challenges and maybe even some new aliens. Who knows whether Ant-lions can survive in the cold? Headcrabs and Zombies are a given, but many other creatures may be different.

How will the death of such a key character as Eli impact on the story, and more importantly for some, on the relationship between Gordon and Alyx. What role is the G-Man going to play, he seems to be getting a bit impatient with things not progressing as he wants them to. His message he gives to Alyx, the same message he gave to Eli back in Black Mesa may be a sign that he foresees grave peril in the future, or maybe he is just toying with Alyx.

How things are likely to develop...
When we find out about the Borealis in Episode 2 this is from the transmission Alyx intercepted from the Combine. Therefore we know the Combine have located the vessel. They were extremely aggressive and put a lot of resources into attempting to prevent this transmission getting back to the resistance and have hunted Alyx desperately since the interception. We can assume the combine want to use the Borealis and Aperture Science's possible developments in teleportation / portal technology to bring extra troops to Earth to recapture it or evacuate. The latter...seems unlikely!

We have already seen some early concept art for the game. The image from the ‘Into The Pixel’ exhibition shows Gordon challenging a Combine Advisor in a heavily industrialised environment and earlier concept art from PC Gamer US shows further Advisors around the Borealis. So expect a hugely exciting episode 3 with the same fantastic Half-life formula with a mighty cold twist.



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View Postweb_dude, on 21st July 2009, 21:46, said:

Vreau sa stiu.
Prima data a iesit hl2 si apoi source?La ce interval de timp?Daca e sa apara hl3 apare cs3 ,asa cred eu :)

Valve a dezvoltat motorul Source, primul proiect mare facut cu acest motor a CS:SOurce (Octombrie 2), dup'aia, Noiembrie, a aparut Half Life 2.
Half Life 2: Episode 3 o sa apara cand il termina Valve (la fel ca politica lui Blizzard cu StarCraft II sau Diablo III), daca se tine de faza cu un joc pe an, posibil 2010, daca nu, asta e :) oricum anul asta este pt Left 4 Dead 2, deci nu e nicio sansa pt noul eps




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pfff si daca apare in 2011-2012 ce tip de engine grafic va avea?daca aparea in 2008-2009 puteau folosii acelasi engine grafic ca in celelalte episoade,dar pentru 2011 e deja antic  :)

Astept cu nerabdare sa apara continuarea :bouncey: ,am parcurs episoadele de vreo 4-5 ori. ^_^



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  • Înscris: 28.02.2010
eu cred ca va fii misto,cred ca stiu cine e gman,dar e aproape vara lui 2010 si inca nu a fost lansat !!!! AIA DE LA VALVE CAT CRED CA O SA MA REZISTAM FARA JOCUL ALA

Teroria lui Gman:Gman NU este gordon din viitor pt ca ganditi-va umpic,la sf lui hl1 ii face o oferta sa il angajeze,si daca o refuza il omoara,ganidti-va logic ca nu s-ar omori singur.
                         O teorie interesanta este ca gman e gouverment man,este adevarata si asta pt ca tot la sf lui hl1 ii zice k l-a eliberat de arme pt ca majoritatea erau ale guvernului
                          Nu stiu ce legatura are asta cu teorema lui gman dar...gman a provocat explozia din hl1,l-ati vazut cu acel om de stiinta la inceput ? Omul de stiinta:Ti-am mai spus de 100 de ori ca nu putem supraincarca masinaria si gman spusese sa faca 105% si de aia a explodat,plus ca toate caractere  il stiu,il hl2 ep1 la inceput gman a venit sa ii mai faca o oferta lui gordon dar vortigaunts l-au tinut departe de gordon pt a nu pleca din city 17,in hl2 episode 2 eli a vorbit despre gman,si de aia a fost omorat.
                        Gman NU e om,pt ca in hl1 ninhalth spune:You are a human,he is not(sau ceva de genu),asta dovedeste ca gman nu e om,poate oprii timpul sau se poate teleporta oriunde vrea.

