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Mutare Appdata pe alta partitie

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    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 18.02.2021

Se poate muta folderul appdata pe alta partitie pentru ca ocupa o gramada de spatiu si partitia C: este aporape plina si as vrea sa il mut pe alta unde dispun de mai mult spatiu.

Daca se poate va rog sa ma îndrumati se pe mine.




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  • Înscris: 20.01.2016
Nu cred ca poti muta folderul ala, cel putin fara sa-ti apara probleme la diverse programe care-l folosesc.
In alta ordine de idei, ia cativa giga de pe partitia D si pune-i la C ca sa o maresti si sa nu mai ai probleme cu spatiul. Sunt  tot felul de programe cu care poti face asta, eu mai tot timpul folosesc Minitool Partition Wizard.

Edited by CeapaIndustries, 23 March 2021 - 13:13.



    Guru Member

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Zice unu aici


ust moving the folder is not enough.
Once you have moved it, you must replace the original with a symbolic link to the new location. This will make windows think the data is still located on your C drive, while it actually is on your D drive.
Do note, this does work with AppData, but not with Program Files nor with the Windows folder, as it will break things like Windows Update.
To create the Directory Junction (Symbolic Link) do the following:
Open a cmd window with administrative privileges.
Navigate to c:\Users\username\appdata
execute the following command: mklink /d local d:\appdata\local
replace d:\appdata\local with the actual path of where you moved the appdata to.
If you cannot move/delete the original copy, create a 2nd user, make it administrator, login with it, and retry the option. This should ensure that no files are in use.

Totuși, mai citește, să nu crăcănezi Windocsu

Uite aici pașii



Decide where you want to move AppData to, and move the folder to the new location.
    You must now create a junction link to the AppData folder at the following location;
    Open Command Prompt with admin rights.
    Run the following command but update the file paths.
    ‘path to junction link’ should be replaced with this path C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData
    ‘Path to target folder’ should be replaced with the path to the AppData folder at its new location.
mklink /J "path to junction link" "path to target folder"
mklink /J "C:\Users\fatiw\AppData" "D:\AppData"
Undo AppData Move
If you later decide you’d like to put the AppData folder back where it originally was, you can do so easily.
    Open Command Prompt with admin rights.
    Run the following command to remove the junction link that you created but update the path in the command before you run it.
rmdir "path to junction link"
    Move the AppData folder back to the following location.

Edited by waterman, 23 March 2021 - 13:14.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 30.08.2006
Prin symlink . Gasesti exemple pe net destule.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 18.02.2021

View PostLeo2006, on 23 martie 2021 - 13:28, said:

Prin symlink . Gasesti exemple pe net destule.

Ma poti ajuta cu un tuturial sau ceva??



    Guru Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 17.05.2004
Simlink pare a fi folosit în tutorialul pe care ți l-am dat aici


Ai pașii acolo, i-am pus mai sus



Decide where you want to move AppData to, and move the folder to the new location.

You must now create a junction link to the AppData folder at the following location;


Open Command Prompt with admin rights.

Run the following command but update the file paths.

‘path to junction link’ should be replaced with this path C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData

‘Path to target folder’ should be replaced with the path to the AppData folder at its new location.

mklink /J "path to junction link" "path to target folder"


mklink /J "C:\Users\fatiw\AppData" "D:\AppData"

Cred că e destul de simplu și ușor de aplicat.

Practic muți folderul apoi din cmd rulat cu drept de admin (click pe start, scrii cmd, apare, click dreapta pe el, run as Administrator) rulezi comanda respectivă

Dacă userul tău este ionel, comanda este

mklink /J "C:\Users\ionel\AppData" "D:\AppData"

Edited by waterman, 23 March 2021 - 15:11.


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