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World of Warships

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631 replies to this topic



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,337
  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Sper sa ma tina minte din uichendul anterior si sa nu mai caut coduri prin toate colturile de net. :D
La seceta pe care o traversez cred ca o sa mai stau un pic un uichend si printre vaporase.

Decembrie tata ceva noutati fata de uichendul trecut? Ma refer la gameplay/grafica nu la chestiile astea noi care sunt in articolul respectiv.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Pai weekendul trecut nu aveai echipaj. Acum ai comandantul, caruia i se pot pune specializari.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 04.12.2009
Bure o sa incerc sa fac rost de cateva key-uri pentru la noi la site si daca nu primesti pentru weekend-ul asta sa imi zici ca iti dau eu unul daca e.



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Sa traiesti nene, esti un domn. Posted Image
Sper totusi sa nu fie cazul ca am citit pe forumul lor cum ca astia d'alde mine care au fost in uichendul trecut sunt automat primiti si acu' si mai si pastram ce-am muncit atunci. :)



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 04.12.2009
Poate sunt doritori care vor sa incerce World of Warships! Avem 30 de coduri la giveaway pentru Beta test weekend.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 951
  • Înscris: 21.08.2012
Ce se mai aude despre joc? Lansare oficiala, versiuni etc.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
ITEM: Update
ETA: Monday, 09/02/2015, 0900 CET - 1000 CET (0800 - 0900 Zulu)
    Fixed an issue with aviation group icons and their models during take-off while the "small objects animation" option was enabled.
    Fixed icon shake during take-off and landing within a group containing more than one plane.
    Fixed an error that occurred when returning to Port from battle while viewing an un-researched ship prior to entering the battle.
    Fixed an error that resulted in being unable to select ships with no crew.
    Fixed a number of errors that made server work unstable.
    Improved matchmaking logic.
    A password saved on the authorisation screen of the game client may become invalid, forcing players to retype the password.
    Some trees are floating in the air at certain camera view angles on the North map.
    An aircraft model is present on a ship's catapult even if all the scouts have been launched.
    Vague description for Daily Missions.
    Visual effects disappear when rotating the camera.
    Duplication of interface elements (primarily affecting PCs with AMD graphics cards).
    The visibility cone may overrun the mini map frame; artefacts may then appear on the main screen (primarily affecting PCs with AMD graphics cards).
    Primary armament guns and torpedo tubes intersecting with superstructures on some ships.
    Machine gun shells appearing to travel faster than primary armament shells.
    Ships sometimes move jerkily and twitch when turning.
    Aircraft sometimes dive under the water and fly through the landscape and other surrounding objects.
    The battle loading and countdown screens feature an incomplete description of the Domination game mode.
    The client is occasionally unable to return to the full screen mode after switching it with the Alt + Tab key combination.
    The torpedo sight's "butterfly" is sometimes displayed over surrounding objects.
    Previously destroyed ships may be visible on the surface.
    The battle may spontaneously crash, resulting in the players' current ships being blocked in the Port, and attempting to start a battle on another ship results in endless loading, forcing the players to restart the game client.
    Visual effects of primary armament fire linger when switching from binoculars to the third person view right after a shot.
    A player's ship may submerge partially or completely after colliding with sinking ships.
    Damage marks moving across a ship's hull.
    In Spectator mode, the primary armament turrets of the observed ship may be turned away from the true firing direction.
    Air groups may occasionally have increased HP.
    The consumable icons are designated with the "N" character when attempting to assign hotkeys to the numerical keyboard keys.
    During air attacks the aiming sight may partially or completely disappear.
    Ships controlled by the AI ​​in the Cooperative mode may sometimes run into islands and move backwards.
    The collision alert does not work when moving backwards.
    A range of minor bugs with pop-up and system messages.
    An incorrect switching of ship's level of detail at Low and Medium settings.
    Rotating the mouse wheel does not scroll chat messages.
    An issue occurring after battle that requires a player fighting in a Squad to click the "Not Ready" button in order to see the "Ready" button.
    Duplicate names of commanders in Russian.
    The list of possible ship modernisations may be shifted to cover the modernisation slot with a screen resolution setting of 1366x768 or lower.
    The game client crashing after four or five battles on PCs with Windows XP, causing players to have to reload the game client repeatedly.
    Map objects displayed incorrectly.
    Trembling of the water's surface being visible at long and medium distances.
    The commander experience may exceed the maximum value for his current level.
    Uneven teams may be assembled in Random Battles after a long wait in the queue or when playing in Squads.
    Players may lose control of the camera in Port after purchasing Premium Account time, forcing players to restart the game client.
    Shell tracers of some ships appearing too large.
    When a squad of torpedo bombers is under attack from fighter planes or antiaircraft fire, the targeting area of ​​the torpedo salvo is displayed in a significantly different fashion.
    Issues with ships’ geometry.
    The information about remaining Premium Account time not being displayed correctly.
    Players sometimes can’t enter a training room, and, at the same time, the selected ship’s status switches to "In Battle", forcing players to join a Random or Cooperative Battle to correct the issue.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 492
  • Înscris: 22.10.2005
Am primit invite la closed beta, yay! Moooore guns! :D



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Daca ai jucat in weekendul cand a dat mai multe invitatii, o sa primesti free xp si credite.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 492
  • Înscris: 22.10.2005
Nu am mai jucat pana acum. Ieri am bagat de la 18 pana la 23, jocul mi se pare foarte misto. Am o singura problema, aimingul mi se pare prea usor.