Totul se leaga,jucati hl1 de 10000000 de ori ca sa va dati seama.Sper ca v-am fost de folos  :thumbup: :thumbup:



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Nici eu nu cred ca e om, mai de graba un agent extraterestru.



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View Postandreic, on 19th March 2010, 23:09, said:

Nici eu nu cred ca e om, mai de graba un agent extraterestru.

E tac-su nu v-ati prins ?



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E improbabil. Oamenii nu au capacitatea de a opri timpul.

Edited by andreic, 15 May 2010 - 00:18.



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Da, cum nici nu exista zombie. :D. Eu cred ca e el intors din viitor. Gordon Freeman



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vorbiti aiurea!G-man este de fapt economia romaneasca:"azi o vedem,si nu e..".ON.:este o gaselnita excelenta aparitia din cand in cand al lui G-man




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a murit doctor breen sau cum ii zicea lu ala  pe youtube dr HAX!
s-ar putea sa avem o rasturnare de situatie in joc :)



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Cred ca nici producatorii jocului nu stiu inca cine e GMan si care sunt motivele lui.L-au construit "along the way".Pana una alta este un bun subiect de discutie intre fanii HL.



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View Postcozmayo, on 17th March 2010, 00:22, said:

eu cred ca va fii misto,cred ca stiu cine e gman,dar e aproape vara lui 2010 si inca nu a fost lansat !!!! AIA DE LA VALVE CAT CRED CA O SA MA REZISTAM FARA JOCUL ALA

Teroria lui Gman:Gman NU este gordon din viitor pt ca ganditi-va umpic,la sf lui hl1 ii face o oferta sa il angajeze,si daca o refuza il omoara,ganidti-va logic ca nu s-ar omori singur.
                         O teorie interesanta este ca gman e gouverment man,este adevarata si asta pt ca tot la sf lui hl1 ii zice k l-a eliberat de arme pt ca majoritatea erau ale guvernului
                          Nu stiu ce legatura are asta cu teorema lui gman dar...gman a provocat explozia din hl1,l-ati vazut cu acel om de stiinta la inceput ? Omul de stiinta:Ti-am mai spus de 100 de ori ca nu putem supraincarca masinaria si gman spusese sa faca 105% si de aia a explodat,plus ca toate caractere  il stiu,il hl2 ep1 la inceput gman a venit sa ii mai faca o oferta lui gordon dar vortigaunts l-au tinut departe de gordon pt a nu pleca din city 17,in hl2 episode 2 eli a vorbit despre gman,si de aia a fost omorat.
                        Gman NU e om,pt ca in hl1 ninhalth spune:You are a human,he is not(sau ceva de genu),asta dovedeste ca gman nu e om,poate oprii timpul sau se poate teleporta oriunde vrea.

Totul se leaga,jucati hl1 de 10000000 de ori ca sa va dati seama.Sper ca v-am fost de folos  :thumbup: :thumbup:
E bună teoria ta. Eu am jucat când eram mic HL1 și de 10 ori cred... dar eram prea mic să pricep toate ăstea.

Aștept Black Mesa Source și reiau toată seria :D



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View PostAltaris, on 6th February 2008, 10:44, said:

Eu tot sunt curios cine e Gman ala. Desi nu cred ca o sa ii aflam vreodata identitatea eu sper.
G-man e povestitorul si vorbeste ciudat.java script:bbc_pop() :lol:

De Half life 2 episode three nam auzit oricum stiu ca in 2011 va aparea portal si cred ca si half life 2 ep3 odata cu el

Eu miash dori sa se faca un site tot de la valve care sa ne spunem toti parerile noastre ( sa uploadam mapuri ,sonoruri, modele,etc)  :thumbup:

View Postmateiuli, on 15th May 2010, 13:34, said:

Da, cum nici nu exista zombie. :D. Eu cred ca e el intors din viitor. Gordon Freeman
DAca vrei sa vezi zombie uitate pe youtube la Black MEsa trailer asa scrii nu Half life Black mesa trailer si Black mesa trailer B)


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

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