Bure, cand facem un pluton de distrugatoare? :D



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,337
  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Mai din pacate pe mine nu ma coafeaza. Pur si simplu nu ma atrag vaporasele. :(



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 122
  • Înscris: 04.12.2009
Ahoy mateloti! Am un video pentru voi toti! Sper sa va ajute in caz ati inceput de curand sa va jucati acest joc. Daca aveti intrebari sunt aici sa va raspund. :D
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4Iovj_Ci2qw?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



    Senior Member

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 3,846
  • Înscris: 21.02.2009
Nu mai joaca nimeni ? M-am apucat si eu de vreo 3 zile. Ce sa zic ? Interesant momentan , parca gandesti mai mult ca in WOT dar , acum dupa ce m-am obisnuit cu WOT , mi se pare ca toate merg in reluare Posted Image .
Am ajuns pe la Tier 3 si mi-am ocupat momentan toate sloturile. As mai avansa dar ma enerveaza treaba asta cu sloturile. Nu este Beta? De ce te limiteaza ? Nu ar trebui sa lase lumea sa joace pana la maxim si sa zica de buguri? Ca doar nu o sa bag bani acum in joc . Nu am bagat eu in WOT dupa 3 luni da apoi in asta .
Se cam dau frendly fire destul de des momentan cu torpilele , probabil ca lumea nu este obisnuita cu ele. Si eu am dat de vreo doua ori Posted Image dar am si fost scufundat de un coechipier care a tras o salva de 6 torpile in mine.
Momentan ping-ul e mai bun ca in wot dar fps ma omoara pe mine. In wot joc cu medium cu 45-55 fps aici in low de abia ating 40 , in general sta la 35.
Au aparut , timid ce e drept , si disperatii care se cred mari jucatori si care te fac noob . Apropo , nici nu stiu unde sa ma uit cum sunt eu , nici nu arata damage-ul daca m-am uitat eu bine dar deja unii sunt "unicorni"si altii sunt noobi . Si acum suntem putini , ce o sa fie mai incolo ?
Intr-un meci erau doi unicorni din astia care s-au tinut de indicatii tot meciul si au inceput sa il zica unuia cu portavion ca e camper Posted Image .

Edited by Seteh, 26 March 2015 - 01:11.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Deocamdata e un bug destul de enervant in sensul ca daca vreau sa fac pluton de doua portavioane mai mari de nivel 6 nu merge. Pana la nivel 6 a mers.
Portavion 5/portavion 6 se putea juca.
Portavion 6/portavion 6 sau portavion 6/portavion 7 nu merge (in sensul ca nu poti apasa battle). Am facut tichet, mi-au cerut cateva informatii, astept raspunsul lor.

Seteh, nu stiu ce sa zic despre fps-urile tale. Eu am fps mai bun in vapoare, desi jocul e instalat pe hard (in timp ce wot e pe ssd).



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Nu poti avea mai mult de un portavion in pluton. La update-ul de acum cateva zile au bagat chestia asta, nici macar cei de la suport nu stiau Posted Image
Attached File  1.jpg   154.83K   24 downloadsAttached File  2.jpg   205.35K   22 downloads



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Update - 07/04/2015

New ship! Well, it is "just" a Premium but still... Say hello to the cruiser Murmansk! Looks familiar? It should - it is basically a late war Omaha class that was loaned to the Soviet Navy! Especially recommend to have a look at the wonderful baby Catalina called Beriev 4.
Balance changes - especially for certain IJN destroyers. Gun turrets will be back in business - still not as fast as the US Navy DDs though.
Reworked map - the New Dawn. That is not all however:
New map: Open ocean. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide - let's try it out!
    Slower cap both in "Capture the flag" and in Domination.
    Turkish localisation was added to the game client.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Au bagat pentru doua zile (11 si 12 aprilie) "Space Mode".
Primesti toate vapoarele de tier 10 si joci cu ele in spatiu Posted Image
Attached File  shot-15.04.11_20.04.25-0511.jpg   849.82K   22 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.04.26-0133.jpg   849.83K   21 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.04.54-0351.jpg   610.51K   22 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.05.05-0438.jpg   629.77K   20 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.05.53-0054.jpg   436.9K   19 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.06.24-0955.jpg   534.91K   19 downloadsAttached File  shot-15.04.11_20.06.28-0113.jpg   532.41K   18 downloads



    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 77
  • Înscris: 21.06.2006
Salut, caut si eu oameni cu care sa mai joc in pluton, id-ul meu e : _Sen


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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